* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.geo;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import com.l2jfrozen.Config;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.datatables.csv.DoorTable;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.geo.pathfinding.Node;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.geo.pathfinding.cellnodes.CellPathFinding;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.geo.util.L2Arrays;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.geo.util.LookupTable;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Object;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2World;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.Location;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2DoorInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2SiegeGuardInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.util.Point3D;
public final class GeoEngine extends GeoData
private final static byte _e = 1;
private final static byte _w = 2;
private final static byte _s = 4;
private final static byte _n = 8;
private static final class SingletonHolder
protected static final GeoEngine INSTANCE = new GeoEngine();
public static GeoEngine getInstance()
return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE;
private final LookupTable<MappedByteBuffer> _geodata = new LookupTable<MappedByteBuffer>();
private final LookupTable<IntBuffer> _geodataIndex = new LookupTable<IntBuffer>();
private BufferedOutputStream _geoBugsOut;
protected GeoEngine()
public short getType(int x, int y)
return nGetType((x - L2World.MAP_MIN_X) >> 4, (y - L2World.MAP_MIN_Y) >> 4);
public short getHeight(int x, int y, int z)
return nGetHeight((x - L2World.MAP_MIN_X) >> 4,(y - L2World.MAP_MIN_Y) >> 4, z);
public short getSpawnHeight(int x, int y, int zmin, int zmax, int spawnid)
return nGetSpawnHeight((x - L2World.MAP_MIN_X) >> 4, (y - L2World.MAP_MIN_Y) >> 4, zmin, zmax, spawnid);
public String geoPosition(int x, int y)
int gx = (x - L2World.MAP_MIN_X) >> 4;
int gy = (y - L2World.MAP_MIN_Y) >> 4;
return "bx: " + getBlock(gx) + " by: " + getBlock(gy) + " cx: " + getCell(gx) + " cy: " + getCell(gy) + " region offset: " + getRegionOffset(gx, gy);
public boolean canSeeTarget(L2Object cha, Point3D target)
if(DoorTable.getInstance().checkIfDoorsBetween(cha.getX(), cha.getY(), cha.getZ(), target.getX(), target.getY(), target.getZ()))
return false;
if(cha.getZ() >= target.getZ())
return canSeeTarget(cha.getX(), cha.getY(), cha.getZ(), target.getX(), target.getY(), target.getZ());
return canSeeTarget(target.getX(), target.getY(), target.getZ(), cha.getX(), cha.getY(), cha.getZ());
public boolean canSeeTarget(L2Object cha, L2Object target)
// To be able to see over fences and give the player the viewpoint
// game client has, all coordinates are lifted 45 from ground.
// Because of layer selection in LOS algorithm (it selects -45 there
// and some layers can be very close...) do not change this without
// changing the LOS code.
// Basically the +45 is character height. Raid bosses are naturally higher,
// dwarves shorter, but this should work relatively well.
// If this is going to be improved, use e.g.
// ((L2Character)cha).getTemplate().collisionHeight
int z = cha.getZ() + 45;
if(cha instanceof L2SiegeGuardInstance)
z += 30; // well they don't move closer to balcony fence at the moment :(
int z2 = target.getZ() + 45;
if(target instanceof L2DoorInstance)
return true; // door coordinates are hinge coords..
if(DoorTable.getInstance().checkIfDoorsBetween(cha.getX(), cha.getY(), z, target.getX(), target.getY(), z2))
return false;
if(target instanceof L2SiegeGuardInstance)
z2 += 30; // well they don't move closer to balcony fence at the moment :(
if(z >= z2)
return canSeeTarget(cha.getX(), cha.getY(), z, target.getX(), target.getY(), z2);
return canSeeTarget(target.getX(), target.getY(), z2, cha.getX(), cha.getY(), z);
public boolean canSeeTargetDebug(L2PcInstance gm, L2Object target)
// comments: see above
int z = gm.getZ() + 45;
int z2 = target.getZ() + 45;
if(target instanceof L2DoorInstance)
gm.sendMessage("door always true");
return true; // door coordinates are hinge coords..
