* A library to interact with Virtual Worlds such as OpenSim
* Copyright (C) 2012 Jitendra Chauhan, Email: jitendra.chauhan@gmail.com
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.sim;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Observable;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.cap.http.CapsHttpClient;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.cap.http.CapsHttpRequestCompletedArg;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.protocol.CoarseLocationUpdatePacket;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.protocol.MapBlockReplyPacket;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.protocol.MapBlockRequestPacket;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.protocol.MapItemReplyPacket;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.protocol.MapItemRequestPacket;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.protocol.MapNameRequestPacket;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.protocol.PacketType;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.protocol.RegionHandleRequestPacket;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.protocol.RegionIDAndHandleReplyPacket;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.protocol.SimulatorViewerTimeMessagePacket;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.sim.Simulator.RegionFlags;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.sim.Simulator.SimAccess;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.sim.events.AutoResetEvent;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.sim.events.EventObservable;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.sim.events.EventObserver;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.sim.events.PacketReceivedEventArgs;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.sim.events.ThreadPool;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.sim.events.ThreadPoolFactory;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.sim.events.gm.CoarseLocationUpdateEventArgs;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.sim.events.gm.GridItemsEventArgs;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.sim.events.gm.GridLayerEventArgs;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.sim.events.gm.GridRegionEventArgs;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.sim.events.gm.RegionHandleReplyEventArgs;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.structureddata.OSD;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.structureddata.OSDArray;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.structureddata.OSDFormat;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.structureddata.OSDMap;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.types.UUID;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.types.Vector3;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.util.JLogger;
import com.ngt.jopenmetaverse.shared.util.Utils;
/// <summary>
/// Manages grid-wide tasks such as the world map
/// </summary>
public class GridManager {
//region Enums
/// <summary>
/// Map layer request type
/// </summary>
public enum GridLayerType
/// <summary>Objects and terrain are shown</summary>
/// <summary>Only the terrain is shown, no objects</summary>
/// <summary>Overlay showing land for sale and for auction</summary>
private long index;
GridLayerType(long index)
this.index = index;
public long getIndex()
return index;
// private static final Map<Long,GridLayerType> lookup = new HashMap<Long,GridLayerType>();
// static {
// for(GridLayerType s : EnumSet.allOf(GridLayerType.class))
// lookup.put(s.getIndex(), s);
// }
// public static GridLayerType get(Long index)
// {
// return lookup.get(index);
// }
/// <summary>
/// Type of grid item, such as telehub, event, populator location, etc.
/// </summary>
public enum GridItemType
/// <summary>Telehub</summary>
/// <summary>PG rated event</summary>
/// <summary>Mature rated event</summary>
/// <summary>Popular location</summary>
/// <summary>Locations of avatar groups in a region</summary>
/// <summary>Land for sale</summary>
/// <summary>Classified ad</summary>
/// <summary>Adult rated event</summary>
/// <summary>Adult land for sale</summary>
private long index;
GridItemType(long index)
this.index = index;
public long getIndex()
