package org.deuce.transaction.tl2cm;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import org.deuce.transaction.TransactionException;
import org.deuce.transaction.tl2cm.contexts.ContextsMap;
import org.deuce.transaction.tl2.WriteSet;
import org.deuce.transaction.tl2.field.BooleanWriteFieldAccess;
import org.deuce.transaction.tl2.field.ByteWriteFieldAccess;
import org.deuce.transaction.tl2.field.CharWriteFieldAccess;
import org.deuce.transaction.tl2.field.DoubleWriteFieldAccess;
import org.deuce.transaction.tl2.field.FloatWriteFieldAccess;
import org.deuce.transaction.tl2.field.IntWriteFieldAccess;
import org.deuce.transaction.tl2.field.LongWriteFieldAccess;
import org.deuce.transaction.tl2.field.ObjectWriteFieldAccess;
import org.deuce.transaction.tl2.field.ReadFieldAccess;
import org.deuce.transaction.tl2.field.ShortWriteFieldAccess;
import org.deuce.transaction.tl2.field.WriteFieldAccess;
import org.deuce.transaction.tl2.pool.Pool;
import org.deuce.transaction.tl2.pool.ResourceFactory;
import org.deuce.transform.Exclude;
import edu.vt.realtime.Timespec;
* Context class for TL2 STM with Contention Management support. This class queries its
* Contention Manager regarding the need for bookkeeping of shared information, like
* priorities, currently running transaction, etc.
* Based on Guy Korland's and Pascal Felber's work on <code>org.deuce.transaction.tl2.*</code>
* and <code>org.deuce.transaction.lsa*</code>
* @author Yoav Cohen,
final public class Context extends org.deuce.transaction.AbstractContext {
public static final String TL2CM_LOGGER = "org.deuce.transaction.tl2cm";
//private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TL2CM_LOGGER);
//private static final boolean isTracing = logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO);
private static final AtomicInteger clock = new AtomicInteger(0);
private static final AtomicInteger threadIdCounter = new AtomicInteger(LockTable.INITIAL_OWNER+1);
private static final ContextsMap threads = Factory.createContextsMap();
private static ContentionManager cm;
private final int threadId;
private final ReadSet readSet = new ReadSet();
private final WriteSet writeSet = new WriteSet();
private final Statistics stats = new Statistics();
private final AtomicInteger localClock;
private final AtomicReference<Status> status;
private final AtomicInteger priority = new AtomicInteger(0);
private final AtomicInteger timestamp = new AtomicInteger(0);
private int atomicBlockId;
private long lastReadLock;
static {
try {
System.out.println("TL2CM Initialized:");
cm = Factory.createContentionManager();
System.out.println("Contention Manager: " + cm.getClass().getSimpleName() + "\n");
catch (Exception e) {
public Context() {
this.threadId = threadIdCounter.getAndIncrement();
this.localClock = new AtomicInteger(0);
this.status = new AtomicReference<Status>(Status.COMMITTED);
threads.put(threadId, this);
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
public void init(int atomicBlockId) {
this.atomicBlockId = atomicBlockId;
if (cm.requiresTimestamps() && status.get().equals(Status.COMMITTED)) {
// Only if the last transaction committed we issue a new timestamp
// otherwise we continue with the old one
public boolean commit() {
//trace("Commit begin", null);
if (writeSet.isEmpty()) {
// if the writeSet is empty no need to lock a thing - all read locations
// were validated before we read them
//trace("Commit end | result = true (writeSet empty)", null);
return true;
// Lock write set
int lockedCounter = 0;
for (WriteFieldAccess writeField : writeSet) {
//trace("trying to acquire lock #{0}", new Object[]{lockedCounter});
while (status.get().equals(Status.RUNNING)) {
int lockOwner = LockTable.lock(writeField.hashCode(), threadId);
if (lockOwner == -1) {
// Lock appeared to be free, but when I tried to CAS it, I failed.
// The owner of the lock is not known to me, therefore I can't
// efficiently do contention management, so I just retry.
else if (threadId != lockOwner) {
// Lock is owned by some other thread. Contention Management is in order
Context otherCtx = threads.get(lockOwner);
if (otherCtx == null) {
// this can happen if the other thread already finished and
// un-registered its context object. In this case, I retry.
//trace("Lock owner is not available, probably already finished. Retrying lock #{0}", new Object[]{lockedCounter});
else {
Action action = cm.resolve(writeField, this, otherCtx);
if (action == Action.RESTART) {
// this will cause my transaction to roll-back and restart itself
//trace("restarting transaction as a result of contention on lock #{0}", new Object[]{lockedCounter});
else if (action == Action.RETRY_LOCK) {
// try again to acquire the lock
//trace("Retrying lock #{0}", new Object[]{lockedCounter});
else {
// Lock is acquired!
