* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ActionFailed;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.MyTargetSelected;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ValidateLocation;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.templates.L2NpcTemplate;
public class L2DungeonInstance extends L2NpcInstance
private static final String PARENT_DIR = "data/html/default/";
public L2DungeonInstance(int objectID, L2NpcTemplate template)
super(objectID, template);
public void onAction(L2PcInstance player)
// Check if the L2PcInstance already target the L2NpcInstance
if(this != player.getTarget())
// Set the target of the L2PcInstance player
// Send a Server->Client packet MyTargetSelected to the L2PcInstance player
MyTargetSelected my = new MyTargetSelected(getObjectId(), 0);
my = null;
player.sendPacket(new ValidateLocation(this));
// Calculate the distance between the L2PcInstance and the L2NpcInstance
// Notify the L2PcInstance AI with AI_INTENTION_INTERACT
player.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_INTERACT, this);
NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(1);
sendHtmlMessage(player, html);
// Send a Server->Client ActionFailed to the L2PcInstance in order to avoid that the client wait another packet
private void sendHtmlMessage(L2PcInstance player, NpcHtmlMessage html)
html.replace("%objectId%", String.valueOf(getObjectId()));
html.replace("%npcId%", String.valueOf(getNpcId()));