// Name: WaypointMap.java
// Author: Bernard.Gorman@computing.dcu.ie
package soc.qase.ai.waypoint;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Vector;
import soc.qase.state.Entity;
import soc.qase.state.Origin;
import soc.qase.tools.vecmath.Vector3f;
/** Controls and co-ordinates the high-level creation of a waypoint map.
* To ensure consistency, all nodes, edges and item nodes should be
* added using the methods of this class. These methods are used by
* the WaypointMapGenerator class to create a topological map from a
* DM2 recording. The class also provides methods to save the WaypointMap
* object to file and reload it at a later time, thereby allowing maps
* to be reused without having to be regenerated each time. /*
* @see Waypoint
* @see WaypointItem
* @see WaypointMapGenerator */
public class WaypointMap implements Serializable
private Vector nodes = null;
private Vector itemNodes = null;
private int[] itemNodeTypes = null;
private int[] itemNodeIndices = null;
private Waypoint[] itemNodeWaypoints = null;
private boolean locked = false;
private boolean[][] edgeMatrix = null;
private float[][] waypointMatrix = null;
private int[][] predMatrix = null;
private float[][] costMatrix = null;
/** Default constructor. */
public WaypointMap()
nodes = new Vector();
itemNodes = new Vector();
/** Get the index in the map's node array of a given waypoint. Compares
* Waypoint objects by reference - to compare by position, use
* findClosestWaypoint.
* @param node the node whose index is required
* @return the index in the map's array of the specified node */
public int indexOf(Waypoint node)
return nodes.indexOf(node);
/** Add a node to the waypoint map. For convenience, this method is
* overloaded to accept Waypoint, Vector3f and array paramters.
* @param node the new node to be added
* @return true if the WaypointMap is unlocked and the node was
* successfully added, false otherwise */
public boolean addNode(Waypoint node)
return false;
return true;
/** Add a node to the waypoint map. For convenience, this method is
* overloaded to accept Waypoint, Vector3f, Origin and array paramters.
* @param node the new node to be added
* @return true if the WaypointMap is unlocked and the node was
* successfully added, false otherwise */
public boolean addNode(Vector3f node)
return false;
nodes.add(new Waypoint(node));
return true;
/** Add a node to the waypoint map. For convenience, this method is
* overloaded to accept Waypoint, Vector3f, Origin and array paramters.
* @param node the new node to be added
* @return true if the WaypointMap is unlocked and the node was
* successfully added, false otherwise */
public boolean addNode(Origin node)
return addNode(new Vector3f(node));
/** Add a set of nodes to the waypoint map. For convenience, this
* method is overloaded to accept Waypoint, Vector3f, Origin and array
* paramters.
* @param newNodes the new nodes to be added
* @return true if the WaypointMap is unlocked and the node was
* successfully added, false otherwise */
public boolean addNode(Origin[] newNodes)
return false;
for(int i = 0; i < newNodes.length; i++)
nodes.add(new Waypoint(newNodes[i]));
return true;
/** Add a set of nodes to the waypoint map. For convenience, this
* method is overloaded to accept Waypoint, Vector3f, Origin and array
* paramters.
* @param newNodes the new nodes to be added
* @return true if the WaypointMap is unlocked and the node was
* successfully added, false otherwise */
public boolean addNode(Vector3f[] newNodes)
return false;
for(int i = 0; i < newNodes.length; i++)
nodes.add(new Waypoint(newNodes[i]));
return true;
/** Add a set of nodes to the waypoint map. For convenience, this
* method is overloaded to accept Waypoint, Vector3f, Origin and array
* paramters.
* @param newNodes the new nodes to be added
* @return true if the WaypointMap is unlocked and the node was
* successfully added, false otherwise */
public boolean addNode(Waypoint[] newNodes)
return false;
for(int i = 0; i < newNodes.length; i++)
return true;
/** Remove a node from the waypoint map. Compares nodes by reference.
