// Copyright (c) 2011, Brian Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 06 Jun 2011 Brian Frank Creation
package org.projecthaystack;
import java.util.Calendar;
import org.projecthaystack.io.HZincReader;
* HTime models a time of day tag value.
* @see <a href='http://project-haystack.org/doc/TagModel#tagKinds'>Project Haystack</a>
public class HTime extends HVal
/** Construct with all fields */
public static HTime make(int hour, int min, int sec, int ms)
if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid hour");
if (min < 0 || min > 59) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid min");
if (sec < 0 || sec > 59) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid sec");
if (ms < 0 || ms > 999) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid ms");
return new HTime(hour, min, sec, ms);
/** Convenience constructing with ms = 0 */
public static HTime make(int hour, int min, int sec)
return make(hour, min, sec, 0);
/** Convenience constructing with sec = 0 and ms = 0 */
public static HTime make(int hour, int min)
return make(hour, min, 0, 0);
/** Initialize from Java calendar instance */
public static HTime make(Calendar c)
return new HTime(c.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY),
/** Parse from string fomat "hh:mm:ss.FF" or raise ParseException */
public static HTime make(String s)
HVal val = new HZincReader(s).readScalar();
if (val instanceof HTime) return (HTime)val;
throw new ParseException(s);
/** Singleton for midnight 00:00 */
public static final HTime MIDNIGHT = new HTime(0, 0, 0, 0);
/** Private constructor */
private HTime(int hour, int min, int sec, int ms)
this.hour = hour;
this.min = min;
this.sec = sec;
this.ms = ms;
/** Hour of day as 0-23 */
public final int hour;
/** Minute of hour as 0-59 */
public final int min;
/** Second of minute as 0-59 */
public final int sec;
/** Fractional seconds in milliseconds 0-999 */
public final int ms;
/** Hash is based on hour, min, sec, ms */
public int hashCode()
return (hour << 24) ^ (min << 20) ^ (sec << 16) ^ ms;
/** Equals is based on year, month, day */
public boolean equals(Object that)
if (!(that instanceof HTime)) return false;
HTime x = (HTime)that;
return hour == x.hour && min == x.min && sec == x.sec && ms == x.ms;
/** Return sort order as negative, 0, or positive */
public int compareTo(Object that)
HTime x = (HTime)that;
if (hour < x.hour) return -1; else if (hour > x.hour) return 1;
if (min < x.min) return -1; else if (min > x.min) return 1;
if (sec < x.sec) return -1; else if (sec > x.sec) return 1;
if (ms < x.ms) return -1; else if (ms > x.ms) return 1;
return 0;
/** Encode as "hh:mm:ss.FFF" */
public String toZinc()
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
return s.toString();
/** Package private implementation shared with HDateTime */
void toZinc(StringBuffer s)
if (hour < 10) s.append('0'); s.append(hour).append(':');
if (min < 10) s.append('0'); s.append(min).append(':');
if (sec < 10) s.append('0'); s.append(sec);
if (ms != 0)
if (ms < 10) s.append('0');
if (ms < 100) s.append('0');