// Name: BSPNode.java
// Author: Bernard.Gorman@computing.dcu.ie
package soc.qase.file.bsp;
import soc.qase.tools.Utils;
import soc.qase.tools.vecmath.Vector3f;
/** Wrapper class for Nodes in the BSP file. The BSP tree and its
* constituent nodes are used primarily as a spatial subdivision scheme,
* dividing the world into convex regions called leafs.
* @see BSPNodeLump */
public class BSPNode
public long plane;
public int[] children = null;
public int frontChild, backChild;
public Vector3f bboxMin, bboxMax;
public int firstFace, numFaces;
/** Constructor. Builds a BSPNode from raw byte data.
* @param nodeData byte array containing node lump data
* @param offset location of the node in the byte array */
public BSPNode(byte[] nodeData, int offset)
children = new int[2];
plane = Utils.unsignedIntValue(nodeData, offset);
children[0] = frontChild = Utils.intValue(nodeData, offset + 4);
children[1] = backChild = Utils.intValue(nodeData, offset + 8);
bboxMin = new Vector3f(Utils.shortValue(nodeData, offset + 12), Utils.shortValue(nodeData, offset + 14), Utils.shortValue(nodeData, offset + 16));
bboxMax = new Vector3f(Utils.shortValue(nodeData, offset + 18), Utils.shortValue(nodeData, offset + 20), Utils.shortValue(nodeData, offset + 22));
firstFace = Utils.unsignedShortValue(nodeData, offset + 24);
numFaces = Utils.unsignedShortValue(nodeData, offset + 26);