* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* The Original Code is Ecks, also known as "SrvEcks" or Ecks Services.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Copyright (C)Jeff Katz
* <jeff@katzonline.net>. All Rights Reserved.
package ecks.services.modules.SrvAuth;
import ecks.Configuration;
import ecks.Logging;
import ecks.protocols.Generic;
import ecks.services.Service;
import ecks.services.SrvAuth;
import ecks.services.SrvChannel;
import ecks.services.SrvChannel_channel;
import ecks.services.modules.CommandDesc;
import ecks.services.modules.bCommand;
import ecks.util;
import java.util.Map;
public class Unregister extends bCommand {
public final CommandDesc Desc = new CommandDesc("unregister", 1, true, CommandDesc.access_levels.A_HELPER, "Unregisters an account");
public CommandDesc getDesc() {
return Desc;
public void handle_command(Service who, String user, String replyto, String arguments) {
SrvAuth temp = ((SrvAuth) who);
String args[] = arguments.split(" ");
String tU = args[0].toLowerCase();
if (args.length == 1) {
if (util.sanitize(tU)) {
if (temp.getUsers().containsKey(tU)) {
if ((temp.getUsers().get(Generic.Users.get(user).authhandle)).getAccess().ordinal() > (temp.getUsers().get(tU).getAccess().ordinal())) // we can only delete people lower than us
for (String e : temp.getUsers().get(tU).WhereAccess.keySet()) {
if (((SrvChannel) Configuration.getSvc().get(Configuration.chanservice)).getChannels().get(e).getUsers().get(tU) == SrvChannel_channel.ChanAccess.C_OWNER) { // we have a problem, this person owns the channel
boolean promoted = false;
int threshold = SrvChannel_channel.ChanAccess.C_OWNER.ordinal();
while (!promoted) {
if (threshold < SrvChannel_channel.ChanAccess.C_PEON.ordinal()) { // no suitable replacement found.
// remove channel
((SrvChannel) Configuration.getSvc().get(Configuration.chanservice)).getChannels().remove(e); // drop the channel
Generic.srvPart(who, e, "Channel Unregistered (owner unregistered, no other users).");
Logging.info("SRVCHAN", "Channel " + e + " unregistered by virtue of having no users left.");
promoted = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, SrvChannel_channel.ChanAccess> z : (((SrvChannel) Configuration.getSvc().get(Configuration.chanservice)).getChannels().get(e).getUsers().entrySet())) {
// iterate looking for replacement
if (z.getValue().ordinal() >= threshold) {
((SrvChannel) Configuration.getSvc().get(Configuration.chanservice)).getChannels().get(e).getUsers().remove(Generic.Users.get(user).authhandle);
((SrvChannel) Configuration.getSvc().get(Configuration.chanservice)).getChannels().get(e).getUsers().put(Generic.Users.get(user).authhandle, SrvChannel_channel.ChanAccess.C_OWNER);
promoted = true;
((SrvChannel) Configuration.getSvc().get(Configuration.chanservice)).getChannels().get(e).getUsers().remove(tU); // remove access from each channel
temp.getUsers().remove(tU); // drop the account
Generic.curProtocol.outMODE(who, Generic.Users.get(tU), "-r", "");
// Generic.Users.get(tU).authhandle = null; // user is no longer authed
Generic.curProtocol.outPRVMSG(who, replyto, "User account removed.");
} else
Generic.curProtocol.outPRVMSG(who, replyto, "\u0002Error:\u0002 User has equal/higher access than you!");
} else Generic.curProtocol.outPRVMSG(who, replyto, "\u0002Error:\u0002 No such username is registered");
} else Generic.curProtocol.outPRVMSG(who, replyto, "\u0002Error:\u0002 Invalid username.");
} else
Generic.curProtocol.outPRVMSG(who, replyto, "\u0002Error:\u0002 Invalid Arguments. Usage: unregister [username]");