* @author Anas A. Aljuwaiber
* @author Vaclav Hnizda
* @author Paul Pelafas
* Knowledge Box
* Project 2013-14
* SE491-591 - Software Engineering Studio
package main;
/* Knowledgebox Imports */
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import user.ScoreFactory;
import user.UserFactory;
import user.UserIDJson;
import user.UserQuestionJson;
import user.UserScoreJson;
import user.UserStatusJson;
import group.GroupDetailsJson;
import group.GroupFactory;
import group.GroupInfoJson;
import hibernate.Column;
import hibernate.Group;
import hibernate.Question;
import hibernate.Table;
import hibernate.User;
import hibernate.UserRoleGroup;
import hibernateLogic.DatabasePro;
import hibernateLogic.DatabaseTools;
import hibernateLogic.APIKeyCheck;
import hibernateLogic.ObjectRetrievalTools;
/* Spring Imports */
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;
import question.QuestionDetailsJson;
import question.QuestionFactory;
public class UserController {
* This method is used to create a new user
* @param apiKey is the incoming apiKey variable
* @param firstName is the incoming firstName variable
* @param lastName is the incoming lastName variable
* @param email is the incoming email variable
* @param password is the incoming password variable
* @return is the return variable
* @throws Exception
@RequestMapping(value = "user/create", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody UserIDJson createUser(
@RequestParam(value="apiKey", required=true) Integer apiKey,
@RequestParam(value="firstName", required=true) String firstName,
@RequestParam(value="lastName", required=true) String lastName,
@RequestParam(value="email", required=true) String email,
@RequestParam(value="password", required=true) String password) throws Exception {
if (!APIKeyCheck.exists(apiKey))
throw new Exception("Failed to find your API Key!");
// Improve Error Handling with the following sites
// Also set up unique IDs for each error type.
// http://spring.io/blog/2013/11/01/exception-handling-in-spring-mvc
// http://www.tutorialspoint.com/spring/spring_exception_handling_example.htm
// Set up your database Tools
DatabaseTools myTools = new DatabaseTools();
// Make sure the email is not already registered
boolean userExists = myTools.dataSearch("User", "email", email);
// Return false if a user is found!
return UserFactory.id(0); //ID of zero means failed to find
// Not found? Create the new user and add them to the database
User newUser = UserFactory.createUser(firstName,lastName,email,password);
int myID = myTools.dataEntry(newUser);
// search the database to confirm
boolean userFound = myTools.dataSearch("User", "email", newUser.getEmail());
// Respond to let them know it was successful (like login API)
return UserFactory.id(myID); //return ID
return UserFactory.id(0); // ID of zero means failed to find
* This method is used to delete a user from the system
* @param email is the incoming email variable
* @param password is the incoming password variable
* @return is the return variable
@RequestMapping(value = "user/delete", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody UserStatusJson deleteUser(
@RequestParam(value="email", required=true) String email,
@RequestParam(value="password", required=true) String password) {
// Create object to hold the user
User deleteUser;
// Set up your database Tools
DatabaseTools myTools = new DatabaseTools();
// Confirm user exists (and correct password)
boolean userFound = myTools.dataSearch("User", "email", email, "password", password);
// If not found return false response
return UserFactory.validUser(false);
// if yes extract the user
try {
deleteUser = myTools.getUser(email, password);
} catch (Exception e)
// This method throws an error, we made sure this does not get thrown
// with the previous search made so you can catch this error here and not worry.
return UserFactory.validUser(false);
// Remove user from table
// If user is not found return true! That means successful deletion.
return UserFactory.validUser(!myTools.dataSearch("User", "email", email, "password", password));
@RequestMapping(value = "user/login", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody UserIDJson login( // ResponseEntity<StatusOutput>
@RequestParam(value="apiKey", required=true) Integer apiKey,
@RequestParam(value="email", required=true) String email,
@RequestParam(value="password", required=true) String password) throws Exception
if (!APIKeyCheck.exists(apiKey))
throw new Exception("Failed to find your API Key!");
// Improve Error Handling with the following sites
// Also set up unique IDs for each error type.