* Also removes all edges of which the deleted node was an endpoint,
* and - if appropriate - the record of an item at that point.
* @param node the node to be removed, if present
* @return true if the WaypointMap is unlocked and the node was
* successfully removed, false otherwise */
public boolean deleteNode(Waypoint node)
return false;
for(int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++)
WaypointItem wpi = null;
for(int i = itemNodes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
wpi = (WaypointItem)itemNodes.elementAt(i);
if(node == wpi.getNode())
return true;
/** Remove a node from the waypoint map. Compares nodes by reference.
* Also removes all edges of which the deleted node was an endpoint,
* and - if appropriate - the record of an item at that point.
* @param index the index of the node to be removed
* @return true if the WaypointMap is unlocked and the node was
* successfully removed, false otherwise */
public boolean deleteNode(int index)
return false;
return true;
/** Mark certain nodes on the waypoint map as containing items. Does
* not remove any existing marked nodes.
* @param iNodes the nodes at which items are located
* @param entityAtNodes the correspoding item entities
* @return true if the WaypointMap is unlocked and the nodes were
* marked, false otherwise */
public boolean markItemNodes(Waypoint[] iNodes, Entity[] entityAtNodes)
return markItemNodes(iNodes, entityAtNodes, false);
/** Mark certain nodes on the waypoint map as containing items. Does
* not remove any existing marked nodes.
* @param indices the indices of the nodes at which items are located
* @param entityAtNodes the correspoding item entities
* @return true if the WaypointMap is unlocked and the nodes were
* marked, false otherwise */
public boolean markItemNodes(int[] indices, Entity[] entityAtNodes)
return markItemNodes(indices, entityAtNodes, false);
/** Mark certain nodes on the waypoint map as containing items.
* @param iNodes the nodes at which items are located
* @param entityAtNodes the correspoding item entities
* @param clearPreviousMarks if true, remove all existing references
* to items at nodes; the current list is taken as being exhaustive
* @return true if the WaypointMap is unlocked and the nodes were
* marked, false otherwise */
public boolean markItemNodes(Waypoint[] iNodes, Entity[] entityAtNodes, boolean clearPreviousMarks)
return false;
for(int i = 0; i < iNodes.length; i++)
itemNodes.add(new WaypointItem(iNodes[i], entityAtNodes[i]));
return true;
/** Mark certain nodes on the waypoint map as containing items.
* @param indices the indices of the nodes at which items are located
* @param entityAtNodes the correspoding item entities
* @param clearPreviousMarks if true, remove all existing references
* to items at nodes; the current list is taken as being exhaustive
* @return true if the WaypointMap is unlocked and the nodes were
* marked, false otherwise */
public boolean markItemNodes(int[] indices, Entity[] entityAtNodes, boolean clearPreviousMarks)
return false;
Waypoint[] iNodes = new Waypoint[indices.length];
for(int i = 0; i < iNodes.length; i++)
iNodes[i] = (Waypoint)nodes.elementAt(indices[i]);
return markItemNodes(iNodes, entityAtNodes, clearPreviousMarks);
/** Mark certain nodes on the waypoint map as containing items. Other
* overloadings of this method construct WaypointItem objects given
* source information; this allows the addition of pre-built
* WaypointItem objects.
* @param waypointItems the pre-built list of items and nodes
* @return true if the WaypointMap is unlocked and the nodes were
* marked, false otherwise */
public boolean markItemNodes(WaypointItem[] waypointItems)
return false;
for(int i = 0; i < waypointItems.length; i++)
return true;
/** Add an edge between two nodes.
* @param from the node at which the edge begins
* @param to the node at which the edge ends
* @param bidirectional if true, adds an edge from start to end node
* and vice versa
* @return true if the WaypointMap is unlocked and the addition of
* the edge was successful, false otherwise */
public boolean addEdge(Waypoint from, Waypoint to, boolean bidirectional)
return false;
catch(Exception e)
return false;
return true;
/** Add an edge between two nodes.
