* Copyright (c) 2014. Andrew C. Pacifico. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.fundacaonokia.biblioteca.view;
import javax.swing.DefaultListModel;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JDialog;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JList;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JSpinner;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.SpinnerModel;
import javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel;
import javax.swing.border.BevelBorder;
import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout;
import org.fundacaonokia.biblioteca.model.Genero;
import org.fundacaonokia.biblioteca.model.Livro;
* Diálogo de cadastro de livro
* @author Andrew C. Pacifico <andrewcpacifico@gmail.com>
public class DlgCadastroLivro extends JDialog {
/** Instância do livro a ser retornada ao chamar o método novoLivro */
private Livro lvrRetorno = null;
protected JPanel pnlConteudo;
protected JPanel pnlBotoes;
protected JLabel lblIsbn;
protected JTextField txtIsbn;
protected JLabel lblAutor;
protected JTextField txtAutor;
protected JLabel lblEditora;
protected JTextField txtEditora;
protected JLabel lblTitulo;
protected JTextField txtTitulo;
protected JLabel lblAno;
protected JComboBox<Integer> cmbAno;
protected JLabel lblEdicao;
protected JSpinner spnEdicao;
protected JLabel lblNumPaginas;
protected JSpinner spnNumPaginas;
protected JLabel lblGeneros;
protected JList<Genero> lstGeneros;
protected JButton btnAddGenero;
protected JButton btnRmGenero;
protected DefaultListModel<Genero> lstGenerosModel;
protected DefaultListModel<Genero> lstGenDispModel;
protected JList<Genero> lstGenDisponiveis;
protected JPanel contentPane;
protected JButton btnOk;
protected JButton btnCancelar;
public DlgCadastroLivro() {
* Cofigura os componentes visuais da tela
private void initComponents() {
* Painel principal
* -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
this.contentPane = new JPanel();
this.contentPane.setLayout(new MigLayout("", "0[grow]0", "0[]30[]0"));
this.pnlConteudo = new JPanel();
this.pnlConteudo.setLayout(new MigLayout("", "50[150][150][]50",
this.lblIsbn = new JLabel("Isbn");
this.pnlConteudo.add(this.lblIsbn, "cell 0 0");
this.txtIsbn = new JTextField();
this.pnlConteudo.add(this.txtIsbn, "cell 0 1 2 1, w 300");
this.lblAutor = new JLabel("Autor");
this.pnlConteudo.add(this.lblAutor, "cell 0 2");
this.txtAutor = new JTextField();
this.pnlConteudo.add(this.txtAutor, "cell 0 3 2 1, w 300, id txtAutor");
this.lblEditora = new JLabel("Editora");
this.pnlConteudo.add(this.lblEditora, "cell 2 2");
this.txtEditora = new JTextField();
this.pnlConteudo.add(this.txtEditora, "cell 2 3, w 300, id txtEditora");
this.lblTitulo = new JLabel("Titulo");
this.pnlConteudo.add(this.lblTitulo, "cell 0 4");
this.txtTitulo = new JTextField();
this.pnlConteudo.add(this.txtTitulo, "cell 0 5 3 1, x txtAutor.x, x2 txtEditora.x2");
this.lblAno = new JLabel("Ano");
this.pnlConteudo.add(this.lblAno, "cell 0 6");
this.cmbAno = new JComboBox<Integer>();
for (int i = 1900; i <= 2014; i++) {
this.pnlConteudo.add(this.cmbAno, "cell 0 7, growx");
this.lblEdicao = new JLabel("Edição");
this.pnlConteudo.add(this.lblEdicao, "cell 1 6");
SpinnerModel spnEdicaoModel = new SpinnerNumberModel(1, 1, 500, 1);
this.spnEdicao = new JSpinner(spnEdicaoModel);
this.pnlConteudo.add(this.spnEdicao, "cell 1 7, growx");
this.lblNumPaginas = new JLabel("Nº Páginas");
this.pnlConteudo.add(this.lblNumPaginas, "cell 2 6");
SpinnerModel spnNumPaginasModel = new SpinnerNumberModel(1, 1, 10000, 1);
this.spnNumPaginas = new JSpinner(spnNumPaginasModel);
this.pnlConteudo.add(this.spnNumPaginas, "cell 2 7, w 150::150");
this.lblGeneros = new JLabel("Gêneros");
this.pnlConteudo.add(this.lblGeneros, "cell 0 8");
this.lstGenerosModel = new DefaultListModel<Genero>();
this.lstGeneros = new JList<Genero>(this.lstGenerosModel);
this.pnlConteudo.add(this.lstGeneros, "cell 0 9 2 1, growx, w 300::300, h 200::200");
this.lstGenDispModel = new DefaultListModel<Genero>();
this.lstGenDispModel.addElement(new Genero(0, "Ficção"));
this.lstGenDispModel.addElement(new Genero(1, "Juvenil"));
this.lstGenDispModel.addElement(new Genero(2, "Auto-Ajuda"));
this.lstGenDisponiveis = new JList<Genero>(this.lstGenDispModel);
this.pnlConteudo.add(this.lstGenDisponiveis, "cell 2 9 2 1, growx, w 300::300, h 200::200");
this.btnAddGenero = new JButton("<< Adicionar");
this.pnlConteudo.add(this.btnAddGenero, "cell 2 10 2 1, al center, w 200::200");
this.btnRmGenero = new JButton("Remover >>");
this.pnlConteudo.add(this.btnRmGenero, "cell 0 10 2 1, al center, w 200::200");
this.contentPane.add(this.pnlConteudo, "cell 0 0, growx");
* Configurações do painel de botões inferior
* -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
this.pnlBotoes = new JPanel();
this.pnlBotoes.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED));
this.pnlBotoes.setLayout(new MigLayout("ax right, ay center", "[]20[]50", "[]"));
this.contentPane.add(this.pnlBotoes, "cell 0 1, growx, h 80::80");
this.btnOk = new JButton("Ok");
this.btnOk.setIcon(new ImageIcon("img/Check_16x16.png"));
this.pnlBotoes.add(this.btnOk, "cell 1 0, w 100::100");
this.btnCancelar = new JButton("Cancelar");
this.btnCancelar.setIcon(new ImageIcon("img/Cancel_16x16.png"));
this.pnlBotoes.add(this.btnCancelar, "cell 0 0, w 100::100");
* Configurações da janela
* -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
this.setTitle("Cadastro de Livro");
* Método responsável por exibir o Frame e retornar uma instância de livro
* com os dados informados pelo usuário
* @return Instância do livro com os dados informados pelo usuário, ou null
* caso o usuário pressione o botão cancelar, ou feche a janela.
public Livro novoLivro() {
return this.lvrRetorno;