Package settlers.ui

Source Code of settlers.ui.MapArea$AddCommand

package settlers.ui;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;

import settlers.ui.themes.SettlersTheme;

public class MapArea extends Component implements MouseMotionListener {

  BufferedImage tileMapImage = new BufferedImage(1, 1,
  BufferedImage mapObjectsImage = new BufferedImage(1, 1,
  BufferedImage resourcesImage = new BufferedImage(1, 1,
  BufferedImage playerInfo = new BufferedImage(1, 1,
  public SettlersTheme theme;
  public MapCoord[] storage;
  int[] mapScreenOrigin = { 40, 15 };
  int[] mapObjectsScreenOrigin = { 30, 5 };
  Point lastPoint;
  SettlerGame game = new SettlerGame();

  BlockingQueue<String> gameCommandQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<String>();

  BuildMenu buildMenuPopup;

  MapArea(SettlersTheme theme) {
    this.theme = theme;


    buildMenuPopup = new BuildMenu();

    buildMenuPopup.menuItems[0].addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        (new Thread(new AddCommand("build settlement "
            + Arrays.deepToString(storage)))).start();

    buildMenuPopup.menuItems[1].addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        (new Thread(new AddCommand("build city "
            + Arrays.deepToString(storage)))).start();

    buildMenuPopup.menuItems[2].addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        (new Thread(new AddCommand("build road "
            + Arrays.deepToString(storage)))).start();

  public void updateMapObjects(SettlerGameData data) {
    mapObjectsImage = drawMapObjects(data, theme);

  public static BufferedImage drawMapObjects(SettlerGameData data,
      SettlersTheme theme) {

    // TODO calculate the height and width
    BufferedImage tempMapObjectImages = new BufferedImage(400, 400,

    Graphics g = tempMapObjectImages.createGraphics();
    int yOffset = 0, xOffset = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < data.mapObjects.size(); i++) {

      // TODO all drawing code using more than two input MapCoord(s) is
      // broken if the MapCoord(s) are out of order

      switch (data.mapObjects.get(i).getType()) {
      case THIEF:
                    * theme.X_TILE_OFFSET + 36,
                    * theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET
                    + (SettlerMap
                                .getX()) ? 33
                        : 0) + 31, null);
      case ROAD: // builds roads
        if (SettlerMap.tilesVeticallyAdjacent(,
            data.mapObjects.get(i).location[0], data.mapObjects
                .get(i).location[1])) {
          // Checks if road is Horizontal

          if (SettlerMap.isPartofDownRow(,
            // checks if it is down row
            yOffset = 106;
            yOffset = 73;// modifies placement

          g.drawImage(theme.getRoad(1, 1),
                  * theme.X_TILE_OFFSET + 30,
                  * theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET + yOffset, null);
        } else if (SettlerMap.tilesDiagonalLeft(,
            data.mapObjects.get(i).location[0], data.mapObjects
                .get(i).location[1])) {
          // checks if diagonally left

          if (SettlerMap.isPartofDownRow(,
            // checks if it is down row
            yOffset = 76;
            yOffset = 43;// modifies placement

              .drawImage(theme.getRoad(1, 0),
                      * theme.X_TILE_OFFSET
                      + theme.X_TILE_OFFSET + 10,
                      * theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET + yOffset,
          // Draws diagonally left road
        } else if (SettlerMap.tilesDiagonalRight(,
            data.mapObjects.get(i).location[0], data.mapObjects
                .get(i).location[1])) {
          // checks if diagonally right

          if (SettlerMap.isPartofDownRow(,
              data.mapObjects.get(i).location[0].getX())) {
            // checks if it is down row
            yOffset = 43;
          } else {
            yOffset = 11;// modifies placement