* @param fromIndex the index of the node at which the edge begins
* @param toIndex the index of the node at which the edge ends
* @param bidirectional if true, adds an edge from start to end node
* and vice versa
* @return true if the WaypointMap is unlocked and the addition of
* the edge was successful, false otherwise */
public boolean addEdge(int fromIndex, int toIndex, boolean bidirectional)
return false;
return addEdge((Waypoint)nodes.elementAt(fromIndex), (Waypoint)nodes.elementAt(toIndex), bidirectional);
catch(Exception e)
return false;
/** Save the current WaypointMap object to file. Serializes the object
* and saves it to disk at the specified location; this allows waypoint
* maps to be re-used without having to be regenerated.
* @param filename and file name under which to save the map
* @return true if the file was successfully saved, false otherwise */
public boolean saveMap(String filename)
(new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename))).writeObject(this);
catch(Exception e)
return false;
return true;
/** Load and return a WaypointMap stored at the spcified location.
* @param filename the path and filename of the saved WaypointMap
* @return the WaypointMap if successfully deserialized, null otherwise */
public static WaypointMap loadMap(String filename)
return (WaypointMap)(new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename))).readObject();
catch(Exception e)
return null;
/** Nullify the WaypointMap's location, edge, path and cost matrices,
* to preserve consistency. This method is called whenever an operation
* is performed which alters the structure of the graph. The various
* traversal methods are thereby notified that they must recalculate
* the costs from each node to every other, and recompute the shortest
* paths between them.
* @see #generateWaypointMatrix
* @see #getWaypointMatrix
* @see #generateEdgeMatrix
* @see #getEdgeMatrix
* @see #generateCostAndPathMatrices */
private void nullifyMatrices()
edgeMatrix = null;
waypointMatrix = null;
itemNodeIndices = null;
itemNodeWaypoints = null;
costMatrix = null;
predMatrix = null;
/** Get a node from the node array.
* @param index the index of the node in the map's node array
* @return the Waypoint at the specified index */
public Waypoint getNode(int index)
return (Waypoint)nodes.elementAt(index);
/** Get the full list of all nodes.
* @return an array of Waypoints containing all the nodes in the graph */
public Waypoint[] getAllNodes()
Waypoint[] nodeArray = new Waypoint[nodes.size()];
return nodeArray;
/** Get the list of all waypoint locations in the form of an n-by-3
* matrix of floats, where n is the number of waypoints. This is
* particularly convenient for reading the raw WaypointMap data into MatLab.
* @return an n-by-3 matrix of floats, representing the locations of
* each node in the topological map
* @see #generateWaypointMatrix */
public float[][] getWaypointMatrix()
if(waypointMatrix != null)
return (float[][])waypointMatrix.clone();
return (float[][])waypointMatrix.clone();
/** Get the indices of the nodes at which items are present. This method
* is particularly useful for reading the node item data into MatLab
* for visualisation. Note that MatLab indexing starts at 1 rather than
* 0, which means that the indices must be incremented if used within
* the MatLab environment; for convenience, this method will optionally
* perform this action if the boolean argument is set to true.
* @param increment increment all indices, for use in MatLab
* @return a list of the indices of nodes at which items are present */
public int[] getItemNodeIndices(boolean increment)
if(itemNodeIndices == null)
int[] dupeArray = (int[])itemNodeIndices.clone();
for(int i = 0; i < dupeArray.length; i++)
return dupeArray;
/** Get the Waypoint nodes at which items are present. This is particularly
* convenient for use with subsequent path-finding methods.
* @return a Waypoint array of the nodes at which items are present */
public Waypoint[] getItemNodeWaypoints()
if(itemNodeWaypoints == null)
return (Waypoint[])itemNodeWaypoints.clone();
/** Get the item types, in the form of their inventory indices, at each
* item node. This is particularly useful for reading item type data
* into MatLab.
