* Copyright (C) 2013 Nameless Production Committee
* Licensed under the MIT License (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
package booton.css.property;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import booton.css.StyleDeclarable;
import booton.css.value.Color;
import booton.css.value.Numeric;
* @version 2013/07/23 14:35:11
public class Borders extends BorderSet {
/** The width properties. */
private final EnumMap<Side, Numeric> widths = new EnumMap(Side.class);
/** The style properties. */
private final EnumMap<Side, BorderStyle> styles = new EnumMap(Side.class);
/** The color properties. */
private final EnumMap<Side, Color> colors = new EnumMap(Side.class);
/** The radius properties. */
private final EnumMap<Side, Numeric> radius = new EnumMap(Side.class);
* <p>
* The border-top CSS property is a shorthand that sets the values of border-top-color,
* border-top-style, and border-top-width. These properties describe the top border of elements.
* </p>
public final Border top = new Single(Side.Top);
* <p>
* The border-bottom CSS property is a shorthand that sets the values of border-bottom-color,
* border-bottom-style, and border-bottom-width. These properties describe the bottom border of
* elements.
* </p>
public final Border bottom = new Single(Side.Bottom);
* <p>
* The border-left CSS property is a shorthand that sets the values of border-left-color,
* border-left-style, and border-left-width. These properties describe the left border of
* elements.
* </p>
public final Border left = new Single(Side.Left);
* <p>
* The border-right CSS property is a shorthand that sets the values of border-right-color,
* border-right-style, and border-right-width. These properties describe the right border of
* elements.
* </p>
public final Border right = new Single(Side.Right);
* <p>
* A shorthand that sets the values of border-right and border-left.
* </p>
public final Border horizontal = new BorderSet().add(left, right);
* <p>
* A shorthand that sets the values of border-top and border-bottom.
* </p>
public final Border vertical = new BorderSet().add(top, bottom);
public Borders(String name) {
add(top, right, bottom, left);
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void write(StyleDeclarable writer) {
if (match(widths) && match(styles) && match(colors)) {
Numeric width = widths.get(Side.Top);
BorderStyle style = styles.get(Side.Top);
Color color = colors.get(Side.Top);
if (width != null && style != null && color != null) {
writer.property(name, width, style, color);
} else {
writer.property(name + "-width", width);
writer.property(name + "-style", style);
writer.property(name + "-color", color);
} else if (match(Side.Top) && match(Side.Right) && match(Side.Bottom) && match(Side.Left)) {
for (Side side : Side.values()) {
writer.property(name + "-" + side, widths.get(side), styles.get(side), colors.get(side));
} else {
for (Side side : Side.values()) {
writer.property(name + "-" + side + "-width", widths.get(side));
writer.property(name + "-" + side + "-style", styles.get(side));
writer.property(name + "-" + side + "-color", colors.get(side));
if (match(radius)) {
writer.property(name + "-radius", radius.get(Side.Top));
} else {
for (Side side : Side.values()) {
writer.property(name + "-" + side.radius + "-radius", radius.get(side));
* <p>
* Helper method to check equality between all objects.
* </p>
* @param map
* @return A result.
private boolean match(EnumMap map) {
Object object = map.get(Side.Top);
Side[] sides = Side.values();
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
Object current = map.get(sides[i]);
if (object == null) {
if (current != null) {
return false;
} else if (!object.equals(current)) {
return false;
return true;
* <p>
* Helper method to check equality between all objects.
* </p>
* @param map
* @return A result.
private boolean match(Side side) {
Numeric width = widths.get(side);
BorderStyle style = styles.get(side);
Color color = colors.get(side);
return (width == null && style == null && color == null) || (width != null && style != null && color != null);
* @version 2013/07/22 14:12:03
private static enum Side {
Top("top-left"), Right("top-right"), Bottom("bottom-right"), Left("bottom-left");
/** The radius corner name. */
private final String radius;
* @param radius
private Side(String radius) {
this.radius = radius;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toString() {
return name().toLowerCase();
* @version 2013/07/23 13:24:38
private class Single extends Border {
/** The target side. */
private final Side side;
* @param side
public Single(Side side) {
this.side = side;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Border radius(Numeric size) {
switch (side) {
case Top:
radius.put(Side.Top, size);
radius.put(Side.Right, size);
case Right:
radius.put(Side.Right, size);
radius.put(Side.Bottom, size);
case Bottom:
radius.put(Side.Bottom, size);
radius.put(Side.Left, size);
case Left:
radius.put(Side.Left, size);
radius.put(Side.Top, size);
return chain();
* {@inheritDoc}
public Numeric width() {
Numeric value = widths.get(side);
return value == null ? Numeric.Zero : value;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Border width(Numeric size) {
widths.put(side, size);
return chain();
* {@inheritDoc}
public Color color() {
return colors.get(side);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Border color(Color color) {
colors.put(side, color);
return chain();
* {@inheritDoc}
public BorderStyle style() {
return styles.get(side);
* {@inheritDoc}
protected Border style(BorderStyle style) {
styles.put(side, style);
return chain();