return index;
private static final Map<Long,GridItemType> lookup = new HashMap<Long,GridItemType>();
static {
for(GridItemType s : EnumSet.allOf(GridItemType.class))
lookup.put(s.getIndex(), s);
public static GridItemType get(Long index)
return lookup.get(index);
//endregion Enums
//region Structs
/// <summary>
/// Information about a region on the grid map
/// </summary>
public class GridRegion
/// <summary>Sim X position on World Map</summary>
public int X;
/// <summary>Sim Y position on World Map</summary>
public int Y;
/// <summary>Sim Name (NOTE: In lowercase!)</summary>
public String Name;
/// <summary></summary>
public SimAccess Access;
/// <summary>Appears to always be zero (None)</summary>
public EnumSet<RegionFlags> RegionFlags;
/// <summary>Sim's defined Water Height</summary>
public byte WaterHeight;
/// <summary></summary>
public byte Agents;
/// <summary>UUID of the World Map image</summary>
public UUID MapImageID;
/// <summary>Unique identifier for this region, a combination of the X
/// and Y position</summary>
public BigInteger RegionHandle;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public String toString()
return String.format("%s (%d/%d), Handle: %s, MapImage: %s, Access: %s, Flags: %s",
Name, X, Y, RegionHandle.toString(), MapImageID.toString(), Access.toString(), RegionFlags.toString());
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public int hashCode()
return (new Integer(X)).hashCode() ^ (new Integer(Y)).hashCode();
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="obj"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (obj instanceof GridRegion)
return equals((GridRegion)obj);
return false;
private boolean equals(GridRegion region)
return (this.X == region.X && this.Y == region.Y);
/// <summary>
/// Visual chunk of the grid map
/// </summary>
public class GridLayer
public int Bottom;
public int Left;
public int Top;
public int Right;
public UUID ImageID;
public boolean containsRegion(int x, int y)
return (x >= Left && x <= Right && y >= Bottom && y <= Top);
//endregion Structs
//region Map Item Classes
/// <summary>
/// Base class for Map Items
/// </summary>
public abstract class MapItem
/// <summary>The Global X position of the item</summary>
public long GlobalX;
/// <summary>The Global Y position of the item</summary>
public long GlobalY;
/// <summary>Get the Local X position of the item</summary>
public long getLocalX() { return GlobalX % 256; }
/// <summary>Get the Local Y position of the item</summary>
public long getLocalY() { return GlobalY % 256; }
/// <summary>Get the Handle of the region</summary>
public BigInteger getRegionHandle()
return Utils.uintsToULong((long)(GlobalX - (GlobalX % 256)), (long)(GlobalY - (GlobalY % 256)));
/// <summary>
/// Represents an agent or group of agents location
/// </summary>
public class MapAgentLocation extends MapItem
public int AvatarCount;
public String Identifier;
/// <summary>
/// Represents a Telehub location
/// </summary>
public class MapTelehub extends MapItem
/// <summary>
/// Represents a non-adult parcel of land for sale
/// </summary>
public class MapLandForSale extends MapItem
public int Size;
public int Price;
public String Name;
public UUID ID;
/// <summary>
/// Represents an Adult parcel of land for sale
/// </summary>
public class MapAdultLandForSale extends MapItem
public int Size;
public int Price;
public String Name;
public UUID ID;
/// <summary>
/// Represents a PG Event
/// </summary>
public class MapPGEvent extends MapItem
public DirectoryManager.EventFlags Flags; // Extra
public DirectoryManager.EventCategories Category; // Extra2
public String Description;
/// <summary>
/// Represents a Mature event
/// </summary>
public class MapMatureEvent extends MapItem
public DirectoryManager.EventFlags Flags; // Extra
public DirectoryManager.EventCategories Category; // Extra2
public String Description;
/// <summary>
/// Represents an Adult event
/// </summary>
public class MapAdultEvent extends MapItem
public DirectoryManager.EventFlags Flags; // Extra
public DirectoryManager.EventCategories Category; // Extra2
public String Description;
//endregion Grid Item Classes
private EventObservable<CoarseLocationUpdateEventArgs> OnCoarseLocationUpdate = new EventObservable<CoarseLocationUpdateEventArgs>();