if(z >= z2)
return canSeeDebug(gm, (gm.getX() - L2World.MAP_MIN_X) >> 4, (gm.getY() - L2World.MAP_MIN_Y) >> 4, z, (target.getX() - L2World.MAP_MIN_X) >> 4, (target.getY() - L2World.MAP_MIN_Y) >> 4, z2);
return canSeeDebug(gm, (target.getX() - L2World.MAP_MIN_X) >> 4, (target.getY() - L2World.MAP_MIN_Y) >> 4, z2, (gm.getX() - L2World.MAP_MIN_X) >> 4, (gm.getY() - L2World.MAP_MIN_Y) >> 4, z);
public short getNSWE(int x, int y, int z)
return nGetNSWE((x - L2World.MAP_MIN_X) >> 4, (y - L2World.MAP_MIN_Y) >> 4, z);
public boolean canMoveFromToTarget(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int tz)
Location destiny = moveCheck(x, y, z, tx, ty, tz);
return (destiny.getX() == tx && destiny.getY() == ty && destiny.getZ() == tz);
public Location moveCheck(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int tz)
Location startpoint = new Location(x, y, z);
if(DoorTable.getInstance().checkIfDoorsBetween(x, y, z, tx, ty, tz))
return startpoint;
Location destiny = new Location(tx, ty, tz);
return moveCheck(startpoint, destiny, (x - L2World.MAP_MIN_X) >> 4, (y - L2World.MAP_MIN_Y) >> 4, z, (tx - L2World.MAP_MIN_X) >> 4, (ty - L2World.MAP_MIN_Y) >> 4, tz);
public void addGeoDataBug(L2PcInstance gm, String comment)
int gx = (gm.getX() - L2World.MAP_MIN_X) >> 4;
int gy = (gm.getY() - L2World.MAP_MIN_Y) >> 4;
int bx = getBlock(gx);
int by = getBlock(gy);
int cx = getCell(gx);
int cy = getCell(gy);
int rx = (gx >> 11) + 10;
int ry = (gy >> 11) + 10;
String out = rx + ";" + ry + ";" + bx + ";" + by + ";" + cx + ";" + cy + ";" + gm.getZ() + ";" + comment + "\n";
gm.sendMessage("GeoData bug saved!");
catch(Exception e)
gm.sendMessage("GeoData bug save Failed!");
public boolean canSeeTarget(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int tz)
return canSee((x - L2World.MAP_MIN_X) >> 4, (y - L2World.MAP_MIN_Y) >> 4, z, (tx - L2World.MAP_MIN_X) >> 4, (ty - L2World.MAP_MIN_Y) >> 4, tz);
public boolean hasGeo(int x, int y)
int gx = (x - L2World.MAP_MIN_X) >> 4;
int gy = (y - L2World.MAP_MIN_Y) >> 4;
short region = getRegionOffset(gx, gy);
return _geodata.get(region) != null;
private boolean canSee(int x, int y, double z, int tx, int ty, int tz)
int dx = (tx - x);
int dy = (ty - y);
final double dz = (tz - z);
final int distance2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if(distance2 > 90000) // (300*300) 300*16 = 4800 in world coord
//Avoid too long check
return false;
// very short checks: 9 => 144 world distance
// this ensures NLOS function has enough points to calculate,
// it might not work when distance is small and path vertical
else if(distance2 < 82)
// 150 should be too deep/high.
if(dz * dz > 22500)
short region = getRegionOffset(x, y);
// geodata is loaded for region and mobs should have correct Z coordinate...
// so there would likely be a floor in between the two
if(_geodata.get(region) != null)
return false;
return true;
// Increment in Z coordinate when moving along X or Y axis
// and not straight to the target. This is done because
// calculation moves either in X or Y direction.
final int inc_x = sign(dx);
final int inc_y = sign(dy);
dx = Math.abs(dx);
dy = Math.abs(dy);
final double inc_z_directionx = dz * dx / (distance2);
final double inc_z_directiony = dz * dy / (distance2);
// next_* are used in NLOS check from x,y
int next_x = x;
int next_y = y;
// creates path to the target
// calculation stops when next_* == target
if(dx >= dy)// dy/dx <= 1
int delta_A = 2 * dy;
int d = delta_A - dx;
int delta_B = delta_A - 2 * dx;
for(int i = 0; i < dx; i++)
x = next_x;
y = next_y;
if(d > 0)
d += delta_B;
next_x += inc_x;
z += inc_z_directionx;
if(!nLOS(x, y, (int) z, inc_x, 0, inc_z_directionx, tz, false))
return false;
next_y += inc_y;
z += inc_z_directiony;
//_log.warning("1: next_x:"+next_x+" next_y"+next_y);
if(!nLOS(next_x, y, (int) z, 0, inc_y, inc_z_directiony, tz, false))
return false;
d += delta_A;
next_x += inc_x;
//_log.warning("2: next_x:"+next_x+" next_y"+next_y);
z += inc_z_directionx;
if(!nLOS(x, y, (int) z, inc_x, 0, inc_z_directionx, tz, false))
return false;
int delta_A = 2*dx;
int d = delta_A - dy;
int delta_B = delta_A - 2 * dy;
for(int i = 0; i < dy; i++)
x = next_x;
y = next_y;
if(d > 0)
d += delta_B;
next_y += inc_y;
z += inc_z_directiony;
if(!nLOS(x, y, (int) z, 0, inc_y, inc_z_directiony, tz, false))
return false;
next_x += inc_x;
z += inc_z_directionx;
//_log.warning("3: next_x:"+next_x+" next_y"+next_y);
if(!nLOS(x, next_y, (int) z, inc_x, 0, inc_z_directionx, tz, false))
return false;
d += delta_A;
next_y += inc_y;
//_log.warning("4: next_x:"+next_x+" next_y"+next_y);
z += inc_z_directiony;
if(!nLOS(x, y, (int) z, 0, inc_y, inc_z_directiony, tz, false))
return false;
return true;
* Debug function for checking if there's a line of sight between
* two coordinates.
* Creates points for line of sight check (x,y,z towards target) and
* in each point, layer and movement checks are made with NLOS function.
* Coordinates here are geodata x,y but z coordinate is world coordinate
private boolean canSeeDebug(L2PcInstance gm, int x, int y, double z, int tx, int ty, int tz)
int dx = (tx - x);
int dy = (ty - y);
final double dz = (tz - z);
final int distance2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if(distance2 > 90000) // (300*300) 300*16 = 4800 in world coord
//Avoid too long check
gm.sendMessage("dist > 300");
return false;
// very short checks: 9 => 144 world distance
// this ensures NLOS function has enough points to calculate,
// it might not work when distance is small and path vertical
else if(distance2 < 82)
// 150 should be too deep/high.
if(dz * dz > 22500)
short region = getRegionOffset(x, y);
// geodata is loaded for region and mobs should have correct Z coordinate...
