package rulesystem;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import rulesystem.dao.RuleSystemDao;
import rulesystem.dao.RuleSystemDaoMySqlImpl;
import rulesystem.ruleinput.RuleInputMetaData;
import rulesystem.ruleinput.RuleInputMetaData.DataType;
import rulesystem.validator.DefaultValidator;
import rulesystem.validator.Validator;
* This class models a rule-system comprising of rules and provides appropriate
* APIs to interact with it.
* A rule-system, in this context, is a mapping of elements of an input space
* comprising of one or more distinct inputs to a well-defined output space.
* This is a generic implementation which allows for creation and management of
* these mappings. Much can be read about rule-systems elsewhere (Drools is a
* particularly well known and elaborate implementation), so I will just lay out
* the specifics of this particular implementation:
* 1. This is a lightweight, easy to setup implementation, agnostic to the input
* and output domains. The offered APIs deal only with mappings (henceforth
* called rules) and take no cognizance of what the inputs and output mean. This
* is by design. To use this in an application, I would expect that you would
* wrap this core engine with a module which understands the semantics of your
* application. 2. An example of a rule would be If X= 2 AND Y = 3, THEN Z =42.
* To match any value of an input, just pass null, like so : If X= null AND Y =
* 3, THEN Z = 51 3. A 'rule input' is a criterion, which in combination with
* other of its kind, decides an outcome. In #2, X and Y are rule inputs. 4. 2
* types of rule input are supported : 'Value' and 'Range'. Value inputs are
* discrete valued criteria, while range inputs define ranges in the input
* space. 5. Only 'AND' operation between the rule inputs is supported. 6. All
* rule inputs are treated as strings. The ranges defined by range inputs are
* also interpreted as string ranges. This might require you to invest some
* thought into how you want to model your rules. e.g. To have a date range an
* an input, then a possible way to specify it as CCYYMMDD representations of
* the start and end dates. This defines a range just as well as actual dates.
* 7. Input have a priority order. This is the order in which they are evaluated
* to arrive at the output. Defining priorities is much like defining database
* indexes - different choices can cause widely divergent performance.
* Worse-depending on your domain, incorrect priorities may even lead to
* incorrect results. 8. Rules are captured in database tables (one per rule
* system). These tables must have two columns : 'rule_id' (unique id for the
* rule, preferable an auto-incrementing primary key) and 'rule_output_id'
* (unique identifier for the output). The engine doesn't care what you do with
* the rule_output_id. It is simply what the inputs map to. It may be a foreign
* key reference to another table . It may be the actual value you need. It
* simply doesn't matter to this system. The other columns each represent an
* input. 9. To do rule evaluation, the system takes the combination of the
* different rule inputs given to it, and returns the best fitting rule (if
* any). 'Best fit' means: a. Value inputs - An exact value match is better than
* an 'any' match. e.g. if there are two rules, one with value of input X as 1
* and the other as any, then on passing X = 1, the former rule will be
* returned. On passing X = 2, the latter will be returned (as the former
* obviously doesn't match). b. Range inputs : A tighter range is a better fit
* than a wider range. e.g. if there are two rules, one with value of input X as
* Jan 1 2013 to Dec31, 2013 and the other as Feb 1 2013 to March 1 2013, then
* on passing X = Feb 15, 2013, the latter will be returned. 10. Conflicting
* rules are those that will, if present in the system, cause ambiguity at the
* time of rule evaluation. The addRule APIs provided do not allow addition of
* conflicting rules.
* The following APIs are exposed for interacting with the rule system:
* List<Rule> getAllRules() Rule getRule(Integer rule_id) Rule
* getRule(Map<String, String>) Rule addRule(Rule) Rule addRule(Map<String,
* String>) Rule deleteRule(Rule) Rule deleteRule(Integer rule_id) List<Rule>
* getConflictingRules(Rule) Rule getNextApplicableRule(Map<String, String>)
* Pre-requisites: --------------- 1. Java 1.7 2. MySQL 5.x (Support for other
* databases will be added if I see anyone actually giving a F*** about that).
