package de.desy.tine.startup;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.FileHandler;
import de.desy.tine.csvUtils.*;
import de.desy.tine.definitions.TErrorList;
import de.desy.tine.definitions.TTransport;
import de.desy.tine.server.logger.*;
public class DefaultTInitializerFactory extends TInitializerFactory
private static String srvOs = "JAVA";
private static int srvMajor = 4;
private static int srvMinor = 5;
private static int srvRevision = 0;
private static int buildId = 5103;
private static String ENS = "";
private static final int SRV_PORT = 9003;
private static final int TCP_PORT = 8503;
private static final int STREAM_PORT = 10003;
private static final int PIPE_PORT = 10503;
private static String GCAST = "";
private static final int GCAST_PORT = 8004;
private static String MCAST = "";
private static final int MCAST_PORT = 9503;
private static final String NETCAST = "";
private static final int NETCAST_PORT = 9002;
private static final int UDP_CLN_PORT = 8050;
private static int srvRcvBufferSize = 0x10000;
private static int clnRcvBufferSize = 0x10000;
private static int srvSndBufferSize = 0x2000;
private static int clnSndBufferSize = 0x2000;
private static int sckTimeToLive = 16;
private static int srvPacketMtu = 1472;
private static DefaultTInitializer instance = null;
private static String srvStartup = "unknown";
private static String srvCwd = "unknown";
private static int pid = 0;
private static boolean isRichClient = true;
private class DefaultTInitializer implements TInitializer
private String tineCache = null;
private String tineHome = null;
private String fecHome = null;
private String historyHome = null;
private String logHome = null;
private String addrFileLocation = null;
private String eqpFileLocation = null;
private String cshostsFileLocation = null;
private String fecidFileLocation = null;
private String exportsFileLocation = null;
private String usersFileLocation = null;
private String grpsFileLocation = null;
private String aliasFileLocation = null;
private String netsFileLocation = null;
private String alarmwFileLocation = null;
private String historyFileLocation = null;
private String logFileLocation = null;
private String myipFileLocation = null;
private Properties tineProperties = new Properties();
public DefaultTInitializer()
private boolean hasInitialzed = false;
private synchronized void initialize()
if (hasInitialzed) return;
{ // try to force IPv4
System.setProperty("", "true");
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("could not set IPv4 preference : "+e.getMessage());
// Read properties file.
{ // a DESY site special case ...
InetAddress host = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
if (!host.getHostAddress().startsWith("131.169."))
{ // clear this (can then be overwritten explicitly)
ENS = null;
catch (Exception e)
{ // don't even try to figure out why ...
ENS = null;
String cp = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
String cpSeparator = System.getProperty("path.separator");
String[] cplibs = cp.split(cpSeparator);
String jarHome = null;
int stopindex = -1;
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < cplibs.length; i++)
if ((stopindex = cplibs[i].indexOf("tine.jar")) > 0)
jarHome = cplibs[i].substring(0, stopindex - 1);
if (stopindex == -1) jarHome = ".";
String prpsFileName = jarHome+File.separator+"";
if (!(new File(prpsFileName).exists()))
{ // simple check on this directory didn't find anything
prpsFileName = System.getProperty("user.dir")+File.separator+"";
MsgLog.log("initializer","found on the class path",0,null,1);
found = true;
if (!found)
if (!(new File(prpsFileName).exists()))
{ // simple check on home directory didn't find anything
prpsFileName = System.getProperty("java.ext.dirs")+File.separator+"";
MsgLog.log("initializer","found in java.ext.dirs directory",0,null,1);
found = true;
if (!found)
if (!(new File(prpsFileName).exists()))
