// Name: PollingBot.java
// Author: Bernard.Gorman@computing.dcu.ie
package soc.qase.bot;
import soc.qase.info.Server;
import soc.qase.state.Action;
import soc.qase.state.World;
/** ObserverBot, along with PollingBot, occupies the highest level of
* the bot hierarchy. Each of these is a near fully-realised agent,
* providing a means of detecting changes to the gamestate (implemented
* as indicated by their names), as well as a single point of insertion
* - the programmer need only supply the AI routine in the runAI method
* defined by the Bot interface. Each has its own advantages; the
* ObserverBot allows several different objects to be attached to a
* single Proxy, whereas the multithreaded PollingBot offers slightly
* more efficient performance. */
public abstract class PollingBot extends BasicBot
private String mapName = null;
private boolean mapChanged = false;
/** Constructor allowing the user to specify a name and skin (appearance)
* for the agent.
* @param botName name of the character during game session
* @param botSkin specifies the character's in-game appearance */
public PollingBot(String botName, String botSkin)
super((botName == null ? "PollingBot" : botName), botSkin, true, false);
/** Constructor allowing the user to specify a name, skin, and whether
* the agent should manually track its inventory.
* @param botName name of the character during game session
* @param botSkin specifies the character's in-game appearance
* @param trackInv if true, the agent will manually track its inventory */
public PollingBot(String botName, String botSkin, boolean trackInv)
super((botName == null ? "PollingBot" : botName), botSkin, true, trackInv);
/** Constructor allowing the user to specify a name, skin, whether the
* agent should operate in high thread safety mode, and whether it
* should manually track its inventory.
* @param botName name of the character during game session
* @param botSkin specifies the character's in-game appearance
* @param highThreadSafety if true, enables high thread safety mode
* @param trackInv if true, the agent will manually track its inventory */
public PollingBot(String botName, String botSkin, boolean highThreadSafety, boolean trackInv)
super((botName == null ? "PollingBot" : botName), botSkin, highThreadSafety, trackInv);
/** Constructor allowing the user to specify a name, skin, server password,
* whether the agent should operate in high thread safety mode, and whether
* it should manually track its inventory.
* @param botName name of the character during game session
* @param botSkin specifies the character's in-game appearance
* @param password the password of the server, if necessary
* @param highThreadSafety if true, enables high thread safety mode
* @param trackInv if true, the agent will manually track its inventory */
public PollingBot(String botName, String botSkin, String password, boolean highThreadSafety, boolean trackInv)
super((botName == null ? "PollingBot" : botName), botSkin, password, highThreadSafety, trackInv);
/** Constructor allowing the user to specify a name, skin, connection
* receive rate, type of messages received from server, field of view,
* which hand the agent should hold its gun in, server password,
* whether the agent should operate in high thread safety mode, and whether
* it should manually track its inventory.
* @param botName name of the character during game session
* @param botSkin specifies the character's in-game appearance
* @param recvRate rate at which the client communicates with server
* @param msgLevel specifies which server messages to register interest in
* @param fov specifies the agent's field of vision
* @param hand specifies the hand in which the agent hold its gun
* @param password the password of the server, if necessary
* @param highThreadSafety if true, enables high thread safety mode
* @param trackInv if true, the agent will manually track its inventory */
public PollingBot(String botName, String botSkin, int recvRate, int msgLevel, int fov, int hand, String password, boolean highThreadSafety, boolean trackInv)
super((botName == null ? "PollingBot" : botName), botSkin, recvRate, msgLevel, fov, hand, password, highThreadSafety, trackInv);
/** Connect the agent to a game server.
* @param host a String representation of the server's IP address
* @param port the port on which the game server is running */
public boolean connect(String host, int port)
return connect(host, port, Integer.MIN_VALUE, null);
/** Connect to a CTF game server.
* @param host a String representation of the host machine's IP address
* @param port the port on which the game server is running
* @param ctfTeam the team to join; one of the CTF constants found in
* soc.qase.info.Server */
public boolean connect(String host, int port, int ctfTeam)
return connect(host, port, ctfTeam, null);
/** Connect the agent to a game server, and start recording the game
* session to DM2 file.
* @param host a String representation of the server's IP address
* @param port the port on which the game server is running
* @param recordDM2File the filename under which to start recording
* the game session */
public boolean connect(String host, int port, String recordDM2File)
return connect(host, port, Integer.MIN_VALUE, recordDM2File);
/** Connect the agent to a CTF game server, and start recording to a
* DM2 file.
* @param host a String representation of the server's IP address
* @param port the port on which the game server is running
* @param recordDM2File the filename under which to start recording
* the game session
* @param ctfTeam the team to join; one of the CTF constants found in
* soc.qase.info.Server */
public boolean connect(String host, int port, int ctfTeam, String recordDM2File)
if(!proxy.connect(host, (port <= 0 ? 27910 : port), recordDM2File))
return false;
if(ctfTeam != Integer.MIN_VALUE)
setCTFTeam(Math.abs(ctfTeam) < 2 ? Math.abs(ctfTeam) : (int)Math.round(Math.random()));
mapName = getServerInfo().getMapName();
return true;
/** Disconnect from the game server, and de-register from the Proxy. */
public void disconnect()
/** Indicates whether the current game map has changed since the last
* time this method was called.
* @return true if the map has changed since the last time this method
* was called, false otherwise */
protected boolean mapHasChanged()
boolean tempResponse = mapChanged;
mapChanged = false;
return tempResponse;
/** The core AI routine. To be implemented by derived classes.
* @param world a World object representing the current gamestate */
public abstract void runAI(World world); // to be supplied by derived class
/** A thread which acts as the agent's main control loop. Continually
* polls the Proxy to see if a new update has arrived. Checks whether
* the agent is alive or needs to be respawned, and then calls the
* runAI method. */
public void run()
World world = null;
int curFrameNum = -1;
world = proxy.getWorld();
if(world != null && world.getFrame() != curFrameNum)
mapChanged = !mapName.equals(getServerInfo().getMapName());
mapName = getServerInfo().getMapName();
curFrameNum = world.getFrame();
if(!ctfTeamAssigned && proxy.isCTFServer())
{ runAI(world); }