package jray.ray.tracer;
import jray.common.Ray;
import jray.common.Vect3;
import jray.math.Vect;
import jray.math.intersections.IntColors;
import jray.math.intersections.LongColors;
import jray.ray.Scene;
import jray.struct.CollisionDetails;
* A backward ray tracer using surface normals for simple light effects.
public class BackwardRayTracerHQ extends BackwardRayTracer{
private static final Vect3 LIGHT_DIRECTION = new Vect3(2, -1, -2); //direction of the sun's light-rays
private static final double DIFFUSE_LIGHT_INTENSITY = 0.8;
private static final double AMBIENT_LIGHT_INTENSITY = 0.2;
public BackwardRayTracerHQ(Scene scene) {
protected long shootRay(Ray ray, int level) {
if (level == MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH) {
return 0xFFFF00FF00000000L;
//Find nearest Hit
CollisionDetails c = findNearestHit(ray);
//No hit
if (c.o == null) {
return 0xFFFF00FF00FF00FFL;
//Calculate hit position
Vect3 hitPoint = new Vect3();
Vect.addMultiple(ray.getOrigin(), ray.getDirection(), c.d, hitPoint);
//Get color and normal at hitpoint
long color = IntColors.toLong(c.o.getColorAt(hitPoint));
Vect3 normal = new Vect3();
c.o.getNormalAt(hitPoint, normal);
//Check if anything is blocking direct sunlight (go where the sunlight comes from)
Vect3 lrDir = new Vect3();
Vect.scale(LIGHT_DIRECTION, -1, lrDir);
Ray lightRay = new Ray(hitPoint, lrDir);
CollisionDetails lc = findNearestHit(lightRay);
//if nothing blocks the sun's light, add ambient and diffuse light, otherwise ambient only
double lightScale = 0;
lightScale = Vect.dotProduct(normal, LIGHT_DIRECTION);
lightScale = AMBIENT_LIGHT_INTENSITY + DIFFUSE_LIGHT_INTENSITY*(lightScale<0?-lightScale:0);
return LongColors.scale(color, lightScale);