{ // simple check on ext dirs directory didn't find anything
prpsFileName = System.getProperty("java.home")+File.separator+"";
MsgLog.log("initializer","found in java.home directory",0,null,1);
found = true;
tineProperties.load(new FileInputStream(prpsFileName));
catch (IOException e)
MsgLog.log("initializer"," file not found",0,null,1);
MsgLog.log("initializer","use local environment to find repositories",0,null,1);
addrFileLocation = getTineHome()+File.separator+"fecaddr.csv";
eqpFileLocation = getTineHome()+File.separator+"eqpdbase.csv";
cshostsFileLocation = getTineHome()+File.separator+"cshosts.csv";
fecidFileLocation = getFecHome()+File.separator+"fecid.csv";
exportsFileLocation = getFecHome()+File.separator+"exports.csv";
usersFileLocation = getFecHome()+File.separator+"users.csv";
aliasFileLocation = getFecHome()+File.separator+"alias.csv";
netsFileLocation = getFecHome()+File.separator+"ipnets.csv";
alarmwFileLocation = getFecHome()+File.separator+"almwatch.csv";
historyFileLocation = getFecHome()+File.separator+"history.csv";
logFileLocation = getLogHome()+File.separator+"fec.log";
myipFileLocation = getFecHome()+File.separator+"myaddr.csv";
int bs = 0;
try {bs = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("srv.RECV_BUFFER_SIZE", "0"));}
catch (Exception ignore) {};
if (bs > 0x2000) srvRcvBufferSize = bs;
try {bs = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("cln.RECV_BUFFER_SIZE", "0"));}
catch (Exception ignore) {};
if (bs > 0x2000) clnRcvBufferSize = bs;
try {bs = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("srv.TIME_TO_LIVE", "0"));}
catch (Exception ignore) {};
if (bs > 1) sckTimeToLive = bs;
try {bs = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("srv.PACKET_MTU", "0"));}
catch (Exception ignore) {};
try {bs = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("srv.SEND_BUFFER_SIZE", "0"));}
catch (Exception ignore) {};
if (bs > 0x1000) srvSndBufferSize = bs;
try {bs = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("cln.SEND_BUFFER_SIZE", "0"));}
catch (Exception ignore) {};
if (bs > 0x1000) clnSndBufferSize = bs;
if (bs >= 512 && bs <= 64000) srvPacketMtu = bs;
// give this a try ....
Map<Thread, StackTraceElement[]> a = Thread.getAllStackTraces();
for (Thread t : a.keySet())
{ // if no one changed the main thread name this will work ...
if ("main".equals(t.getName()))
StackTraceElement[] stack = t.getStackTrace();
if (stack != null && stack.length > 0)
StackTraceElement main = stack[stack.length - 1];
srvStartup = main.getClassName();
File f1 = new File (".");
srvCwd = f1.getCanonicalPath();
catch (IOException e)
MsgLog.log("DefaultTInitializer.initialize", "cannot get working directory: "+e.getMessage(),TErrorList.io_error,e,0);
String pnam = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName();
pid = Integer.parseInt(pnam.substring(0, pnam.indexOf('@')));
catch (Exception e)
MsgLog.log("TInitializer","cannot get pid!",TErrorList.code_failure,e,0);
hasInitialzed = true;
class IpNameHndlr implements csvHandler
String[] ip = null;
public IpNameHndlr(String[] ip)
this.ip = ip;
public int process(String strValue,int index)
if (strValue == null || strValue.length() == 0) return 0;
if (ip != null) ip[0] = strValue;
return 0;
private String myip = null;
public String getMyIpAddr()
if (myip != null) return myip;
// try file
csvColumn[] ipCols = new csvColumn[1];
String[] ipa = new String[1];
ipCols[0] = new csvColumn("ADDRESS","",new IpNameHndlr(ipa));
csv myipFile = new csv(getCfgResource(myipFileLocation));
int rc = myipFile.readFile(ipCols);
if (rc == 0 && ipa[0] != null)
{ // file found !
TFecLog.log("fix local ip address to "+ipa[0]+" from file");
MsgLog.log("TInitializer","fix local ip address to "+ipa[0]+" from file",0,null,1);
return myip = ipa[0];
String ip = System.getProperty("fec.address");;
if (ip == null) ip=System.getenv("FEC_ADDRESS");
if (ip != null)
{ // env variable set !