//trace("Lock #{0} acquired", new Object[]{lockedCounter});
if (cm.requiresPriorities()) {
// If the while loop ended because someone killed me
// don't go to the next lock
if (!status.get().equals(Status.RUNNING)) {
// If the write set is locked, validate read set
boolean readSetValidated = false;
if (status.get().equals(Status.RUNNING)) {
try {
readSetValidated = true;
catch (TransactionException e) {
//trace("Commit | read set not validated", null);
// Wrap things up - try to commit
boolean committed = false;
if (readSetValidated) {
// If the read set is validated we can update the locks with a new version
int newClock = clock.incrementAndGet();
//trace("new clock is {0}", new Object[]{newClock});
for (WriteFieldAccess writeField : writeSet) {
writeField.put(); // commit value to field
LockTable.setAndReleaseLock(writeField.hashCode(), newClock, threadId);
//trace("Commit end | result = true", null);
if (cm.requiresPriorities()) {
committed = status.compareAndSet(Status.RUNNING, Status.COMMITTED);
if (committed) {
return true;
// Could not commit - rollback
if (!readSetValidated || !committed) {
//trace("Commit end | result = false", null);
return false;
return false;
public boolean commit(Timespec deadline_ts, Timespec period_ts, int tid) {
// dummy implementation to accomodate dtl2realtime
return true;
public boolean abort() {
// Proxy method implemented - For real implementation -come later - Sachin
return true;
public boolean rollback() {
return true;
* Kills the transaction executed by this thread. This method only kills
* the transaction that caused conflict by checking that the local clock
* value at the time the method was invoked equals the local clock value
* at the time the method is run.
* @param timeOfKill local clock at the time the kill or -1 if this thread kills itself
* method was invoked
public void kill(int timeOfKill) {
if (timeOfKill == -1 || localClock.get() == timeOfKill) {
//trace("kill", null);
status.compareAndSet(Status.RUNNING, Status.ABORTED);
* Gets the Id of this thread
* @return Id of this thread
public int getThreadId() {
return threadId;
public Status getStatus() {
return status.get();
public void setStatus(Status status) {
* Gets the clock value of the current transaction
* @return clock value of the current transaction
public int getLocalClock() {
return localClock.get();
* Gets the timestamp of the current transaction. The timestamp
* of the current transaction is the local clock value of the
* first attempt made by this thread to execute the current
* transaction.
* @return timestamp of the current transaction
public int getTimestamp() {
return timestamp.get();
* Gets the priority of this thread. The priority
* is calculated based on the number of locks this
* thread has opened and not committed on.
* @return thread's priority
public int getPriority() {
return priority.get();
public Statistics getStatistics() {
return this.stats;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" TID=");
sb.append(", TX=");
sb.append(", localClock=");
sb.append(", globalClock=");
sb.append(" writeSet=");
if (cm.requiresPriorities()) {
sb.append(", priority=");
String str = sb.toString();
return str;
* Rolls back the transaction by releasing the locations acquired
* so far during the <code>commit</code> method
* @param locksCounter amount of locked locations
private void rollback(int locksCounter) {
for (WriteFieldAccess writeField : writeSet) {
if (locksCounter-- > 0) {
// private void trace(String message, Object[] params) {
// if (isTracing) {
// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(message);
// sb.append(this.toString());
// String str = sb.toString();
// logger.log(Level.INFO, str, params);
// }
// }
private WriteFieldAccess onReadAccess0(Object obj, long field) {
ReadFieldAccess current = readSet.getCurrent();
int hash = current.hashCode();
// Check the read is still valid
LockTable.checkLock(hash, localClock.get(), lastReadLock);
// Check if it is already included in the write set
return writeSet.contains(current);
private void addWriteAccess0(WriteFieldAccess write) {
//trace("adding write to hash={0}", new Object[]{write.hashCode()});
// Add to write set
public void beforeReadAccess(Object obj, long field) {
ReadFieldAccess next = readSet.getNext();
next.init(obj, field);
// Check the read is still valid
lastReadLock = LockTable.checkAndGetLock(next.hashCode(), localClock.get());
public Object onReadAccess(Object obj, Object value, long field) {
WriteFieldAccess writeAccess = onReadAccess0(obj, field);
if (writeAccess == null)
return value;
return ((ObjectWriteFieldAccess) writeAccess).getValue();
public boolean onReadAccess(Object obj, boolean value, long field) {
WriteFieldAccess writeAccess = onReadAccess0(obj, field);
if (writeAccess == null)
return value;
return ((BooleanWriteFieldAccess) writeAccess).getValue();
