* Copyright (C) 2014 Nameless Production Committee
* Licensed under the MIT License (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
package jsx.style.property;
import static booton.css.Unit.*;
import jsx.style.PropertyDefinition;
import jsx.style.value.Color;
import jsx.style.value.Shadow;
import booton.css.Unit;
* @version 2014/10/28 17:56:14
public class Text extends PropertyDefinition<Text> {
* <p>
* The text-align CSS property describes how inline content like text is aligned in its parent
* block element. text-align does not control the alignment of block elements itself, only their
* inline content.
* </p>
public final Align align = new Align();
* <p>
* The text-decoration CSS property is used to set the text formatting to underline, overline,
* line-through or blink.
* </p>
public final Decration decoration = new Decration();
* <p>
* The text-overflow CSS property determines how overflowed content that is not displayed is
* signaled to the users. It can be clipped, display an ellipsis ('…', U+2026 Horizontal
* Ellipsis) or a Web author-defined string.
* </p>
public final Overflow overflow = new Overflow();
* <p>
* The vertical-align CSS property specifies the vertical alignment of an inline or table-cell
* element.
* </p>
public final VerticalAlign verticalAlign = new VerticalAlign();
* <p>
* The text-indent CSS property specifies how much horizontal space should be left before the
* beginning of the first line of the text content of an element. Horizontal spacing is with
* respect to the left (or right, for right-to-left layout) edge of the containing block
* element's box.
* </p>
public Text indent(double size, Unit unit) {
return value("text-indent", compute(size, unit));
* <p>
* The text-shadow CSS property adds shadows to text. It accepts a comma-separated list of
* shadows to be applied to the text and text-decorations of the element.
* </p>
* @return
public Text shadow(Shadow... shadows) {
value("text-shadow", join(shadows, v -> v.toString()));
return this;
* <p>
* Helper method to write one-point text shadow. This method is equivalent to the following
* code:
* </p>
* <pre>
* text.shadow(color, 1);
* </pre>
* @return
public Text shadow(Color color) {
return shadow(color, 1);
* <p>
* Helper method to write one-point text shadow.
* </p>
* @param transparency A transparency of shadow.
* @return
public Text shadow(Color color, double transparency) {
color = new Color(0, 0, color.lightness < 50 ? 100 : 0, transparency);
Shadow shadow1 = new Shadow().offset(1, 0, px).color(color);
Shadow shadow2 = new Shadow().offset(0, 1, px).color(color);
return shadow(shadow1, shadow2);
* <p>
* Helper method to write outlined text.
* </p>
* @param transparency A transparency of shadow.
* @return
public Text outline(Color color, double transparency) {
color = new Color(0, 0, color.lightness < 50 ? 100 : 0, transparency);
Shadow shadow1 = new Shadow().offset(1, 0, px).color(color);
Shadow shadow2 = new Shadow().offset(0, 1, px).color(color);
Shadow shadow3 = new Shadow().offset(-1, 0, px).color(color);
Shadow shadow4 = new Shadow().offset(0, -1, px).color(color);
return shadow(shadow1, shadow2, shadow3, shadow4);
* <p>
* Helper method to make text unselectable.
* </p>
public Text unselectable() {
value("user-select", "none");
value("-moz-user-select", "none");
value("-ms-user-select", "none");
value("-webkit-user-select", "none");
return this;
* @version 2014/10/28 17:56:37
public class Align extends PropertyDefinition<Text> {
* Hide.
private Align() {
super("text-align", Text.this);
* <p>
* The inline contents are aligned to the left edge of the line box.
* </p>
* @return
public Text left() {
return value("left");
* <p>
* The inline contents are aligned to the right edge of the line box.
* </p>
* @return
public Text right() {
return value("right");
* <p>
* The inline contents are centered within the line box.
* </p>
* @return
public Text center() {
return value("center");
* <p>
* The text is justified. Text should line up their left and right edges to the left and
* right content edges of the paragraph.
