* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai;
import static com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE;
import static com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK;
import static com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import com.l2jfrozen.Config;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.controllers.GameTimeController;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.geo.GeoData;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Attackable;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Character;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Effect;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Object;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Skill;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Summon;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2DoorInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2FolkInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2MonsterInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2NpcInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2SiegeGuardInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.thread.ThreadPoolManager;
import com.l2jfrozen.util.random.Rnd;
* This class manages AI of L2Attackable.<BR>
* <BR>
public class L2SiegeGuardAI extends L2CharacterAI implements Runnable
//protected static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(L2SiegeGuardAI.class.getName());
private static final int MAX_ATTACK_TIMEOUT = 300; // int ticks, i.e. 30 seconds
/** The L2Attackable AI task executed every 1s (call onEvtThink method) */
private Future<?> _aiTask;
/** The delay after wich the attacked is stopped */
private int _attackTimeout;
/** The L2Attackable aggro counter */
private int _globalAggro;
/** The flag used to indicate that a thinking action is in progress */
private boolean _thinking; // to prevent recursive thinking
private int _attackRange;
* Constructor of L2AttackableAI.<BR>
* <BR>
* @param accessor The AI accessor of the L2Character
public L2SiegeGuardAI(L2Character.AIAccessor accessor)
_attackTimeout = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
_globalAggro = -10; // 10 seconds timeout of ATTACK after respawn
_attackRange = ((L2Attackable) _actor).getPhysicalAttackRange();
public void run()
// Launch actions corresponding to the Event Think
* Return True if the target is autoattackable (depends on the actor type).<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actor is a L2GuardInstance</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>The target isn't a Folk or a Door</li> <li>The target isn't dead, isn't invulnerable, isn't in silent moving
* mode AND too far (>100)</li> <li>The target is in the actor Aggro range and is at the same height</li> <li>The
* L2PcInstance target has karma (=PK)</li> <li>The L2MonsterInstance target is aggressive</li><BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actor is a L2SiegeGuardInstance</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>The target isn't a Folk or a Door</li> <li>The target isn't dead, isn't invulnerable, isn't in silent moving
* mode AND too far (>100)</li> <li>The target is in the actor Aggro range and is at the same height</li> <li>A
* siege is in progress</li> <li>The L2PcInstance target isn't a Defender</li><BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actor is a L2FriendlyMobInstance</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>The target isn't a Folk, a Door or another L2NpcInstance</li> <li>The target isn't dead, isn't invulnerable,
* isn't in silent moving mode AND too far (>100)</li> <li>The target is in the actor Aggro range and is at the same
* height</li> <li>The L2PcInstance target has karma (=PK)</li><BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actor is a L2MonsterInstance</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>The target isn't a Folk, a Door or another L2NpcInstance</li> <li>The target isn't dead, isn't invulnerable,
* isn't in silent moving mode AND too far (>100)</li> <li>The target is in the actor Aggro range and is at the same
* height</li> <li>The actor is Aggressive</li><BR>
* <BR>
