* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
package com.l2jfrozen.util;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.controllers.GameTimeController;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.L2GameClient;
import com.l2jfrozen.loginserver.L2LoginClient;
import com.l2jfrozen.loginserver.LoginController;
import com.l2jfrozen.loginserver.network.serverpackets.LoginFail.LoginFailReason;
import com.l2jfrozen.netcore.Config;
import com.l2jfrozen.netcore.MMOClient;
* @author Enzo
public class PacketsFloodProtector
private final static int MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS_PER_PLAYER = 10;
private static Hashtable<String, AtomicInteger> clients_concurrent_actions = new Hashtable<String, AtomicInteger>();
private static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(PacketsFloodProtector.class.getName());
private static Hashtable<String, Hashtable<Integer, AtomicInteger>> clients_actions = new Hashtable<String, Hashtable<Integer, AtomicInteger>>();
private static Hashtable<String, Hashtable<Integer, Integer>> clients_nextGameTick = new Hashtable<String, Hashtable<Integer, Integer>>();
private static Hashtable<String, Boolean> punishes_in_progress = new Hashtable<String, Boolean>();
* Checks whether the request is flood protected or not.
* @param opcode
* @param opcode2
* @param client
* @return true if action is allowed, otherwise false
public static boolean tryPerformAction(final int opcode, final int opcode2, MMOClient<?> client)
return true;
// filter on opcodes
if (!isOpCodeToBeTested(opcode, opcode2, client instanceof L2LoginClient))
return true;
String account = "";
if (client instanceof L2LoginClient)
L2LoginClient login_cl = (L2LoginClient) client;
account = login_cl.getAccount();
else if (client instanceof L2GameClient)
L2GameClient game_cl = (L2GameClient) client;
account = game_cl.accountName;
if (account == null)
return true;
// get actual concurrent actions number for account
AtomicInteger actions_per_account = clients_concurrent_actions.get(account);
if (actions_per_account == null)
actions_per_account = new AtomicInteger(0);
if (actions_per_account.get() < MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS_PER_PLAYER)
int actions = actions_per_account.incrementAndGet();
if (Config.getInstance().ENABLE_MMOCORE_DEBUG)
//_log.info(" -- account " + account + " has performed " + actions + " concurrent actions until now");
clients_concurrent_actions.put(account, actions_per_account);
return false;
final int curTick = GameTimeController.getGameTicks();
Hashtable<Integer, Integer> account_nextGameTicks = clients_nextGameTick.get(account);
if (account_nextGameTicks == null)
account_nextGameTicks = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer>();
Integer _nextGameTick = account_nextGameTicks.get(opcode);
if (_nextGameTick == null)
_nextGameTick = curTick;
account_nextGameTicks.put(opcode, _nextGameTick);
clients_nextGameTick.put(account, account_nextGameTicks);
Boolean _punishmentInProgress = punishes_in_progress.get(account);
if (_punishmentInProgress == null)
_punishmentInProgress = false;
else if (_punishmentInProgress)
AtomicInteger actions = clients_concurrent_actions.get(account);
clients_concurrent_actions.put(account, actions);
return false;
punishes_in_progress.put(account, _punishmentInProgress);
Hashtable<Integer, AtomicInteger> received_commands_actions = clients_actions.get(account);
if (received_commands_actions == null)
received_commands_actions = new Hashtable<Integer, AtomicInteger>();
AtomicInteger command_count = null;
if ((command_count = received_commands_actions.get(opcode)) == null)
command_count = new AtomicInteger(0);
received_commands_actions.put(opcode, command_count);
clients_actions.put(account, received_commands_actions);
if (curTick <= _nextGameTick && !_punishmentInProgress) // time to check operations
clients_actions.get(account).put(opcode, command_count);