* @return an array containing the inventory indices of the items
* at each item node */
public int[] getItemNodeTypes()
if(itemNodeTypes == null)
return (int[])itemNodeTypes.clone();
/** Generate and store lists of the item nodes, associated indices, and
* entity types. */
private void generateItemInfo()
itemNodeTypes = new int[itemNodes.size()];
itemNodeIndices = new int[itemNodes.size()];
itemNodeWaypoints = new Waypoint[itemNodes.size()];
WaypointItem wpi = null;
for(int i = 0; i < itemNodeIndices.length; i++)
wpi = (WaypointItem)itemNodes.elementAt(i);
itemNodeWaypoints[i] = wpi.getNode();
itemNodeIndices[i] = indexOf(wpi.getNode());
itemNodeTypes[i] = wpi.getItemInventoryIndex();
/** Get an n-by-n matrix indicating the shortest distance between each
* pair of points.
* @return an n-by-n matrix of floats, representing the shortest
* distance between each pair of points
* @see #generateCostAndPathMatrices */
public float[][] getCostMatrix()
if(costMatrix != null)
return (float[][])costMatrix.clone();
return (float[][])costMatrix.clone();
/** Get an n-by-n matrix indicating the predecessor of each node in the
* shortest path between each pair of nodes. The path can be reconstructed
* by reading this sequence in reverse order.
* @return an n-by-n predecessor matrix
* @see #generateCostAndPathMatrices */
public int[][] getPredecessorMatrix()
if(predMatrix != null)
return (int[][])predMatrix.clone();
return (int[][])predMatrix.clone();
/** Generate and store the Waypoint matrix, if it does not already exist. */
private void generateWaypointMatrix()
waypointMatrix = new float[nodes.size()][3];
for(int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++)
waypointMatrix[i] = getNode(i).getPosition().toArray();
/** Get the list of all edges between nodes, in the form of an n-by-n
* matrix of booleans, where n is the number of nodes. This is
* particularly convenient for reading the raw edge data into MatLab.
* @return an n-by-n boolean matrix indicating the presence or absence
* of an edge between each pair of nodes */
public boolean[][] getEdgeMatrix()
if(edgeMatrix != null)
return (boolean[][])edgeMatrix.clone();
return (boolean[][])edgeMatrix.clone();
/** Generate and store the edge matrix, if it does not already exist. */
private void generateEdgeMatrix()
Waypoint curNode = null;
Waypoint[] curEdges = null;
edgeMatrix = new boolean[nodes.size()][nodes.size()];
for(int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++)
curNode = (Waypoint)nodes.elementAt(i);
curEdges = curNode.getEdges();
for(int j = 0; j < curEdges.length; j++)
edgeMatrix[i][nodes.indexOf(curEdges[j])] = true;
/** Get the closest waypoint to a given location. For convenience,
* this method is overloaded to accept both Origin or Vector3f parameters.
* @param location the location from which to measure waypoint distances
* @return the Waypoint closest to the given position */
public Waypoint findClosestWaypoint(Origin location)
return findClosestWaypoint(new Vector3f(location));
/** Get the closest waypoint to a given location. For convenience,
* this method is overloaded to accept both Origin or Vector3f parameters.
* @param location the location from which to measure waypoint distances
* @return the Waypoint closest to the given position */
public Waypoint findClosestWaypoint(Vector3f location)
float curDist = 0.0f;
Waypoint closest = null;
float minDist = Float.MAX_VALUE;
for(int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++)
curDist = location.distance(((Waypoint)nodes.elementAt(i)).getPosition());
if(curDist < minDist)
minDist = curDist;
closest = (Waypoint)nodes.elementAt(i);
return closest;
/** Lock the WaypointMap, to prohibit further alteration of its
* constituent nodes. This method also locks all individual nodes,
* preventing addition or removal of nodes, edges and item locations. */
public void lockMap()
locked = true;
for(int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++)
/** Unlock the WaypointMap, permitting alteration of constituent elements. */
public void unlockMap()
locked = false;
for(int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++)
/** Check whether or not the WaypointMap is locked.