// so there would likely be a floor in between the two
if(_geodata.get(region) != null)
return false;
return true;
// Increment in Z coordinate when moving along X or Y axis
// and not straight to the target. This is done because
// calculation moves either in X or Y direction.
final int inc_x = sign(dx);
final int inc_y = sign(dy);
dx = Math.abs(dx);
dy = Math.abs(dy);
final double inc_z_directionx = dz * dx / (distance2);
final double inc_z_directiony = dz * dy / (distance2);
gm.sendMessage("Los: from X: " + x + "Y: " + y + "--->> X: " + tx + " Y: " + ty);
// next_* are used in NLOS check from x,y
int next_x = x;
int next_y = y;
// creates path to the target
// calculation stops when next_* == target
if(dx >= dy)// dy/dx <= 1
int delta_A = 2 * dy;
int d = delta_A - dx;
int delta_B = delta_A - 2 * dx;
for(int i = 0; i < dx; i++)
x = next_x;
y = next_y;
if(d > 0)
d += delta_B;
next_x += inc_x;
z += inc_z_directionx;
if(!nLOS(x, y, (int) z, inc_x, 0, inc_z_directionx, tz, true))
return false;
next_y += inc_y;
z += inc_z_directiony;
//_log.log(Level.WARNING, "1: next_x:"+next_x+" next_y"+next_y);
if(!nLOS(next_x, y, (int) z, 0, inc_y, inc_z_directiony, tz, true))
return false;
d += delta_A;
next_x += inc_x;
//_log.log(Level.WARNING, "2: next_x:"+next_x+" next_y"+next_y);
z += inc_z_directionx;
if(!nLOS(x, y, (int) z, inc_x, 0, inc_z_directionx, tz, true))
return false;
int delta_A = 2 * dx;
int d = delta_A - dy;
int delta_B = delta_A - 2 * dy;
for(int i = 0; i < dy; i++)
x = next_x;
y = next_y;
if(d > 0)
d += delta_B;
next_y += inc_y;
z += inc_z_directiony;
if(!nLOS(x, y, (int) z, 0, inc_y, inc_z_directiony, tz, true))
return false;
next_x += inc_x;
z += inc_z_directionx;
//_log.log(Level.WARNING, "3: next_x:"+next_x+" next_y"+next_y);
if(!nLOS(x, next_y, (int) z, inc_x, 0, inc_z_directionx, tz, true))
return false;
d += delta_A;
next_y += inc_y;
//_log.log(Level.WARNING, "4: next_x:"+next_x+" next_y"+next_y);
z += inc_z_directiony;
if(!nLOS(x, y, (int) z, 0, inc_y, inc_z_directiony, tz, true))
return false;
return true;
* MoveCheck
private Location moveCheck(Location startpoint, Location destiny, int x, int y, double z, int tx, int ty, int tz)
int dx = (tx - x);
int dy = (ty - y);
final int distance2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if(distance2 == 0)
return destiny;
if(distance2 > 36100) // 190*190*16 = 3040 world coord
// Avoid too long check
// Currently we calculate a middle point
// for wyvern users and otherwise for comfort
double divider = Math.sqrt((double) 30000 / distance2);
tx = x + (int) (divider * dx);
ty = y + (int) (divider * dy);
int dz = (tz - startpoint.getZ());
tz = startpoint.getZ() + (int) (divider * dz);
dx = (tx - x);
dy = (ty - y);
//return startpoint;
// Increment in Z coordinate when moving along X or Y axis
// and not straight to the target. This is done because
// calculation moves either in X or Y direction.