* @param target The targeted L2Object
* @return
private boolean autoAttackCondition(L2Character target)
// Check if the target isn't another guard, folk or a door
if(target == null || target instanceof L2SiegeGuardInstance || target instanceof L2FolkInstance || target instanceof L2DoorInstance || target.isAlikeDead() || target.isInvul())
return false;
// Get the owner if the target is a summon
if(target instanceof L2Summon)
L2PcInstance owner = ((L2Summon) target).getOwner();
if(_actor.isInsideRadius(owner, 1000, true, false))
target = owner;
owner = null;
// Check if the target is a L2PcInstance
if(target instanceof L2PcInstance)
// Check if the target isn't in silent move mode AND too far (>100)
if(((L2PcInstance) target).isSilentMoving() && !_actor.isInsideRadius(target, 250, false, false))
return false;
// Los Check Here
return _actor.isAutoAttackable(target) && GeoData.getInstance().canSeeTarget(_actor, target);
* Set the Intention of this L2CharacterAI and create an AI Task executed every 1s (call onEvtThink method) for this
* L2Attackable.<BR>
* <BR>
* <FONT COLOR=#FF0000><B> <U>Caution</U> : If actor _knowPlayer isn't EMPTY, AI_INTENTION_IDLE will be change in
* <BR>
* @param intention The new Intention to set to the AI
* @param arg0 The first parameter of the Intention
* @param arg1 The second parameter of the Intention
public void changeIntention(CtrlIntention intention, Object arg0, Object arg1)
_log.info("L2SiegeAI.changeIntention(" + intention + ", " + arg0 + ", " + arg1 + ")");
((L2Attackable) _actor).setisReturningToSpawnPoint(false);
if(intention == AI_INTENTION_IDLE /*|| intention == AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE*/) // active becomes idle if only a summon is present
// Check if actor is not dead
L2Attackable npc = (L2Attackable) _actor;
// If its _knownPlayer isn't empty set the Intention to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE
if(npc.getKnownList().getKnownPlayers().size() > 0)
intention = AI_INTENTION_IDLE;
npc = null;
if(intention == AI_INTENTION_IDLE)
// Set the Intention of this L2AttackableAI to AI_INTENTION_IDLE
super.changeIntention(AI_INTENTION_IDLE, null, null);
// Stop AI task and detach AI from NPC
if(_aiTask != null)
_aiTask = null;
// Cancel the AI
// Set the Intention of this L2AttackableAI to intention
super.changeIntention(intention, arg0, arg1);
// If not idle - create an AI task (schedule onEvtThink repeatedly)
if(_aiTask == null)
_aiTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleAiAtFixedRate(this, 1000, 1000);
* Manage the Attack Intention : Stop current Attack (if necessary), Calculate attack timeout, Start a new Attack
* and Launch Think Event.<BR>
* <BR>
* @param target The L2Character to attack
protected void onIntentionAttack(L2Character target)
// Calculate the attack timeout
_attackTimeout = MAX_ATTACK_TIMEOUT + GameTimeController.getGameTicks();
// Manage the Attack Intention : Stop current Attack (if necessary), Start a new Attack and Launch Think Event
//if (_actor.getTarget() != null)
* Manage AI standard thinks of a L2Attackable (called by onEvtThink).<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Update every 1s the _globalAggro counter to come close to 0</li> <li>If the actor is Aggressive and can
* attack, add all autoAttackable L2Character in its Aggro Range to its _aggroList, chose a target and order to
* attack it</li> <li>If the actor can't attack, order to it to return to its home location</li>
private void thinkActive()
L2Attackable npc = (L2Attackable) _actor;
// Update every 1s the _globalAggro counter to come close to 0
if(_globalAggro != 0)
if(_globalAggro < 0)
// Add all autoAttackable L2Character in L2Attackable Aggro Range to its _aggroList with 0 damage and 1 hate
// A L2Attackable isn't aggressive during 10s after its spawn because _globalAggro is set to -10
if(_globalAggro >= 0)
for(L2Character target : npc.getKnownList().getKnownCharactersInRadius(_attackRange))
if(target == null)
if(autoAttackCondition(target)) // check aggression
// Get the hate level of the L2Attackable against this L2Character target contained in _aggroList
int hating = npc.getHating(target);
// Add the attacker to the L2Attackable _aggroList with 0 damage and 1 hate