* How to setup: -------------- 1. Execute the setup.sql script on your MySQL
* server. This creates a database called rule_system and creates the necessary
* table in it. 2. Create a table containing your rules as defined in #7 above
* (if you don't have it already). 3. Map this table in the
* rule_system.rule_system table as shown in the sample-0setup.sql script. 4.
* For each rule input, add a row to the rule_system.rule_input table with the
* input's type (Value/Range) and priority order. 5. Put the jar in your class
* path.
* That's it! The rule system is all set up and ready to use.
* Sample usage ------------ RuleSystem rs = new RuleSystem(<rule system name as
* configured>[, <validator>]); Rule r = rs.getRule(<ruleid>);
* @author Kislay Verma
public class RuleSystem implements Serializable {
private final Validator validator;
private RuleSystemDao dao;
private String name;
private Map<Integer, Rule> allRules;
private RSNode root;
// This list is to keep the order (priority order) of inputs
private List<RuleInputMetaData> inputColumnList;
private String uniqueIdColumnName = "id";
private String uniqueOutputColumnName = "rule_output_id";
* This class is used to sort lists of eligible rules to get the best fitting rule.
* The sort also helps in determining the next applicable rule. It is not meant as
* a general rule comparator as that does not make any sense at all (which is also why
* the Rule class does not implement Comparable - it would suggest that, in general,
* rules can be compared against each other for priority ordering or whatever).
* The comparator iterates over the input fields in decreasing order of priority and ranks
* a specific value higher than 'Any'.
private class RuleComparator implements Comparator<Rule> {
public int compare(Rule rule1, Rule rule2) {
for (RuleInputMetaData col : inputColumnList) {
String colName = col.getName();
if (colName.equals(uniqueIdColumnName)
|| colName.equals(uniqueOutputColumnName)) {
String colValue1 = rule1.getColumnData(colName).getValue();
colValue1 = (colValue1 == null) ? "" : colValue1;
String colValue2 = rule2.getColumnData(colName).getValue();
colValue2 = (colValue2 == null) ? "" : colValue2;
* In going down the order of priority of inputs, the first mismatch will
* yield the answer of the comparison. "" (meaning 'Any') matches everything,
* but an exact match is better. So if the column values are unequal, whichever
* rule has non-'Any' as the value will rank higher.
if (!colValue1.equals(colValue2)) {
return "".equals(colValue1) ? -1 : 1;
// If all column values are same
return 0;
* This constructor accepts a path to a text file containing the following
* values on separate lines: 1. Name of the rule system 2. Full path of the
* file containing the rules
* @param ruleSystemName
* @param validator
* @param uniqueIdColName [OPTIONAL] Name of the column containing unique id
* for the rule. "id" will be used by default.
* @param uniqueOutputColName [OPTIONAL] Name of the column containing the
* output of the rule system. "rule_output_id" will be used by default.
* @throws Exception
public RuleSystem(String ruleSystemName, String uniqueIdColName, String uniqueOutputColName, Validator validator) throws Exception { = ruleSystemName;
if (uniqueIdColName != null) {
this.uniqueIdColumnName = uniqueIdColName;
if (uniqueOutputColName != null) {
this.uniqueOutputColumnName = uniqueOutputColName;
this.validator = (validator != null) ? validator : new DefaultValidator();
this.dao = new RuleSystemDaoMySqlImpl(ruleSystemName, uniqueIdColName, uniqueOutputColName);
if (!this.dao.isValid()) {
throw new RuntimeException("The rule system with name " + ruleSystemName
+ " could not be initialized");
public Rule createRuleObject(Map<String, String> inputMap) throws Exception {
if (inputMap == null) {
throw new Exception("No input for creating rule object");
if (!inputMap.containsKey(this.uniqueOutputColumnName)) {
throw new Exception("Value for rule output not provided");
return new Rule(this.inputColumnList, inputMap, this.uniqueIdColumnName, this.uniqueOutputColumnName);
* This method returns a list of all the rules in the rule system.
public List<Rule> getAllRules() {
return new ArrayList<>(this.allRules.values());
* This method returns the rule applicable for the given combination of rule
* inputs.