final int inc_x = sign(dx);
final int inc_y = sign(dy);
dx = Math.abs(dx);
dy = Math.abs(dy);
//gm.sendMessage("MoveCheck: from X: "+x+ "Y: "+y+ "--->> X: "+tx+" Y: "+ty);
// next_* are used in NcanMoveNext check from x,y
int next_x = x;
int next_y = y;
double tempz = z;
// creates path to the target, using only x or y direction
// calculation stops when next_* == target
if(dx >= dy)// dy/dx <= 1
int delta_A = 2 * dy;
int d = delta_A - dx;
int delta_B = delta_A - 2 * dx;
for(int i = 0; i < dx; i++)
x = next_x;
y = next_y;
if(d > 0)
d += delta_B;
next_x += inc_x;
tempz = nCanMoveNext(x, y, (int) z, next_x, next_y, tz);
if(tempz == Double.MIN_VALUE)
return new Location((x << 4) + L2World.MAP_MIN_X, (y << 4) + L2World.MAP_MIN_Y, (int) z);
z = tempz;
next_y += inc_y;
//_log.warning("2: next_x:"+next_x+" next_y"+next_y);
tempz = nCanMoveNext(next_x, y, (int) z, next_x, next_y, tz);
if(tempz == Double.MIN_VALUE)
return new Location((x << 4) + L2World.MAP_MIN_X, (y << 4) + L2World.MAP_MIN_Y, (int) z);
z = tempz;
d += delta_A;
next_x += inc_x;
//_log.warning("3: next_x:"+next_x+" next_y"+next_y);
tempz = nCanMoveNext(x, y, (int) z, next_x, next_y, tz);
if(tempz == Double.MIN_VALUE)
return new Location((x << 4) + L2World.MAP_MIN_X, (y << 4) + L2World.MAP_MIN_Y, (int) z);
z = tempz;
int delta_A = 2 * dx;
int d = delta_A - dy;
int delta_B = delta_A - 2 * dy;
for(int i = 0; i < dy; i++)
x = next_x;
y = next_y;
if(d > 0)
d += delta_B;
next_y += inc_y;
tempz = nCanMoveNext(x, y, (int) z, next_x, next_y, tz);
if(tempz == Double.MIN_VALUE)
return new Location((x << 4) + L2World.MAP_MIN_X, (y << 4) + L2World.MAP_MIN_Y, (int) z);
z = tempz;
next_x += inc_x;
//_log.warning("5: next_x:"+next_x+" next_y"+next_y);
tempz = nCanMoveNext(x, next_y, (int) z, next_x, next_y, tz);
if(tempz == Double.MIN_VALUE)
return new Location((x << 4) + L2World.MAP_MIN_X, (y << 4) + L2World.MAP_MIN_Y, (int) z);
z = tempz;
d += delta_A;
next_y += inc_y;
//_log.warning("6: next_x:"+next_x+" next_y"+next_y);
tempz = nCanMoveNext(x, y, (int) z, next_x, next_y, tz);
if(tempz == Double.MIN_VALUE)
return new Location((x << 4) + L2World.MAP_MIN_X, (y << 4) + L2World.MAP_MIN_Y, (int) z);
z = tempz;
if(z == startpoint.getZ()) // geodata hasn't modified Z in any coordinate, i.e. doesn't exist
return destiny;
return new Location(destiny.getX(), destiny.getY(), (int) z);
private byte sign(int x)
if(x >= 0)
return +1;
return -1;
private void nInitGeodata()
_log.info("Geo Engine: - Loading Geodata...");
File Data = new File(Config.DATAPACK_ROOT, "data/geodata/geo_index.txt");
BufferedReader lnr = null;
FileReader reader = null;
reader = new FileReader(Data);
lnr = new BufferedReader(reader);
String line;
while((line = lnr.readLine()) != null) {
if(line.trim().length() == 0)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, "_");
byte rx = Byte.parseByte(st.nextToken());
byte ry = Byte.parseByte(st.nextToken());
catch(Exception e)
if(lnr != null)
catch(Exception e)
if(reader != null)
catch(Exception e)
File geo_bugs = new File(Config.DATAPACK_ROOT, "data/geodata/geo_bugs.txt");
FileOutputStream out = null;
out = new FileOutputStream(geo_bugs, true);
_geoBugsOut = new BufferedOutputStream(out);
catch(Exception e)
public void unloadGeodata(byte rx, byte ry)
short regionoffset = (short) ((rx << 5) + ry);
_geodataIndex.set(regionoffset, null);
_geodata.set(regionoffset, null);
public boolean loadGeodataFile(byte rx, byte ry)
boolean output = false;
String fname = "data/geodata/" + rx + "_" + ry + ".l2j";
short regionoffset = (short) ((rx << 5) + ry);
_log.info("Geo Engine: - Loading: " + fname + " -> region offset: " + regionoffset + "X: " + rx + " Y: " + ry);
File Geo = new File(Config.DATAPACK_ROOT, fname);
int size, index = 0, block = 0, flor = 0;
FileChannel roChannel = null;
RandomAccessFile raf = null;
// Create a read-only memory-mapped file
raf = new RandomAccessFile(Geo, "r");
roChannel = raf.getChannel();
size = (int) roChannel.size();
MappedByteBuffer geo;
if(Config.FORCE_GEODATA) //Force O/S to Loads this buffer's content into physical memory.
