* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* The Original Code is Ecks, also known as "SrvEcks" or Ecks Services.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Copyright (C)Jeff Katz
* <jeff@katzonline.net>. All Rights Reserved.
package ecks.protocols;
import ecks.Configuration;
import ecks.Hooks.Hooks;
import ecks.Logging;
import ecks.Utility.ChanModes;
import ecks.Utility.Channel;
import ecks.Utility.Client;
import ecks.Utility.UserModes;
import ecks.main;
import ecks.services.Service;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class Generic {
public static Map<String, Client> Users = new HashMap<String, Client>();
public static Map<String, Channel> Channels = new HashMap<String, Channel>();
public static Protocol curProtocol;
public static void SetProtocol(Protocol p) {
curProtocol = p;
public static void BringServicesOnline()
// tell the services we're connected, and that they should attempt to introduce themselves
try {
for (Map.Entry<String, Service> Serve : Configuration.getSvc().entrySet()) {
Serve.getValue().introduce(); // tell all the ladies about our services
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
Logging.warn("PROTOCOL", "Got NPE whilst bringing services agents online!");
public static void nickRename(String oldnick, String newnick, long ts)
// client has renamed
String oldid = oldnick.toLowerCase();
String newid = newnick.toLowerCase();
try {
Client client = Users.get(oldid);
client.uid = newnick; // keep their uid in step with their nickname...
client.signon = ts;
if (oldid.equals(newid)) return;
Users.put(newid, client);
} catch (NullPointerException NPE)
Logging.warn("PROTOCOL", "Got NPE whilst renaming user! (from " + oldid + " to " + newid + ")");
public static void modeUser(String target, String modes)
// a user changed his/her modes
Hooks.hook(Hooks.Events.E_UMODE, null, target, modes);
public static void vHost(String target, String newhost)
// a user changed his/her modes
Users.get(target.toLowerCase()).althost = newhost;
public static void modeChan(String target, String modes)
// a client changed a channel's modes
Hooks.hook(Hooks.Events.E_MODE, null, target, modes);
public static void nickSignOn(String[] tokens)
// a new client has arrived
// client constructor takes the following:
// uid hops signon modes ident host althost uplink svsid numericip realname nickid
new Client(
Hooks.hook(Hooks.Events.E_SIGNON, tokens[1], null, tokens[5] + " " + tokens[6] + " " + tokens[11]);
Logging.verbose("PROTOCOL", "User " + tokens[1] + " is now being tracked.");
if (Long.parseLong(tokens[9]) > 0) // if user was authed before
Logging.info("PROTOCOL", "User " + tokens[1] + " was previously authed.");
if (Configuration.getSvc().containsKey(Configuration.authservice)) // if we have an auth service
Logging.info("PROTOCOL", "Attempting re-entry...");
Configuration.getSvc().get(Configuration.authservice).handle(tokens[1].toLowerCase(), "service", "reauth " + tokens[9] + " " + tokens[3]);
public synchronized static void nickSignOff(String who)
// a client has exited
if (Users.containsKey(who.toLowerCase())) {
List<String> blah = Users.get(who.toLowerCase()).getChans(); // avoid concurrency issues
for (String chan : blah)
chanPart(chan, who);
Logging.verbose("PROTOCOL", "User " + who + " is no longer being tracked.");
} else {
Logging.warn("PROTOCOL", "Tried to sign off a user that didn't exist!");
public static void nickGotKicked(String user, String channel) {
chanPart(channel, user); // track parts properly
Hooks.hook(Hooks.Events.E_KICK, channel, user, null);
if (Configuration.getSvc().containsKey(user.toLowerCase())) {
// they've kicked one of us. bad idea.
Logging.info("PROTOCOL", "Service was kicked! Attempting rejoin.");
curProtocol.srvJoin(Configuration.getSvc().get(user.toLowerCase()), channel, "+nt"); // rejoin
public static void nickGotKilled(String user) {
if (!Users.containsKey(user.toLowerCase()))
return; // sanity, god I love it (this actually caused some insanity)
if (Configuration.getSvc().containsKey(user.toLowerCase())) {
// they've killed one of us. possibly wrong protocol?