* @param inputMap Map with input names as keys and their String values as
* values
* @return null if input is null, null if no rule is applicable for the
* given input combination the applicable rule otherwise.
public Rule getRule(Map<String, String> inputMap) {
List<Rule> eligibleRules = getEligibleRules(inputMap);
if (eligibleRules != null && !eligibleRules.isEmpty()) {
return eligibleRules.get(0);
return null;
* This method returns the applicable rule for the given input criteria.
* @param ruleId Unique id of the rule to get looked up.
* @return A {@link Rule} object if a rule with the given id exists. null
* otherwise.
public Rule getRule(Integer ruleId) {
if (ruleId == null) {
return null;
return this.allRules.get(ruleId);
* This method adds a new rule to the rule system. There is no need to
* provide the rule_id field in the input - it will be auto-populated.
* @param inputMap
* @return the added rule if there are no overlapping rules null if there
* are overlapping rules null if the input constitutes an invalid rule as
* per the validation policy in use.
* @throws Exception
public Rule addRule(Map<String, String> inputMap) throws Exception {
if (inputMap == null) {
return null;
Rule newRule = new Rule(this.inputColumnList, inputMap, this.uniqueIdColumnName, this.uniqueOutputColumnName);
return addRule(newRule);
* This method adds the given rule to the rule system with a new rule id.
* @param newRule
* @return the added rule if there are no overlapping rules null if there
* are overlapping rules null if the input constitutes an invalid rule as
* per the validation policy in use.
* @throws Exception
public Rule addRule(Rule newRule) throws Exception {
if (newRule == null || !this.validator.isValid(newRule)) {
return null;
String ruleOutputId = newRule.getColumnData(this.uniqueOutputColumnName).getValue();
if (ruleOutputId == null || ruleOutputId.isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Rule can't be saved without rule_output_id.");
List<Rule> overlappingRules = getConflictingRules(newRule);
if (overlappingRules.isEmpty()) {
newRule = dao.saveRule(newRule);
if (newRule != null) {
// Cache the rule
return newRule;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("The following existing rules conflict with "
+ "the given input : " + overlappingRules);
throw new RuntimeException("Faild to save rule. Check logs for errors");
* This method updates an existing rules with values of the new rule given.
* All fields are updated of the old rule are updated. The new rule is
* checked for conflicts before update.
* @param oldRule An existing rule
* @param newRule The rule containing the new field values to which the old
* rule will be updated.
* @return the updated rule if update creates no conflict. null if the input
* constitutes an invalid rule as per the validation policy in use.
* @throws Exception if there are overlapping rules if the old rules does
* not actually exist.
public Rule updateRule(Rule oldRule, Rule newRule) throws Exception {
if (oldRule == null || newRule == null || !this.validator.isValid(newRule)) {
return null;
String oldRuleId = oldRule.getColumnData(this.uniqueIdColumnName).getValue();
Rule checkForOldRule = this.getRule(Integer.parseInt(oldRuleId));
if (checkForOldRule == null) {
throw new Exception("No existing rule with id " + oldRuleId);
List<Rule> overlappingRules = getConflictingRules(newRule);
if (!overlappingRules.isEmpty()) {
boolean otherOverlappingRules = false;
for (Rule overlappingRule : overlappingRules) {
if (!overlappingRule.getColumnData(uniqueIdColumnName).getValue()
.equals(oldRuleId)) {
otherOverlappingRules = true;
if (otherOverlappingRules) {
throw new RuntimeException("The following existing rules conflict with "
+ "the given input : " + overlappingRules);
Rule resultantRule = dao.updateRule(newRule);
if (resultantRule != null) {
return resultantRule;
* This method deletes an existing rule from the rule system.
* @param ruleId Unique id of the rule to be deleted
* @return true if the rule with given rule id was successfully deleted
* false if the given rule does not exist false if the given rule could not
* be deleted (for whatever reason).
* @throws Exception
public boolean deleteRule(Integer ruleId) throws Exception {
if (ruleId != null) {
Rule rule = getRule(ruleId);
return deleteRule(rule);
return false;
* This method deleted the given rule from the rule system.
* @param rule The {@link Rule} to be deleted.