//it is not guarantee, because the underlying operating system may have paged out some of the buffer's data
geo = roChannel.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, size).load();
geo = roChannel.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, size);
if(size > 196608)
// Indexing geo files, so we will know where each block starts
IntBuffer indexs = IntBuffer.allocate(65536);
while(block < 65536)
byte type = geo.get(index);
if(type == 0)
index += 2; // 1x short
else if(type == 1)
index += 128; // 64 x short
for(int b = 0; b < 64; b++)
byte layers = geo.get(index);
index += (layers << 1) + 1;
if(layers > flor)
flor = layers;
_geodataIndex.set(regionoffset, indexs);
output = true;
_log.info("Geo Engine: - Max Layers: " + flor + " Size: " + size + " Loaded: " + index);
catch(Exception e)
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"Failed to Load GeoFile at block: " + block + "\n");
if(roChannel != null)
catch(Exception e1)
if(raf != null)
catch(Exception e1)
return output;
//Geodata Methods
* @param x
* @param y
* @return Region Offset
private short getRegionOffset(int x, int y)
int rx = x >> 11; // =/(256 * 8)
int ry = y >> 11;
return (short)(((rx+16) << 5) + (ry+10));
* @param geo_pos
* @return Block Index: 0-255
private int getBlock(int geo_pos)
return (geo_pos >> 3) % 256;
* @param geo_pos
* @return Cell Index: 0-7
private int getCell(int geo_pos)
return geo_pos % 8;
//Geodata Functions
* @param x
* @param y
* @return Type of geo_block: 0-2
private short nGetType(int x, int y)
short region = getRegionOffset(x, y);
int blockX = getBlock(x);
int blockY = getBlock(y);
int index = 0;
//Geodata without index - it is just empty so index can be calculated on the fly
if(_geodataIndex.get(region) == null)
index = ((blockX << 8) + blockY) * 3;
//Get Index for current block of current geodata region
index = _geodataIndex.get(region).get((blockX << 8) + blockY);
//Buffer that Contains current Region GeoData
ByteBuffer geo = _geodata.get(region);
if(geo == null)
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"Geo Region - Region Offset: " + region + " dosnt exist!!");
return 0;
return geo.get(index);
* @param geox
* @param geoy
* @param z
* @return Nearest Z
private short nGetHeight(int geox, int geoy, int z)
short region = getRegionOffset(geox, geoy);
int blockX = getBlock(geox);
int blockY = getBlock(geoy);
int cellX, cellY, index;
//Geodata without index - it is just empty so index can be calculated on the fly
if(_geodataIndex.get(region) == null)
index = ((blockX << 8) + blockY) * 3;
//Get Index for current block of current region geodata
index = _geodataIndex.get(region).get((blockX << 8) + blockY);
//Buffer that Contains current Region GeoData
ByteBuffer geo = _geodata.get(region);
if(geo == null)
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"Geo Region - Region Offset: " + region + " dosnt exist!!");
return (short) z;
//Read current block type: 0-flat,1-complex,2-multilevel
byte type = geo.get(index);
if(type == 0)//flat
return geo.getShort(index);
else if(type == 1)//complex
cellX = getCell(geox);
cellY = getCell(geoy);
index += ((cellX << 3) + cellY) << 1;
short height = geo.getShort(index);
height = (short) (height & 0x0fff0);
height = (short) (height >> 1); //height / 2
return height;
else //multilevel
cellX = getCell(geox);
cellY = getCell(geoy);
int offset = (cellX << 3) + cellY;
while(offset > 0)
byte lc = geo.get(index);
index += (lc << 1) + 1;
byte layers = geo.get(index);
short height = -1;
if(layers <= 0 || layers > 125)
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"Broken geofile (case1), region: " + region + " - invalid layer count: " + layers + " at: " + geox + " " + geoy);
return (short) z;
short temph = Short.MIN_VALUE;
while(layers > 0)
height = geo.getShort(index);
height = (short) (height & 0x0fff0);
height = (short) (height >> 1); //height / 2
if((z-temph) * (z-temph) > (z-height) * (z-height))
temph = height;
index += 2;
return temph;
* @param geox
* @param geoy
* @param z
* @return One layer higher Z than parameter Z
private short nGetUpperHeight(int geox, int geoy, int z)
short region = getRegionOffset(geox, geoy);
int blockX = getBlock(geox);
int blockY = getBlock(geoy);
int cellX, cellY, index;
//Geodata without index - it is just empty so index can be calculated on the fly
if(_geodataIndex.get(region) == null)
index = ((blockX << 8) + blockY) * 3;
//Get Index for current block of current region geodata
index = _geodataIndex.get(region).get((blockX << 8) + blockY);
//Buffer that Contains current Region GeoData
ByteBuffer geo = _geodata.get(region);
if(geo == null)
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"Geo Region - Region Offset: " + region + " dosnt exist!!");
return (short) z;
//Read current block type: 0-flat,1-complex,2-multilevel
byte type = geo.get(index);
if(type == 0)//flat
return geo.getShort(index);
else if(type == 1)//complex
cellX = getCell(geox);
cellY = getCell(geoy);
index += ((cellX << 3) + cellY) << 1;
short height = geo.getShort(index);
height = (short) (height & 0x0fff0);
height = (short) (height >> 1); //height / 2
return height;
else //multilevel
cellX = getCell(geox);
cellY = getCell(geoy);
int offset = (cellX << 3) + cellY;
