package jray.struct;
import java.util.List;
import jray.common.Object3D;
import jray.common.Sphere;
import jray.common.Vect3;
import jray.math.Vect;
* A classic octree with some additional constraints:
* - nodes are "complete" - they contain 0 or 8 child nodes.
* - objects may be stored in every node (not leaf nodes only)
* - some objects may be stored multiple times
public class Octree{
protected Node root;
public Octree(Vect3 center, double width){
root = new Node(center, null, width);
public void add(Object3D o){
if(!root.insert(o, o.getBoundingSphere())){
throw new RuntimeException("Could not insert: "+o);
public Node getRoot(){
return root;
public static Octree buildTree(Vect3 center, List<? extends Object3D> objects){
double maxQuadDist=0, qdist;
Vect3 dist=new Vect3();
System.out.print("Building octree... ");
for(Object3D o : objects){
Sphere s = o.getBoundingSphere();
Vect.subtract(center, s.getPosition(), dist);
qdist = s.getRadius();
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid BoundingSphere: "+s+" from "+o);
qdist = qdist*qdist + dist.quadLength();
if(maxQuadDist < qdist)
maxQuadDist = qdist;
* Workaround: *2.1 instead of *2, because rays must always start inside an octree for RayPath.
* To fix this problem, a RayPath should allow ray-origins outside the octree, but this would need
* an additional ray-cube intersection test which is currently not implemented. Another downside of
* this is that the camera must always be located inside the octree - it must not be moved outside.
double sizeHint = Math.sqrt(maxQuadDist)*2.1;
long start=System.nanoTime();
int resizeCount = 0;
Octree t;
t = new Octree(center,sizeHint);
for(Object3D o : objects){
if(!t.root.insert(o, o.getBoundingSphere())){
sizeHint *= 2;
System.out.println("Warning - resize needed!");
continue outer;
System.out.printf(" %f seconds\n",(System.nanoTime()-start)*1e-9);
System.out.println(" - contains "+t.getRoot().getSize()+" of "+objects.size()+" elements (x"+String.format("%.2f",t.getRoot().getSize()/(float)objects.size())+")");
System.out.println(" - avg depth: "+t.getAverageObjectDepth());
System.out.println(" - node count: "+t.getRoot().getNodeCount());
System.out.println(" - objects per node: "+t.getRoot().getSize()/(float)t.getRoot().getNodeCount());
return t;
public String toString(){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
root.addStringRep(sb, 0);
return sb.toString();
public double getAverageObjectDepth(){
return root.getContentDepthSum(0)/(double)root.getSize();