package zendeskapi.requests;
import java.util.List;
import zendeskapi.ZendeskHttpHelper;
import zendeskapi.exception.ZendeskApiException;
import zendeskapi.extensions.JsonHelper;
import zendeskapi.models.shared.JobStatusResponse;
import zendeskapi.models.users.GroupUserIdentityResponse;
import zendeskapi.models.users.GroupUserResponse;
import zendeskapi.models.users.IndividualUserIdentityResponse;
import zendeskapi.models.users.IndividualUserResponse;
import zendeskapi.models.users.Password;
import zendeskapi.models.users.User;
import zendeskapi.models.users.UserIdentity;
public class Users extends ZendeskHttpHelper {
public Users(String yourZendeskUrl, String user, String password) {
super(yourZendeskUrl, user, password);
public IndividualUserResponse getCurrentUser() throws ZendeskApiException {
try {
return genericGet("users/me.json", IndividualUserResponse.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZendeskApiException(e);
public GroupUserResponse getAllUsers() throws ZendeskApiException {
try {
return genericGet("users.json", GroupUserResponse.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZendeskApiException(e);
public IndividualUserResponse getUser(long id) throws ZendeskApiException {
try {
return genericGet("users/" + id + ".json", IndividualUserResponse.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZendeskApiException(e);
public GroupUserResponse searchByEmail(String email) throws ZendeskApiException {
try {
return genericGet("users/search.json?query=" + email, GroupUserResponse.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZendeskApiException(e);
public GroupUserResponse searchByExternalId(String externalId) throws ZendeskApiException {
try {
return genericGet("users/search.json?external_id=" + externalId, GroupUserResponse.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZendeskApiException(e);
public GroupUserResponse getUsersInGroup(long id) throws ZendeskApiException {
try {
return genericGet("groups/" + id + "/users.json", GroupUserResponse.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZendeskApiException(e);
public GroupUserResponse getUsersInOrganization(long id) throws ZendeskApiException {
try {
return genericGet("organizations/" + id + "/users.json", GroupUserResponse.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZendeskApiException(e);
public IndividualUserResponse createUser(User user) throws ZendeskApiException {
IndividualUserResponse body = new IndividualUserResponse();
try {
return genericPost("users.json", body, IndividualUserResponse.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZendeskApiException("Failed to create user " + user.getName(), e);
public JobStatusResponse bulkCreateUsers(List<User> users) throws ZendeskApiException {
GroupUserResponse userList = new GroupUserResponse();
try {
return genericPost("users/create_many.json", userList, JobStatusResponse.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZendeskApiException("Faild to bulk create users", e);
public IndividualUserResponse suspendUser(long id) throws ZendeskApiException {
User user = new User();
return updateUser(user);
public IndividualUserResponse updateUser(User user) throws ZendeskApiException {
IndividualUserResponse userToUpdate = new IndividualUserResponse();
try {
return genericPut(getUserIdUri(user.getId()) + ".json", userToUpdate, IndividualUserResponse.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZendeskApiException("Could not update user id " + user.getId(), e);
public boolean deleteUser(long id) throws ZendeskApiException {
try {
return genericDelete("users/" + id + ".json");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZendeskApiException(e);
public boolean setUsersPassword(long userId, String newPassword) throws ZendeskApiException {
String request = "users/" + userId + "/password.json";
try {
return genericBooleanPost(request, newPassword);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZendeskApiException(e);
public boolean changeUsersPassword(long userId, String oldPassword, String newPassword) throws ZendeskApiException {
Password body = new Password();
try {
String json = JsonHelper.marshal(body);
return genericBooleanPost(getUserIdUri(userId) + "/password.json", json);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZendeskApiException("Failed to change the password for user id " + userId, e);
public GroupUserIdentityResponse getUserIdentities(long userId) throws ZendeskApiException {
try {
return genericGet(getUserIdUri(userId) + "/identities.json", GroupUserIdentityResponse.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZendeskApiException("Getting identities for user id " + userId + "failed", e);
public IndividualUserIdentityResponse getSpecificUserIdentity(long userId, long identityId) throws ZendeskApiException {
try {
return genericGet(getUserIdentityIdUri(userId, identityId) + ".json", IndividualUserIdentityResponse.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZendeskApiException("Getting identity id " + identityId + " for user id " + userId + "failed", e);
public IndividualUserIdentityResponse addUserIdentity(long userId, UserIdentity identity) throws ZendeskApiException {
try {
return genericPost(getUserIdUri(userId) + "/identities.json", identity, IndividualUserIdentityResponse.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZendeskApiException("Could not add user identity to user id: " + userId, e);
public IndividualUserIdentityResponse setUserIdentityAsVerified(long userId, long identityId) throws ZendeskApiException {
User nullUser = new User();
try {
return genericPut(getUserIdentityIdUri(userId, identityId) + "/verify.json", nullUser, IndividualUserIdentityResponse.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZendeskApiException("Could not verify identity id " + identityId + " with user id " + userId, e);
public GroupUserIdentityResponse setUserIdentityAsPrimary(long userId, long identityId) throws ZendeskApiException {
User nullUser = new User();
try {
return genericPut(getUserIdentityIdUri(userId, identityId) + "/make_primary.json", nullUser, GroupUserIdentityResponse.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZendeskApiException("Could not set identity id " + identityId + " for user id " + userId + " as primary", e);
* This sends a verification email to the user, asking him to click a link
* in order to verify ownership of the email address
* @param userId
* @param identityId
* @return
public IndividualUserIdentityResponse sendUserVerificationRequest(long userId, long identityId) throws ZendeskApiException {
User nullUser = new User();
try {
return genericPut(getUserIdentityIdUri(userId, identityId) + "/request_verification.json", nullUser, IndividualUserIdentityResponse.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZendeskApiException("Sending of verification email for identity id " + identityId + " of user id " + userId + " failed", e);
public boolean deleteUserIdentity(long userId, long identityId) throws ZendeskApiException {
try {
return genericDelete(getUserIdentityIdUri(userId, identityId) + ".json");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZendeskApiException(e);
private String getUserIdUri(long userId) {
return "users/" + userId;
private String getIdentityIdUri(long identityId) {
return "/identities/" + identityId;
private String getUserIdentityIdUri(long userId, long identityId) {
return getUserIdUri(userId) + getIdentityIdUri(identityId);