private EventObservable<GridRegionEventArgs> OnGridRegion = new EventObservable<GridRegionEventArgs>();
private EventObservable<GridLayerEventArgs> OnGridLayer = new EventObservable<GridLayerEventArgs>();
private EventObservable<GridItemsEventArgs> OnGridItems = new EventObservable<GridItemsEventArgs>();
private EventObservable<RegionHandleReplyEventArgs> OnRegionHandleReply = new EventObservable<RegionHandleReplyEventArgs>();
public void registerOnCoarseLocationUpdate(EventObserver<CoarseLocationUpdateEventArgs> o)
public void unregisterOnCoarseLocationUpdate(EventObserver<CoarseLocationUpdateEventArgs> o)
public void registerOnGridRegion(EventObserver<GridRegionEventArgs> o)
public void unregisterOnGridRegion(EventObserver<GridRegionEventArgs> o)
public void registerOnGridLayer(EventObserver<GridLayerEventArgs> o)
public void unregisterOnGridLayer(EventObserver<GridLayerEventArgs> o)
public void registerOnGridItems(EventObserver<GridItemsEventArgs> o)
public void unregisterOnGridItems(EventObserver<GridItemsEventArgs> o)
public void registerOnRegionHandleReply(EventObserver<RegionHandleReplyEventArgs> o)
public void unregisterOnRegionHandleReply(EventObserver<RegionHandleReplyEventArgs> o)
// //region Delegates
// /// <summary>The event subscribers. null if no subcribers</summary>
// private EventHandler<CoarseLocationUpdateEventArgs> m_CoarseLocationUpdate;
// /// <summary>Raises the CoarseLocationUpdate event</summary>
// /// <param name="e">A CoarseLocationUpdateEventArgs object containing the
// /// data sent by simulator</param>
// protected virtual void OnCoarseLocationUpdate(CoarseLocationUpdateEventArgs e)
// {
// EventHandler<CoarseLocationUpdateEventArgs> handler = m_CoarseLocationUpdate;
// if (handler != null)
// handler(this, e);
// }
// /// <summary>Thread sync lock object</summary>
// private readonly object m_CoarseLocationUpdateLock = new object();
// /// <summary>Raised when the simulator sends a <see cref="CoarseLocationUpdatePacket"/>
// /// containing the location of agents in the simulator</summary>
// public event EventHandler<CoarseLocationUpdateEventArgs> CoarseLocationUpdate
// {
// add { lock (m_CoarseLocationUpdateLock) { m_CoarseLocationUpdate += value; } }
// remove { lock (m_CoarseLocationUpdateLock) { m_CoarseLocationUpdate -= value; } }
// }
// /// <summary>The event subscribers. null if no subcribers</summary>
// private EventHandler<GridRegionEventArgs> m_GridRegion;
// /// <summary>Raises the GridRegion event</summary>
// /// <param name="e">A GridRegionEventArgs object containing the
// /// data sent by simulator</param>
// protected virtual void OnGridRegion(GridRegionEventArgs e)
// {
// EventHandler<GridRegionEventArgs> handler = m_GridRegion;
// if (handler != null)
// handler(this, e);
// }
// /// <summary>Thread sync lock object</summary>
// private readonly object m_GridRegionLock = new object();
// /// <summary>Raised when the simulator sends a Region Data in response to
// /// a Map request</summary>
// public event EventHandler<GridRegionEventArgs> GridRegion
// {
// add { lock (m_GridRegionLock) { m_GridRegion += value; } }
// remove { lock (m_GridRegionLock) { m_GridRegion -= value; } }
// }
// /// <summary>The event subscribers. null if no subcribers</summary>
// private EventHandler<GridLayerEventArgs> m_GridLayer;
// /// <summary>Raises the GridLayer event</summary>
// /// <param name="e">A GridLayerEventArgs object containing the
// /// data sent by simulator</param>
// protected virtual void OnGridLayer(GridLayerEventArgs e)
// {
// EventHandler<GridLayerEventArgs> handler = m_GridLayer;
// if (handler != null)
// handler(this, e);
// }
// /// <summary>Thread sync lock object</summary>
// private readonly object m_GridLayerLock = new object();
// /// <summary>Raised when the simulator sends GridLayer object containing
// /// a map tile coordinates and texture information</summary>
// public event EventHandler<GridLayerEventArgs> GridLayer
// {
// add { lock (m_GridLayerLock) { m_GridLayer += value; } }
// remove { lock (m_GridLayerLock) { m_GridLayer -= value; } }
// }
// /// <summary>The event subscribers. null if no subcribers</summary>
// private EventHandler<GridItemsEventArgs> m_GridItems;
// /// <summary>Raises the GridItems event</summary>