* @return true if locked, false otherwise */
public boolean isLocked()
return locked;
/** Generate the waypoint, edge, cost and path matrices. Called whenever
* any of the graph-traversal methods finds that the matrices have been
* nullified - that is, when any changes are made to the structure of
* the graph.
* @see #nullifyMatrices
* @see #generateEdgeMatrix
* @see #generateWaypointMatrix
* @see #generateCostAndPathMatrices */
private void generateMatrices()
/** Get the closest Waypoint to the specified Waypoint at which an item
* of the the given type resides. The item type is specified by inventory
* index; see the Inventory class for a list of inventory constants
* @param currentPos the waypoint from which to seach
* @param itemInventoryIndex the inventory index corresponding to the
* item to search for
* @return the closest Waypoint at which a matching item exists
* @see soc.qase.state.Inventory */
public Waypoint findClosestItem(Waypoint currentPos, int itemInventoryIndex)
return findClosestItem(indexOf(currentPos), itemInventoryIndex);
/** Get the closest Waypoint to the specified position at which an item
* of the the given type resides. The item type is specified by inventory
* index; see the Inventory class for a list of inventory constants
* @param currentPos the position from which to search (generally the
* agent's current location)
* @param itemInventoryIndex the inventory index corresponding to the
* item to search for
* @return the closest Waypoint at which a matching item exists
* @see soc.qase.state.Inventory */
public Waypoint findClosestItem(Origin currentPos, int itemInventoryIndex)
return findClosestItem(indexOf(findClosestWaypoint(currentPos)), itemInventoryIndex);
/** Get the closest Waypoint to the specified position at which an item
* of the the given type resides. The item type is specified by inventory
* index; see the Inventory class for a list of inventory constants
* @param currentPos the position from which to search (generally the
* agent's current location)
* @param itemInventoryIndex the inventory index corresponding to the
* item to search for
* @return the closest Waypoint at which a matching item exists
* @see soc.qase.state.Inventory */
public Waypoint findClosestItem(Vector3f currentPos, int itemInventoryIndex)
return findClosestItem(indexOf(findClosestWaypoint(currentPos)), itemInventoryIndex);
/** Get the closest Waypoint to the specified position at which an item
* of the the given type resides. The item type is specified by inventory
* index; see the Inventory class for a list of inventory constants
* @param fromIndex the index of the node at which to start searching
* @param itemInventoryIndex the inventory index corresponding to the
* item to search for
* @return the closest Waypoint at which a matching item exists
* @see soc.qase.state.Inventory */
public Waypoint findClosestItem(int fromIndex, int itemInventoryIndex)
int toIndex = -1;
WaypointItem wpItem = null;
float minDist = Float.MAX_VALUE, curDist = 0.0f;
if(costMatrix == null)
for(int i = 0; i < itemNodes.size(); i++)
wpItem = (WaypointItem)itemNodes.elementAt(i);
curDist = costMatrix[fromIndex][indexOf(wpItem.getNode())];
if(wpItem.getItemInventoryIndex() == itemInventoryIndex && curDist < minDist)
minDist = curDist;
toIndex = indexOf(wpItem.getNode());
return (toIndex < 0 ? null : (Waypoint)nodes.elementAt(toIndex));
/** Get the closest Waypoint to the specified Waypoint at which an entity
* of the the specified type resides. The category, type and subtype
* are typically passed using the constants found in the Entity class.