* @return true if the given rule was successfully deleted false if the
* given rule does not exist false if the given rule could not be deleted
* (for whatever reason).
* @throws Exception
public boolean deleteRule(Rule rule) throws Exception {
if (rule == null) {
return false;
boolean status = dao.deleteRule(rule);
if (status) {
// Remove the rule from the cache
return true;
return false;
* This method returns a list of rules conflicting with the given rule.
* @param rule {@link Rule} object
* @return List of conflicting rules if any, empty list otherwise.
* @throws Exception
public List<Rule> getConflictingRules(Rule rule) throws Exception {
if (rule == null) {
return null;
List<Rule> conflictingRules = new ArrayList<>();
for (Rule r : this.allRules.values()) {
if (r.isConflicting(rule)) {
return conflictingRules;
* This method returns the next rule that will be applicable to the inputs
* if the current rule applicable to the were to be deleted.
* @param inputMap Map with column Names as keys and column values as
* values.
* @return A {@link Rule} object if a rule is applicable after the currently
* applicable rule is deleted. null if no rule is applicable after the
* currently applicable rule is deleted. null id no rule is currently
* applicable.
public Rule getNextApplicableRule(Map<String, String> inputMap) {
List<Rule> eligibleRules = getEligibleRules(inputMap);
if (eligibleRules != null && eligibleRules.size() > 1) {
return eligibleRules.get(1);
return null;
public String getUniqueColumnName() {
return this.uniqueIdColumnName;
public String getOutputColumnName() {
return this.uniqueOutputColumnName;
private List<Rule> getEligibleRules(Map<String, String> inputMap) {
if (inputMap != null) {
Stack<RSNode> currStack = new Stack<>();
for (RuleInputMetaData rimd : this.inputColumnList) {
Stack<RSNode> nextStack = new Stack<>();
for (RSNode node : currStack) {
String value = inputMap.get(rimd.getName());
value = (value == null) ? "" : value;
List<RSNode> eligibleRules = node.getNodes(value, true);
if (eligibleRules != null && !eligibleRules.isEmpty()) {
currStack = nextStack;
if (!currStack.isEmpty()) {
List<Rule> rules = new ArrayList<>();
for (RSNode node : currStack) {
if (node.getRule() != null) {
Collections.sort(rules, new RuleComparator());
return rules;
return null;
* 1. Get rule system inputs from rule_system..rule_input table.
* 2. Get rules from the table specified for this rule system in the
* rule_system..rule_system table
private void initRuleSystem(String ruleSystemName) throws Exception {
this.inputColumnList = dao.getInputs(ruleSystemName);
List<Rule> rules = dao.getAllRules(ruleSystemName);
System.out.println("Rules from DB : " + rules.size());
this.allRules = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
if (this.inputColumnList.get(0).getDataType().equals(DataType.VALUE)) {
this.root = new ValueRSNode(this.inputColumnList.get(0).getName());
} else {
this.root = new RangeRSNode(this.inputColumnList.get(0).getName());
for (Rule rule : rules) {
if (this.validator.isValid(rule)) {
private void addRuleToCache(Rule rule) {
RSNode currNode = this.root;
for (int i = 0; i < this.inputColumnList.size(); i++) {
RuleInputMetaData currInput = this.inputColumnList.get(i);
// 1. See if the current node has a node mapping to the field value
List<RSNode> nodeList =
currNode.getNodes(rule.getColumnData(currInput.getName()).getValue(), false);
// 2. If it doesn't, create a new empty node and map the field value
// to the new node.
// Also move to the new node.
if (nodeList.isEmpty()) {
RSNode newNode;
if (i < this.inputColumnList.size() - 1) {
if (this.inputColumnList.get(i + 1).getDataType().equals(DataType.VALUE)) {
newNode = new ValueRSNode(this.inputColumnList.get(i + 1).getName());
} else {
newNode = new RangeRSNode(this.inputColumnList.get(i + 1).getName());
} else {
newNode = new ValueRSNode("");
rule.getColumnData(currInput.getName()), newNode);
currNode = newNode;
} // 3. If it does, move to that node.