// /// <param name="e">A GridItemEventArgs object containing the
// /// data sent by simulator</param>
// protected virtual void OnGridItems(GridItemsEventArgs e)
// {
// EventHandler<GridItemsEventArgs> handler = m_GridItems;
// if (handler != null)
// handler(this, e);
// }
// /// <summary>Thread sync lock object</summary>
// private readonly object m_GridItemsLock = new object();
// /// <summary>Raised when the simulator sends GridItems object containing
// /// details on events, land sales at a specific location</summary>
// public event EventHandler<GridItemsEventArgs> GridItems
// {
// add { lock (m_GridItemsLock) { m_GridItems += value; } }
// remove { lock (m_GridItemsLock) { m_GridItems -= value; } }
// }
// /// <summary>The event subscribers. null if no subcribers</summary>
// private EventHandler<RegionHandleReplyEventArgs> m_RegionHandleReply;
// /// <summary>Raises the RegionHandleReply event</summary>
// /// <param name="e">A RegionHandleReplyEventArgs object containing the
// /// data sent by simulator</param>
// protected virtual void OnRegionHandleReply(RegionHandleReplyEventArgs e)
// {
// EventHandler<RegionHandleReplyEventArgs> handler = m_RegionHandleReply;
// if (handler != null)
// handler(this, e);
// }
// /// <summary>Thread sync lock object</summary>
// private readonly object m_RegionHandleReplyLock = new object();
// /// <summary>Raised in response to a Region lookup</summary>
// public event EventHandler<RegionHandleReplyEventArgs> RegionHandleReply
// {
// add { lock (m_RegionHandleReplyLock) { m_RegionHandleReply += value; } }
// remove { lock (m_RegionHandleReplyLock) { m_RegionHandleReply -= value; } }
// }
// //endregion Delegates
private static ThreadPool threadPool = ThreadPoolFactory.getThreadPool();
/// <summary>Unknown</summary>
public float getSunPhase() { return sunPhase; }
/// <summary>Current direction of the sun</summary>
public Vector3 getSunDirection() { return sunDirection; }
/// <summary>Current angular velocity of the sun</summary>
public Vector3 getSunAngVelocity() { return sunAngVelocity; }
/// <summary>Microseconds since the start of SL 4-hour day</summary>
public long getTimeOfDay() { return timeOfDay; }
/// <summary>A dictionary of all the regions, indexed by region name</summary>
public Map<String, GridRegion> Regions = new HashMap<String, GridRegion>();
/// <summary>A dictionary of all the regions, indexed by region handle</summary>
//<BigInteger, GridRegion>
public Map<BigInteger, GridRegion> RegionsByHandle = new HashMap<BigInteger, GridRegion>();
private GridClient Client;
private float sunPhase;
private Vector3 sunDirection;
private Vector3 sunAngVelocity;
private long timeOfDay;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">Instance of GridClient object to associate with this GridManager instance</param>
public GridManager(GridClient client)
Client = client;
// //Client.Network.RegisterCallback(PacketType.MapLayerReply, MapLayerReplyHandler);
// Client.network.RegisterCallback(PacketType.MapBlockReply, MapBlockReplyHandler);
new EventObserver<PacketReceivedEventArgs>()
public void handleEvent(Observable o,
PacketReceivedEventArgs arg) {
try{ MapBlockReplyHandler(o, arg);}
catch(Exception e) {JLogger.warn(Utils.getExceptionStackTraceAsString(e));}
// Client.network.RegisterCallback(PacketType.MapItemReply, MapItemReplyHandler);
new EventObserver<PacketReceivedEventArgs>()
public void handleEvent(Observable o,
PacketReceivedEventArgs arg) {
try{MapItemReplyHandler(o, arg);}
catch(Exception e) {JLogger.warn(Utils.getExceptionStackTraceAsString(e));}
// Client.network.RegisterCallback(PacketType.SimulatorViewerTimeMessage, SimulatorViewerTimeMessageHandler);
Client.network.RegisterCallback(PacketType.SimulatorViewerTimeMessage, new EventObserver<PacketReceivedEventArgs>()
public void handleEvent(Observable o,
PacketReceivedEventArgs arg) {
try{SimulatorViewerTimeMessageHandler(o, arg);}
catch(Exception e) {JLogger.warn(Utils.getExceptionStackTraceAsString(e));}
// Client.network.RegisterCallback(PacketType.CoarseLocationUpdate, CoarseLocationHandler, false);
new EventObserver<PacketReceivedEventArgs>()
public void handleEvent(Observable o,
PacketReceivedEventArgs arg) {
try{CoarseLocationHandler(o, arg);}
catch(Exception e) {JLogger.warn(Utils.getExceptionStackTraceAsString(e));}