* </p>
* @return
public Text justify() {
return value("justify");
* <p>
* The same as left if direction is left-to-right and right if direction is right-to-left.
* </p>
* @return
public Text start() {
return value("start");
* <p>
* The same as right if direction is left-to-right and left if direction is right-to-left.
* </p>
* @return
public Text end() {
return value("end");
* @version 2014/10/28 17:56:46
public class VerticalAlign extends PropertyDefinition<Text> {
* Hide.
private VerticalAlign() {
super("vertical-align", Text.this);
* <p>
* Aligns the baseline of the element with the baseline of its parent. The baseline of some
* replaced elements, like <textarea> is not specified by the HTML specification, meaning
* that their behavior with this keyword may change from one browser to the other.
* </p>
* @return
public Text baseline() {
return value("baseline");
* <p>
* Aligns the baseline of the element with the subscript-baseline of its parent.
* </p>
* @return
public Text sub() {
return value("sub");
* <p>
* Aligns the baseline of the element with the superscript-baseline of its parent.
* </p>
* @return
public Text sup() {
return value("super");
* <p>
* Aligns the top of the element with the top of the parent element's font.
* </p>
* @return
public Text textTop() {
return value("text-top");
* <p>
* Aligns the bottom of the element with the bottom of the parent element's font.
* </p>
* @return
public Text textBottom() {
return value("text-bottom");
* <p>
* Aligns the middle of the element with the middle of lowercase letters in the parent.
* </p>
* @return
public Text middle() {
return value("middle");
* <p>
* Align the top of the element and its descendants with the top of the entire line.
* </p>
* @return
public Text top() {
return value("top");
* <p>
* Align the bottom of the element and its descendants with the bottom of the entire line.
* </p>
* @return
public Text bottom() {
return value("bottom");
* @version 2014/10/28 17:57:00
public class Decration extends PropertyDefinition<Text> {
* Hide.
private Decration() {
super("text-decoration", Text.this);
* <p>
* The text-decoration CSS property is used to set the text formatting to underline,
* overline, line-through or blink.
* </p>
* <p>
* Produces no text decoration.
* </p>
* @return
public Text none() {
return value("none");
* <p>
* The text-decoration CSS property is used to set the text formatting to underline,
* overline, line-through or blink.
* </p>
* <p>
* Each line of text is underlined.
* </p>
* @return
public Text underline() {
return value("underline");
* <p>
* The text-decoration CSS property is used to set the text formatting to underline,
* overline, line-through or blink.
* </p>
* <p>
* Each line of text has a line above it.
* </p>
* @return
public Text overline() {
return value("overline");
* <p>
* The text-decoration CSS property is used to set the text formatting to underline,
* overline, line-through or blink.
* </p>
* <p>
* Each line of text has a line through the middle.
* </p>
* @return
public Text lineThrough() {
return value("line-through");
* <p>
* Text blinks. Browsers may ignore this value (without making the declaration invalid), as
* Internet Explorer and Safari does. Supported by Firefox (Gecko) and Opera. Note that not
* blinking the text is one technique to satisfy checkpoint 3.3 of WAI-UAAG
* </p>
* @return
public Text blink() {
return value("blink");
* @version 2014/10/28 17:57:07
public class Overflow extends PropertyDefinition<Text> {
* Hide.
private Overflow() {
super("text-overflow", Text.this);
* <p>
* This keyword value indicates to truncate the text at the limit of the content area,
* therefore the truncation can happen in the middle of a character. To truncate at the
* transition between two characters, the empty string value ('') must be used. The value
* clip is the default for this property.
* </p>
* @return
public Text clip() {
return value("clip");
* <p>
* This keyword value indicates to display ellipses ('…', U+2026 Horizontal Ellipsis) to
* represent clipped text. The ellipsis is displayed inside the content area, shortening
* more the size of the displayed text. If there is not enough place to display ellipsis,
* they are clipped.
* @return
public Text ellipsis() {
return value("ellipsis");