if (Config.getInstance().ENABLE_MMOCORE_DEBUG)
//_log.info("-- called OpCode " + Integer.toHexString(opcode) + " ~" + String.valueOf((Config.getInstance().FLOOD_PACKET_PROTECTION_INTERVAL - (_nextGameTick - curTick)) * GameTimeController.MILLIS_IN_TICK) + " ms after first command...");
//_log.info(" total received packets with OpCode " + Integer.toHexString(opcode) + " into the Interval: " + command_count.get());
if (Config.getInstance().PACKET_FLOODING_PUNISHMENT_LIMIT > 0 && command_count.get() >= Config.getInstance().PACKET_FLOODING_PUNISHMENT_LIMIT && Config.getInstance().PACKET_FLOODING_PUNISHMENT_TYPE != null)
punishes_in_progress.put(account, true);
if (!isOpCodeToBeTested(opcode, opcode2, client instanceof L2LoginClient))
if (Config.getInstance().LOG_PACKET_FLOODING && _log.isLoggable(Level.WARNING))
//_log.warning("ATTENTION: Account " + account + " is flooding the server...");
if ("kick".equals(Config.getInstance().PACKET_FLOODING_PUNISHMENT_TYPE))
if (Config.getInstance().LOG_PACKET_FLOODING && _log.isLoggable(Level.WARNING))
//_log.warning(" ------- kicking account " + account);
kickPlayer(client, opcode);
else if ("ban".equals(Config.getInstance().PACKET_FLOODING_PUNISHMENT_TYPE))
if (Config.getInstance().LOG_PACKET_FLOODING && _log.isLoggable(Level.WARNING))
//_log.warning(" ------- banning account " + account);
banAccount(client, opcode);
// clear already punished account
return false;
if (curTick == _nextGameTick)
{ // if is the first time, just calculate the next game tick
_nextGameTick = curTick + Config.getInstance().FLOOD_PACKET_PROTECTION_INTERVAL;
clients_nextGameTick.get(account).put(opcode, _nextGameTick);
AtomicInteger actions = clients_concurrent_actions.get(account);
clients_concurrent_actions.put(account, actions);
return true;
punishes_in_progress.put(account, false);
AtomicInteger actions = clients_concurrent_actions.get(account);
clients_concurrent_actions.put(account, actions);
return true;
private static boolean isOpCodeToBeTested(int opcode, int opcode2, boolean loginclient)
if (loginclient)
return !Config.getInstance().LS_LIST_PROTECTED_OPCODES.contains(opcode);
if (opcode == 0xd0)
if (Config.getInstance().GS_LIST_PROTECTED_OPCODES.contains(opcode))
return !Config.getInstance().GS_LIST_PROTECTED_OPCODES2.contains(opcode2);
return true;
return !Config.getInstance().GS_LIST_PROTECTED_OPCODES.contains(opcode);
* Kick player from game (close network connection).
* @param _client
* @param opcode
private static void kickPlayer(MMOClient<?> _client, int opcode)
if (_client instanceof L2LoginClient)
L2LoginClient login_cl = (L2LoginClient) _client;
//_log.warning("Player with account " + login_cl.getAccount() + " kicked for flooding with packet " + Integer.toHexString(opcode));
else if (_client instanceof L2GameClient)
L2GameClient game_cl = (L2GameClient) _client;
//_log.warning("Player with account " + game_cl.accountName + " kicked for flooding with packet " + Integer.toHexString(opcode));
* Bans char account and logs out the char.
* @param _client
* @param opcode
private static void banAccount(MMOClient<?> _client, int opcode)
if (_client instanceof L2LoginClient)
L2LoginClient login_cl = (L2LoginClient) _client;
LoginController.getInstance().setAccountAccessLevel(login_cl.getAccount(), -100);
//_log.warning("Player with account " + login_cl.getAccount() + " banned for flooding forever with packet " + Integer.toHexString(opcode));
else if (_client instanceof L2GameClient)
L2GameClient game_cl = (L2GameClient) _client;
if (game_cl.getActiveChar() != null)
game_cl.getActiveChar().setPunishLevel(L2PcInstance.PunishLevel.ACC, 0);
//_log.warning("Player " + game_cl.getActiveChar() + " of account " + game_cl.accountName + " banned forever for flooding with packet " + Integer.toHexString(opcode));
//_log.warning("Player with account " + game_cl.accountName + " kicked for flooding with packet " + Integer.toHexString(opcode));