, false);
// Client.network.RegisterCallback(PacketType.RegionIDAndHandleReply, RegionHandleReplyHandler);
new EventObserver<PacketReceivedEventArgs>()
public void handleEvent(Observable o,
PacketReceivedEventArgs arg) {
try{RegionHandleReplyHandler(o, arg);}
catch(Exception e) {JLogger.warn(Utils.getExceptionStackTraceAsString(e));}
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="layer"></param>
public void RequestMapLayer(GridLayerType layer) throws Exception
URI url = Client.network.getCurrentSim().Caps.CapabilityURI("MapLayer");
if (url != null)
OSDMap body = new OSDMap();
body.put("Flags", OSD.FromInteger((int)layer.getIndex()));
CapsHttpClient request = new CapsHttpClient(url);
// request.OnComplete += new CapsHttpClient.CompleteCallback(MapLayerResponseHandler);
request.addRequestCompleteObserver(new EventObserver<CapsHttpRequestCompletedArg>(){
public void handleEvent(Observable o,
CapsHttpRequestCompletedArg arg) {
MapLayerResponseHandler(arg.getClient(), arg.getResult(), arg.getError());
request.BeginGetResponse(body, OSDFormat.Xml, Client.settings.CAPS_TIMEOUT);
/// <summary>
/// Request a map layer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="regionName">The name of the region</param>
/// <param name="layer">The type of layer</param>
public void RequestMapRegion(String regionName, GridLayerType layer)
MapNameRequestPacket request = new MapNameRequestPacket();
request.AgentData.AgentID = Client.self.getAgentID();
request.AgentData.SessionID = Client.self.getSessionID();
request.AgentData.Flags = layer.getIndex();
request.AgentData.EstateID = 0; // Filled in on the sim
request.AgentData.Godlike = false; // Filled in on the sim
request.NameData.Name = Utils.stringToBytesWithTrailingNullByte(regionName);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="layer"></param>
/// <param name="minX"></param>
/// <param name="minY"></param>
/// <param name="maxX"></param>
/// <param name="maxY"></param>
/// <param name="returnNonExistent"></param>
public void RequestMapBlocks(GridLayerType layer, int minX, int minY, int maxX, int maxY, boolean returnNonExistent)
MapBlockRequestPacket request = new MapBlockRequestPacket();
request.AgentData.AgentID = Client.self.getAgentID();
request.AgentData.SessionID = Client.self.getSessionID();
request.AgentData.Flags = layer.getIndex();
request.AgentData.Flags |= (long)(returnNonExistent ? 0x10000 : 0);
request.AgentData.EstateID = 0; // Filled in at the simulator
request.AgentData.Godlike = false; // Filled in at the simulator
request.PositionData.MinX = minX;
request.PositionData.MinY = minY;
request.PositionData.MaxX = maxX;
request.PositionData.MaxY = maxY;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="regionHandle"></param>
/// <param name="item"></param>
/// <param name="layer"></param>
/// <param name="timeoutMS"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<MapItem> MapItems(BigInteger regionHandle, GridItemType item, GridLayerType layer, int timeoutMS) throws InterruptedException
List<MapItem> itemList = null;
final AutoResetEvent itemsEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
// EventHandler<GridItemsEventArgs> callback =
// delegate(Object sender, GridItemsEventArgs e)
// {
// if (e.Type == GridItemType.AgentLocations)
// {
// itemList = e.Items;
// itemsEvent.Set();
// }
// };
// GridItems += callback;
// RequestMapItems(regionHandle, item, layer);
final Object[] itemListArray = new Object[]{null};
EventObserver<GridItemsEventArgs> callback = new EventObserver<GridItemsEventArgs>()
public void handleEvent(Observable o, GridItemsEventArgs e) {
if (e.getType().equals(GridItemType.AgentLocations))
itemListArray[0] = e.getItems();
itemList = (List<MapItem>)itemListArray[0];
RequestMapItems(regionHandle, item, layer);
return itemList;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="regionHandle"></param>
/// <param name="item"></param>
/// <param name="layer"></param>
public void RequestMapItems(BigInteger regionHandle, GridItemType item, GridLayerType layer)
MapItemRequestPacket request = new MapItemRequestPacket();
request.AgentData.AgentID = Client.self.getAgentID();
request.AgentData.SessionID = Client.self.getSessionID();
request.AgentData.Flags = layer.getIndex();
request.AgentData.Godlike = false; // Filled in on the sim
