package pyttewebb.server;
import pyttewebb.server.request.Handler;
* (UTF-8)
* PytteWebb is a simple multi-threaded web server. The server is multithreaded
* in order to serve multiple clients in parallel.
* 2014-jan-21
* @author Mathias Andreasen <>
public class PytteServer {
private final int PORT;
* Constructs a PytteServer object that listens to a selected port
* @param port the server will isten on.
public PytteServer(int port) {
PORT = port;
* Starts the server and starts each new connection in a different thread
* in order to serve multiple connections in parallel.
* The server is run within a while loop that will run indefinitely, this
* means however that in order to close the server we must invoke the
* process SIGTERM by pressing ^D (CTRL+D) in the server terminal window.
* @throws IOException if we couldn't open the server port
public void runServer() throws IOException {
ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(PORT);
System.out.println("\nPytteWebb running on port: "
+ PORT + "\nwaiting for connections...");
while(true) {
Socket client = server.accept();
System.out.println("\nClient connected: " + client.getInetAddress()
+ ":" + client.getPort());
// send client connection to a seperate thread
new Thread(new Handler(client)).start();