* @param currentPos the Waypoint from which to search
* @param cat the category of entity to search for, or null to search
* for any category
* @param type the type of entity to search for, or null to search
* for any type
* @param subType the subtype of entity to search for, or null to search
* for any subtype
* @return the closest Waypoint at which a matching entity exists
* @see soc.qase.state.Entity */
public Waypoint findClosestEntity(Waypoint currentPos, String cat, String type, String subType)
return findClosestEntity(indexOf(currentPos), cat, type, subType);
/** Get the closest Waypoint to the specified position at which an entity
* of the the specified type resides. The category, type and subtype
* are typically passed using the constants found in the Entity class.
* @param currentPos the position from which to search (generally the
* agent's current location)
* @param cat the category of entity to search for, or null to search
* for any category
* @param type the type of entity to search for, or null to search
* for any type
* @param subType the subtype of entity to search for, or null to search
* for any subtype
* @return the closest Waypoint at which a matching entity exists
* @see soc.qase.state.Entity */
public Waypoint findClosestEntity(Origin currentPos, String cat, String type, String subType)
return findClosestEntity(indexOf(findClosestWaypoint(currentPos)), cat, type, subType);
/** Get the closest Waypoint to the specified position at which an entity
* of the the specified type resides. The category, type and subtype
* are typically passed using the constants found in the Entity class.
* @param currentPos the position from which to search (generally the
* agent's current location)
* @param cat the category of entity to search for, or null to search
* for any category
* @param type the type of entity to search for, or null to search
* for any type
* @param subType the subtype of entity to search for, or null to search
* for any subtype
* @return the closest Waypoint at which a matching entity exists
* @see soc.qase.state.Entity */
public Waypoint findClosestEntity(Vector3f currentPos, String cat, String type, String subType)
return findClosestEntity(indexOf(findClosestWaypoint(currentPos)), cat, type, subType);
/** Get the closest Waypoint to the specified position at which an entity
* of the the specified type resides. The category, type and subtype
* are typically passed using the constants found in the Entity class.
* @param fromIndex the index of the node at which to start searching
* @param cat the category of item to search for, or null to search
* for any category
* @param type the type of item to search for, or null to search
* for any type
* @param subType the subtype of item to search for, or null to search
* for any subtype
* @return the closest Waypoint at which a matching entity exists
* @see soc.qase.state.Entity */
public Waypoint findClosestEntity(int fromIndex, String cat, String type, String subType)
int toIndex = -1;
WaypointItem wpItem = null;
float minDist = Float.MAX_VALUE, curDist = 0.0f;
if(costMatrix == null)
for(int i = 0; i < itemNodes.size(); i++)
wpItem = (WaypointItem)itemNodes.elementAt(i);
curDist = costMatrix[fromIndex][indexOf(wpItem.getNode())];
if(wpItem.isEntityType(cat, type, subType) && curDist < minDist)
minDist = curDist;
toIndex = indexOf(wpItem.getNode());
return (toIndex < 0 ? null : (Waypoint)nodes.elementAt(toIndex));
/** Find the shortest path between two Waypoints. This uses the previously-
* generated cost and predecessor matrices.
* @param from the starting Waypoint
* @param to the ending Waypoint
* @return a Waypoint array indicating the shortest path */
public Waypoint[] findShortestPath(Waypoint from, Waypoint to)
return findShortestPath(nodes.indexOf(from), nodes.indexOf(to));
/** Find the shortest path between the closest Waypoints to the specified
* locations. This uses the previously-generated cost and predecessor
* matrices.
* @param from the starting position, usually the agent's current location
* @param to the position to which we need a path
* @return a Waypoint array indicating the shortest path between the
* two Waypoints closest to the start and end positions */
public Waypoint[] findShortestPath(Origin from, Origin to)
return findShortestPath(nodes.indexOf(findClosestWaypoint(from)), nodes.indexOf(findClosestWaypoint(to)));
/** Find the shortest path between the closest Waypoints to the specified
* locations. This uses the previously-generated cost and predecessor
* matrices.