              .drawImage(theme.getRoad(1, 2),
                      * theme.X_TILE_OFFSET
                      + theme.X_TILE_OFFSET + 9,
                      * theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET + yOffset,
          // Draws Diagonal Right Road
      case SETTLEMENT:
        if (SettlerMap.tilesRightFacing(,
            data.mapObjects.get(i).location[0], data.mapObjects
            data.mapObjects.get(i).location[2])) {
          // checks if it is point right
          if (SettlerMap.isPartofDownRow(,
              data.mapObjects.get(i).location[0].getX())) {
            // checks if it is down row
            xOffset = 59;
            yOffset = 99;// modifies placement
          } else {
            xOffset = 59;
            yOffset = 68;// modifies placement
        } else {
          if (SettlerMap.isPartofDownRow(,
              data.mapObjects.get(i).location[0].getX())) {
            // checks if it is down row
            xOffset = 76;
            yOffset = 67;// modifies placement
          } else {
            xOffset = 76;
            yOffset = 34;// modifies placement

                * theme.X_TILE_OFFSET + xOffset,
                * theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET + yOffset, null);
        // Draws the settlement
      case CITY:
        if (SettlerMap.tilesRightFacing(,
            data.mapObjects.get(i).location[0], data.mapObjects
            data.mapObjects.get(i).location[2])) {
          // checks if it is point right
          if (SettlerMap.isPartofDownRow(,
              data.mapObjects.get(i).location[0].getX())) {
            // checks if it is down row
            xOffset = 57;
            yOffset = 100;// modifies placement
          } else {
            xOffset = 59;
            yOffset = 68;// modifies placement
        } else {
          if (SettlerMap.isPartofDownRow(,
              data.mapObjects.get(i).location[0].getX())) {
            // checks if it is down row
            xOffset = 75;
            yOffset = 68;// modifies placement
          } else {
            xOffset = 75;
            yOffset = 32;// modifies placement

                * theme.X_TILE_OFFSET + xOffset,
                * theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET + yOffset, null); //draws the city
    return tempMapObjectImages;

  public void updateResources(Map<TileTypes, Integer> resources) {
    if (resources != null) {
      resourcesImage = MapArea.drawResourceDock(resources, theme);
    } else {
      resourcesImage = new BufferedImage(1, 1,
  private BufferedImage drawPlayerInfo(){
    Graphics g = playerInfo.createGraphics();
    g.setFont(new Font("sans-serif", Font.BOLD, 50));
    g.drawString("BILL!", 0, 0);
    return playerInfo;

  private static BufferedImage drawResourceDock(
      Map<TileTypes, Integer> resources, SettlersTheme theme) {
    BufferedImage resourcesImage = new BufferedImage(theme.getResourceIcon(
        TileTypes.BRICK).getWidth() * 5, theme.getResourceIcon(
        TileTypes.BRICK).getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);

    Graphics g = resourcesImage.createGraphics();

    // TODO move font to theme
    g.setFont(new Font("sans-serif", Font.BOLD, 15));
    int xOffset = 0;

    for (TileTypes tileType : TileTypes.values()) {
      if (tileType.isResource()) {
        g.drawImage(theme.getResourceIcon(tileType), xOffset, 0, null);
        if (resources.containsKey(tileType)) {
          // TODO fix integer to string hack
              .drawString("" + resources.get(tileType),
                  xOffset + 10, 15);
        xOffset += theme.getResourceIcon(tileType).getWidth();
    return resourcesImage;

  public void paint(Graphics g) {
    g.drawImage(theme.getMapBackground(), mapScreenOrigin[0] - 36,
        mapScreenOrigin[1] - 21, null);
    // draw the background image
    g.drawImage(tileMapImage, mapScreenOrigin[0], mapScreenOrigin[1], null);
    // draw the map
    g.drawImage(mapObjectsImage, mapObjectsScreenOrigin[0],
        mapObjectsScreenOrigin[1], null);
    g.drawImage(resourcesImage, 0, this.getHeight()
        - resourcesImage.getHeight(), null);
    g.drawImage(playerInfo,mapScreenOrigin[0], mapScreenOrigin[1], null);

  public void updateMap(SettlerMap map) {
    if (map != null) {
      tileMapImage = MapArea.drawMap(map, theme);
    } else {
      tileMapImage = new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);

