* Copyright (C) 2013 Nameless Production Committee
* Licensed under the MIT License (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
package js.lang.reflect;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import js.lang.Global;
import js.lang.NativeArray;
import js.lang.NativeFunction;
import js.lang.NativeObject;
import booton.translator.JavaAPIProvider;
* @version 2013/12/12 15:53:40
class JSProxy {
/** The class manager. */
private static final Map<Integer, Class> classes = new HashMap();
* Returns the invocation handler for the specified proxy instance.
* @param proxy the proxy instance to return the invocation handler for
* @return the invocation handler for the proxy instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the argument is not a proxy instance
public static InvocationHandler getInvocationHandler(Object proxy) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (!isProxyClass(proxy.getClass())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a proxy instance");
return ((ProxyBase) proxy).handler;
* Returns true if and only if the specified class was dynamically generated to be a proxy class
* using the {@code getProxyClass} method or the {@code newProxyInstance} method.
* <p>
* The reliability of this method is important for the ability to use it to make security
* decisions, so its implementation should not just test if the class in question extends
* {@code Proxy}.
* @param clazz the class to test
* @return {@code true} if the class is a proxy class and {@code false} otherwise
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code cl} is {@code null}
public static boolean isProxyClass(Class<?> clazz) {
return ProxyBase.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz);
* <p>
* Returns an instance of a proxy class for the specified interfaces that dispatches method
* invocations to the specified invocation handler.
* </p>
* @param loader The class loader to define the proxy class.
* @param interfaces The list of interfaces for the proxy class to implement.
* @param handler The invocation handler to dispatch method invocations to.
* @return A proxy instance with the specified invocation handler of a proxy class that is
* defined by the specified class loader and that implements the specified interfaces.
public static Object newProxyInstance(ClassLoader loader, Class<?>[] interfaces, final InvocationHandler handler) {
// find proxy class
Integer hash = Math.abs(Arrays.hashCode(interfaces));
Class clazz = classes.get(hash);
if (clazz == null) {
clazz = (Class) (Object) new ProxyClass(hash, interfaces);
classes.put(hash, clazz);
final ProxyBase proxy = new ProxyBase(clazz, handler);
for (Class<?> interfaceType : interfaces) {
// implement default methods and lambda methods
JSClass definition = (JSClass) (Object) interfaceType;
for (String name : definition.prototype.keys()) {
((NativeObject) (Object) proxy).setProperty(name, definition.prototype.getProperty(name));
// implement interface methods for proxy api
for (Method method : interfaceType.getMethods()) {
if (!method.isDefault() && (method.getDeclaringClass() != Annotation.class || method.getName()
.equals("annotationType"))) {
ProxyFunction function = new ProxyFunction(proxy, method);
.setProperty(((JSMethod) (Object) method).nameJS, new NativeFunction(function).bind(function));
// API definition
return proxy;
* <p>
* Returns an instance of a lambda class for the specified interfaces that dispatches method
* invocations to the specified lambda method.
* </p>
* @param interfaceClass A functional interface.
* @param lambdaMethodHolder A lambda method holder (prptotype).
* @param lambdaMethodName A lambda method name in javascript runtime.
* @param context A lambda context object.
* @param parameters A list of parameters from local environment.
* @return
static Object newLambdaInstance(Class interfaceClass, NativeObject lambdaMethodHolder, String lambdaMethodName, Object context, Object[] parameters) {
return newProxyInstance(null, new Class[] {interfaceClass}, new InvocationHandler() {
* {@inheritDoc}
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
if (lambdaMethodName.charAt(0) == '$') {
// constructor
// create new instance
Object instance = lambdaMethodHolder.create();
// invoke constructor
lambdaMethodHolder.getPropertyAs(NativeFunction.class, lambdaMethodName).apply(instance, args);
// API definition
return instance;
} else if (method.isDefault()) {
// default method
return method.invoke(proxy, args);
} else {
// method
Object currentContext = context;
NativeObject currentHolder = lambdaMethodHolder;
if (currentHolder == null) {
currentContext = ((NativeArray) (Object) args).shift();
currentHolder = (NativeObject) currentContext;
return currentHolder.getPropertyAs(NativeFunction.class, lambdaMethodName)
.apply(currentContext, ((NativeArray) (Object) parameters).concat(args).toArray());
* @version 2013/08/19 14:25:00
private static class ProxyBase {
/** The type of this proxy. */
private final Class type;
/** The delegator. */
private final InvocationHandler handler;
* @param handler
private ProxyBase(Class type, InvocationHandler handler) {
this.type = type;
this.handler = handler;
* Returns the runtime class of this {@code Object}. The returned {@code Class} object is
* the object that is locked by {@code static synchronized} methods of the represented
* class.
* <p>
* <b>The actual result type is {@code Class<? extends |X|>} where {@code |X|} is the
* erasure of the static type of the expression on which {@code getClass} is called.</b> For
* example, no cast is required in this code fragment:
* </p>
* <p>
* {@code Number n = 0; }<br>
* {@code Class<? extends Number> c = n.getClass(); }
* </p>
* @return The {@code Class} object that represents the runtime class of this object.
* @see Class Literals, section 15.8.2 of <cite>The Java™ Language
* Specification</cite>.
public Class $alias$getClass() {
return type;
* @version 2013/09/09 12:44:31
private static class ProxyClass extends JSClass {
* @param id A proxy id.
* @param interfaces A interface list.
private ProxyClass(int id, Class[] interfaces) {
super("Proxy" + id, new NativeObject(), new NativeArray(), ProxyBase.class, new NativeObject());
interfacesType = Arrays.asList(interfaces);
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toString() {
return "class " + nameJS;
* @version 2013/08/26 7:19:46
private static class ProxyFunction {
/** The context of invocation. */
private final ProxyBase context;
/** The method of invocation. */
private final Method method;
* @param context
* @param method
private ProxyFunction(ProxyBase context, Method method) {
this.context = context;
this.method = method;
* <p>
* Bridge method to {@link InvocationHandler}.
* </p>
* @return
* @throws Throwable
public Object invoke() throws Throwable {
return context.handler.invoke(context, method, Global.getArgumentArray());