TFecLog.log("fix local ip address to "+ip+" from environment");
MsgLog.log("TInitializer","fix local ip address to "+ip+" from environment",0,null,1);
return myip = ip;
// try the local host
// this is normally what happens (but try the others first)
ip = "";
ip = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();
MsgLog.log("TInitializer","fix local ip address from local host address",0,null,1);
TFecLog.log("fix local ip address to "+ip+" from local host");
catch (UnknownHostException e)
MsgLog.log("TInitializer","cannot get local host!",TErrorList.host_not_resolved,e,0);
return myip = ip;
public String getSystemStartup()
return srvStartup;
public String getSystemCwd()
return srvCwd;
public int getPid()
return pid;
public String getVersion()
return new String("" + srvMajor + "." + srvMinor + "." + srvRevision);
public int getMajorVersion()
return srvMajor;
public int getMinorVersion()
return srvMinor;
public int getRevision()
return srvRevision;
public int getRevisionId()
return srvMinor * 256 + srvRevision;
public int getBuildId()
return buildId;
public String getOs()
return srvOs;
public synchronized String getTineHome()
if (tineHome == null)
String home = System.getProperty("tine.home");
if (home != null)
MsgLog.log("initializer","tine home set from JVM argument",0,null,1);
home = tineProperties.getProperty("tine.home");
if (home != null)
MsgLog.log("initializer","tine home set from tine properties",0,null,1);
MsgLog.log("initializer","trying to determine tine home from local environment",0,null,1);
home = System.getenv("TINE_HOME");
if (home != null)
MsgLog.log("initializer", "tine home set from TINE_HOME environment",0,null,1);
home = System.getenv("CONTROLDB");
if (home != null)
MsgLog.log("initializer","tine home set from legacy environment",0,null,0);
MsgLog.log("initializer","unable to determine tine home from local environment",0,null,1);
if (home != null)
if (home.endsWith("/") || home.endsWith("\\")) home = home.substring(0, home.length() - 1); // ...
if (home == null)
home = ".";
File f = new File(home);
MsgLog.log("initializer", "using working directory : " + f.getAbsolutePath() + " as tine home",0,null,1);
// home = "."; // test: force an unresolved ens
tineHome = new String(home);
return tineHome;
public synchronized String getFecHome()
if (fecHome == null)
String home = System.getProperty("fec.home");
if (home == null) home = tineProperties.getProperty("fec.home");
if (home == null) home = System.getenv("FEC_HOME");
if (home == null) home = System.getenv("FECDB");
if (home != null)
if (home.endsWith("/") || home.endsWith("\\")) home = home.substring(0, home.length() - 1);
fecHome = home != null ? new String(home) : getTineHome();
return fecHome;
public synchronized String getHistoryHome()
if (historyHome == null)
String home = System.getProperty("history.home");
if (home == null) home = tineProperties.getProperty("history.home");
if (home == null) home = System.getenv("TINE_HISTORY_HOME");
if (home == null) home = System.getenv("HISTORY_HOME");
if (home == null) home = System.getenv("HISTORYDB");
if (home != null)
if (home.endsWith("/") || home.endsWith("\\")) home = home.substring(0, home.length() - 1);
home = getFecHome() + File.separator+".."+File.separator+"HISTORY";
historyHome = home;
return historyHome;
public synchronized String getTineCache()
if (tineCache == null)
String cache = System.getProperty("tine.cache");
if (cache == null) cache = tineProperties.getProperty("tine.cache");
if (cache == null) cache = System.getenv("TINE_CACHE");
if (cache == null)
if (File.separatorChar == '/')
{ // unix or mac
cache = "/var/lib";
boolean useTmp = false;
if (!new File("/var/lib/tine").exists()) useTmp = true;
catch (Exception any)
useTmp = true;
if (useTmp) cache = "/var/tmp";
else if (File.separatorChar == '\\')
{ // windows
cache = System.getenv("SystemDrive");
if (cache == null) cache = "C:";
cache = ".";
tineCache = cache;
return tineCache;
public synchronized String getLogHome()
if (logHome == null)
{ // not yet established
String home = System.getProperty("log.home");
if (home == null) home = tineProperties.getProperty("log.home");
if (home == null) home = System.getenv("FEC_LOG");
if (home == null) home = System.getenv("FECLOG");
if (home == null) home = System.getenv("LOG_HOME");
if (home != null)
if (home.endsWith("/") || home.endsWith("\\")) home = home.substring(0, home.length() - 1);
logHome = home != null ? new String(home) : getFecHome();
// also see if there's a non-default setting for log file scans ...
