package com.theryanclark.op;
import com.theryanclark.op.core.Oil;
import com.theryanclark.op.core.Press;
import com.theryanclark.op.input.BlackOlive;
import com.theryanclark.op.input.GreenOlive;
import com.theryanclark.op.input.Olive;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
/* Give me olives, a press and a bucket; */
Press press = new Press(new Olive[] {
new GreenOlive(), new BlackOlive(),
new GreenOlive(), new BlackOlive(),
new GreenOlive()
}); // add five olives
press.add_olives(new Olive[] {
new BlackOlive(), new GreenOlive(),
new BlackOlive(), new GreenOlive(),
new BlackOlive()
}); // add five more olives
/* Run the machine and fill up our bucket; */
Oil bucket = press.crush();
/* Total amount of how much Olive Oil we have; */
System.out.println( "You have " + bucket.get_amount() + " units of oil." );