* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.managers.CustomNpcInstanceManager;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.base.ClassId;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.base.Race;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.templates.L2WeaponType;
import com.l2jfrozen.util.random.Rnd;
* This class manages Npc Polymorph into player instances, they look like regular players. This effect will show up on
* all clients.
* @author Darki699
public final class L2CustomNpcInstance
private boolean _allowRandomWeapons = true; //Default value
private boolean _allowRandomClass = true; //Default value
private boolean _allowRandomAppearance = true; //Default value
private String _name;
private String _title;
private int _int[]; // PcInstance integer stats
private boolean _boolean[]; // PcInstance booolean stats
private L2NpcInstance _NpcInstance; // Reference to Npc with this stats
private ClassId _classId; // ClassId of this (N)Pc
* A constructor
* @param myNpc - Receives the L2NpcInstance as a reference.
public L2CustomNpcInstance(L2NpcInstance myNpc)
_NpcInstance = myNpc;
if(_NpcInstance == null)
else if(_NpcInstance.getSpawn() == null)
* Initializes the semi PcInstance stats for this NpcInstance, making it appear as a PcInstance on all clients
private final void initialize()
_int = new int[25];
// karma=1, clanId=2, allyId=3, clanCrest=4, allyCrest=5, race=6, classId=7
// EnchantWeapon=8, PledgeClass=9, CursedWeaponLevel=10
// RightHand=11, LeftHand=12, Gloves=13, Chest=14, Legs=15, Feet=16, Hair1=17, Hair2=18
// HairStyle=19, HairColor=20, Face=21
// NameColor=22, TitleColor=23
_boolean = new boolean[4];
//pvp=0 , noble=1, hero=2, isFemaleSex=3
// load the Pc Morph Data
CustomNpcInstanceManager.customInfo ci = CustomNpcInstanceManager.getInstance().getCustomData(_NpcInstance.getSpawn().getId(), _NpcInstance.getNpcId());
if(ci == null)
_NpcInstance = null;
ci = null;
* @return the custom npc's name, or the original npc name if no custom name is provided
public final String getName()
return _name == null ? _NpcInstance.getName() : _name;
* @return the custom npc's title, or the original npc title if no custom title is provided
public final String getTitle()
return _title == null ? _NpcInstance.getTitle() : _NpcInstance.isChampion() ? "The Champion" + _title : _title;
* @return the npc's karma or aggro range if he has any...
public final int getKarma()
return _int[1] > 0 ? _int[1] : _NpcInstance.getAggroRange();
* @return the clan Id
public final int getClanId()
return _int[2];
* @return the ally Id
public final int getAllyId()
return _int[3];
* @return the clan crest Id
public final int getClanCrestId()
return _int[4];
* @return the ally crest Id
public final int getAllyCrestId()
return _int[5];
* @return the Race ordinal
public final int getRace()
return _int[6];
* @return the class id, e.g.: fighter, warrior, mystic muse...
public final int getClassId()
return _int[7];
* @return the enchant level of the equipped weapon, if one is equipped (max = 127)
public final int getEnchantWeapon()
return PAPERDOLL_RHAND() == 0 || getCursedWeaponLevel() != 0 ? 0 : _int[8] > 127 ? 127 : _int[8];
* @return the pledge class identifier, e.g. vagabond, baron, marquiz
* @remark Champion mobs are always Marquiz
public final int getPledgeClass()
return _NpcInstance.isChampion() ? 8 : _int[9];
* @return the cursed weapon level, if one is equipped
public final int getCursedWeaponLevel()
return PAPERDOLL_RHAND() == 0 || _int[8] > 0 ? 0 : _int[10];
* @return the item id for the item in the right hand, if a custom item is not equipped the value returned is the
* original npc right-hand weapon id
public final int PAPERDOLL_RHAND()
return _int[11] != 0 ? _int[11] : _NpcInstance.getRightHandItem();
* @return the item id for the item in the left hand, if a custom item is not equipped the value returned is the
* original npc left-hand weapon id. Setting this value _int[12] = -1 will not allow a npc to have anything
* in the left hand
public final int PAPERDOLL_LHAND()
return _int[12] > 0 ? _int[12] : _int[12] == 0 ? _NpcInstance.getLeftHandItem() : 0;
* @return the item id for the gloves
public final int PAPERDOLL_GLOVES()
return _int[13];
* @return the item id for the chest armor
public final int PAPERDOLL_CHEST()
return _int[14];
* @return the item id for the leg armor, or 0 if wearing a full armor
public final int PAPERDOLL_LEGS()
return _int[15];
* @return the item id for feet armor
public final int PAPERDOLL_FEET()
return _int[16];
* @return the item id for the 1st hair slot, or all hair
public final int PAPERDOLL_HAIR()
return _int[17];
* @return the item id for the 2nd hair slot
public final int PAPERDOLL_HAIR2()
return _int[18];
* @return the npc's hair style appearance
public final int getHairStyle()
return _int[19];
* @return the npc's hair color appearance
public final int getHairColor()
return _int[20];
* @return the npc's face appearance
public final int getFace()
return _int[21];
* @return the npc's name color (in hexadecimal), 0xFFFFFF is the default value
public final int nameColor()
return _int[22] == 0 ? 0xFFFFFF : _int[22];
* @return the npc's title color (in hexadecimal), 0xFFFF77 is the default value
public final int titleColor()
return _int[23] == 0 ? 0xFFFF77 : _int[23];
* @return is npc in pvp mode?