String scansetting = tineProperties.getProperty("fec.files_allow_scan");
if (scansetting == null) scansetting = System.getenv("FEC_FILES_ALLOW_SCAN");
if (scansetting != null)
int scanfiles = TFecLog.LOG_SCAN_FEC;
if (scansetting.compareToIgnoreCase("TRUE") == 0) scanfiles = TFecLog.LOG_SCAN_FEC;
else if (scansetting.compareToIgnoreCase("FULL") == 0) scanfiles = TFecLog.LOG_SCAN_FULL;
else scanfiles = TFecLog.LOG_SCAN_NONE;
if (scanfiles != TFecLog.LOG_SCAN_FEC) TFecLog.setLogFileAllowScan(scanfiles);
return logHome;
private synchronized BufferedReader getCfgResource(String fileLocation)
if (fileLocation == null) return null;
return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(fileLocation)));
catch (Exception e)
if (fileLocation == cshostsFileLocation)
MsgLog.log("initializer", "Could not open configuration file : " + e,0,null,0);
return null;
public synchronized BufferedWriter getFecLogWriter()
return new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(logFileLocation, true)));
catch (Exception e)
MsgLog.log("initializer", "Could not open fec log file " + logFileLocation + " for writing : " + e,0,null,0);
return null;
public synchronized FileHandler getFecLogResource()
return new FileHandler(logFileLocation, 50000, 3, true);
catch (Exception e)
MsgLog.log("initializer", "Could not open fec log file " + logFileLocation + " for reading : " + e,0,null,0);
return null;
public BufferedReader getFecIdResource()
return getCfgResource(fecidFileLocation);
public BufferedReader getExportsResource(String eqmName)
BufferedReader br;
if (eqmName != null) exportsFileLocation = getFecHome()+File.separator+eqmName+File.separator+"exports.csv";
if ((br = getCfgResource(exportsFileLocation)) == null)
{ // first try local name subdirectory then try the standard home
exportsFileLocation = getFecHome()+File.separator+"exports.csv";
br = getCfgResource(exportsFileLocation);
return br;
public BufferedReader getUsersResource(String eqmName,String tag)
BufferedReader br;
String fn = File.separator;
if (tag != null && tag.length() > 0) fn += tag + "-";
fn += "users.csv";
if (eqmName != null) usersFileLocation = getFecHome()+File.separator+eqmName+fn;
if ((br = getCfgResource(usersFileLocation)) == null)
{ // first try local name subdirectory then try the standard home
usersFileLocation = getFecHome() + fn;
br = getCfgResource(usersFileLocation);
return br;
public BufferedReader getGroupsResource(String eqmName,String grpName)
if (grpName == null || grpName.length() == 0) return null;
BufferedReader br;
String fn = File.separator + grpName + "-members.csv";
if (eqmName != null) grpsFileLocation = getFecHome()+File.separator+eqmName+fn;
if ((br = getCfgResource(grpsFileLocation)) == null)
{ // first try local name subdirectory then try the standard home
grpsFileLocation = getFecHome()+fn;
br = getCfgResource(grpsFileLocation+fn);
return br;
public BufferedReader getNetsResource(String eqmName,String tag)
BufferedReader br;
String fn = File.separator;
if (tag != null && tag.length() > 0) fn += tag + "-";
fn += "ipnets.csv";
if (eqmName != null) netsFileLocation = getFecHome() + File.separator + eqmName + fn;
if ((br = getCfgResource(netsFileLocation)) == null)