request.AgentData.EstateID = 0; // Filled in on the sim
request.RequestData.ItemType = item.getIndex();
request.RequestData.RegionHandle = regionHandle;
/// <summary>
/// Request data for all mainland (Linden managed) simulators
/// </summary>
public void RequestMainlandSims(GridLayerType layer)
RequestMapBlocks(layer, 0, 0, 65535, 65535, false);
/// <summary>
/// Request the region handle for the specified region UUID
/// </summary>
/// <param name="regionID">UUID of the region to look up</param>
public void RequestRegionHandle(UUID regionID)
RegionHandleRequestPacket request = new RegionHandleRequestPacket();
request.RequestBlock = new RegionHandleRequestPacket.RequestBlockBlock();
request.RequestBlock.RegionID = regionID;
/// <summary>
/// Get grid region information using the region name, this function
/// will block until it can find the region or gives up
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">Name of sim you're looking for</param>
/// <param name="layer">Layer that you are requesting</param>
/// <param name="region">Will contain a GridRegion for the sim you're
/// looking for if successful, otherwise an empty structure</param>
/// <returns>True if the GridRegion was successfully fetched, otherwise
/// false</returns>
public boolean GetGridRegion(final String name, GridLayerType layer, GridRegion[] region) throws InterruptedException
if (Utils.isNullOrEmpty(name))
JLogger.error("GetGridRegion called with a null or empty region name");
region[0] = new GridRegion();
return false;
if (Regions.containsKey(name))
// We already have this GridRegion structure
region[0] = Regions.get(name);
return true;
final AutoResetEvent regionEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
EventObserver<GridRegionEventArgs> callback = new EventObserver<GridRegionEventArgs>()
{ @Override
public void handleEvent(Observable o, GridRegionEventArgs e)
if (e.getRegion().Name.equals(name))
RequestMapRegion(name, layer);
if (Regions.containsKey(name))
// The region was found after our request
region[0] = Regions.get(name);
return true;
JLogger.warn("Couldn't find region " + name);
region[0] = new GridRegion();
return false;
// EventHandler<GridRegionEventArgs> callback =
// delegate(Object sender, GridRegionEventArgs e)
// {
// if (e.Region.Name == name)
// regionEvent.Set();
// };
// GridRegion += callback;
// RequestMapRegion(name, layer);
// regionEvent.WaitOne(Client.Settings.MAP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, false);
// GridRegion -= callback;
// if (Regions.ContainsKey(name))
// {
// // The region was found after our request
// region = Regions[name];
// return true;
// }
// else
// {
// Logger.Log("Couldn't find region " + name, Helpers.LogLevel.Warning, Client);
// region = new GridRegion();
// return false;
// }
protected void MapLayerResponseHandler(CapsHttpClient client, OSD result, Exception error)
OSDMap body = (OSDMap)result;
OSDArray layerData = (OSDArray)body.get("LayerData");
if (OnGridLayer != null)
for (int i = 0; i < layerData.count(); i++)
OSDMap thisLayerData = (OSDMap)layerData.get(i);
GridLayer layer = new GridLayer();
layer.Bottom = thisLayerData.get("Bottom").asInteger();
layer.Left = thisLayerData.get("Left").asInteger();
layer.Top = thisLayerData.get("Top").asInteger();
layer.Right = thisLayerData.get("Right").asInteger();
layer.ImageID = thisLayerData.get("ImageID").asUUID();
OnGridLayer.raiseEvent((new GridLayerEventArgs(layer)));
if (body.containsKey("MapBlocks"))
// TODO: At one point this will become activated
JLogger.error("Got MapBlocks through CAPS, please finish this function!");
/// <summary>Process an incoming packet and raise the appropriate events</summary>
/// <param name="sender">The sender</param>
/// <param name="e">The EventArgs object containing the packet data</param>
protected void MapBlockReplyHandler(Object sender, PacketReceivedEventArgs e) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
MapBlockReplyPacket map = (MapBlockReplyPacket)e.getPacket();
for (MapBlockReplyPacket.DataBlock block :map.Data)
if (block.X != 0 && block.Y != 0)
GridRegion region = new GridRegion();
region.X = block.X;
region.Y = block.Y;
region.Name = Utils.bytesWithTrailingNullByteToString(block.Name);
// RegionFlags seems to always be zero here?