public final boolean getPvpFlag()
return _boolean[0];
* @return is npc in pvp mode?
public final int getHeading()
return _NpcInstance.getHeading();
* @return true if npc is a noble
public final boolean isNoble()
return _boolean[1];
* @return true if hero glow should show up
* @remark A Champion mob will always have hero glow
public final boolean isHero()
return _NpcInstance.isChampion() ? true : _boolean[2];
* @return true if female, false if male
* @remark In the DB, if you set
* @MALE value=0
* @FEMALE value=1
* @MAYBE value=2 % chance for the <b>Entire Template</b> to become male or female (it's a maybe value) If female,
* all template will be female, if Male, all template will be male
public final boolean isFemaleSex()
return _boolean[3];
* Choose a random weapon for this L2CustomNpcInstance
private final void chooseRandomWeapon()
L2WeaponType wpnType = null;
wpnType = Rnd.get(100) > 40 ? L2WeaponType.BOW : L2WeaponType.BOW;
wpnType = L2WeaponType.BOW;
while(true) // Choose correct weapon TYPE
wpnType = L2WeaponType.values()[Rnd.get(L2WeaponType.values().length)];
if(wpnType == null)
else if(wpnType == L2WeaponType.BOW || wpnType == L2WeaponType.BOW)
else if(_classId.getRace() == Race.human)
if(Rnd.get(100) < 10)
* Choose a random class & race for this L2CustomNpcInstance
private final void chooseRandomClass()
_classId = ClassId.values()[Rnd.get(ClassId.values().length)];
if(_classId == null)
else if(_classId.getRace() != null && _classId.getParent() != null)
_int[6] = _classId.getRace().ordinal();
_int[7] = _classId.getId();
* Choose random appearance for this L2CustomNpcInstance
private final void chooseRandomAppearance()
// Karma=1, PledgeClass=9
// HairStyle=19, HairColor=20, Face=21
// NameColor=22, TitleColor=23
// noble=1, hero=2, isFemaleSex=3
_boolean[1] = Rnd.get(100) < 15 ? true : false;
_boolean[3] = Rnd.get(100) < 50 ? true : false;
_int[22] = _int[23] = 0;
if(Rnd.get(100) < 5)
_int[22] = 0x0000FF;
else if(Rnd.get(100) < 5)
_int[22] = 0x00FF00;
if(Rnd.get(100) < 5)
_int[23] = 0x0000FF;
else if(Rnd.get(100) < 5)
_int[23] = 0x00FF00;
_int[1] = Rnd.get(100) > 95 ? 0 : Rnd.get(100) > 10 ? 50 : 1000;
_int[19] = Rnd.get(100) < 34 ? 0 : Rnd.get(100) < 34 ? 1 : 2;
_int[20] = Rnd.get(100) < 34 ? 0 : Rnd.get(100) < 34 ? 1 : 2;
_int[21] = Rnd.get(100) < 34 ? 0 : Rnd.get(100) < 34 ? 1 : 2;
int pledgeLevel = Rnd.get(100);
// 30% is left for either pledge=0 or default sql data
// Only Marqiz are Champion mobs
if(pledgeLevel > 30)
_int[9] = 1;
if(pledgeLevel > 50)
_int[9] = 2;
if(pledgeLevel > 60)
_int[9] = 3;
if(pledgeLevel > 80)
_int[9] = 4;
if(pledgeLevel > 90)
_int[9] = 5;
if(pledgeLevel > 95)
_int[9] = 6;
if(pledgeLevel > 98)
_int[9] = 7;
* Sets the data received from the CustomNpcInstanceManager
* @param ci the customInfo data
public void setPcInstanceData(CustomNpcInstanceManager.customInfo ci)
if(ci == null)
// load the "massive" data
for(int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
_int[i] = ci.integerData[i];
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
_boolean[i] = ci.booleanData[i];
// random variables to apply to this L2NpcInstance polymorph
_allowRandomClass = ci.booleanData[4];
_allowRandomAppearance = ci.booleanData[5];
_allowRandomWeapons = ci.booleanData[6];
// name & title override
_name = ci.stringData[0];
_title = ci.stringData[1];
if(_name != null && _name.equals(""))
_name = null;
if(_title != null && _title.equals(""))
_title = null;
// Not really necessary but maybe called upon on wrong random settings:
// Initiate this PcInstance class id to the correct pcInstance class.
ClassId ids[] = ClassId.values();
if(ids != null)
for(ClassId id : ids)
if(id == null)
else if(id.getId() == _int[7])
_classId = id;
_int[6] = id.getRace().ordinal();