{ // first try local name subdirectory then try the standard home
netsFileLocation = getFecHome() + fn;
br = getCfgResource(netsFileLocation);
return br;
public BufferedReader getAliasResource(String eqmName)
BufferedReader br;
if (eqmName != null) aliasFileLocation = getFecHome()+File.separator+eqmName+File.separator+"alias.csv";
if ((br = getCfgResource(aliasFileLocation)) == null)
{ // first try local name subdirectory then try the standard home
aliasFileLocation = getFecHome()+File.separator+"alias.csv";
br = getCfgResource(aliasFileLocation);
return br;
public BufferedReader getHistoryResource(String eqmName,String fileName)
BufferedReader br;
String hstfn = historyFileLocation;
boolean resetFileLocation = false;
if (fileName == null)
fileName = "history.csv";
resetFileLocation = true;
if (eqmName != null)
hstfn = getFecHome()+File.separator+eqmName+File.separator+fileName;
if ((br = getCfgResource(hstfn)) == null)
{ // first try local name subdirectory then try the standard home
hstfn = getFecHome()+File.separator+fileName;
br = getCfgResource(hstfn);
if (resetFileLocation) historyFileLocation = hstfn;
return br;
public BufferedReader getAlmWatchResource(String eqmName)
BufferedReader br;
if (eqmName != null) alarmwFileLocation = getFecHome()+File.separator+eqmName+File.separator+"almwatch.csv";
if ((br = getCfgResource(alarmwFileLocation)) == null)
{ // first try local name subdirectory then try the standard home
alarmwFileLocation = getFecHome()+File.separator+"almwatch.csv";
br = getCfgResource(alarmwFileLocation);
return br;
* @see de.desy.tine.startup.TInitializer#getAddressResource()
public BufferedReader getAddressResource()
return getCfgResource(addrFileLocation);
* @see de.desy.tine.startup.TInitializer#getENSAddress()
public String getENSAddress()
return ENS;
* @see de.desy.tine.startup.TInitializer#getEquipmentResource()
public BufferedReader getEquipmentResource()
return getCfgResource(eqpFileLocation);
* @see de.desy.tine.startup.TInitializer#getHostsResource()
public BufferedReader getHostsResource()
return getCfgResource(cshostsFileLocation);
* @see de.desy.tine.startup.TInitializer#getGCastAddress()
private boolean gcastaddrdone = false;
public String getGCastAddress()
int idx;
if (!gcastaddrdone)
gcastaddrdone = true;
// first try csv
addrRowHndlr addrRows = new addrRowHndlr();
csvColumn[] addrCols = new csvColumn[2];
addrHndlr hdlr = new addrHndlr(addrRows);
addrHndlr phdlr = new addrHndlr(addrRows,true);
addrCols[0] = new csvColumn("ADDRESS", "", hdlr);
addrCols[1] = new csvColumn("PATTERN", "", phdlr);
int rc;
csv mmf = new csv(getCfgResource(getFecHome() +File.separator+ "gcastmask.csv"));
rc = mmf.readFile(addrCols,addrRows);
if (rc != 0)
mmf = new csv(getCfgResource(getTineHome()+File.separator+"gcastmask.csv"));
rc = mmf.readFile(addrCols,addrRows);
if (rc == 0)
{ // config file was successful
MCastAddrMap[] mam = MCastAddrMap.getRegisteredMaps();
if (mam.length > 0) GCAST = mam[0].getAddr();
TFecLog.log("set globals multicast address from config file to " + GCAST);
String addr = System.getProperty("tine.gcast.addr");
if (addr == null) addr = System.getenv("TINE_GCAST_ADDR");
if (addr != null)
if (TTransport.isValidAddr(addr))
TFecLog.log("set globals multicast address from environment to " + addr);