public byte onReadAccess(Object obj, byte value, long field) {
WriteFieldAccess writeAccess = onReadAccess0(obj, field);
if (writeAccess == null)
return value;
return ((ByteWriteFieldAccess) writeAccess).getValue();
public char onReadAccess(Object obj, char value, long field) {
WriteFieldAccess writeAccess = onReadAccess0(obj, field);
if (writeAccess == null)
return value;
return ((CharWriteFieldAccess) writeAccess).getValue();
public short onReadAccess(Object obj, short value, long field) {
WriteFieldAccess writeAccess = onReadAccess0(obj, field);
if (writeAccess == null)
return value;
return ((ShortWriteFieldAccess) writeAccess).getValue();
public int onReadAccess(Object obj, int value, long field) {
WriteFieldAccess writeAccess = onReadAccess0(obj, field);
if (writeAccess == null)
return value;
return ((IntWriteFieldAccess) writeAccess).getValue();
public long onReadAccess(Object obj, long value, long field) {
WriteFieldAccess writeAccess = onReadAccess0(obj, field);
if (writeAccess == null)
return value;
return ((LongWriteFieldAccess) writeAccess).getValue();
public float onReadAccess(Object obj, float value, long field) {
WriteFieldAccess writeAccess = onReadAccess0(obj, field);
if (writeAccess == null)
return value;
return ((FloatWriteFieldAccess) writeAccess).getValue();
public double onReadAccess(Object obj, double value, long field) {
WriteFieldAccess writeAccess = onReadAccess0(obj, field);
if (writeAccess == null)
return value;
return ((DoubleWriteFieldAccess) writeAccess).getValue();
public void onWriteAccess(Object obj, Object value, long field) {
ObjectWriteFieldAccess next = objectPool.getNext();
next.set(value, obj, field);
public void onWriteAccess(Object obj, boolean value, long field) {
BooleanWriteFieldAccess next = booleanPool.getNext();
next.set(value, obj, field);
public void onWriteAccess(Object obj, byte value, long field) {
ByteWriteFieldAccess next = bytePool.getNext();
next.set(value, obj, field);
public void onWriteAccess(Object obj, char value, long field) {
CharWriteFieldAccess next = charPool.getNext();
next.set(value, obj, field);
public void onWriteAccess(Object obj, short value, long field) {
ShortWriteFieldAccess next = shortPool.getNext();
next.set(value, obj, field);
public void onWriteAccess(Object obj, int value, long field) {
IntWriteFieldAccess next = intPool.getNext();
next.set(value, obj, field);
public void onWriteAccess(Object obj, long value, long field) {
LongWriteFieldAccess next = longPool.getNext();
next.set(value, obj, field);
public void onWriteAccess(Object obj, float value, long field) {
FloatWriteFieldAccess next = floatPool.getNext();
next.set(value, obj, field);
public void onWriteAccess(Object obj, double value, long field) {
DoubleWriteFieldAccess next = doublePool.getNext();
next.set(value, obj, field);
private Pool<ObjectWriteFieldAccess> objectPool = new Pool<ObjectWriteFieldAccess>(
new ResourceFactory<ObjectWriteFieldAccess>() {
public ObjectWriteFieldAccess newInstance() {
return new ObjectWriteFieldAccess();
private Pool<BooleanWriteFieldAccess> booleanPool = new Pool<BooleanWriteFieldAccess>(
new ResourceFactory<BooleanWriteFieldAccess>() {
public BooleanWriteFieldAccess newInstance() {
return new BooleanWriteFieldAccess();
private Pool<ByteWriteFieldAccess> bytePool = new Pool<ByteWriteFieldAccess>(
new ResourceFactory<ByteWriteFieldAccess>() {
public ByteWriteFieldAccess newInstance() {
return new ByteWriteFieldAccess();
private Pool<CharWriteFieldAccess> charPool = new Pool<CharWriteFieldAccess>(
new ResourceFactory<CharWriteFieldAccess>() {
public CharWriteFieldAccess newInstance() {
return new CharWriteFieldAccess();
private Pool<ShortWriteFieldAccess> shortPool = new Pool<ShortWriteFieldAccess>(
new ResourceFactory<ShortWriteFieldAccess>() {
public ShortWriteFieldAccess newInstance() {
return new ShortWriteFieldAccess();
private Pool<IntWriteFieldAccess> intPool = new Pool<IntWriteFieldAccess>(
new ResourceFactory<IntWriteFieldAccess>() {
public IntWriteFieldAccess newInstance() {
return new IntWriteFieldAccess();
private Pool<LongWriteFieldAccess> longPool = new Pool<LongWriteFieldAccess>(
new ResourceFactory<LongWriteFieldAccess>() {
public LongWriteFieldAccess newInstance() {
return new LongWriteFieldAccess();
private Pool<FloatWriteFieldAccess> floatPool = new Pool<FloatWriteFieldAccess>(
new ResourceFactory<FloatWriteFieldAccess>() {
public FloatWriteFieldAccess newInstance() {
return new FloatWriteFieldAccess();
private Pool<DoubleWriteFieldAccess> doublePool = new Pool<DoubleWriteFieldAccess>(
new ResourceFactory<DoubleWriteFieldAccess>() {
public DoubleWriteFieldAccess newInstance() {
return new DoubleWriteFieldAccess();
public boolean wakeupWaitingTasks(int tid) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean abort(int tid) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;