* Author: Debajyoti Ray, October 2011.
* Copyright: Caltech
package timeprefapp;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import mainservlets.GetAnswer;
import mainservlets.WriteOutJsonNextRound;
* Contains the Main function to interact with subject
* Takes as input the subject ID and max num of Rounds
* Output: subject responses and model posteriors.
public class testSubject {
int id; // unique subject ID
int maxRounds; // maximum number of rounds to run
String CURR_DIR;
public testSubject(int ID, int maxR, String currdir) {
id = ID;
maxRounds = maxR;
CURR_DIR = currdir;
public int testThisSubject() {
// Set up file input and output
boolean dirExists = (new java.io.File(CURR_DIR + "Results")).exists();
if (!dirExists) { (new java.io.File(CURR_DIR + "Results")).mkdir(); }
// Set up directory for temporary files.
dirExists = (new java.io.File(CURR_DIR + "TMP")).exists();
if (!dirExists) { (new java.io.File(CURR_DIR + "TMP")).mkdir(); }
String strPath = CURR_DIR + "Results/Subject-" + id + ".txt";
//java.io.FileWriter file = null;
java.io.BufferedWriter out = null;
try {
//file = new java.io.FileWriter(strPath);
//out = new java.io.BufferedWriter(file);
out = new java.io.BufferedWriter(new java.io.FileWriter(strPath));
//out.write("Subject " + id);
out.write("Subject "+id);
catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Error Opening File");
// Initialize Design object
// Creates all possible designs in design space
DesignFunctions TP_Designs = new DesignFunctions();
// specify number of models
int numM = 5;
// specify noise model:
// Requires noise level and max number of Errors before hypothesis is eliminated
int numN = 4;
double [] noiseProb = { 0.0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.30 };
int [] maxErr = { 0, 4, 7, 15 };
// specify grid
int gridSize = 11;
// initialize likelihood objects and grid
// For each dimension, specify range: min and max values of parameter
double [] Exp_minR = {0.0, 0}, Exp_maxR = {0.02, 0};
double [] Hyp_minR = {0.0, 0}, Hyp_maxR = {0.2, 0};
double [] QH_minR = {0.0, 0.5}, QH_maxR = {0.02, 1.0};
double [] Fix_minR = {0.0, 0.0}, Fix_maxR = {0.02, 20.0};
double [] GH_minR = {0.02, 0.5}, GH_maxR = {0.22, 1.0};
// Initialize Likelihood objects:
// specify Likelihood model id, and parameter specifications.
Likelihood LikExp = new Likelihood(0, gridSize, Exp_minR, Exp_maxR);
Likelihood LikHyp = new Likelihood(1, gridSize, Hyp_minR, Hyp_maxR);
Likelihood LikQH = new Likelihood(2, gridSize, QH_minR, QH_maxR);
Likelihood LikFix = new Likelihood(3, gridSize, Fix_minR, Fix_maxR);
Likelihood LikGH = new Likelihood(4, gridSize, GH_minR, GH_maxR);
// initially all (H, Theta) are valid
// numHT is the number of hypotheses for each model.
// for e.g. exponential has 1 parameter, so number of hypotheses
// is equal to grid size
int [] numHT = new int[numM];
numHT[0] = LikExp.gridSize;
numHT[1] = LikHyp.gridSize;
numHT[2] = LikQH.gridSize * LikQH.gridSize;
numHT[3] = LikFix.gridSize * LikFix.gridSize;
numHT[4] = LikGH.gridSize * LikGH.gridSize;
// numH is all the hypotheses (across all models)
int numH = 0;
for (int m=0; m<numM; m++) { numH += numHT[m]; }
// initialize EC2:
// no of models, no of noise models, no of hypotheses, no of designs
EC2 testEC = new EC2(numM, numN, numH, TP_Designs.num_Designs);
// Specify EC2 object parameters:
// All designs in lottery 0 and lottery 1, max error rates and noise prob.
testEC.AllDesigns0 = TP_Designs.Design0;
testEC.AllDesigns1 = TP_Designs.Design1;
testEC.maxErr = maxErr;
testEC.noiseProb = noiseProb;
// IMPORTANT: Prior probability for each model
// here we assume each model is equally likely
for (int m=0; m<numM; m++) { testEC.probModel[m] = 1.0 / numM; }
// initialize parameters and create grid
LikExp.Params[0] = LikExp.MinR[0];
LikHyp.Params[0] = LikHyp.MinR[0];
for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
LikQH.Params[i] = LikQH.MinR[i];
LikFix.Params[i] = LikFix.MinR[i];
LikGH.Params[i] = LikGH.MinR[i];
// initialize weights WtHT
// IMPORTANT - Prior: Each hypotheses within a model has equal probability
// WtHT is the weight (evidence) for a specific hypothesis for each test
// Makes sense to output or store WtHT after every round for diagnosis.