* @param from the starting position, usually the agent's current location
* @param to the position to which we need a path
* @return a Waypoint array indicating the shortest path between the
* two Waypoints closest to the start and end positions */
public Waypoint[] findShortestPath(Vector3f from, Vector3f to)
return findShortestPath(nodes.indexOf(findClosestWaypoint(from)), nodes.indexOf(findClosestWaypoint(to)));
/** Find the shortest path between two Waypoints. This uses the previously-
* generated cost and predecessor matrices.
* @param fromIndex the index of the starting Waypoint
* @param toIndex the index of the ending Waypoint
* @return a Waypoint array indicating the shortest path */
public Waypoint[] findShortestPath(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
if(costMatrix == null || predMatrix == null)
int curPred = toIndex;
Vector predPath = new Vector();
{ predPath.add(nodes.elementAt(toIndex));
while((curPred = predMatrix[fromIndex][curPred]) != fromIndex) // backtrack through predecessors
predPath.insertElementAt(nodes.elementAt(curPred), 0);
predPath.insertElementAt(nodes.elementAt(fromIndex), 0);
return (Waypoint[])predPath.toArray(new Waypoint[0]);
catch(Exception e)
return null;
/** Get the path through the waypoint graph from the current Waypoint to
* the closest Waypoint at which an item of the the given type resides.
* The item type is specified by inventory index; see the Inventory class
* for a list of inventory constants
* @param currentPos the Waypoint from which to search
* @param itemInventoryIndex the inventory index corresponding to the
* item to search for
* @return a Waypoint array indicating the shortest path
* @see soc.qase.state.Inventory */
public Waypoint[] findShortestPathToItem(Waypoint currentPos, int itemInventoryIndex)
int fromIndex = indexOf(currentPos);
int toIndex = indexOf(findClosestItem(fromIndex, itemInventoryIndex));
if(toIndex == -1)
return null;
return findShortestPath(fromIndex, toIndex);
/** Get the path through the waypoint graph from the current position to
* the closest Waypoint at which an item of the the given type resides.
* The item type is specified by inventory index; see the Inventory class
* for a list of inventory constants
* @param currentPos the position from which to search (generally the
* agent's current location)
* @param itemInventoryIndex the inventory index corresponding to the
* item to search for
* @return a Waypoint array indicating the shortest path
* @see soc.qase.state.Inventory */
public Waypoint[] findShortestPathToItem(Origin currentPos, int itemInventoryIndex)
int fromIndex = indexOf(findClosestWaypoint(currentPos));
int toIndex = indexOf(findClosestItem(fromIndex, itemInventoryIndex));
if(toIndex == -1)
return null;
return findShortestPath(fromIndex, toIndex);
/** Get the path through the waypoint graph from the current position to
* the closest Waypoint at which an item of the the given type resides.
* The item type is specified by inventory index; see the Inventory class
* for a list of inventory constants
* @param currentPos the position from which to search (generally the
* agent's current location)
* @param itemInventoryIndex the inventory index corresponding to the
* item to search for
* @return a Waypoint array indicating the shortest path
* @see soc.qase.state.Inventory */
public Waypoint[] findShortestPathToItem(Vector3f currentPos, int itemInventoryIndex)
int fromIndex = indexOf(findClosestWaypoint(currentPos));
int toIndex = indexOf(findClosestItem(fromIndex, itemInventoryIndex));
if(toIndex == -1)
return null;
return findShortestPath(fromIndex, toIndex);
/** Get the path through the waypoint graph from the current Waypoint to
* the closest Waypoint at which an entity of the the given type resides.
* The category, type and subtype are typically passed using the
* constants found in the Entity class.