GCAST = addr;
addr = System.getProperty("tine.gcast.mask");
if (addr == null) addr = System.getenv("TINE_GCAST_MASK");
if (addr != null)
{ // GCAST_MASK and MCAST_MASK are synonymous
TFecLog.log("set globals multicast address from environment to " + addr);
String[] lstparts = addr.split(",");
String p;
for (String s : lstparts)
if ((idx=s.indexOf('|')) > 1)
p = s.substring(idx+1);
s = s.substring(0, idx);
if (!TTransport.isValidAddr(p)) continue;
p = getMyIpAddr();
if (!TTransport.isValidAddr(s)) continue;
new MCastAddrMap(s, p); // instantiation will add new address to the list
return GCAST;
* @see de.desy.tine.startup.TInitializer#getGCastPort()
public int getGCastPort()
return GCAST_PORT;
public String getNetCastAddress()
return NETCAST;
public int getNetCastPort()
class addrRowHndlr implements RowHandler
String mcaddr;
String pattern;
public int process(int index)
new MCastAddrMap(mcaddr,pattern); // instantiation will append to the list
return 0;
* @see de.desy.tine.startup.TInitializer#getMCastAddress()
class addrHndlr implements csvHandler
private String strValue;
private addrRowHndlr rHndlr;
private boolean isPattern = false;
addrHndlr(addrRowHndlr rowHndlr) { rHndlr = rowHndlr; }
addrHndlr(addrRowHndlr rowHndlr, boolean isPattern) { rHndlr = rowHndlr; this.isPattern = isPattern; }
public int process(String strValue, int index)
if (strValue == null || strValue.length() == 0) return 0;
if (TTransport.isValidAddr(strValue)) this.strValue = new String(strValue);
if (isPattern)
rHndlr.pattern = this.strValue;
rHndlr.mcaddr = this.strValue;
return 0;
private boolean mcastaddrdone = false;
public String getMCastAddress()
if (!mcastaddrdone)
mcastaddrdone = true;
// first try csv file
addrRowHndlr addrRows = new addrRowHndlr();
csvColumn[] addrCols = new csvColumn[2];
addrHndlr hdlr = new addrHndlr(addrRows);
addrHndlr phdlr = new addrHndlr(addrRows,true);
addrCols[0] = new csvColumn("ADDRESS", "", hdlr);
addrCols[1] = new csvColumn("PATTERN", "", phdlr);
int rc;
csv mmf = new csv(getCfgResource(getFecHome()+File.separator+"mcastmask.csv"));
rc = mmf.readFile(addrCols,addrRows);
if (rc != 0)
{ // try the TINE_HOME directory
mmf = new csv(getCfgResource(getTineHome()+File.separator+"mcastmask.csv"));
rc = mmf.readFile(addrCols,addrRows);
if (rc == 0)
{ // config file was successful
MCastAddrMap[] mam = MCastAddrMap.getRegisteredMaps();
if (mam.length > 0) MCAST = mam[0].getAddr();
TFecLog.log("set server multicast address from config file to " + MCAST);
String addr = System.getProperty("tine.mcast.addr");
if (addr == null) addr = System.getenv("TINE_MCAST_ADDR");
if (addr != null)
{ // override the config file setting if there was one
if (TTransport.isValidAddr(addr))
TFecLog.log("set server multicast address from environment to " + addr);
MCAST = addr;
addr = System.getProperty("tine.mcast.mask");
if (addr == null) addr = System.getenv("TINE_MCAST_MASK");
if (addr != null)
TFecLog.log("set server multicast address mask from environment to " + addr);
String[] lstparts = addr.split(",");
String[] parts;
String p;
int idx;
for (String s : lstparts)
if ((idx=s.indexOf(':')) > 1)
p = s.substring(idx+1);
s = s.substring(0, idx);
if (!TTransport.isValidAddr(p)) continue;