int ind;
for (int n=0; n<testEC.numN; n++) {
ind = 0;
for (int m=0; m<testEC.numM; m++) {
for (int h=0; h<numHT[m]; h++) {
testEC.WtHT[ind][n] = 1.0/(numM*numHT[m]); ind++;
// counts for number of errors
for (int h=0; h<numH; h++) { testEC.ErrHT[h] = 0; }
//try { file.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error 1"); }
//System.err.println("Starting Experiment");
int [] UsedD = new int[maxRounds];
// Loop over the best designs
for (int numRound=0; numRound < maxRounds; numRound++) {
try {out.write(numRound + "\n");} catch(Exception e) {}
// testEC.designEC2 returns the best test (design) given likelihood objects
UsedD[numRound] = testEC.designEC2(LikExp, LikHyp, LikQH, LikFix,
LikGH, UsedD, numRound);
double [] Lottery0, Lottery1;
Lottery0 = testEC.best_Design[0];
Lottery1 = testEC.best_Design[1];
* Write out this next round lottery to the temporary file.
WriteOutJsonNextRound woj = new WriteOutJsonNextRound(id,Lottery0, Lottery1, CURR_DIR);
}catch(Exception e){
// Following is a rudimentary UI for testing
// This should be replaced by a UI of choice - the only parts that are
// important are recording the subject responses and passing them to the program
// Clear the screen (PITA in JAVA)
try {
if ((System.getProperty( "os.name")).startsWith(" Window ")) {
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cls"); }
else { Runtime.getRuntime().exec("clear"); }
catch(Exception e) {
//for (int i=0; i<1000; i++) { System.err.println(); }
// write choices to file
try {
out.write(Lottery0[0] + "," + Lottery0[1] + "\n");
out.write(Lottery1[0] + "," + Lottery1[1] + "\n");
catch (Exception e) {
//System.err.println("Error writing to file");
// assign design to objects
LikExp.Lottery0=testEC.best_Design[0]; LikExp.Lottery1=testEC.best_Design[1];
LikHyp.Lottery0=testEC.best_Design[0]; LikHyp.Lottery1=testEC.best_Design[1];
LikQH.Lottery0=testEC.best_Design[0]; LikQH.Lottery1=testEC.best_Design[1];
LikFix.Lottery0=testEC.best_Design[0]; LikFix.Lottery1=testEC.best_Design[1];
LikGH.Lottery0=testEC.best_Design[0]; LikGH.Lottery1=testEC.best_Design[1];
// Set up response timer
long StartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Record observation from keyboard input
int ynow;
* NORIKO wrote
* wait for the result file and get the result from browser
ExecutorService service = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
Future<String> future = service.submit(new GetAnswer(id,CURR_DIR));
try {
ynow = Integer.parseInt(future.get());
} catch (NumberFormatException | InterruptedException
| ExecutionException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
ynow = -1;
long RT = System.currentTimeMillis() - StartTime;
out.write(ynow + "\n");
} catch(Exception e) {
// update which (H, Theta) are valid after observation
testEC.updateHT(LikExp, LikHyp, LikQH, LikFix, LikGH,
UsedD[numRound], ynow);
// The key variable of interest is the WtHT matrix,
// which is a public variable of the testEC object.
// Output the testEC.WtHT file to disk by calling a public function
String outputWt = CURR_DIR + "Results/Weights-" + id + "round" + numRound + ".txt";
// calculate model posteriors from valid (H, Theta)
// The model posteriors are just computed by "compressing", i.e.
// summing over all hypothesis of WtHT variable.
// File Output
//System.err.println("Model Posteriors: " + testEC.probModel[0] +
// ", " + testEC.probModel[1] + ", " + testEC.probModel[2] +
// ", " + testEC.probModel[3] + ", " + testEC.probModel[4]);
try {
out.write(testEC.probModel[0] + "," + testEC.probModel[1] +
"," + testEC.probModel[2] + "," + testEC.probModel[3] +
"," + testEC.probModel[4]);
catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("File Output Error");
// output response time to file
try {out.write(RT + "\n"); } catch(Exception e) { }
//System.err.println(" REST \n\n\n");
try {out.close();} catch(Exception e) {
System.err.println("Error Closing");
return 1;