* @param currentPos the Waypoint from which to search
* @param cat the category of entity to search for, or null to search
* for any category
* @param type the type of entity to search for, or null to search
* for any type
* @param subType the subtype of entity to search for, or null to search
* for any subtype
* @return a Waypoint array indicating the shortest path
* @see soc.qase.state.Entity */
public Waypoint[] findShortestPathToEntity(Waypoint currentPos, String cat, String type, String subType)
int fromIndex = indexOf(currentPos);
int toIndex = indexOf(findClosestEntity(fromIndex, cat, type, subType));
if(fromIndex == -1 || toIndex == -1)
return null;
return findShortestPath(fromIndex, toIndex);
/** Get the path through the waypoint graph from the current position to
* the closest Waypoint at which an entity of the the given type resides.
* The category, type and subtype are typically passed using the
* constants found in the Entity class.
* @param currentPos the position from which to search (generally the
* agent's current location)
* @param cat the category of entity to search for, or null to search
* for any category
* @param type the type of entity to search for, or null to search
* for any type
* @param subType the subtype of entity to search for, or null to search
* for any subtype
* @return a Waypoint array indicating the shortest path
* @see soc.qase.state.Entity */
public Waypoint[] findShortestPathToEntity(Origin currentPos, String cat, String type, String subType)
int fromIndex = indexOf(findClosestWaypoint(currentPos));
int toIndex = indexOf(findClosestEntity(fromIndex, cat, type, subType));
if(toIndex == -1)
return null;
return findShortestPath(fromIndex, toIndex);
/** Get the path through the waypoint graph from the current position to
* the closest Waypoint at which an entity of the the given type resides.
* The category, type and subtype are typically passed using the
* constants found in the Entity class.
* @param currentPos the position from which to search (generally the
* agent's current location)
* @param cat the category of entity to search for, or null to search
* for any category
* @param type the type of entity to search for, or null to search
* for any type
* @param subType the subtype of entity to search for, or null to search
* for any subtype
* @return a Waypoint array indicating the shortest path
* @see soc.qase.state.Entity */
public Waypoint[] findShortestPathToEntity(Vector3f currentPos, String cat, String type, String subType)
int fromIndex = indexOf(findClosestWaypoint(currentPos));
int toIndex = indexOf(findClosestEntity(fromIndex, cat, type, subType));
if(toIndex == -1)
return null;
return findShortestPath(fromIndex, toIndex);
/** Generate the cost matrix (distances between each pair of nodes)
* and predecessor/path matrix (which node precedes the current node
* in the shortest path between each pair of nodes) by applying Floyd's
* algorithm to the adjacency matrix (distances between each directly-
* connected pair of nodes). Thereafter, the traversal methods can
* simply consult these matrices to find the shortest paths between
* any two arbitrary nodes.
* @see #generateWaypointMatrix
* @see #getWaypointMatrix
* @see #generateEdgeMatrix
* @see #getEdgeMatrix */
private void generateCostAndPathMatrices()
float dist = 0.0f;
if(edgeMatrix == null)
costMatrix = new float[nodes.size()][nodes.size()];
predMatrix = new int[nodes.size()][nodes.size()];
for(int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++)
for(int j = 0; j < nodes.size(); j++)
dist = (((Waypoint)nodes.elementAt(i)).getPosition().distance(((Waypoint)nodes.elementAt(j)).getPosition()));
predMatrix[i][j] = i;
costMatrix[i][j] = dist;
else if(i != j)
predMatrix[i][j] = -1;
costMatrix[i][j] = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for(int c = 0; c < nodes.size(); c++) // Floyd's Algorithm
for(int a = 0; a < nodes.size(); a++)
for(int b = 0; b < nodes.size(); b++)
if(!Float.isInfinite(costMatrix[a][c]) && !Float.isInfinite(costMatrix[c][b]))
if(Float.isInfinite(costMatrix[a][b]) || costMatrix[a][c] + costMatrix[c][b] < costMatrix[a][b])
predMatrix[a][b] = predMatrix[c][b];
costMatrix[a][b] = costMatrix[a][c] + costMatrix[c][b];