   * Draw map to the tileMapImage off screen buffer
  private static BufferedImage drawMap(SettlerMap map, SettlersTheme theme) {
    BufferedImage mapImage = new BufferedImage(map.width
        * theme.X_TILE_OFFSET + theme.TRIANGLE_AREA_WIDTH, map.height
        * theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);

    Graphics g = mapImage.createGraphics();

    int currentYOffset;

    for (int x = 0; x < map.width; x++) {

      if (SettlerMap.isPartofDownRow(map.isOriginDown, x)) {
        currentYOffset = theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET / 2;
      } else {
        currentYOffset = 0;

      for (int y = 0; y < map.height; y++) {
        // draw the tile
        g.drawImage(theme.getTile(map.getTileAt(x, y)),
            theme.X_TILE_OFFSET * x, theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET * y
                + currentYOffset, null);
        // draw the chance token on top
            theme.X_TILE_OFFSET * x + 26, theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET * y
                + currentYOffset + 21, null);
    return mapImage;

   * @returns the map coordinates that corresponds to a location on the map
   *          image
  public MapCoord[] coordsClicked(int xOnScreen, int yOnScreen,
      SettlersTheme theme, boolean isOriginDown) {
    // TODO nathan fixed this.
    MapCoord[] coords;
    int xOrd, yOrd;
    int xStorage = xOnScreen; // X variable for roads
    int yStorage = yOnScreen;// Y variable for roads
    coords = new MapCoord[3];

    xOrd = (xOnScreen) / theme.X_TILE_OFFSET;

    if ((((xOnScreen - 10) + theme.X_TILE_OFFSET / 2) / theme.X_TILE_OFFSET) % 2 == 1) // checks
      // if row is up or down
      yOnScreen += 33;

    yOrd = yOnScreen / theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET;

    if ((xOnScreen + 10) % theme.X_TILE_OFFSET - 16 <= (theme.TRIANGLE_AREA_WIDTH)) {// x
      // of
      // settlements
      if ((yOnScreen + 12) % (theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET / 2) <= 20) {// y of
        // settlements
        if ((yOnScreen + 12) % theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET <= 20) {// selects
          // settlements on the right side
          if ((((xOnScreen - 10) + theme.X_TILE_OFFSET / 2) / theme.X_TILE_OFFSET) % 2 == 1) {// checks
            // if row is up or down (this one is down)
            coords[0] = new MapCoord(
                (((xOnScreen - 10) + theme.X_TILE_OFFSET / 2) / theme.X_TILE_OFFSET) - 1,
                (yOnScreen + 20) / theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET - 1);
            coords[1] = new MapCoord(
                (((xOnScreen - 10) + theme.X_TILE_OFFSET / 2) / theme.X_TILE_OFFSET),
                (yOnScreen + 20) / theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET - 2);
            coords[2] = new MapCoord(
                (((xOnScreen - 10) + theme.X_TILE_OFFSET / 2) / theme.X_TILE_OFFSET),
                (yOnScreen + 20) / theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET - 1);
          } else { // this one is up
            coords[0] = new MapCoord(
                (((xOnScreen - 10) + theme.X_TILE_OFFSET / 2) / theme.X_TILE_OFFSET) - 1,
                (yOnScreen + 20) / theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET - 1);
            coords[1] = new MapCoord(
                (((xOnScreen - 10) + theme.X_TILE_OFFSET / 2) / theme.X_TILE_OFFSET),
                (yOnScreen + 20) / theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET - 1);
            coords[2] = new MapCoord(
                (((xOnScreen - 10) + theme.X_TILE_OFFSET / 2) / theme.X_TILE_OFFSET),
                (yOnScreen + 20) / theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET);