while(offset > 0)
byte lc = geo.get(index);
index += (lc << 1) + 1;
byte layers = geo.get(index);
short height =- 1;
if(layers <= 0 || layers > 125)
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"Broken geofile (case1), region: " + region + " - invalid layer count: " + layers + " at: " + geox + " " + geoy);
return (short) z;
short temph = Short.MAX_VALUE;
while(layers > 0) // from higher to lower
height = geo.getShort(index);
height = (short) (height & 0x0fff0);
height = (short) (height >> 1); //height / 2
if(height < z)
return temph;
temph = height;
index += 2;
return temph;
* @param geox
* @param geoy
* @param zmin
* @param zmax
* @param spawnid
* @return Z betwen zmin and zmax
private short nGetSpawnHeight(int geox, int geoy, int zmin, int zmax, int spawnid)
short region = getRegionOffset(geox, geoy);
int blockX = getBlock(geox);
int blockY = getBlock(geoy);
int cellX, cellY, index;
short temph = Short.MIN_VALUE;
//Geodata without index - it is just empty so index can be calculated on the fly
if(_geodataIndex.get(region) == null)
index = ((blockX << 8) + blockY) * 3;
//Get Index for current block of current region geodata
index = _geodataIndex.get(region).get((blockX << 8) + blockY);
//Buffer that Contains current Region GeoData
ByteBuffer geo = _geodata.get(region);
if(geo == null)
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"Geo Region - Region Offset: " + region + " dosnt exist!!");
return (short) zmin;
//Read current block type: 0-flat,1-complex,2-multilevel
byte type = geo.get(index);
if(type == 0)//flat
temph = geo.getShort(index);
else if(type == 1)//complex
cellX = getCell(geox);
cellY = getCell(geoy);
index += ((cellX << 3) + cellY) << 1;
short height = geo.getShort(index);
height = (short) (height & 0x0fff0);
height = (short) (height >> 1); //height / 2
temph = height;
cellX = getCell(geox);
cellY = getCell(geoy);
short height;
int offset = (cellX << 3) + cellY;
while(offset > 0)
byte lc = geo.get(index);
index += (lc << 1) + 1;
//Read current block type: 0-flat,1-complex,2-multilevel
byte layers = geo.get(index);
if(layers <= 0 || layers > 125)
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"Broken geofile (case2), region: " + region + " - invalid layer count: " + layers + " at: " + geox + " " + geoy);
return (short) zmin;
while(layers > 0)
height = geo.getShort(index);
height = (short) (height & 0x0fff0);
height = (short) (height >> 1); //height / 2
if((zmin-temph) * (zmin-temph) > (zmin-height) * (zmin-height))
temph = height;
index += 2;
if(temph > zmax + 200 || temph < zmin - 200)
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"SpawnHeight Error - Couldnt find correct layer to spawn NPC - GeoData or Spawnlist Bug!: zmin: " + zmin + " zmax: " + zmax + " value: " + temph + " SpawnId: " + spawnid + " at: " + geox + " : " + geoy);
return (short) zmin;
if(temph > zmax + 1000 || temph < zmin - 1000)
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"SpawnHeight Error - Spawnlist z value is wrong or GeoData error: zmin: " + zmin + " zmax: " + zmax + " value: " + temph + " SpawnId: " + spawnid + " at: " + geox + " : " + geoy);
return (short) zmin;
return temph;
* @param x
* @param y
* @param z
* @param tx
* @param ty
* @param tz
* @return True if char can move to (tx,ty,tz)
private double nCanMoveNext(int x, int y, int z, int tx, int ty, int tz)
short region = getRegionOffset(x, y);
int blockX = getBlock(x);
int blockY = getBlock(y);
int cellX, cellY;
short NSWE = 0;
int index = 0;
//Geodata without index - it is just empty so index can be calculated on the fly
if(_geodataIndex.get(region) == null)
index = ((blockX << 8) + blockY) * 3;
//Get Index for current block of current region geodata
index = _geodataIndex.get(region).get((blockX << 8) + blockY);
//Buffer that Contains current Region GeoData
ByteBuffer geo = _geodata.get(region);
if(geo == null)
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"Geo Region - Region Offset: " + region + " dosnt exist!!");
return z;
//Read current block type: 0-flat,1-complex,2-multilevel
byte type = geo.get(index);
if(type == 0) //flat
return geo.getShort(index);
else if(type == 1) //complex
cellX = getCell(x);
cellY = getCell(y);
index += ((cellX << 3) + cellY) << 1;
short height = geo.getShort(index);
NSWE = (short) (height & 0x0F);
height = (short) (height & 0x0fff0);
height = (short) (height >> 1); //height / 2
if(checkNSWE(NSWE, x, y, tx, ty))
return height;
return Double.MIN_VALUE;
else //multilevel, type == 2
cellX = getCell(x);
cellY = getCell(y);
int offset = (cellX << 3) + cellY;
while(offset > 0) // iterates (too many times?) to get to layer count
byte lc = geo.get(index);
index += (lc << 1) + 1;
byte layers = geo.get(index);
//_log.log(Level.WARNING, "layers"+layers);
short height = -1;
if(layers <= 0 || layers > 125)
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"Broken geofile (case3), region: " + region + " - invalid layer count: " + layers + " at: " + x + " " + y);
return z;
short tempz = Short.MIN_VALUE;
while(layers > 0)
height = geo.getShort(index);
height = (short) (height & 0x0fff0);
height = (short) (height >> 1); //height / 2
// searches the closest layer to current z coordinate
if((z-tempz) * (z-tempz) > (z-height) * (z-height))
