// Name: Origin.java
// Author: Martin.Fredriksson@bth.se
// Author: Bernard.Gorman@computing.dcu.ie
package soc.qase.state;
import soc.qase.tools.vecmath.Vector2f;
import soc.qase.tools.vecmath.Vector3f;
/** Wrapper class for origin attributes. The class implements functionality
* related to Quake2 entity state information, i.e. the position / coordinates
* of an entity currently part of a simulated environment. The coordinates
* are expressed in a value ranging from -32727 to 32728. */
public class Origin
private int x = -1;
private int y = -1;
private int z = -1;
/** Default constructor. */
public Origin()
{ }
/** Constructs the Origin using the XYZ components from the argument
* Origin.
* @param o the Origin whose XYZ components will be copied to the new
* Origin object. */
public Origin(Origin o)
this.x = o.x;
this.y = o.y;
this.z = o.z;
/** Basic constructor.
* @param x X coordinate.
* @param y Y coordinate.
* @param z Z coordinate. */
public Origin(int x, int y, int z)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
/** Constructor. Builds an Origin equivalent to a given Vector3f by
* rounding the float co-ordinates of the latter.
* @param v3f the Vector3f to duplicate */
public Origin(Vector3f v3f)
this.x = Math.round(v3f.x);
this.y = Math.round(v3f.y);
this.z = Math.round(v3f.z);
/** Constructor. Builds an Origin equivalent to a given Vector2f, ie
* sets (x, y, z) to (v2f.x, v2f.y, 0), by rounding the float co-ordinates
* of the latter
* @param v2f the Vector2f to duplicate */
public Origin(Vector2f v2f)
this.x = Math.round(v2f.x);
this.y = Math.round(v2f.y);
this.z = 0;
/** Get X coordinate.
* @return x coordinate. */
public int getX()
return x;
/** Get Y coordinate.
* @return y coordinate. */
public int getY()
return y;
/** Get Z coordinate.
* @return z coordinate. */
public int getZ()
return z;
/** Get coordinates as an array of float values.
* @return a float[] containing the (x, y, z) co-ordinates. */
public float[] getXYZ()
return new float[]{ x, y, z };
/** Set X coordinate.
* @param x X coordinate. */
public void setX(int x)
this.x = x;
/** Set Y coordinate.
* @param y Y coordinate. */
public void setY(int y)
this.y = y;
/** Set Z coordinate.
* @param z Z coordinate. */
public void setZ(int z)
this.z = z;
/** Set coordinates from an array of int values.
* @param xyz an in[] containing the (x, y, z) co-ordinates to be set. */
public void setXYZ(int[] xyz)
x = xyz[0];
y = xyz[1];
z = xyz[2];
/** Compute and return the distance between this point and the argument
* point.
* @param o the point to which to find the distance */
public final float distance(Origin o)
return (float)Math.sqrt((x - o.x) * (x - o.x) + (y - o.y) * (y - o.y) + (z - o.z) * (z - o.z));
/** Compare two Origin objects for equality.
* @param o the Origin object against which this Origin is to
* be compared
* @return true if the Origin objects denote the same spatial
* location, false otherwise */
public boolean equals(Origin o)
return o.x == x && o.y == y && o.z == z;
/** Merge Origin properties from an existing Origin object into the
* current Origin object. Used when assimilating cumulative updates
* from the Quake 2 server into the gamestate.
* @param origin source Origin whose attributes should be merged
* into the current Origin
* @see soc.qase.state.World#setEntity(Entity, boolean) */
public void merge(Origin origin)
if(origin != null) {
if(x == -1) x = origin.getX();
if(y == -1) y = origin.getY();
if(z == -1) z = origin.getZ();
/** Creates a duplicate of the object by cloning each of its fields.
* @return a deep copy of the current object */
public Origin deepCopy()
return new Origin(x, y, z);
/** Creates a Vector3f using the XYZ of this Origin as the components
* of the vector.
* @return a Vector3f with xyz set to this.xyz */
public Vector3f toVector3f()
return new Vector3f(this);
/** Return a string representation of the Origin.
* @return a string representation of the Origin */
public String toString()
return "(" + x + ", " + y + ", " + z + ")";