        if ((yOnScreen + 45) % 66 <= 20) {// selects settlements on the
          // left side
          if ((((xOnScreen - 10) + theme.X_TILE_OFFSET / 2) / theme.X_TILE_OFFSET) % 2 == 1) {// checks
            // if row is up or down (this one is down)
            coords[0] = new MapCoord(
                (((xOnScreen - 10) + theme.X_TILE_OFFSET / 2) / theme.X_TILE_OFFSET) - 1,
                (yOnScreen + 20) / theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET - 1);
            coords[1] = new MapCoord(
                (((xOnScreen - 10) + theme.X_TILE_OFFSET / 2)
                    / theme.X_TILE_OFFSET - 1),
                (yOnScreen + 20) / theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET);
            coords[2] = new MapCoord(
                (((xOnScreen - 10) + theme.X_TILE_OFFSET / 2) / theme.X_TILE_OFFSET),
                (yOnScreen + 20) / theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET - 1);
          } else {// this one is up
            coords[0] = new MapCoord(
                (((xOnScreen - 10) + theme.X_TILE_OFFSET / 2) / theme.X_TILE_OFFSET) - 1,
                (yOnScreen + 20) / theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET - 1);
            coords[1] = new MapCoord(
                (((xOnScreen - 10) + theme.X_TILE_OFFSET / 2)
                    / theme.X_TILE_OFFSET - 1),
                (yOnScreen + 20) / theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET);
            coords[2] = new MapCoord(
                (((xOnScreen - 10) + theme.X_TILE_OFFSET / 2) / theme.X_TILE_OFFSET),
                (yOnScreen + 20) / theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET);
        // System.out.println(Arrays.toString(coords));
        return coords;

    xOnScreen = xStorage;
    yOnScreen = yStorage;
    if (SettlerMap.isPartofDownRow(isOriginDown, xOrd))
      yOnScreen -= 33;

    if ((xOnScreen) % theme.X_TILE_OFFSET > theme.TRIANGLE_AREA_WIDTH) {// horizontal
      // pieces
      if ((yOnScreen + 10) % theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET <= 22) {

        coords = new MapCoord[2];
        coords[0] = new MapCoord(xOrd, (yOnScreen + 46) / 66 - 1);
        coords[1] = new MapCoord(xOrd, (yOnScreen + 46) / 66);

      } else {
        coords = new MapCoord[1];
        coords[0] = new MapCoord(xOrd, yOrd);
    } else {// is part of the central rectangle (diagonal pieces)
      coords = new MapCoord[2];
      coords[0] = new MapCoord();
      coords[1] = new MapCoord();

      coords[0].setX(xOrd - 1);

      if (SettlerMap.isPartofDownRow(isOriginDown, xOrd)) {// part of down
        // row
        if ((yOnScreen + 66) % theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET <= theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET / 2) {
          // Diagonal Left
          coords[0] = new MapCoord(xOrd - 1, yOrd - 1);
          coords[1] = new MapCoord(xOrd, yOrd - 1);
        } else {
          // Diagonal Right
          coords[0] = new MapCoord(xOrd - 1, yOrd);
          coords[1] = new MapCoord(xOrd, yOrd - 1);
      } else {// part of up row
        if (yOnScreen % theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET <= theme.Y_TILE_OFFSET / 2) {
          // Diagonal Left
          coords[0] = new MapCoord(xOrd - 1, yOrd - 1);
          coords[1] = new MapCoord(xOrd, yOrd);
        } else {
          // Diagonal Right
          coords[0] = new MapCoord(xOrd - 1, yOrd);
          coords[1] = new MapCoord(xOrd, yOrd);
    return coords;

  public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me) {
    // needed for the map moving to function
    lastPoint = me.getPoint();

  public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) {
    // Allows for the movement of the map and mapobjects
    mapScreenOrigin[0] -= (lastPoint.getX() - me.getX());
    mapScreenOrigin[1] -= (lastPoint.getY() - me.getY());
    mapObjectsScreenOrigin[0] -= (lastPoint.getX() - me.getX());
    mapObjectsScreenOrigin[1] -= (lastPoint.getY() - me.getY());
    lastPoint = me.getPoint();

  public void getCurrentTheme() {

  class AddCommand implements Runnable {
    String command;

    AddCommand(String command) {
      this.command = command;

    public void run() {
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        System.err.println("Could not put command: " + command);

Related Classes of settlers.ui.MapArea$AddCommand

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