* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.spawn;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javolution.util.FastList;
import com.l2jfrozen.Config;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.datatables.sql.TerritoryTable;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.geo.GeoData;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.idfactory.IdFactory;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Attackable;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Object;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2NpcInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.quest.Quest;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.templates.L2NpcTemplate;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.thread.ThreadPoolManager;
import com.l2jfrozen.util.random.Rnd;
* This class manages the spawn and respawn of a group of L2NpcInstance that are in the same are and have the same type.
* <B><U> Concept</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* L2NpcInstance can be spawned either in a random position into a location area (if Lox=0 and Locy=0), either at an
* exact position. The heading of the L2NpcInstance can be a random heading if not defined (value= -1) or an exact
* heading (ex : merchant...).<BR>
* <BR>
* @author Nightmare
* @version $Revision: $ $Date: 2005/03/27 15:29:32 $
public class L2Spawn
protected static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(L2Spawn.class.getName());
* The link on the L2NpcTemplate object containing generic and static properties of this spawn (ex : RewardExp,
* RewardSP, AggroRange...)
private L2NpcTemplate _template;
/** The Identifier of this spawn in the spawn table */
private int _id;
// private String _location = DEFAULT_LOCATION;
/** The identifier of the location area where L2NpcInstance can be spwaned */
private int _location;
/** The maximum number of L2NpcInstance that can manage this L2Spawn */
private int _maximumCount;
/** The current number of L2NpcInstance managed by this L2Spawn */
private int _currentCount;
/** The current number of SpawnTask in progress or stand by of this L2Spawn */
protected int _scheduledCount;
/** The X position of the spwan point */
private int _locX;
/** The Y position of the spwan point */
private int _locY;
/** The Z position of the spwan point */
private int _locZ;
/** The heading of L2NpcInstance when they are spawned */
private int _heading;
/** The delay between a L2NpcInstance remove and its re-spawn */
private int _respawnDelay;
/** Minimum delay RaidBoss */
private int _respawnMinDelay;
/** Maximum delay RaidBoss */
private int _respawnMaxDelay;
/** The generic constructor of L2NpcInstance managed by this L2Spawn */
private Constructor<?> _constructor;
/** If True a L2NpcInstance is respawned each time that another is killed */
private boolean _doRespawn;
private int _instanceId = 0;
private L2NpcInstance _lastSpawn;
private static List<SpawnListener> _spawnListeners = new FastList<SpawnListener>();
/** The task launching the function doSpawn() */
class SpawnTask implements Runnable
//L2NpcInstance _instance;
//int _objId;
private L2NpcInstance _oldNpc;
public SpawnTask(/*int objid*/L2NpcInstance pOldNpc)
//_objId= objid;
_oldNpc = pOldNpc;
public void run()
catch(Exception e)
_log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e);
* Constructor of L2Spawn.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Concept</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* Each L2Spawn owns generic and static properties (ex : RewardExp, RewardSP, AggroRange...). All of those
* properties are stored in a different L2NpcTemplate for each type of L2Spawn. Each template is loaded once in the
* server cache memory (reduce memory use). When a new instance of L2Spawn is created, server just create a link
* between the instance and the template. This link is stored in <B>_template</B><BR>
* <BR>
* Each L2NpcInstance is linked to a L2Spawn that manages its spawn and respawn (delay, location...). This link is
* stored in <B>_spawn</B> of the L2NpcInstance<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Set the _template of the L2Spawn</li> <li>Calculate the implementationName used to generate the generic
* constructor of L2NpcInstance managed by this L2Spawn</li> <li>Create the generic constructor of L2NpcInstance
* managed by this L2Spawn</li><BR>
* <BR>
* @param mobTemplate The L2NpcTemplate to link to this L2Spawn
* @throws SecurityException
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
* @throws NoSuchMethodException
public L2Spawn(L2NpcTemplate mobTemplate) throws SecurityException, ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException
// Set the _template of the L2Spawn
_template = mobTemplate;
if(_template == null)
// The Name of the L2NpcInstance type managed by this L2Spawn
String implementationName = _template.type; // implementing class name
if(mobTemplate.npcId == 30995)
implementationName = "L2RaceManager";
// if (mobTemplate.npcId == 8050)
if(mobTemplate.npcId >= 31046 && mobTemplate.npcId <= 31053)
implementationName = "L2SymbolMaker";
// Create the generic constructor of L2NpcInstance managed by this L2Spawn
Class<?>[] parameters =
int.class, L2NpcTemplate.class
_constructor = Class.forName("com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance." + implementationName + "Instance").getConstructor(parameters);
implementationName = null;
* @return the maximum number of L2NpcInstance that this L2Spawn can manage.
public int getAmount()
return _maximumCount;
* @return the Identifier of this L2Spwan (used as key in the SpawnTable).
public int getId()
return _id;
* @return the Identifier of the location area where L2NpcInstance can be spwaned.
public int getLocation()
return _location;
* @return the X position of the spwan point.
