package jray.math.intersections;
import jray.common.Vect3;
import jray.math.Constants;
import jray.math.Vect;
public class RaySphere {
* @param rayOrigin
* @param rayDirection
* @param sphereCenter The center of the sphere
* @param sphereRadius The radius of the spere
* @param biggerThan
* @return the (smaller) scalar to apply to the ray to get a hit point with
* the sphere or Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY if no hit point is present
public static double getHitPointRaySphereDistance(Vect3 rayOrigin, Vect3 rayDirection, Vect3 sphereCenter, double sphereRadius) {
Vect3 tmp = new Vect3();
/* calculate b, c for the quadratic formula described in
* a is always 1 as the ray-direction is normalized
* l .... ray's direction vector
* cp ... center point of sphere
* r .... sphere radius
* */
double b = 0; // = l * cp
double c = 0; // = cp² - r² = (cp + radius) * (cp - radius)
Vect.subtract(sphereCenter, rayOrigin, tmp);
b = Vect.dotProduct(rayDirection, tmp);
c = Vect.dotProduct(tmp, tmp) - sphereRadius * sphereRadius;
double sqrt_expr = b * b - c;
double ret;
if (sqrt_expr < 0) { // kein Treffer
} else if (sqrt_expr == 0) { // Tangent
ret = b;
} else { // Sekante
sqrt_expr = Math.sqrt(sqrt_expr);
double d1 = (b + sqrt_expr);
double d2 = (b - sqrt_expr);
// first set ret to the smaller value of the both
ret = d1 < d2 ? d1 : d2;
// if the smaller value is <= 0 -> put the other value in ret
if (ret <= Constants.MIN_DISTANCE) {
if (ret == d1) {
ret = d2;
} else {
ret = d1;
if (ret <= Constants.MIN_DISTANCE) {
return ret;
public static boolean isRayOriginatingInSphere(Vect3 rayOrigin, Vect3 rayDirection, Vect3 sphereCenter, double sphereRadius){
Vect3 tmp = new Vect3();
Vect.subtract(sphereCenter, rayOrigin, tmp);
return tmp.quadLength()<sphereRadius*sphereRadius;