else {
currNode = nodeList.get(0);
Integer.parseInt(rule.getColumnData(uniqueIdColumnName).getValue()), rule);
private void deleteRuleFromCache(Rule rule) throws Exception {
// Delete the rule from the map
// Locate and delete the rule from the trie
Stack<RSNode> stack = new Stack<>();
RSNode currNode = this.root;
for (RuleInputMetaData rimd : this.inputColumnList) {
String value = rule.getColumnData(rimd.getName()).getValue();
value = (value == null) ? "" : value;
RSNode nextNode = currNode.getMatchingRule(value);
currNode = nextNode;
if (!currNode.getRule().getColumnData(uniqueIdColumnName).equals(
rule.getColumnData(uniqueIdColumnName))) {
throw new Exception("The rule to be deleted and the rule found are not the same."
+ "Something went horribly wrong");
// Get rid of the leaf node
currNode = null;
// Handle the ancestors of the leaf
while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
RSNode node = stack.pop();
// Visit nodes in leaf to root order and:
// 1. If this is the only value in the popped node, delete the node.
// 2. If there are other values too, remove this value from the node.
if (node.getCount() <= 1) {
node = null;
} else {
public String getName() {
public List<String> getAllColumnNames() {
List<String> columnNames = new ArrayList<>();
for (RuleInputMetaData rimd : this.inputColumnList) {
return columnNames;
public List<String> getInputColumnNames() {
List<String> columnNames = new ArrayList<>();
for (RuleInputMetaData rimd : this.inputColumnList) {
return columnNames;
* Use this method to set the dao to be used by the Rule System. This is
* optional as the rule has a default implementation of all database
* operations.
* Inserting your custom dao is a big responsibility that must not be taken
* up lightly. You can ,however, use this facility in case you must work
* with pre-existing database systems or to integrate with frameworks like
* Hibernate.
* @param dao
public void setRuleSystemDao(RuleSystemDao dao) {
this.dao = dao;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
long stime = new Date().getTime();
RuleSystem rs = null;
try {
rs = new RuleSystem("discount_rule_system", "rule_id", "rule_output_id", null);
} catch (Exception e) {
long etime = new Date().getTime();
System.out.println("Time taken to init rule system : " + (etime - stime));
//List<Rule> rules = rs.getAllRules();
//System.out.println("The are " + rules.size() + " rules.");
//Rule rule = rs.getRule(1);
//System.out.println("Rule : " + ((rule == null) ? "no rule" : rule.toString()));
Map<String, String> inputMap = new HashMap<>();
//inputMap.put("brand", "lee");
//inputMap.put("article_type", "T Shirt");
inputMap.put("style_id", "2");
inputMap.put("is_active", "1");
//inputMap.put("year", "2013");
// long sec = new Date().getTime()/1000;
inputMap.put("valid_date_range", "1321468201");
Rule rule = null;
//rule = rs.getRule(inputMap);
//List<Rule> rules = rs.getConflictingRules(rule);
stime = new Date().getTime();
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
rule = rs.getRule(inputMap);
//System.out.println((rule == null) ? "none" : rule.toString());
// if (rule != null) {
// Rule n = rule.setColumnData("style_id", "2");
// System.out.println(rule);
// System.out.println(n);
// rs.updateRule(rule, n);
// }
//rule = rs.getRule(4);
//rule = rs.getRule(inputMap);
//System.out.println((rule == null) ? "none" : rule.toString());
//inputMap.put("valid_date_range", "1321468200-1357064940");
//inputMap.put("rule_output_id", "872");
//rule = rs.addRule(inputMap);
//rule = rs.getRule(inputMap);
//System.out.println((rule == null) ? "none" : rule.toString());
etime = new Date().getTime();
System.out.println("Time taken : " + (etime - stime));
System.out.println((rule == null) ? "none" : rule.toString());
// Map<String, String> inputMap = new HashMap<>();
// inputMap.put("brand", "Adidas");
// inputMap.put("article_type", "Shirt");
// inputMap.put("style_id", "3");
// inputMap.put("is_active", "0");
// inputMap.put("rule_output_id", "3");
// rs.addRule(inputMap);
// rs.deleteRule(rule);