if(hating == 0)
npc.addDamageHate(target, 0, 1);
// Chose a target from its aggroList
L2Character hated;
// Force mobs to attak anybody if confused
hated = getAttackTarget();
hated = npc.getMostHated();
// Order to the L2Attackable to attack the target
if(hated != null)
// Get the hate level of the L2Attackable against this L2Character target contained in _aggroList
int aggro = npc.getHating(hated);
if(aggro + _globalAggro > 0)
// Set the L2Character movement type to run and send Server->Client packet ChangeMoveType to all others L2PcInstance
// Set the AI Intention to AI_INTENTION_ATTACK
setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, hated, null);
npc = null;
// Order to the L2SiegeGuardInstance to return to its home location because there's no target to attack
((L2SiegeGuardInstance) _actor).returnHome();
private void attackPrepare()
// Get all information needed to chose between physical or magical attack
L2Skill[] skills = null;
double dist_2 = 0;
int range = 0;
L2SiegeGuardInstance sGuard = (L2SiegeGuardInstance) _actor;
final L2Character attackTarget = getAttackTarget();
skills = _actor.getAllSkills();
dist_2 = _actor.getPlanDistanceSq(attackTarget.getX(), attackTarget.getY());
range = _actor.getPhysicalAttackRange() + _actor.getTemplate().collisionRadius + attackTarget.getTemplate().collisionRadius;
catch(NullPointerException e)
//_log.warning("AttackableAI: Attack target is NULL.");
setIntention(AI_INTENTION_IDLE, null, null);
// never attack defenders
if(attackTarget instanceof L2PcInstance && sGuard.getCastle().getSiege().checkIsDefender(((L2PcInstance) attackTarget).getClan()))
// Cancel the target
setIntention(AI_INTENTION_IDLE, null, null);
if(!GeoData.getInstance().canSeeTarget(_actor, attackTarget))
// Siege guards differ from normal mobs currently:
// If target cannot seen, don't attack any more
setIntention(AI_INTENTION_IDLE, null, null);
// Check if the actor isn't muted and if it is far from target
if(!_actor.isMuted() && dist_2 > (range + 20) * (range + 20))
// check for long ranged skills and heal/buff skills
if(!Config.ALT_GAME_MOB_ATTACK_AI || _actor instanceof L2MonsterInstance && Rnd.nextInt(100) <= 5)
for(L2Skill sk : skills)
int castRange = sk.getCastRange();
if((sk.getSkillType() == L2Skill.SkillType.BUFF || sk.getSkillType() == L2Skill.SkillType.HEAL || dist_2 >= castRange * castRange / 9 && dist_2 <= castRange * castRange && castRange > 70) && !_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId()) && _actor.getCurrentMp() >= _actor.getStat().getMpConsume(sk) && !sk.isPassive())
if(sk.getSkillType() == L2Skill.SkillType.BUFF || sk.getSkillType() == L2Skill.SkillType.HEAL)
boolean useSkillSelf = true;
if(sk.getSkillType() == L2Skill.SkillType.HEAL && _actor.getCurrentHp() > (int) (_actor.getMaxHp() / 1.5))
useSkillSelf = false;
if(sk.getSkillType() == L2Skill.SkillType.BUFF)
L2Effect[] effects = _actor.getAllEffects();
for(int i = 0; effects != null && i < effects.length; i++)
L2Effect effect = effects[i];
if(effect.getSkill() == sk)
useSkillSelf = false;
effects = null;
L2Object OldTarget = _actor.getTarget();
OldTarget = null;
// Check if the L2SiegeGuardInstance is attacking, knows the target and can't run
if(!_actor.isAttackingNow() && _actor.getRunSpeed() == 0 && _actor.getKnownList().knowsObject(attackTarget))
// Cancel the target
setIntention(AI_INTENTION_IDLE, null, null);
double dx = _actor.getX() - attackTarget.getX();
double dy = _actor.getY() - attackTarget.getY();
double dz = _actor.getZ() - attackTarget.getZ();
double homeX = attackTarget.getX() - sGuard.getHomeX();
double homeY = attackTarget.getY() - sGuard.getHomeY();
// Check if the L2SiegeGuardInstance isn't too far from it's home location
if(dx * dx + dy * dy > 10000 && homeX * homeX + homeY * homeY > 3240000 && _actor.getKnownList().knowsObject(attackTarget))
// Cancel the target
setIntention(AI_INTENTION_IDLE, null, null);
// Move the actor to Pawn server side AND client side by sending Server->Client packet MoveToPawn (broadcast)
// Temporary hack for preventing guards jumping off towers,
// before replacing this with effective geodata checks and AI modification
if(dz * dz < 170 * 170)