//layercurr = layers;
tempz = height;
NSWE = geo.getShort(index);
NSWE = (short) (NSWE & 0x0F);
index += 2;
if(checkNSWE(NSWE, x, y, tx, ty))
return tempz;
return Double.MIN_VALUE;
* @param x
* @param y
* @param z
* @param inc_x
* @param inc_y
* @param inc_z
* @param tz
* @param debug
* @return True if Char can see target
private boolean nLOS(int x, int y, int z, int inc_x, int inc_y, double inc_z, int tz, boolean debug)
short region = getRegionOffset(x, y);
int blockX = getBlock(x);
int blockY = getBlock(y);
int cellX, cellY;
short NSWE = 0;
int index;
//Geodata without index - it is just empty so index can be calculated on the fly
if(_geodataIndex.get(region) == null)
index = ((blockX << 8) + blockY) * 3;
//Get Index for current block of current region geodata
index = _geodataIndex.get(region).get((blockX << 8) + blockY);
//Buffer that Contains current Region GeoData
ByteBuffer geo = _geodata.get(region);
if(geo == null)
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"Geo Region - Region Offset: " + region + " dosnt exist!!");
return true;
//Read current block type: 0-flat,1-complex,2-multilevel
byte type = geo.get(index);
if(type == 0) //flat, movement and sight always possible
short height = geo.getShort(index);
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"flatheight:" + height);
if(z > height)
return inc_z > height;
return inc_z < height;
else if (type == 1) //complex
cellX = getCell(x);
cellY = getCell(y);
index += ((cellX << 3) + cellY) << 1;
short height = geo.getShort(index);
NSWE = (short) (height & 0x0F);
height = (short) (height & 0x0fff0);
height = (short) (height >> 1); //height / 2
if(!checkNSWE(NSWE, x, y, x + inc_x, y + inc_y))
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"height:" + height + " z" + z);
return z >= nGetUpperHeight(x + inc_x, y + inc_y, height);
return true;
else //multilevel, type == 2
cellX = getCell(x);
cellY = getCell(y);
int offset = (cellX << 3) + cellY;
while(offset > 0) // iterates (too many times?) to get to layer count
byte lc = geo.get(index);
index += (lc << 1) + 1;
byte layers = geo.get(index);
short tempZ = -1;
if(layers <= 0 || layers > 125)
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"Broken geofile (case4), region: " + region + " - invalid layer count: " + layers + " at: " + x + " " + y);
return false;
short upperHeight = Short.MAX_VALUE; // big positive value
short lowerHeight = Short.MIN_VALUE; // big negative value
byte temp_layers = layers;
boolean highestlayer = false;
while(temp_layers > 0) // from higher to lower
// reads tempZ for current layer, result in world z coordinate
tempZ = geo.getShort(index);
tempZ = (short) (tempZ & 0x0fff0);
tempZ = (short) (tempZ >> 1); //tempZ / 2
if(z > tempZ)
lowerHeight = tempZ;
NSWE = geo.getShort(index);
NSWE = (short) (NSWE & 0x0F);
highestlayer = false;
upperHeight = tempZ;
index += 2;
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"z:" + z + " x: " + cellX + " y:" + cellY + " la " + layers + " lo:" + lowerHeight + " up:" + upperHeight);
// Check if LOS goes under a layer/floor
// clearly under layer but not too much under
// lowerheight here only for geodata bug checking, layers very close? maybe could be removed
if((z - upperHeight) < -10 && (z - upperHeight) > inc_z - 10 && (z - lowerHeight) > 40)
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"false, incz" + inc_z);
return false;
// or there's a fence/wall ahead when we're not on highest layer
//a probable wall, there's movement block and layers above you
if(!checkNSWE(NSWE, x, y, x + inc_x, y + inc_y)) // cannot move
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"block and next in x" + inc_x + " y" + inc_y + " is:" + nGetUpperHeight(x + inc_x, y + inc_y, lowerHeight));
// check one inc_x inc_y further, for the height there
return z >= nGetUpperHeight(x + inc_x, y + inc_y, lowerHeight);
return true;
if(!checkNSWE(NSWE, x, y, x + inc_x, y + inc_y))
// check one inc_x inc_y further, for the height there
return z >= nGetUpperHeight(x + inc_x, y + inc_y, lowerHeight);
return true;
* @param x
* @param y
* @param z
* @return NSWE: 0-15
private short nGetNSWE(int x, int y, int z)
short region = getRegionOffset(x, y);
int blockX = getBlock(x);
int blockY = getBlock(y);
int cellX, cellY;
short NSWE = 0;
int index = 0;
//Geodata without index - it is just empty so index can be calculated on the fly
if(_geodataIndex.get(region) == null)
index = ((blockX << 8) + blockY) * 3;
//Get Index for current block of current region geodata
index = _geodataIndex.get(region).get((blockX << 8) + blockY);
//Buffer that Contains current Region GeoData
ByteBuffer geo = _geodata.get(region);
if(geo == null)
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"Geo Region - Region Offset: " + region + " dosnt exist!!");
return 15;
//Read current block type: 0-flat,1-complex,2-multilevel
byte type = geo.get(index);
if(type == 0)//flat
return 15;
else if(type == 1)//complex
cellX = getCell(x);
cellY = getCell(y);
index += ((cellX << 3) + cellY) << 1;
short height = geo.getShort(index);
NSWE = (short) (height & 0x0F);
cellX = getCell(x);
cellY = getCell(y);
int offset = (cellX << 3) + cellY;
while(offset > 0)
byte lc = geo.get(index);
index += (lc << 1) + 1;
