package ru.autosome.perfectosape.cli.generalized;
import ru.autosome.ape.calculation.findPvalue.FindPvalueAPE;
import ru.autosome.ape.calculation.findPvalue.FindPvalueBsearchBuilder;
import ru.autosome.commons.model.Discretizer;
import ru.autosome.commons.motifModel.Discretable;
import ru.autosome.commons.motifModel.Named;
import ru.autosome.commons.motifModel.ScoreDistribution;
import ru.autosome.perfectosape.model.SequenceWithSNP;
import ru.autosome.commons.backgroundModel.GeneralizedBackgroundModel;
import ru.autosome.ape.model.exception.HashOverflowException;
import ru.autosome.perfectosape.calculation.SNPScan;
import ru.autosome.ape.calculation.findPvalue.CanFindPvalue;
import ru.autosome.commons.importer.InputExtensions;
import ru.autosome.commons.motifModel.types.DataModel;
import ru.autosome.commons.motifModel.ScoringModel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
abstract public class MultiSNPScan<MotifType extends Named & ScoringModel & Discretable<MotifType> & ScoreDistribution<BackgroundType>,
BackgroundType extends GeneralizedBackgroundModel> {
public static class ThresholdEvaluator {
public final ScoringModel pwm;
public final CanFindPvalue pvalueCalculator;
public final String name;
public ThresholdEvaluator(ScoringModel pwm, CanFindPvalue pvalueCalculator, String name) {
this.pwm = pwm;
this.pvalueCalculator = pvalueCalculator; = name;
protected abstract void initialize_default_background();
protected abstract void extract_background(String s);
protected abstract List<MotifType> load_collection_of_pwms();
protected void load_collection_of_pwms_with_evaluators() {
List<MotifType> motifList = load_collection_of_pwms();
pwmCollection = new ArrayList<ThresholdEvaluator>();
for (MotifType motif: motifList) {
CanFindPvalue pvalueCalculator;
if (thresholds_folder == null) {
pvalueCalculator = new FindPvalueAPE<MotifType, BackgroundType>(motif, background, discretizer, max_hash_size);
} else {
pvalueCalculator = new FindPvalueBsearchBuilder(thresholds_folder).pvalueCalculator(motif);
pwmCollection.add(new ThresholdEvaluator(motif, pvalueCalculator, motif.getName()));
protected abstract String DOC_background_option();
protected abstract String DOC_run_string();
protected String documentString() {
return "Command-line format:\n" +
DOC_run_string() + " <folder with pwms> <file with SNPs> [options]\n" +
"\n" +
"Options:\n" +
" [--pvalue-cutoff <maximal pvalue to be considered>] or [-P] - drop results having both allele-variant pvalues greater than given\n" +
" (default: 0.0005)\n" +
" [--fold-change-cutoff <minmal fold change to be considered>] or [-F] - drop results having fold change (both 1st pvalue to 2nd, 2nd to 1st)\n" +
" less than given (default: 5)\n" +
" In order to get all fold changes - set both pvalue-cutoff and fold-change-cutoff to 1.0.\n" +
" [-d <discretization level>]\n" +
" [--pcm] - treat the input file as Position Count Matrix. PCM-to-PWM transformation to be done internally.\n" +
" [--ppm] or [--pfm] - treat the input file as Position Frequency Matrix. PPM-to-PWM transformation to be done internally.\n" +
" [--effective-count <count>] - effective samples set size for PPM-to-PWM conversion (default: 100). \n" +
" [-b <background probabilities] " + DOC_background_option() + "\n" +
" [--precalc <folder>] - specify folder with thresholds for PWM collection (for fast-and-rough calculation).\n" +
" [--transpose] - load motif from transposed matrix (nucleotides in lines).\n" +
DOC_additional_options() +
"\n" +
"Examples:\n" +
" " + DOC_run_string() + " ./hocomoco/pwms/ snp.txt --precalc ./collection_thresholds\n" +
" " + DOC_run_string() + " ./hocomoco/pcms/ snp.txt --pcm -d 10\n";
protected String DOC_additional_options() {
return "";
protected Discretizer discretizer;
protected Integer max_hash_size;
protected File path_to_collection_of_pwms;
protected File path_to_file_w_snps;
protected DataModel dataModel;
protected double effectiveCount;
protected File thresholds_folder;
protected List<String> snp_list;
protected List<ThresholdEvaluator> pwmCollection;
protected double max_pvalue_cutoff;