moveToPawn(attackTarget, range);
// Else, if the actor is muted and far from target, just "move to pawn"
else if(_actor.isMuted() && dist_2 > (range + 20) * (range + 20))
// Temporary hack for preventing guards jumping off towers,
// before replacing this with effective geodata checks and AI modification
double dz = _actor.getZ() - attackTarget.getZ();
// normally 130 if guard z coordinates correct
if(dz * dz < 170 * 170)
moveToPawn(attackTarget, range);
// Else, if this is close enough to attack
else if(dist_2 <= (range + 20) * (range + 20))
// Force mobs to attak anybody if confused
L2Character hated = null;
hated = attackTarget;
hated = ((L2Attackable) _actor).getMostHated();
if(hated == null)
setIntention(AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE, null, null);
if(hated != attackTarget)
_attackTimeout = MAX_ATTACK_TIMEOUT + GameTimeController.getGameTicks();
// check for close combat skills && heal/buff skills
if(!_actor.isMuted() && Rnd.nextInt(100) <= 5)
for(L2Skill sk : skills)
int castRange = sk.getCastRange();
if(castRange * castRange >= dist_2 && castRange <= 70 && !sk.isPassive() && _actor.getCurrentMp() >= _actor.getStat().getMpConsume(sk) && !_actor.isSkillDisabled(sk.getId()))
if(sk.getSkillType() == L2Skill.SkillType.BUFF || sk.getSkillType() == L2Skill.SkillType.HEAL)
boolean useSkillSelf = true;
if(sk.getSkillType() == L2Skill.SkillType.HEAL && _actor.getCurrentHp() > (int) (_actor.getMaxHp() / 1.5))
useSkillSelf = false;
if(sk.getSkillType() == L2Skill.SkillType.BUFF)
L2Effect[] effects = _actor.getAllEffects();
for(int i = 0; effects != null && i < effects.length; i++)
L2Effect effect = effects[i];
if(effect.getSkill() == sk)
useSkillSelf = false;
L2Object OldTarget = _actor.getTarget();
OldTarget = null;
// Finally, do the physical attack itself
skills = null;
sGuard = null;
* Manage AI attack thinks of a L2Attackable (called by onEvtThink).<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Update the attack timeout if actor is running</li> <li>If target is dead or timeout is expired, stop this
* attack and set the Intention to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE</li> <li>Call all L2Object of its Faction inside the Faction
* Range</li> <li>Chose a target and order to attack it with magic skill or physical attack</li><BR>
* <BR>
* TODO: Manage casting rules to healer mobs (like Ant Nurses)
private void thinkAttack()
_log.info("L2SiegeGuardAI.thinkAttack(); timeout=" + (_attackTimeout - GameTimeController.getGameTicks()));
if(_attackTimeout < GameTimeController.getGameTicks())
// Check if the actor is running
// Set the actor movement type to walk and send Server->Client packet ChangeMoveType to all others L2PcInstance
// Calculate a new attack timeout
_attackTimeout = MAX_ATTACK_TIMEOUT + GameTimeController.getGameTicks();
final L2Character attackTarget = getAttackTarget();
// Check if target is dead or if timeout is expired to stop this attack
if(attackTarget == null || attackTarget.isAlikeDead() || _attackTimeout < GameTimeController.getGameTicks())
// Stop hating this target after the attack timeout or if target is dead
if(attackTarget != null)
L2Attackable npc = (L2Attackable) _actor;
npc = null;
// Cancel target and timeout
_attackTimeout = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// Set the AI Intention to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE
setIntention(AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE, null, null);
private final void factionNotify()
final L2Character actor = getActor();
final L2Character target = getAttackTarget();
// Call all L2Object of its Faction inside the Faction Range
if(actor == null || target == null || ((L2NpcInstance) actor).getFactionId() == null )
// Go through all L2Object that belong to its faction
for(L2Character cha : actor.getKnownList().getKnownCharactersInRadius(1000))
if(cha == null)
if(!(cha instanceof L2NpcInstance))
L2NpcInstance npc = (L2NpcInstance) cha;
String faction_id = ((L2NpcInstance) actor).getFactionId();
faction_id = null;
// Check if the L2Object is inside the Faction Range of the actor
if(npc.getAI() !=null && (npc.getAI().getIntention() == CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE
|| npc.getAI().getIntention() == CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE)
&& actor.isInsideRadius(npc, npc.getFactionRange(), false, true)
&& target.isInsideRadius(npc, npc.getFactionRange(), false, true))
if(Config.GEODATA > 0)
if(GeoData.getInstance().canSeeTarget(npc, target))
// Notify the L2Object AI with EVT_AGGRESSION
L2CharacterAI ai = npc.getAI();
ai.notifyEvent(CtrlEvent.EVT_AGGRESSION, target, 1);
if(!npc.isDead() && Math.abs(target.getZ() - npc.getZ()) < 600)
// Notify the L2Object AI with EVT_AGGRESSION
L2CharacterAI ai = npc.getAI();
ai.notifyEvent(CtrlEvent.EVT_AGGRESSION, target, 1);
npc = null;
* Manage AI thinking actions of a L2Attackable.<BR>
* <BR>
protected void onEvtThink()
// Check if the actor can't use skills and if a thinking action isn't already in progress
if(_thinking || _actor.isAllSkillsDisabled())
// Start thinking action
_thinking = true;
// Manage AI thinks of a L2Attackable
if(getIntention() == AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE)
else if(getIntention() == AI_INTENTION_ATTACK)
// Stop thinking action
_thinking = false;
* Launch actions corresponding to the Event Attacked.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Init the attack : Calculate the attack timeout, Set the _globalAggro to 0, Add the attacker to the actor
* _aggroList</li> <li>Set the L2Character movement type to run and send Server->Client packet ChangeMoveType to all
* others L2PcInstance</li> <li>Set the Intention to AI_INTENTION_ATTACK</li><BR>
* <BR>
* @param attacker The L2Character that attacks the actor
protected void onEvtAttacked(L2Character attacker)
// Calculate the attack timeout
_attackTimeout = MAX_ATTACK_TIMEOUT + GameTimeController.getGameTicks();
// Set the _globalAggro to 0 to permit attack even just after spawn
if(_globalAggro < 0)
_globalAggro = 0;
// Add the attacker to the _aggroList of the actor
((L2Attackable) _actor).addDamageHate(attacker, 0, 1);
// Set the L2Character movement type to run and send Server->Client packet ChangeMoveType to all others L2PcInstance
// Set the Intention to AI_INTENTION_ATTACK
if(getIntention() != AI_INTENTION_ATTACK)
setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, attacker, null);
* Launch actions corresponding to the Event Aggression.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Add the target to the actor _aggroList or update hate if already present</li> <li>Set the actor Intention to
* AI_INTENTION_ATTACK (if actor is L2GuardInstance check if it isn't too far from its home location)</li><BR>
* <BR>
* @param target The L2Character that attacks
* @param aggro The value of hate to add to the actor against the target
protected void onEvtAggression(L2Character target, int aggro)
if(_actor == null)
L2Attackable me = (L2Attackable) _actor;
if(target != null)
// Add the target to the actor _aggroList or update hate if already present
me.addDamageHate(target, 0, aggro);
// Get the hate of the actor against the target
aggro = me.getHating(target);
if(aggro <= 0)
if(me.getMostHated() == null)
_globalAggro = -25;
setIntention(AI_INTENTION_IDLE, null, null);
// Set the actor AI Intention to AI_INTENTION_ATTACK
if(getIntention() != CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK)
// Set the L2Character movement type to run and send Server->Client packet ChangeMoveType to all others L2PcInstance
L2SiegeGuardInstance sGuard = (L2SiegeGuardInstance) _actor;
double homeX = target.getX() - sGuard.getHomeX();
double homeY = target.getY() - sGuard.getHomeY();
// Check if the L2SiegeGuardInstance is not too far from its home location
if(homeX * homeX + homeY * homeY < 3240000)
setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, target, null);
sGuard = null;
// currently only for setting lower general aggro
if(aggro >= 0)
L2Character mostHated = me.getMostHated();
if(mostHated == null)
_globalAggro = -25;
for(L2Character aggroed : me.getAggroListRP().keySet())
me.addDamageHate(aggroed, 0, aggro);
aggro = me.getHating(mostHated);
if(aggro <= 0)
_globalAggro = -25;
setIntention(AI_INTENTION_IDLE, null, null);
mostHated = null;
me = null;
protected void onEvtDead()
public void stopAITask()
if(_aiTask != null)
_aiTask = null;