import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
* Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: Stephan
* Date: 17.02.13
* Time: 12:17
* @author Stephan
* @copyright Copyright 2013 Stephan
public class BasicCommands extends CommandHandler {
@Command(name = "test", usage = "<text>", help = "This is for testing")
public void test() {
String prefix = args.getNamedParam('p');
if (prefix == null) prefix = args.getNamedParam("prefix");
if (prefix == null) prefix = "Test:";
String redirect = args.getNamedParam('r');
if (redirect == null) redirect = args.getNamedParam("redirect");
if (redirect == null) redirect = "notice";
if (redirect.equalsIgnoreCase("notice"))
print(prefix + " " + args.getOrError(1));
else if (redirect.equalsIgnoreCase("channel"))
printChan(prefix + " " + args.getOrError(1));
//out.printLine(prefix + " " + args.getOrError(1));
//@Command(name = "nstest", usage = "<nick>", help = "Test the nickserv system")
public void nstest() {
String acc = bot.nickservSystem.getAccount(args.getOrError(1));
//out.printLine("Your account: " + (acc != null ? acc : "<none>"));
@Command(name = "raw", usage = "<raw line>", help = "Sends a raw line to the server", permission = "cmd.admin.raw")
public void raw() {
@Command(name = "rehash", usage = "", help = "reloads the configuration file", permission = "cmd.admin.rehash")
public void rehash() {
@Command(name = "perm", usage = "<target> (set|unset|reset) <permission>", help = "Sets, unsets or gets a permission", permission = "cmd.admin.perm")
public void perm() {
String name = args.getOrError(1);
if (args.getNamedParam("account") != null || args.getNamedParam('a') != null) {
name = bot.nickservSystem.getAccount(name);
if (name == null)
throw new CommandException("Invalid account");
HashMap<String, Boolean> perms = bot.permissionSystem.getPermissions(name);
String mode = args.getOrError(2);
String perm = args.getOrError(3);
if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("set")) {
perms.put(perm, true);
} else if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("unset")) {
perms.put(perm, false);
} else if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("reset")) {
} else {
throw new UsageException();
bot.permissionSystem.setPermissions(name, perms);
@Command(name = "help", usage = "[<command>]", help = "Gets help for a command", permission = "")
public void help() {
String cmd = args.get(1);
if (cmd == null) {
List<Method> commands = bot.commandManager.getCommands();
String tmp = "";
for (Method m : commands) {
Command c = ((Command)m.getAnnotation(Command.class));
if (bot.permissionSystem.hasParsedPermission(c.permission(), sender.getNick(), channel)) {
if (!tmp.equals("")) tmp += ", ";
tmp +=;
print("Avaible commands: " + tmp);
} else{
Method m = bot.commandManager.getCommand(cmd);
Command c = ((Command)m.getAnnotation(Command.class));
if (!bot.permissionSystem.hasParsedPermission(c.permission(), sender.getNick(), channel))
throw new CommandException("You have no permissions for that command");
print("Usage: " + + " " + c.usage());
print("Aliases: " + c.aliases().toString());
@Command(name = "demo", usage = "", help = "demonstrates how to add a command")
public void demoCommand() {
// Getting an unnamed param:
String p1 = args.get(1);
// Getting an unnamed param, but throw an UsageException if the param isn't set:
String p2 = args.getOrError(2);
// Like getOrError, but only for ints:
int i = args.getIntOrError(3);
// Get a param set like --param <value>
String value = args.getNamedParam("param"); // use double quotes!
// Get a param set like -p <value>
String anotherValue = args.getNamedParam('p'); // note the single quotes!
// Sending a notice to the sender (this should be used for all replys which do not need to go to a channel:
print("Hello " + sender.getNick());
// Sending a message to the channel
printChan("I just said Hello to " + sender.getNick());
// Check a permission. This checks if the user has one of the permissions cmd.util.demo.somepermission, cmd.util.demo.*, cmd.util.*, cmd.* and *
// note that it checks in that order. once it finds a set permission it will return it. this can be false or true.
// This allows it to for example say: i give user x permission cmd.* but i exclude cmd.admin.*
boolean hasPerm = bot.permissionSystem.hasPermission("cmd.util.demo.somepermission", sender.getNick(), channel);