public int getLocx()
return _locX;
* @return the Y position of the spwan point.
public int getLocy()
return _locY;
* @return the Z position of the spwan point.
public int getLocz()
return _locZ;
* @return the Identifier of the L2NpcInstance manage by this L2Spwan contained in the L2NpcTemplate.
public int getNpcid()
if(_template == null)
return -1;
return _template.npcId;
* @return the heading of L2NpcInstance when they are spawned.
public int getHeading()
return _heading;
* @return the delay between a L2NpcInstance remove and its re-spawn.
public int getRespawnDelay()
return _respawnDelay;
* @return Min RaidBoss Spawn delay.
public int getRespawnMinDelay()
return _respawnMinDelay;
* @return Max RaidBoss Spawn delay.
public int getRespawnMaxDelay()
return _respawnMaxDelay;
* Set the maximum number of L2NpcInstance that this L2Spawn can manage.
* @param amount
public void setAmount(int amount)
_maximumCount = amount;
* Set the Identifier of this L2Spwan (used as key in the SpawnTable).
* @param id
public void setId(int id)
_id = id;
* Set the Identifier of the location area where L2NpcInstance can be spwaned.
* @param location
public void setLocation(int location)
_location = location;
* Set Minimum Respawn Delay.
* @param date
public void setRespawnMinDelay(int date)
_respawnMinDelay = date;
* Set Maximum Respawn Delay.
* @param date
public void setRespawnMaxDelay(int date)
_respawnMaxDelay = date;
* Set the X position of the spwan point.
* @param locx
public void setLocx(int locx)
_locX = locx;
* Set the Y position of the spwan point.
* @param locy
public void setLocy(int locy)
_locY = locy;
* Set the Z position of the spwan point.
* @param locz
public void setLocz(int locz)
_locZ = locz;
* Set the heading of L2NpcInstance when they are spawned.
* @param heading
public void setHeading(int heading)
_heading = heading;
* Kidzor Set the spawn as custom.
* @param custom
public void setCustom(boolean custom)
_customSpawn = custom;
* Kidzor Return type of spawn.
* @return
public boolean isCustom()
return _customSpawn;
/** If true then spawn is custom */
private boolean _customSpawn;
private boolean _customBossInstance = false;
* @return the _customBossInstance
public boolean is_customBossInstance()
return _customBossInstance;
* @param customBossInstance the _customBossInstance to set
public void set_customBossInstance(boolean customBossInstance)
_customBossInstance = customBossInstance;
* Decrease the current number of L2NpcInstance of this L2Spawn and if necessary create a SpawnTask to launch after
* the respawn Delay.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Decrease the current number of L2NpcInstance of this L2Spawn</li> <li>Check if respawn is possible to prevent
* multiple respawning caused by lag</li> <li>Update the current number of SpawnTask in progress or stand by of this
* L2Spawn</li> <li>Create a new SpawnTask to launch after the respawn Delay</li><BR>
* <BR>
* <FONT COLOR=#FF0000><B> <U>Caution</U> : A respawn is possible ONLY if _doRespawn=True and _scheduledCount +
* _currentCount < _maximumCount</B></FONT><BR>
* <BR>
* @param oldNpc
public void decreaseCount(/*int npcId*/L2NpcInstance oldNpc)
// Decrease the current number of L2NpcInstance of this L2Spawn
// Check if respawn is possible to prevent multiple respawning caused by lag
if(_doRespawn && _scheduledCount + _currentCount < _maximumCount)
// Update the current number of SpawnTask in progress or stand by of this L2Spawn
// Create a new SpawnTask to launch after the respawn Delay
//ClientScheduler.getInstance().scheduleLow(new SpawnTask(npcId), _respawnDelay);
ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new SpawnTask(oldNpc), _respawnDelay);
* Create the initial spawning and set _doRespawn to True.<BR>
* <BR>
* @return The number of L2NpcInstance that were spawned
public int init()
while(_currentCount < _maximumCount)
_doRespawn = true;
return _currentCount;
* Create a L2NpcInstance in this L2Spawn.
* @return
public L2NpcInstance spawnOne()
return doSpawn();
* Set _doRespawn to False to stop respawn in this L2Spawn.
public void stopRespawn()
_doRespawn = false;
* Set _doRespawn to True to start or restart respawn in this L2Spawn.
