// Name: PlayerMove.java
// Author: Martin.Fredriksson@bth.se
// Author: Bernard.Gorman@computing.dcu.ie
package soc.qase.state;
import soc.qase.tools.vecmath.Vector2f;
/** Wrapper class for player move attributes. Contains two forms of
* information about the player's movement; the MOVE (normal, spectator,
* dead, gib, freeze) and the FLAGs (jump, crouch, etc). Also includes
* the agent's current position in the environment (coordinates),
* its current angles (heading), and the agent's current velocity
* (speed along the X, Y, and Z axis). */
public class PlayerMove
private int type = -1;
private int time = -1;
private int flags = -1;
private int gravity = -1;
private int walkState = -1;
private double velMagnitude = -1;
private Origin origin = null;
private Velocity velocity = null;
private Angles deltaAngles = null;
private Vector2f directionalVelocity = null;
public static final int WALK_STOPPED = 0, WALK_NORMAL = 1, WALK_RUN = 2;
public static final int POSTURE_CROUCH = -1, POSTURE_NORMAL = 0, POSTURE_JUMP = 1;
public static final int MOVE_NORMAL = 0, MOVE_SPECTATOR = 1, MOVE_DEAD = 2, MOVE_GIB = 3, MOVE_FREEZE = 4;
/** Default constructor. */
public PlayerMove()
{ }
/** Get player move type, as defined by the TYPE constants listed above.
* @return player move type */
public int getType()
return type;
/** Get player move type string.
* @return player move string. */
public String getTypeString()
String result = null;
result = new String();
if(type == 0) result += "normal";
if(type == 1) result += "spectator";
if(type == 2) result += "dead";
if(type == 3) result += "gib";
if(type == 4) result += "freeze";
return result;
/** Check the player move attributes. Typically, the argument is one of
* the MOVE constants defined above.
* @return player move type. */
public boolean checkType(int cType)
return type == cType;
/** Set player move type, as defined by the MOVE constants listed above.
* @param type player move type */
public void setType(int type)
this.type = type;
/** Get player move flags, as defined by the FLAG constants listed above.
* The result is a bitwise combination which may denote more than one
* move state.
* @return player move state */
public int getFlags()
return flags;
/** Get concatenated string denoting current move flag settings.
* @return player move flags string. */
public String getFlagsString()
if(flags == -1)
return "";
String result = "";
if((flags & FLAG_CROUCH) != 0) result += "crouch:";
if((flags & FLAG_JUMP) != 0) result += "jump:";
if((flags & FLAG_GROUND) != 0) result += "ground:";
if((flags & FLAG_TIME_WATER_JUMP) != 0) result += "timeWater:";
if((flags & FLAG_TIME_LAND) != 0) result += "timeLand:";
if((flags & FLAG_TIME_TELEPORT) != 0) result += "timeTeleport:";
if((flags & FLAG_NO_PREDICTION) != 0) result += "noPrediction:";
return result;
/** Set player move flags, as defined by the FLAG constants listed above.
* This my be a bitwise combination of two or more of the constants.
* @param flags player move flags */
public void setFlags(int flags)
this.flags = flags;
/** Check whether certain movement flags are set. Typically the argument
* is a bitmask constructed by ORing a selection of the FLAG constants
* above, which is compared against the current flags state.
* @param flagMask flag mask to compare against current flag attributes
* @return true if the given sub-bitmask fits the flag bitmask */
public boolean checkFlags(int flagMask)
return flags != -1 && (flags & flagMask) != 0;
/** Get player move time.
* @return player move time. */
public int getTime()
return time;
/** Set player move time.
* @param time player move time. */
public void setTime(int time)
this.time = time;
/** Get player move gravity.
* @return player move gravity. */
public int getGravity()
return gravity;
/** Set player move gravity.
* @param gravity player movement gravity */
public void setGravity(int gravity)
this.gravity = gravity;
/** Get player move origin.
* @return player move origin. */
public Origin getOrigin()
if(origin == null) origin = new Origin();
return origin;
/** Set player move origin.
* @param origin player move origin. */
public void setOrigin(Origin origin)
this.origin = origin;
/** Get player move velocity.
* @return player move velocity. */
public Velocity getVelocity()
if(velocity == null) velocity = new Velocity();
return velocity;
/** Set player move velocity.
* @param velocity player move velocity. */
public void setVelocity(Velocity velocity)
this.velocity = velocity;
/** Get player's directional velocity.
* @return a 2D vector indicating the player's veolcities along the
* X and Y axes */
public Vector2f getDirectionalVelocity()
if(directionalVelocity == null)
directionalVelocity = new Vector2f(getVelocity().getForward(), getVelocity().getRight());
return directionalVelocity;
/** Get current walk state, one of the WALK constants specified above.
* @return a PlayerMove constant indicating the current walk state */
public int getWalkState()
return walkState;
/** Get player move delta angles.
* @return player move delta angles. */
public Angles getDeltaAngles()
if(deltaAngles == null) deltaAngles = new Angles();
return deltaAngles;
/** Set player move delta angles.
* @param deltaAngles player move delta angles. */
public void setDeltaAngles(Angles deltaAngles)
this.deltaAngles = deltaAngles;
/** Merge PlayerMove properties from an existing PlayerMove object into the
* current PlayerMove object. Used when assimilating cumulative updates
* from the Quake 2 server into the gamestate.
* @param playerMove source PlayerMove whose attributes should be merged
* into the current PlayerMove
* @param underWater specifies whether the player is currently submerged;
* the character's walking and running speeds are reduced while in water
* @see soc.qase.state.World#setEntity(Entity, boolean) */
public void merge(PlayerMove playerMove, boolean underWater)
if(playerMove == null)
if(type == -1) type = playerMove.getType();
if(flags == -1) flags = playerMove.getFlags();
if(time == -1) time = playerMove.getTime();
if(gravity == -1) gravity = playerMove.getGravity();
if(origin == null) origin = playerMove.origin; else origin.merge(playerMove.origin);
if(velocity == null) velocity = playerMove.velocity; else velocity.merge(playerMove.velocity);
if(deltaAngles == null) deltaAngles = playerMove.deltaAngles; else deltaAngles.merge(playerMove.deltaAngles);
velMagnitude = getDirectionalVelocity().length();
walkState = (velMagnitude > (underWater ? 100 : 250) ? WALK_RUN : (velMagnitude > 0 ? WALK_NORMAL : WALK_STOPPED));