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package Ocarina2D.Objects;
import Ocarina2D.Objects.Player.PlayerDekuNut;
import Ocarina2D.TextEngine.Text;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import Ocarina2D.GlobalVariables;
import Ocarina2D.ZeldaKeys;
import puppyeyes.engine.Actor;
import puppyeyes.engine.Settings.Input;
import puppyeyes.engine.Sprite;
* @author majora
public class HUD extends Actor {
private Sprite heartholder;
private Sprite heartEmpty;
private Sprite heartQuarter;
private Sprite heartHalf;
private Sprite heartThreeQ;
private Sprite heartFull;
private Sprite magicHolder;
private Sprite magic;
private Sprite itemholder;
private Text actionText = new Text("Roll",true);
// Keys
private boolean holdUp;
private boolean holdDown;
private boolean holdLeft;
private boolean holdRight;
private boolean holdA;
private boolean holdB;
public HUD() {
heartholder = new Sprite("Resources/Sprites/HUD/heartholder.png"); addFrame(heartholder);
heartEmpty = new Sprite("Resources/Sprites/HUD/heart0.png"); addFrame(heartEmpty);
heartQuarter = new Sprite("Resources/Sprites/HUD/heart1.png"); addFrame(heartQuarter);
heartHalf = new Sprite("Resources/Sprites/HUD/heart2.png"); addFrame(heartHalf);
heartThreeQ = new Sprite("Resources/Sprites/HUD/heart3.png"); addFrame(heartThreeQ);
heartFull = new Sprite("Resources/Sprites/HUD/heart4.png"); addFrame(heartFull);
magicHolder = new Sprite("Resources/Sprites/HUD/magicholder.png"); addFrame(magicHolder);
magic = new Sprite("Resources/Sprites/HUD/magicbit.png"); addFrame(magic);
itemholder = new Sprite("Resources/Sprites/HUD/itemholder.png"); addFrame(itemholder);
actionText = new Text(GlobalVariables.action,true);
position.x = 200;
position.y = 5;
* Gets the key states required for this object.
private void getKeys() {
holdUp = Input.keyDown(ZeldaKeys.up);
holdDown = Input.keyDown(ZeldaKeys.down);
holdLeft = Input.keyDown(ZeldaKeys.left);
holdRight = Input.keyDown(ZeldaKeys.right);
holdA = Input.keyDown(ZeldaKeys.a);
holdB = Input.keyDown(ZeldaKeys.b);
public void step() {
if (actionText!=null) {
actionText.position.x = position.x;
actionText.position.y = position.y;
// Items
* Draws the hearts / life of the player at the given position.
* @param graphics the graphics to draw to.
* @param x the x position.
* @param y the y position.
public void drawHearts(Graphics2D graphics, int x, int y) {
// Draw the HUD heart holder
//heartholder.drawSprite(graphics, x, y);
// Draw the hearts
if (GlobalVariables.player!=null) {
int i=0;
int fullHearts = (int)Math.round(GlobalVariables.player.getHealth());
if (fullHearts > GlobalVariables.player.getHealth()) { fullHearts--; }
while (i<fullHearts ) {
int pos = i * (heartFull.getWidth());
heartFull.drawSprite(graphics, x +pos, y);
// Draw part heart
double spareHeart =GlobalVariables.player.getHealth() - fullHearts;
if (spareHeart == 0.25) {
int pos = i * (heartFull.getWidth());
heartQuarter.drawSprite(graphics, x +pos, y);
} else if (spareHeart == 0.5) {
int pos = i * (heartFull.getWidth());
heartHalf.drawSprite(graphics, x +pos, y);
} else if (spareHeart == 0.75) {
int pos = i * (heartFull.getWidth());
heartThreeQ.drawSprite(graphics, x +pos, y);
// Draws empty hearts
while (i< GlobalVariables.player.maxHealth) {
int pos = i * (heartFull.getWidth());
heartEmpty.drawSprite(graphics, x +pos, y);
* Draws the magic of the player at the given position.
* @param graphics the graphics to draw to.
* @param x the x position.
* @param y the y position.
public void drawMagic(Graphics2D graphics, int x, int y) {
if (GlobalVariables.player.hasMagic==true) {
// Draw the HUD magic holder
magicHolder.drawSprite(graphics, x, y);
//Draw the magic bar
if (GlobalVariables.player!=null) {
for (int i=0; i<GlobalVariables.player.magic; i++) {
magic.drawSprite(graphics, x+i+6, y+2);
public void draw(Graphics2D graphics, int x, int y) {
if (GlobalVariables.cutScene == false) {
// Draw the hearts
drawHearts(graphics, 15, 15);
// Draw the magic
drawMagic(graphics, 13, 30);
// Draw the items
itemholder.drawSprite(graphics, 250, 10);
actionText.draw(graphics, 273, 26);
// Code for all of the items
public void dekuNut() {
//if (holdB==true) {
//new PlayerDekuNut(GlobalVariables.player.facing);