// http://spring.io/blog/2013/11/01/exception-handling-in-spring-mvc
// http://www.tutorialspoint.com/spring/spring_exception_handling_example.htm
// Set up your database Tools
DatabaseTools myTools = new DatabaseTools();
// See if the user exists and if the password is correct
boolean userFound = myTools.dataSearch("User", "email", email, "password", password);
// If found create StatusOutput=TRUE and return
ObjectRetrievalTools<User> myUser = new ObjectRetrievalTools<User>();
User test = myUser.getObject(Table.User, "email", email);
return UserFactory.id(test.getId());
// If not found create StatusOutput=FALSE and return
else {
return UserFactory.id(0);
@RequestMapping(value = "user/update", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody UserStatusJson update( // ResponseEntity<StatusOutput>
@RequestParam(value="firstName", required=false) String firstName,
@RequestParam(value="lastName", required=false) String lastName,
@RequestParam(value="apiKey", required=true) Integer apiKey,
@RequestParam(value="email", required=true) String email,
@RequestParam(value="password", required=true) String password) throws Exception
if (!APIKeyCheck.exists(apiKey))
throw new Exception("Failed to find your API Key!");
// Improve Error Handling with the following sites
// Also set up unique IDs for each error type.
// http://spring.io/blog/2013/11/01/exception-handling-in-spring-mvc
// http://www.tutorialspoint.com/spring/spring_exception_handling_example.htm
// Set up your database Tools
DatabaseTools myTools = new DatabaseTools();
// See if the user exists and if the password is correct
boolean userFound = myTools.dataSearch("User", "email", email, "password", password);
// If found create StatusOutput=TRUE and return
User myUser = myTools.getUser(email, password);
if(firstName != null){ myUser.setFirstName(firstName);}
if(lastName != null){ myUser.setLastName(lastName);}
return UserFactory.validUser(true);
// If not found create StatusOutput=FALSE and return
else {
return UserFactory.validUser(false);
* This API is used to return an list of all the groups this user is associated with
* @param apiKey
* @param userId
* @param password
* @return
* @throws Exception
@RequestMapping(value = "user/listGroups", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody GroupDetailsJson[] getGroupList(
@RequestParam(value="apiKey", required=true) Integer apiKey,
@RequestParam(value="userId", required=true) Integer userId, //This is the unique id number for this user in hibernate
@RequestParam(value="password", required=true) String password) throws Exception {
if (!APIKeyCheck.exists(apiKey)) {
throw new Exception("Failed to find API key");
else {
// set up database tool set here
DatabaseTools myTools = new DatabaseTools();
//first confirm id and password are correct
boolean userFound = myTools.dataSearch("User", "id", userId, "password", password);
if (!userFound) {
throw new Exception("Failed to find user" );
//check to see if any UserRoleGroup contain userId
boolean groupFound = myTools.dataSearch("UserRoleGroup", "userId", userId);
// if there are no groups then return an empty array
if (!groupFound){
return new GroupDetailsJson[0];
//UserRoleGroup table contains userId
//Tool used to pull objects
ObjectRetrievalTools objRetTools = new ObjectRetrievalTools();
//list to store all the UserRoleGroups a userId belongs to
List<UserRoleGroup> userUrgList = objRetTools.getObjectList(Table.UserRoleGroup, "userId", userId);
//sets up a list to store the groups a userId belongs to
List<Group> groups = new ArrayList<>(0);
//iterates the list of UserRoleGroups and extracts the Group based on the groupId of the UserRoleGroup
//add the Group to the list storing Groups
for (UserRoleGroup urgIterator : userUrgList)
Group group = (Group) objRetTools.getObject(Table.Group, "id", urgIterator.getGroupId());
//System.out.println("\n\n\tThis is a title: " + group.getGroupTitle());
//sets up return object
GroupDetailsJson[] groupDetailsList = GroupFactory.createGroupDetailsJson(groups.size());
//loops through each Group in the list
for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++)
Group groupObj = groups.get(i);
//get a String representation of the groupId to search into the db
String groupIdString = Integer.toString(groupObj.getId());
//List<Question> questionList = objRetTools.getObjectList(Table.Question, "groupId", groupIdString);
//int numOfQuestions = questionList.size();
int numOfQuestions = 5;
//List<UserRoleGroup> userList = objRetTools.getObjectList(Table.UserRoleGroup, "groupId", groupIdString);
//int numOfUsersForGroup = userList.size();
int numOfUsersForGroup = 5;
//GroupDetailsJson object to be stored in the GroupDetailsJson array
GroupDetailsJson groupDetailsJson = GroupFactory.createGroupDetailsJson(groupObj, numOfQuestions, numOfUsersForGroup);
groupDetailsList[i] = groupDetailsJson;
//Once all spaces have been filled return GroupListJson[]
return groupDetailsList;
//Remember if you fail at any time throw an error message
* This API is used to get a list of all Scores saved for this user across all groups.