protected double min_fold_change_cutoff;
protected BackgroundType background;
protected boolean transpose;
// Split by spaces and return last part
protected static String last_part_of_string(String s) {
String[] string_parts = s.replaceAll("\\s+", " ").split(" ");
String result = string_parts[string_parts.length - 1];
if (result.matches("[ACGTacgt]+(/[ACGTacgt]+)+") || result.matches("[ACGTacgt]+\\[(/?[ACGTacgt]+)+\\][ACGTacgt]+")) {
return result;
} else {
return string_parts[string_parts.length - 3] + "[" + string_parts[string_parts.length - 2].replaceAll("\\[|\\]", "") + "]" + string_parts[string_parts.length - 1];
// Output: "rs9929218"
protected static String first_part_of_string(String s) {
return s.replaceAll("\\s+", " ").split(" ")[0];
void extract_path_to_collection_of_pwms(ArrayList<String> argv) {
try {
path_to_collection_of_pwms = new File(argv.remove(0));
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Specify PWM-collection folder", e);
void extract_path_to_file_w_snps(ArrayList<String> argv) {
try {
path_to_file_w_snps = new File(argv.remove(0));
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Specify file with SNPs", e);
protected void initialize_defaults() {
discretizer = new Discretizer(100.0);
max_hash_size = 10000000;
dataModel = DataModel.PWM;
effectiveCount = 100;
thresholds_folder = null;
max_pvalue_cutoff = 0.0005;
min_fold_change_cutoff = 5.0;
transpose = false;
protected MultiSNPScan() {
protected void setup_from_arglist(ArrayList<String> argv) {
while (argv.size() > 0) {
protected void extract_option(ArrayList<String> argv) {
String opt = argv.remove(0);
if (opt.equals("-b")) {
} else if (opt.equals("--max-hash-size")) {
max_hash_size = Integer.valueOf(argv.remove(0));
} else if (opt.equals("-d")) {
discretizer = Discretizer.fromString(argv.remove(0));
} else if (opt.equals("--pcm")) {
dataModel = DataModel.PCM;
} else if (opt.equals("--ppm") || opt.equals("--pfm")) {
dataModel = DataModel.PPM;
} else if (opt.equals("--effective-count")) {
effectiveCount = Double.valueOf(argv.remove(0));
} else if (opt.equals("--precalc")) {
thresholds_folder = new File(argv.remove(0));
} else if(opt.equals("--pvalue-cutoff") || opt.equals("-P")) {
max_pvalue_cutoff = Double.valueOf(argv.remove(0));
} else if(opt.equals("--fold-change-cutoff") || opt.equals("-F")) {
min_fold_change_cutoff = Double.valueOf(argv.remove(0));
if (min_fold_change_cutoff < 1.0) {
min_fold_change_cutoff = 1.0 / min_fold_change_cutoff;
} else if(opt.equals("--transpose")) {
transpose = true;
} else {
if (failed_to_recognize_additional_options(opt, argv)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown option '" + opt + "'");
protected boolean failed_to_recognize_additional_options(String opt, List<String> argv) {
return true;
protected void load_snp_list() {
try {
InputStream reader = new FileInputStream(path_to_file_w_snps);
snp_list = InputExtensions.filter_empty_strings(InputExtensions.readLinesFromInputStream(reader));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to load pack of SNPs", e);
protected void process_snp(String snp_input) throws HashOverflowException {
String snp_name = first_part_of_string(snp_input);
SequenceWithSNP seq_w_snp = SequenceWithSNP.fromString(last_part_of_string(snp_input));
for (ThresholdEvaluator motifEvaluator: pwmCollection) {
SNPScan.RegionAffinityInfos result;
result = new SNPScan(motifEvaluator.pwm, seq_w_snp, motifEvaluator.pvalueCalculator).affinityInfos();
boolean pvalueSignificant = (result.getInfo_1().getPvalue() <= max_pvalue_cutoff ||
result.getInfo_2().getPvalue() <= max_pvalue_cutoff);
boolean foldChangeSignificant = (result.foldChange() >= min_fold_change_cutoff ||
result.foldChange() <= 1.0/min_fold_change_cutoff);
if (pvalueSignificant && foldChangeSignificant) {
System.out.println(snp_name + "\t" + + "\t" + result.toString());
public void process() throws HashOverflowException {
System.out.println("# SNP name\tmotif\tposition 1\torientation 1\tword 1\tposition 2\torientation 2\tword 2\tallele 1/allele 2\tP-value 1\tP-value 2\tFold change");
for (String snp_input : snp_list) {