// Name: WaypointMapGenerator.java
// Author: Bernard.Gorman@computing.dcu.ie
package soc.qase.ai.waypoint;
import java.util.Vector;
import soc.qase.ai.kmeans.KMeansCalc;
import soc.qase.ai.kmeans.KMeansData;
import soc.qase.file.dm2.DM2Parser;
import soc.qase.state.Entity;
import soc.qase.state.World;
import soc.qase.tools.vecmath.Vector3f;
/** The WaypointMapGenerator class allows a WaypointMap to be automatically
* generated from a DM2 recording, using techniques explained in our paper.
* The set of all player positions are first read from the file, and are
* then clustered to produce a set of n Waypoints. Optionally, the locations
* at which items were collected in the demo are used to hold certain cluster
* centroids constant during this process, ensuring that nodes will be allocated
* to the positions at which items reside in the map. Edges are drawn between
* pairs of waypoints wherever the player was observed to move directly from
* one to the other. Finally, the Waypoints at which items reside are marked as
* such. All the user need do to create a full navigation map, therefore, is
* record himself running around the given level, collecting any necessary
* items, and supply the DM2 file to the WaypointMapGenerator class.
* @see soc.qase.file.dm2.DM2Parser
* @see soc.qase.ai.kmeans.KMeansCalc
* @see Waypoint
* @see WaypointItem
* @see WaypointMap */
public class WaypointMapGenerator
/** Generate and return a WaypointMap by analysing a recorded DM2 demo.
* This method also records the positions at which items were collected
* in the demo, and holds these locations constant through the clustering
* process.
* @param dm2File filename of the DM2 demo to analyse
* @param fNumNodes the number of nodes to generate for the WaypointMap.
* If this number is less than 1, it is treated as a percentage of the
* total number of observed player positions. If it is 1 or greater, it
* is treated as an absolute number of nodes to generate.
* @return the resulting WaypointMap */
public static WaypointMap generate(String dm2File, float fNumNodes)
int numNodes = 0;
World world = null;
WaypointMap wpMap = new WaypointMap();
DM2Parser dm2p = new DM2Parser(dm2File);
Vector isAlive = new Vector();
Vector playerPos = new Vector();
Vector waypointItems = new Vector();
Vector pickupPos = new Vector();
Vector3f currentPos = null, lastPos = null, itemPos = null;
while((world = dm2p.getNextWorld()) != null)
currentPos = new Vector3f(world.getPlayer().getPlayerMove().getOrigin());
if(lastPos == null || !currentPos.equals(lastPos))
isAlive.add(new Boolean(world.getPlayer().isAlive()));
if(world.getPickupEntityIndex() != -1 && !duplicateItemNode(pickupPos, (itemPos = new Vector3f(world.getPickupEntity().getOrigin()))))
lastPos = currentPos;
Vector3f[] playerPos3f = (Vector3f[])playerPos.toArray(new Vector3f[0]);
Vector3f[] pickupPos3f = (Vector3f[])pickupPos.toArray(new Vector3f[0]);
fNumNodes = Math.abs(fNumNodes);
numNodes = Math.min(Math.round((fNumNodes < 1 ? fNumNodes * playerPos3f.length : fNumNodes)), playerPos3f.length);
KMeansData kmResults = KMeansCalc.doKMeans(numNodes, playerPos3f, pickupPos3f);
for(int i = 1; i < kmResults.clusterID.length; i++)
if(kmResults.clusterID[i] != kmResults.clusterID[i-1] && ((Boolean)isAlive.elementAt(i-1)).booleanValue())
wpMap.addEdge(kmResults.clusterID[i-1], kmResults.clusterID[i], false);
wpMap.markItemNodes(kmResults.anchorClusterID, (Entity[])waypointItems.toArray(new Entity[0]), true);
return wpMap;
private static boolean duplicateItemNode(Vector itemNodes, Vector3f itemPos)
for(int i = 0; i < itemNodes.size(); i++)
return true;
return false;