region.RegionFlags = RegionFlags.get((int)block.RegionFlags);
region.WaterHeight = block.WaterHeight;
region.Agents = block.Agents;
region.Access = SimAccess.get((short)block.Access);
region.MapImageID = block.MapImageID;
region.RegionHandle = Utils.uintsToULong(((long)region.X * 256), ((long)region.Y * 256));
synchronized (Regions)
Regions.put(region.Name, region);
RegionsByHandle.put(region.RegionHandle, region);
if (OnGridRegion != null)
OnGridRegion.raiseEvent((new GridRegionEventArgs(region)));
/// <summary>Process an incoming packet and raise the appropriate events</summary>
/// <param name="sender">The sender</param>
/// <param name="e">The EventArgs object containing the packet data</param>
protected void MapItemReplyHandler(Object sender, PacketReceivedEventArgs e) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
if (OnGridItems != null)
MapItemReplyPacket reply = (MapItemReplyPacket)e.getPacket();
GridItemType type = GridItemType.get((reply.RequestData.ItemType));
List<MapItem> items = new ArrayList<MapItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < reply.Data.length; i++)
String name = Utils.bytesWithTrailingNullByteToString(reply.Data[i].Name);
switch (type)
case AgentLocations:
MapAgentLocation location = new MapAgentLocation();
location.GlobalX = reply.Data[i].X;
location.GlobalY = reply.Data[i].Y;
location.Identifier = name;
location.AvatarCount = reply.Data[i].Extra;
case Classified:
case LandForSale:
MapLandForSale landsale = new MapLandForSale();
landsale.GlobalX = reply.Data[i].X;
landsale.GlobalY = reply.Data[i].Y;
landsale.ID = reply.Data[i].ID;
landsale.Name = name;
landsale.Size = reply.Data[i].Extra;
landsale.Price = reply.Data[i].Extra2;
case MatureEvent:
MapMatureEvent matureEvent = new MapMatureEvent();
matureEvent.GlobalX = reply.Data[i].X;
matureEvent.GlobalY = reply.Data[i].Y;
matureEvent.Description = name;
matureEvent.Flags = DirectoryManager.EventFlags.get(reply.Data[i].Extra2);
case PgEvent:
MapPGEvent PGEvent = new MapPGEvent();
PGEvent.GlobalX = reply.Data[i].X;
PGEvent.GlobalY = reply.Data[i].Y;
PGEvent.Description = name;
PGEvent.Flags = DirectoryManager.EventFlags.get(reply.Data[i].Extra2);
case Popular:
case Telehub:
MapTelehub teleHubItem = new MapTelehub();
teleHubItem.GlobalX = reply.Data[i].X;
teleHubItem.GlobalY = reply.Data[i].Y;
case AdultLandForSale:
MapAdultLandForSale adultLandsale = new MapAdultLandForSale();
adultLandsale.GlobalX = reply.Data[i].X;
adultLandsale.GlobalY = reply.Data[i].Y;
adultLandsale.ID = reply.Data[i].ID;
adultLandsale.Name = name;
adultLandsale.Size = reply.Data[i].Extra;
adultLandsale.Price = reply.Data[i].Extra2;
case AdultEvent:
MapAdultEvent adultEvent = new MapAdultEvent();
adultEvent.GlobalX = reply.Data[i].X;
adultEvent.GlobalY = reply.Data[i].Y;
adultEvent.Description = Utils.bytesWithTrailingNullByteToString(reply.Data[i].Name);
adultEvent.Flags = DirectoryManager.EventFlags.get(reply.Data[i].Extra2);
JLogger.warn("Unknown map item type " + type);
OnGridItems.raiseEvent((new GridItemsEventArgs(type, items)));