public void startRespawn()
_doRespawn = true;
* Create the L2NpcInstance, add it to the world and launch its OnSpawn action.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Concept</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* L2NpcInstance can be spawned either in a random position into a location area (if Lox=0 and Locy=0), either at an
* exact position. The heading of the L2NpcInstance can be a random heading if not defined (value= -1) or an exact
* heading (ex : merchant...).<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions for an random spawn into location area</U> : <I>(if Locx=0 and Locy=0)</I></B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Get L2NpcInstance Init parameters and its generate an Identifier</li> <li>Call the constructor of the
* L2NpcInstance</li> <li>Calculate the random position in the location area (if Locx=0 and Locy=0) or get its exact
* position from the L2Spawn</li> <li>Set the position of the L2NpcInstance</li> <li>Set the HP and MP of the
* L2NpcInstance to the max</li> <li>Set the heading of the L2NpcInstance (random heading if not defined : value=-1)
* </li> <li>Link the L2NpcInstance to this L2Spawn</li> <li>Init other values of the L2NpcInstance (ex : from its
* L2CharTemplate for INT, STR, DEX...) and add it in the world</li> <li>Lauch the action OnSpawn fo the
* L2NpcInstance</li><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Increase the current number of L2NpcInstance managed by this L2Spawn</li><BR>
* <BR>
* @return
public L2NpcInstance doSpawn()
L2NpcInstance mob = null;
// Check if the L2Spawn is not a L2Pet or L2Minion spawn
if(_template.type.equalsIgnoreCase("L2Pet") || _template.type.equalsIgnoreCase("L2Minion"))
return mob;
// Get L2NpcInstance Init parameters and its generate an Identifier
Object[] parameters =
IdFactory.getInstance().getNextId(), _template
// Call the constructor of the L2NpcInstance
// (can be a L2ArtefactInstance, L2FriendlyMobInstance, L2GuardInstance, L2MonsterInstance, L2SiegeGuardInstance, L2BoxInstance,
// L2FeedableBeastInstance, L2TamedBeastInstance, L2FolkInstance)
Object tmp = _constructor.newInstance(parameters);
// Must be done before object is spawned into visible world
((L2Object) tmp).setInstanceId(_instanceId);
// Check if the Instance is a L2NpcInstance
if(!(tmp instanceof L2NpcInstance))
return mob;
mob = (L2NpcInstance) tmp;
return intializeNpcInstance(mob);
catch(Exception e)
_log.log(Level.WARNING, "NPC " + _template.npcId + " class not found", e);
return mob;
* @param mob
* @return
private L2NpcInstance intializeNpcInstance(L2NpcInstance mob)
int newlocx, newlocy, newlocz;
boolean doCorrect = false;
if(Config.GEODATA > 0)
case ALL:
doCorrect = true;
case TOWN:
if(mob != null)
doCorrect = true;
if(mob instanceof L2Attackable)
doCorrect = true;
// If Locx=0 and Locy=0, the L2NpcInstance must be spawned in an area defined by location
if(getLocx() == 0 && getLocy() == 0)
if(getLocation() == 0)
return mob;
// Calculate the random position in the location area
int p[] = TerritoryTable.getInstance().getRandomPoint(getLocation());
// Set the calculated position of the L2NpcInstance
newlocx = p[0];
newlocy = p[1];
newlocz = GeoData.getInstance().getSpawnHeight(newlocx, newlocy, p[2], p[3], _id);
// The L2NpcInstance is spawned at the exact position (Lox, Locy, Locz)
newlocx = getLocx();
newlocy = getLocy();
newlocz = doCorrect ? GeoData.getInstance().getSpawnHeight(newlocx, newlocy, getLocz(), getLocz(), _id) : getLocz();
if (mob != null)
// Set the HP and MP of the L2NpcInstance to the max
mob.setCurrentHpMp(mob.getMaxHp(), mob.getMaxMp());
// Set the heading of the L2NpcInstance (random heading if not defined)
if(getHeading() == -1)
// Reset decay info
// Link the L2NpcInstance to this L2Spawn
// Init other values of the L2NpcInstance (ex : from its L2CharTemplate for INT, STR, DEX...) and add it in the world as a visible object
mob.spawnMe(newlocx, newlocy, newlocz);
_lastSpawn = mob;
_log.finest("spawned Mob ID: " + _template.npcId + " ,at: " + mob.getX() + " x, " + mob.getY() + " y, " + mob.getZ() + " z");
for(Quest quest : mob.getTemplate().getEventQuests(Quest.QuestEventType.ON_SPAWN))
// Increase the current number of L2NpcInstance managed by this L2Spawn
return mob;
public static void addSpawnListener(SpawnListener listener)
synchronized (_spawnListeners)
public static void removeSpawnListener(SpawnListener listener)
synchronized (_spawnListeners)
public static void notifyNpcSpawned(L2NpcInstance npc)
synchronized (_spawnListeners)
for(SpawnListener listener : _spawnListeners)
* @param i delay in seconds
public void setRespawnDelay(int i)
if(i < 0)
_log.warning("respawn delay is negative for spawnId:" + _id);
if(i < 10)
i = 10;
_respawnDelay = i * 1000;
public L2NpcInstance getLastSpawn()
return _lastSpawn;
* @param oldNpc
public void respawnNpc(L2NpcInstance oldNpc)
/*L2NpcInstance instance = */intializeNpcInstance(oldNpc);
public L2NpcTemplate getTemplate()
return _template;
public int getInstanceId()
return _instanceId;
public void setInstanceId(int instanceId)
_instanceId = instanceId;