byte layers = geo.get(index);
short height = -1;
if(layers <= 0 || layers > 125)
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"Broken geofile (case5), region: " + region + " - invalid layer count: " + layers + " at: " + x + " " + y);
return 15;
short tempz = Short.MIN_VALUE;
while(layers > 0)
height = geo.getShort(index);
height = (short) (height & 0x0fff0);
height = (short) (height >> 1); //height / 2
if((z-tempz) * (z-tempz) > (z-height) * (z-height))
tempz = height;
NSWE = geo.get(index);
NSWE = (short) (NSWE & 0x0F);
index += 2;
return NSWE;
* @param n
* @return NSWE: 0-15
public Node[] getNeighbors(Node n)
Node newNode;
int x = n.getNodeX();
int y = n.getNodeY();
int parentdirection = 0;
if(n.getParent() != null) // check for not adding parent again
if(n.getParent().getNodeX() > x) parentdirection = 1;
if(n.getParent().getNodeX() < x) parentdirection = -1;
if(n.getParent().getNodeY() > y) parentdirection = 2;
if(n.getParent().getNodeY() < y) parentdirection = -2;
short z = n.getZ();
short region = getRegionOffset(x, y);
int blockX = getBlock(x);
int blockY = getBlock(y);
int cellX, cellY;
short NSWE = 0;
int index = 0;
//Geodata without index - it is just empty so index can be calculated on the fly
if(_geodataIndex.get(region) == null)
index = ((blockX << 8) + blockY) * 3;
//Get Index for current block of current region geodata
index = _geodataIndex.get(region).get((blockX << 8) + blockY);
//Buffer that Contains current Region GeoData
ByteBuffer geo = _geodata.get(region);
if(geo == null)
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"Geo Region - Region Offset: " + region + " dosnt exist!!");
return null;
final Node[] Neighbors = new Node[4];
int arrayIndex = 0;
//Read current block type: 0-flat,1-complex,2-multilevel
byte type = geo.get(index);
if(type == 0)//flat
short height = geo.getShort(index);
if(parentdirection != 1)
newNode = CellPathFinding.getInstance().readNode(x + 1, y, height);
Neighbors[arrayIndex++] = newNode;
if(parentdirection != 2)
newNode = CellPathFinding.getInstance().readNode(x, y + 1, height);
Neighbors[arrayIndex++] = newNode;
if(parentdirection != -2)
newNode = CellPathFinding.getInstance().readNode(x, y - 1, height);
Neighbors[arrayIndex++] = newNode;
if(parentdirection != -1)
newNode = CellPathFinding.getInstance().readNode(x - 1, y, height);
Neighbors[arrayIndex++] = newNode;
else if(type == 1)//complex
cellX = getCell(x);
cellY = getCell(y);
index += ((cellX << 3) + cellY) << 1;
short height = geo.getShort(index);
NSWE = (short) (height & 0x0F);
height = (short) (height & 0x0fff0);
height = (short)(height >> 1); //height / 2
if(NSWE != 15 && parentdirection != 0)
return null; // no node with a block will be used
if(parentdirection != 1 && checkNSWE(NSWE, x, y, x + 1, y))
newNode = CellPathFinding.getInstance().readNode(x + 1, y, height);
Neighbors[arrayIndex++] = newNode;
if(parentdirection != 2 && checkNSWE(NSWE, x, y, x, y + 1))
newNode = CellPathFinding.getInstance().readNode(x, y + 1, height);
Neighbors[arrayIndex++] = newNode;
if(parentdirection != -2 && checkNSWE(NSWE, x, y, x, y - 1))
newNode = CellPathFinding.getInstance().readNode(x, y - 1, height);
Neighbors[arrayIndex++] = newNode;
if(parentdirection != -1 && checkNSWE(NSWE, x, y, x - 1, y))
newNode = CellPathFinding.getInstance().readNode(x-1, y, height);
Neighbors[arrayIndex++] = newNode;
cellX = getCell(x);
cellY = getCell(y);
int offset = (cellX << 3) + cellY;
while(offset > 0)
byte lc = geo.get(index);
index += (lc << 1) + 1;
byte layers = geo.get(index);
short height = -1;
if(layers <= 0 || layers > 125)
_log.log(Level.WARNING,"Broken geofile (case5), region: " + region + " - invalid layer count: " + layers + " at: " + x + " " + y);
return null;
short tempz = Short.MIN_VALUE;
while(layers > 0)
height = geo.getShort(index);
height = (short) (height & 0x0fff0);
height = (short) (height >> 1); //height / 2
if((z-tempz) * (z-tempz) > (z-height) * (z-height))
tempz = height;
NSWE = geo.get(index);
NSWE = (short) (NSWE & 0x0F);
index += 2;
if(NSWE != 15 && parentdirection != 0)
return null; // no node with a block will be used
if(parentdirection != 1 && checkNSWE(NSWE, x, y, x + 1, y))
newNode = CellPathFinding.getInstance().readNode(x+1,y,tempz);
Neighbors[arrayIndex++] = newNode;
if(parentdirection != 2 && checkNSWE(NSWE, x, y, x, y + 1))
newNode = CellPathFinding.getInstance().readNode(x, y + 1, tempz);
Neighbors[arrayIndex++] = newNode;
if(parentdirection != -2 && checkNSWE(NSWE, x, y, x, y - 1))
newNode = CellPathFinding.getInstance().readNode(x, y - 1, tempz);
Neighbors[arrayIndex++] = newNode;
if(parentdirection != -1 && checkNSWE(NSWE, x, y, x - 1, y))
newNode = CellPathFinding.getInstance().readNode(x - 1, y, tempz);
Neighbors[arrayIndex++] = newNode;
return L2Arrays.compact(Neighbors);
* @param NSWE
* @param x
* @param y
* @param tx
* @param ty
* @return True if NSWE dont block given direction
private boolean checkNSWE(short NSWE, int x, int y, int tx, int ty)
//Check NSWE
if(NSWE == 15)
return true;
if(tx > x)//E
if((NSWE & _e) == 0)
return false;
else if(tx < x)//W
if((NSWE & _w) == 0)
return false;
if(ty > y)//S
if((NSWE & _s) == 0)
return false;
else if(ty < y)//N
if((NSWE & _n) == 0)
return false;
return true;