* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.special;
import java.util.Collection;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.datatables.sql.SpawnTable;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Attackable;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2NpcInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.position.L2CharPosition;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.quest.Quest;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.spawn.L2Spawn;
* Gordon AI
* @author TOFIZ
* @version $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2008/08/21 $
public class Gordon extends Quest implements Runnable
private static final int GORDON = 29095;
private static int _npcMoveX = 0;
private static int _npcMoveY = 0;
private static int _isWalkTo = 0;
private static int _npcBlock = 0;
private static int X = 0;
private static int Y = 0;
private static int Z = 0;
private static final int[][] WALKS =
141569, -45908, -2387
142494, -45456, -2397
142922, -44561, -2395
143672, -44130, -2398
144557, -43378, -2325
145839, -43267, -2301
147044, -43601, -2307
148140, -43206, -2303
148815, -43434, -2328
149862, -44151, -2558
151037, -44197, -2708
152555, -42756, -2836
154808, -39546, -3236
155333, -39962, -3272
156531, -41240, -3470
156863, -43232, -3707
156783, -44198, -3764
158169, -45163, -3541
158952, -45479, -3473
160039, -46514, -3634
160244, -47429, -3656
159155, -48109, -3665
159558, -51027, -3523
159396, -53362, -3244
160872, -56556, -2789
160857, -59072, -2613
160410, -59888, -2647
158770, -60173, -2673
156368, -59557, -2638
155188, -59868, -2642
154118, -60591, -2731
153571, -61567, -2821
153457, -62819, -2886
152939, -63778, -3003
151816, -64209, -3120
147655, -64826, -3433
145422, -64576, -3369
144097, -64320, -3404
140780, -61618, -3096
139688, -61450, -3062
138267, -61743, -3056
138613, -58491, -3465
138139, -57252, -3517
139555, -56044, -3310
139107, -54537, -3240
139279, -53781, -3091
139810, -52687, -2866
139657, -52041, -2793
139215, -51355, -2698
139334, -50514, -2594
139817, -49715, -2449
139824, -48976, -2263
140130, -47578, -2213
140483, -46339, -2382
141569, -45908, -2387
private static boolean _isAttacked = false;
private static boolean _isSpawned = false;
public Gordon(int id, String name, String descr)
super(id, name, descr);
addEventId(GORDON, Quest.QuestEventType.ON_KILL);
addEventId(GORDON, Quest.QuestEventType.ON_ATTACK);
addEventId(GORDON, Quest.QuestEventType.ON_SPAWN);
// wait 2 minutes after Start AI
startQuestTimer("check_ai", 120000, null, null,true);
_isSpawned = false;
_isAttacked = false;
_isWalkTo = 1;
_npcMoveX = 0;
_npcMoveY = 0;
_npcBlock = 0;
public String onAdvEvent(String event, L2NpcInstance npc, L2PcInstance player)
X = WALKS[_isWalkTo - 1][0];
Y = WALKS[_isWalkTo - 1][1];
Z = WALKS[_isWalkTo - 1][2];
_isAttacked = false;
if(npc.getNpcId() == GORDON)
npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(X, Y, Z, 0));
else if(event.equalsIgnoreCase("check_ai"))
cancelQuestTimer("check_ai", null, null);
L2NpcInstance gordon_ai = findTemplate(GORDON);
if(gordon_ai != null)
_isSpawned = true;
startQuestTimer("Start", 1000, gordon_ai, null,true);
return super.onAdvEvent(event, npc, player);
else if(event.equalsIgnoreCase("Start"))
//startQuestTimer("Start", 1000, npc, null);
if(npc != null && _isSpawned)
// check if player have Cursed Weapon and in radius
if(npc.getNpcId() == GORDON)
Collection<L2PcInstance> chars = npc.getKnownList().getKnownPlayers().values();
if(chars != null && chars.size() > 0)
for(L2PcInstance pc : chars)
if(pc.isCursedWeaponEquipped() && pc.isInsideRadius(npc, 5000, false, false))
((L2Attackable) npc).addDamageHate(pc, 0, 9999);
npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, pc);
_isAttacked = true;
cancelQuestTimer("time_isAttacked", null, null);
startQuestTimer("time_isAttacked", 180000, npc, null);
return super.onAdvEvent(event, npc, player);
// end check
return super.onAdvEvent(event, npc, player);
if(npc.getNpcId() == GORDON && npc.getX() - 50 <= X && npc.getX() + 50 >= X && npc.getY() - 50 <= Y && npc.getY() + 50 >= Y)
if(_isWalkTo > 55)
_isWalkTo = 1;
X = WALKS[_isWalkTo - 1][0];
Y = WALKS[_isWalkTo - 1][1];
Z = WALKS[_isWalkTo - 1][2];
//TODO: find better way to prevent teleporting to the home location
npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(X, Y, Z, 0));
// Test for unblock Npc
if(npc.getX() != _npcMoveX && npc.getY() != _npcMoveY)
_npcMoveX = npc.getX();
_npcMoveY = npc.getY();
_npcBlock = 0;
else if(npc.getNpcId() == GORDON)
if(_npcBlock > 2)
npc.teleToLocation(X, Y, Z);
return super.onAdvEvent(event, npc, player);
if(_npcBlock > 0)
//TODO: find better way to prevent teleporting to the home location
npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(X, Y, Z, 0));
// End Test unblock Npc
return super.onAdvEvent(event, npc, player);
public String onSpawn(L2NpcInstance npc)
if(npc.getNpcId() == GORDON && _npcBlock == 0)
_isSpawned = true;
_isWalkTo = 1;
startQuestTimer("Start", 1000, npc, null);
return super.onSpawn(npc);
public String onAttack(L2NpcInstance npc, L2PcInstance player, int damage, boolean isPet)
if(npc.getNpcId() == GORDON)
_isAttacked = true;
cancelQuestTimer("time_isAttacked", null, null);
startQuestTimer("time_isAttacked", 180000, npc, null);
if(player != null)
((L2Attackable) npc).addDamageHate(player, 0, 100);
npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, player);
return super.onAttack(npc, player, damage, isPet);
public String onKill(L2NpcInstance npc, L2PcInstance killer, boolean isPet)
if(npc.getNpcId() == GORDON)
cancelQuestTimer("Start", null, null);
cancelQuestTimer("time_isAttacked", null, null);
_isSpawned = false;
return super.onKill(npc, killer, isPet);
public L2NpcInstance findTemplate(int npcId)
L2NpcInstance npc = null;
for(L2Spawn spawn : SpawnTable.getInstance().getSpawnTable().values())
if(spawn != null && spawn.getNpcid() == npcId)
npc = spawn.getLastSpawn();
return npc;
public void run()