/// <summary>Process an incoming packet and raise the appropriate events</summary>
/// <param name="sender">The sender</param>
/// <param name="e">The EventArgs object containing the packet data</param>
protected void SimulatorViewerTimeMessageHandler(Object sender, final PacketReceivedEventArgs e)
SimulatorViewerTimeMessagePacket time = (SimulatorViewerTimeMessagePacket)e.getPacket();
sunPhase = time.TimeInfo.SunPhase;
sunDirection = time.TimeInfo.SunDirection;
sunAngVelocity = time.TimeInfo.SunAngVelocity;
timeOfDay = time.TimeInfo.UsecSinceStart.longValue();
// TODO: Does anyone have a use for the time stuff?
/// <summary>Process an incoming packet and raise the appropriate events</summary>
/// <param name="sender">The sender</param>
/// <param name="e">The EventArgs object containing the packet data</param>
protected void CoarseLocationHandler(Object sender, final PacketReceivedEventArgs e)
CoarseLocationUpdatePacket coarse = (CoarseLocationUpdatePacket)e.getPacket();
// populate a dictionary from the packet, for local use
Map<UUID, Vector3> coarseEntries = new HashMap<UUID, Vector3>();
for (int i = 0; i < coarse.AgentData.length; i++)
if(coarse.Location.length > 0)
coarseEntries.put(coarse.AgentData[i].AgentID, new Vector3((int)coarse.Location[i].X, (int)coarse.Location[i].Y, (int)coarse.Location[i].Z * 4));
// the friend we are tracking on radar
if (i == coarse.Index.Prey)
e.getSimulator().preyID = coarse.AgentData[i].AgentID;
// find stale entries (people who left the sim)
final List<UUID> removedEntries = new ArrayList<UUID>();
for(Entry<UUID, Vector3> entry: e.getSimulator().avatarPositions.getDictionary().entrySet())
// FindAll(delegate(UUID findID) { return !coarseEntries.ContainsKey(findID); });
// anyone who was not listed in the previous update
final List<UUID> newEntries = new ArrayList<UUID>();
synchronized (e.getSimulator().avatarPositions.getDictionary())
// remove stale entries
for(UUID trackedID :removedEntries)
// add or update tracked info, and record who is new
for (Entry<UUID, Vector3> entry : coarseEntries.entrySet())
if (!e.getSimulator().avatarPositions.containsKey(entry.getKey()))
e.getSimulator().avatarPositions.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (OnCoarseLocationUpdate != null)
threadPool.execute(new Runnable(){
public void run()
(new CoarseLocationUpdateEventArgs(e.getSimulator(),
newEntries, removedEntries)));
// ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate(object o)
// { OnCoarseLocationUpdate(new CoarseLocationUpdateEventArgs(e.getSimulator(), newEntries, removedEntries)); });
/// <summary>Process an incoming packet and raise the appropriate events</summary>
/// <param name="sender">The sender</param>
/// <param name="e">The EventArgs object containing the packet data</param>
protected void RegionHandleReplyHandler(Object sender, PacketReceivedEventArgs e)
if (OnRegionHandleReply != null)
RegionIDAndHandleReplyPacket reply = (RegionIDAndHandleReplyPacket)e.getPacket();
OnRegionHandleReply.raiseEvent(new RegionHandleReplyEventArgs(reply.ReplyBlock.RegionID, reply.ReplyBlock.RegionHandle));