Logging.error("PROTOCOL", "Service was killed! Attempting 'reconnect'.");
Configuration.getSvc().get(user.toLowerCase()).introduce(); // reintroduce
return; // don't bother signing them off
nickSignOff(user); // track quits properly
public static void chanBurst(int ts, String channel, String modes, String[] users) {
ChanModes m = new ChanModes();
Map<Client, UserModes> cm = new HashMap<Client, UserModes>();
Map<Character, Character> xlate = curProtocol.getPrefixMap();
if (users.length != 0)
for (String user : users) {
UserModes t = new UserModes();
String tUser, tMode;
Client z;
tUser = user.toLowerCase();
tMode = null;
for (Map.Entry<Character, Character> e : xlate.entrySet()) {
if (user.startsWith(e.getKey().toString())) {
tUser = user.substring(1).toLowerCase();
tMode = "+" + xlate.get(user.substring(0, 1).toCharArray());
z = Users.get(tUser);
if (tMode != null)
cm.put(z, t); // add this client -> mode mapping to channel
if (Channels.containsKey(channel.toLowerCase())) {
if (!curProtocol.getState().equals(Protocol.States.S_BURSTING)) {
Logging.error("PROTOCOL", "Attempted to add a channel " + channel + " that already exists. " + cm.size() + " user(s) joined.");
Logging.info("PROTOCOL", "Chan is: " + Channels.get(channel.toLowerCase()).toString());
} else {
// bursting... ignore this issue
Channels.put(channel.toLowerCase(), new Channel(ts, channel, m, cm));
Logging.verbose("PROTOCOL", "Channel " + channel + " is now being tracked. (OVERRIDDEN)");
} else {
Channels.put(channel.toLowerCase(), new Channel(ts, channel, m, cm));
Logging.verbose("PROTOCOL", "Channel " + channel + " is now being tracked.");
for (Client c : cm.keySet()) {
Hooks.hook(Hooks.Events.E_JOINCHAN, channel, c.uid, null);
public static void chanJoin(int ts, String channel, String user) {
if (Channels.containsKey(channel.toLowerCase())) {
Channels.get(channel.toLowerCase()).clientmodes.put(Users.get(user.toLowerCase()), new UserModes());
Hooks.hook(Hooks.Events.E_JOINCHAN, channel, user, "");
} else { // services joining an empty channel
chanBurst(ts, channel, "+nt", new String[]{user});
public static void chanTopic(int ts, String channel, String what) {
if (Channels.containsKey(channel.toLowerCase())) {
Channels.get(channel.toLowerCase()).topic = what;
Channels.get(channel.toLowerCase()).tts = ts;
Hooks.hook(Hooks.Events.E_TOPIC, channel, what, null);
} else {
Logging.error("PROTOCOL", "Attempted to set a topic on a channel that does not exist");
public static void chanPart(String channel, String user) {
if (!Channels.containsKey(channel.toLowerCase())) // we had better...
Logging.warn("PROTOCOL", "Tried to part user " + user + " from a channel " + channel + " that didn't exist");
Client who;
if (Users.containsKey(user.toLowerCase())) // we had better
who = Users.get(user.toLowerCase());
} else {
Logging.warn("PROTOCOL", "Tried to part a user that didn't exist");
if (Channels.get(channel.toLowerCase()).clientmodes.containsKey(who)) { // we had better...
Hooks.hook(Hooks.Events.E_PARTCHAN, channel, user, null);
} else {
Logging.warn("PROTOCOL", "Tried to part user " + user + " from channel " + channel + " that they weren't on");
Logging.info("PROTOCOL", "User is: " + who.toString());
Logging.info("PROTOCOL", "Chan is: " + Channels.get(channel.toLowerCase()).toString());
if (Channels.get(channel.toLowerCase()).clientmodes.size() == 0) // channel is empty, remove
Logging.verbose("PROTOCOL", "Channel " + channel + " is no longer being tracked.");
public static void srvIntroduce(Service whatservice)
// just pass this one straight down to the protocol
public static void srvJoin(Service whatservice, String where, String modes)
// just pass this one straight down to the protocol
curProtocol.srvJoin(whatservice, where, modes);
public static void srvPart(Service whatservice, String where, String why)
// just pass this one straight down to the protocol
curProtocol.srvPart(whatservice, where, why);
public static void srvDie() {
srvDie("Quitting Gracefully.");
public static void srvDie(String message) {
if (message.trim().equals("")) srvDie(); // don't quit with no message
for (Service Serve : Configuration.getSvc().values()) {
curProtocol.outQUIT(Serve, message);