package frond.fractals;
import frond.maths.*;
import frond.colourschemes.*;
import java.lang.Thread;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
public abstract class Fractal extends JPanel {
private BufferedImage output;
private Double tX, tY, bX, bY;
private Dimension size = new Dimension(500, 500);
public Dimension boxStart, boxEnd;
public boolean selectionBox = false;
protected int itterations = 200;
protected ColourScheme colourScheme;
private double log2 = Math.log(2);
private String name;
* rendering thread class
private class RenderingThread implements Runnable {
Fractal fractal;
BufferedImage image;
Complex start;
Complex end;
* rendering thread constructor
public RenderingThread(Fractal fractal, BufferedImage image, Complex start, Complex end) {
this.fractal = fractal;
this.image = image;
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
* thread main method
public void run() {
fractal.drawFractal(image, start, end);
public Fractal(String name) {
new ComponentAdapter() {
public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
Fractal f = (Fractal)e.getComponent();
colourScheme = new StandardColourScheme();
tX = -1.0;
tY = 1.0;
bX = 1.0;
bY = -1.0; = name;
public void update() {
Dimension size = new Dimension();
if (size.width > 2 && size.height > 2) {
output = new BufferedImage(size.width, size.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
Complex tL = new Complex(tX, tY);
Complex bM = new Complex(tX + ((bX - tX) / 2), bY);
Complex tM = new Complex(tX + ((bX - tX) / 2), tY);
Complex bR = new Complex(bX, bY);
BufferedImage leftSection = output.getSubimage(0, 0, output.getWidth() / 2, output.getHeight());
new Thread(new RenderingThread(this, leftSection, tL, bM)).start();
BufferedImage rightSection = output.getSubimage(output.getWidth() / 2, 0, output.getWidth()/2, output.getHeight());
new Thread(new RenderingThread(this, rightSection, tM , bR)).start();
public void setColourScheme(ColourScheme c) {
colourScheme = c;
// Getter and Setter for itterations
public void setItterations(int i) {
itterations = i;
public int getItterations() {
return itterations;
// Getter and Setter for size
public void setPreferredSize(Dimension d) {
public void setSize(Dimension d) {
this.size = d;
public Dimension getSize() {
return getSize(new Dimension());
//return this.size;
public double getSizeX() {
return this.size.getWidth();
public double getSizeY() {
return this.size.getHeight();
// Getter and Setter for coordinates
public void setCoordinates(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
this.tX = x1;
this.tY = y1;
this.bX = x2;
this.bY = y2;
public double[] getCoordinates() {
double[] c = {
tX, tY, bX, bY
return c;
public double getCoordinateWidth() {
return bX - tX;
public double getCoordinateHeight() {
return tY - bY;
public void translate(double xDist, double yDist) {
tX = tX + xDist;
tY = tY + yDist;
bX = bX + xDist;
bY = bY + yDist;
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.drawImage(output, 0, 0,, null);
if (selectionBox) {
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
Double x1, x2, y1, y2;
if (boxStart.getWidth() < boxEnd.getWidth()) {
x1 = boxStart.getWidth();
x2 = boxEnd.getWidth() - boxStart.getWidth();
} else {
x1 = boxEnd.getWidth();
x2 = boxStart.getWidth() - boxEnd.getWidth();
if (boxStart.getHeight() < boxEnd.getHeight()) {
y1 = boxStart.getHeight();
y2 = boxEnd.getHeight() - boxStart.getHeight();
} else {
y1 = boxEnd.getHeight();
y2 = boxStart.getHeight() - boxEnd.getHeight();
g2.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 255, 70));
g2.fill(new Rectangle.Double(x1, y1, x2, y2));
g2.draw(new Rectangle.Double(x1, y1, x2, y2));
* Tendency generation function
* returns a number between 0 and 1 representing how close the point is to the set.
* 0 means the point instantly reaces infinity and 1 means it is part of the set
* @param count the number of iterations carried out before bailout
* @param zn, set this parameter if you would like the tendency adjusted with the normalised itteration count
protected double getTendency(int count, Complex zn) {
if (zn == null) {
return (double) count / (double) itterations;
} else {
if (count == itterations) {
return 1.0d;
} else {
double zx = zn.getReal();
double zy = zn.getImaginary();
return ((count + ( (Math.log(Math.log(4)) - Math.log(Math.log(Math.sqrt((zx*zx + zy*zy))))) / log2)) / itterations) % 1;
* Template FRactal Drawer funtion
* @param x size of the fractal
* @param y size of the fractal
protected abstract void drawFractal(BufferedImage image, Complex start, Complex end);
* Name Accessor method
* returns the name of the fractal
* @return name of the fractal
public String getName() {
return name;