import java.util.InputMismatchException;
import java.util.Scanner;
import warships.Warship;
import warships.WarshipStaticMethods;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Name and ID: Amit Malhotra (5796997)
// Comp 249
// Assignment #3 Part 2
// Due Date: 22nd of March 2013
* Mission Control class that will allow our main method to send ships out
* to new missions
* @author Amit
public class WarshipMissionControl {
* Main Method in our Mission Control Class
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner kb = new Scanner(; //for our user prompts
// welcome message
System.out.println("* Welcome to the Mission Control! *");
System.out.println("* Programmed by *");
System.out.println("* Amit Malhotra *");
//our Sorted File:
File sortedFile = new File("Sorted_Warship_Info.txt");
//add new records to this file
//Let's send our file to display method to see the newly added content of the file
//now we will save our file in a temporary array of warship objects
//how many records does it have?
int nbRecords = WarshipStaticMethods.getNumberOfRecords(sortedFile);
Warship[] navalForce = WarshipStaticMethods.createFillArray(sortedFile, nbRecords);
//ask user for one of the serial numbers and carry out a binary search and a Sequential search to compare
boolean done = false; //flag used below for while loop
long searchKey = 0; //the search key user will provide
int[] searchResult = new int[2]; //to catch our search result
//let's get the key in a try-catch block to catch any input mismatch mistakes
while (!done){ //loop will help if there's an input mismatch exceptiony
System.out.println("\nEnter the ship's serial number that you want to recall: ");
searchKey = kb.nextLong();
done = true; //break out of the asking loop
} catch (InputMismatchException e){
kb.nextLine(); //discard all the end of line scanner junkn
System.out.println("\nThere was a problem capturing the number, please make sure " +
" that you are entering a serial number. Try again.");
//binary search
searchResult = WarshipStaticMethods.binarySearch(navalForce, searchKey);
if (searchResult[0] == -1){
System.out.println("\nWe conducted the search using binary search method and we had to do " + searchResult[1] + " iterations.");
System.out.println("Sorry, no ship matching that serial number was located.");
} else {
System.out.println("\nWe found a ship matching the serial number you entered.");
System.out.println("The search was conducted using binary method and we had to do " + searchResult[1] + " iterations.");
System.out.println("Here is the information pertaining to this ship:");
} //close if-else
//sequential search
searchResult = WarshipStaticMethods.sequentialSearch(navalForce, searchKey);
if (searchResult[0] == -1){
System.out.println("\nWe also conducted the search using sequential method and we had to do " + searchResult[1] + " iterations.");
System.out.println("Sorry, no ship matching that serial number was located.");
} else {
System.out.println("\nWe found a ship matching the serial number you entered.");
System.out.println("The search was conducted using sequential method and we had to do " + searchResult[1] + " iterations.");
System.out.println("Here is the information pertaining to this ship:");
} //close if-else
System.out.println("\nPress enter to continue with the comparitive analysis of Binary vs. Sequential search.");
try {;
} catch (IOException e){
//let's find best and worst case scenarios for the binary search
//we will create a small table and do a search with terms located on every single index
int[][] bestWorstSearch = new int[navalForce.length + 1][2];
for (int i = 0; i < navalForce.length; i++){
searchResult = WarshipStaticMethods.binarySearch(navalForce, navalForce[i].getSerialNumber());
bestWorstSearch[i][0] = searchResult[1];
//one search with a record we know doesn't exist
searchResult = WarshipStaticMethods.binarySearch(navalForce,000000000);
bestWorstSearch[navalForce.length][0] = searchResult[1];
//now for comparison purposes, let's do a sequential search on each index as well
for (int i = 0; i < navalForce.length; i++){
searchResult = WarshipStaticMethods.sequentialSearch(navalForce, navalForce[i].getSerialNumber());
bestWorstSearch[i][1] = searchResult[1];
//one search with a record we know doesn't exist
searchResult = WarshipStaticMethods.sequentialSearch(navalForce, 000000000);
bestWorstSearch[navalForce.length][1] = searchResult[1];
//now we have everything in a table for each index number let's display our findings
System.out.println("To measure the effectiveness of Binary vs. Sequential Search, we did a little research.");
System.out.println("The results below show the index number in the first column followed by the number of iterations" +
"\nit took Binary search and Sequential search to find the serial number located at that specific" +
"\nindex. The final index in the table shows the number of iterations needed to do a search when " +
"\nthe search term is not found.");
for (int i = 0; i < bestWorstSearch.length; i++){
System.out.print(i +"\t");
for (int j = 0; j < bestWorstSearch[i].length; j++){
System.out.print(bestWorstSearch[i][j] + "\t");
//let's analyze the results
//we will use a few variables and save max/min itirations for both search types and the indices
//at which they occur
int binaryMaxIt = -1, binaryMinIt = -1, seqMaxIt = -1, seqMinIt = -1;
int indexBinaryMaxIt = 0, indexBinaryMinIt=0, indexSeqMaxIt = 0, indexSeqMinIt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <bestWorstSearch.length-1; i++){ //don't search in last index, it's our "not found" case
if (binaryMaxIt == -1 || binaryMaxIt < bestWorstSearch[i][0]){
binaryMaxIt = bestWorstSearch[i][0];
indexBinaryMaxIt = i;
if (binaryMinIt == -1 || binaryMinIt > bestWorstSearch[i][0]){
binaryMinIt = bestWorstSearch[i][0];
indexBinaryMinIt = i;
if (seqMaxIt == -1 || seqMaxIt < bestWorstSearch[i][1]){
seqMaxIt = bestWorstSearch[i][1];
indexSeqMaxIt = i;
if (seqMinIt == -1 || seqMinIt > bestWorstSearch[i][1]){
seqMinIt = bestWorstSearch[i][1];
indexSeqMinIt = i;
System.out.println("Our analysis show that in an array of size " + navalForce.length + " the binary search methods takes " +
"\na maximum of " + binaryMaxIt + " iterations to find a search term (for example for a term located at index location " +
indexBinaryMaxIt + "). \nWhereas the minimmum itirations take place when the term is located at index location " +
indexBinaryMinIt + " \nwhich is carried out using only " + binaryMinIt + " iterations. " +
"\nIn contrast, a sequential search will take the max iterations that is " + seqMaxIt + " " +
"\nfor a search term located at index " + indexSeqMaxIt + " " + " and the least iterations (" + seqMinIt + ") " +
"\nwhen the search term is located at " + indexSeqMinIt + ". " + "It is obvious from the tabled results " +
"\nthat Binary search is much more efficient then the sequential search. Especially when the search term is not " +
"\nfound the binary method uses " + bestWorstSearch[bestWorstSearch.length-1][0] + " iterations while the Sequential " +
"search uses up to "+ bestWorstSearch[bestWorstSearch.length-1][1] + " iterations.");
//finally we will write our array to a binary file
try {
System.out.println("\nWriting the Warship data to a binary file: Warships.dat");
System.out.println("Data exported.");
} catch (IOException e){
//test binary
//File binaryin = new File("Warships.dat");
// exit message
System.out.println("* Thanks for using Warship Mission Control *");
//close scanner
}//end main
}//end WarshipMissionControl class