* @param apiKey
* @param userId
* @param password
* @return
* @throws Exception
@RequestMapping(value = "user/listScores", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody UserScoreJson[] getScoreList(
@RequestParam(value="apiKey", required=true) Integer apiKey,
@RequestParam(value="userId", required=true) String userId, //This is the unique id number for this user in hibernate
@RequestParam(value="password", required=true) String password) throws Exception {
//First confirm id and password
//get a list of Scores they have with tools
//get a list of groups they are part of with tools
//use ScoreFactory to create a userScoreJson[] array of size equal to list of scores
//Return a list of all the scores that this user has.
//// DUMMY LOGIC - remove these functions when completing this API ////
//// Do not use this logic, it is incorrect! ////
UserScoreJson[] tempScoreList = ScoreFactory.getUserScoreJson(2);
tempScoreList[0] = new UserScoreJson();
tempScoreList[0].setDateTaken(new Date());
tempScoreList[1] = new UserScoreJson();
tempScoreList[1].setDateTaken(new Date());
return tempScoreList;
* This API is used to get a list of all the questions posted by this user from all groups they are in.
* @param apiKey
* @param userId
* @param password
* @return is the return array of QuestionDetailsJson
* @throws Exception
@RequestMapping(value = "user/listQuestions", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody QuestionDetailsJson[] getQuestionList(
@RequestParam(value="apiKey", required=true) Integer apiKey,
@RequestParam(value="userId", required=true) Integer userId, //This is the unique id number for this user in hibernate
@RequestParam(value="password", required=true) String password) throws Exception {
if (!APIKeyCheck.exists(apiKey)) {
throw new Exception("Failed to find API key");
else {
//set up db tools
DatabasePro<User, Integer, String, String> myUserTools = new DatabasePro<>();
//list of user
List<User> userList = myUserTools.getTypeList(Table.User, Column.id, userId, Column.password, password);
if (userList.size() == 0) {
throw new Exception("User was not found");
else {
//set up db tools to return user's questions
DatabasePro<Question, Integer, Integer, String> myQuestionTools = new DatabasePro<>();
DatabasePro<Group,Integer,Integer,String> myGroupTools = new DatabasePro<>();
//list of user's questions
List<Question> questionList = myQuestionTools.getTypeList(Table.Question, Column.userId, userId);
//set up return object
QuestionDetailsJson[] questionArray = new QuestionDetailsJson[questionList.size()];
//counter for question loop
int counter = 0;
//this loop extracts all the questions from the list and creates a new QuestionJson for each.
for (Iterator<Question> questionIterator = questionList.iterator(); questionIterator.hasNext();) {
Question myQuestions = questionIterator.next();
// This will find the group associationed with the question
List<Group> group = myGroupTools.getTypeList(Table.Group, Column.id, myQuestions.getGroupId());
String groupTitle = group.get(0).getGroupTitle();
//for each question, create a new QuesitonJson via the QuesitonFactory
QuestionDetailsJson questionJson = QuestionFactory.createQuestionDetailsJson(myQuestions, groupTitle);
//insert QuestionJson into the QuestionJson[] for return
questionArray[counter] = questionJson;
return questionArray;