p = getMyIpAddr();
if (!TTransport.isValidAddr(s)) continue;
new MCastAddrMap(s, p);
return MCAST;
* @see de.desy.tine.startup.TInitializer#getMCastPort()
public int getMCastPort()
return MCAST_PORT;
* @see de.desy.tine.startup.TInitializer#getSrvPort()
public int getSrvPort()
return SRV_PORT;
* @see de.desy.tine.startup.TInitializer#getTCPPort()
public int getTCPPort()
return TCP_PORT;
public int getClnPort()
return UDP_CLN_PORT;
public BufferedReader getAlmDefinitionResource(String eqmName)
BufferedReader br;
if (eqmName == null) return null;
String fileLocation = getFecHome() + File.separator + eqmName + File.separator + "alarms.csv";
if ((br = getCfgResource(fileLocation)) == null)
{ // first try local name subdirectory then try the standard home
fileLocation = getFecHome() + File.separator + eqmName + "-alarms.csv";
br = getCfgResource(fileLocation);
if ((br = getCfgResource(fileLocation)) == null)
{ // last chance
fileLocation = getFecHome() + File.separator + "alarms.csv";
br = getCfgResource(fileLocation);
return br;
public BufferedReader getDevicesResource(String eqmName)
BufferedReader br;
if (eqmName == null) return null;
String fileLocation = getFecHome() + File.separator + eqmName + File.separator + "devices.csv";
if ((br = getCfgResource(fileLocation)) == null)
{ // first try local name subdirectory then try the standard home
fileLocation = getFecHome() + File.separator + eqmName + "-devices.csv";
br = getCfgResource(fileLocation);
if ((br = getCfgResource(fileLocation)) == null)
{ // last chance
fileLocation = getFecHome() + File.separator + "devices.csv";
br = getCfgResource(fileLocation);
return br;
public int getClnRcvBufferSize()
return clnRcvBufferSize;
public int getClnSndBufferSize()
return clnRcvBufferSize;
public void setClnRcvBufferSize(int bufferSize)
if (bufferSize < 0x4000) bufferSize = 0x4000;
DefaultTInitializerFactory.clnRcvBufferSize = bufferSize;
public void setClnSndBufferSize(int bufferSize)
if (bufferSize < 0x1000) bufferSize = 0x1000;
DefaultTInitializerFactory.clnSndBufferSize = bufferSize;
public int getSckTimeToLive()
return sckTimeToLive;
public void setSckTimeToLive(int ttl)
if (ttl < 1) ttl = 1;
DefaultTInitializerFactory.sckTimeToLive = ttl;
public int getSrvPacketMtu()
return srvPacketMtu;
public void setSrvPacketMtu(int mtu)
if (mtu < 512) mtu = 512;
if (mtu > 64000) mtu = 64000;
DefaultTInitializerFactory.srvPacketMtu = mtu;
public int getSrvRcvBufferSize()
return srvRcvBufferSize;
public int getSrvSndBufferSize()
return srvSndBufferSize;
public void setSrvRcvBufferSize(int bufferSize)
if (bufferSize < 0x4000) bufferSize = 0x4000;
DefaultTInitializerFactory.srvRcvBufferSize = bufferSize;
public void setSrvSndBufferSize(int bufferSize)
if (bufferSize < 0x1000) bufferSize = 0x1000;
DefaultTInitializerFactory.srvSndBufferSize = bufferSize;
public void setENSAddress(String ip)
ENS = ip;
public int getStreamPort()
public int getPipePort()
return PIPE_PORT;
public boolean isRichClient() { return isRichClient; }
public void setRichClient(boolean value) { isRichClient = value; }
* @see de.desy.tine.startup.TInitializerFactory#getInitializer()
public synchronized TInitializer getInitializer()
if (instance == null) instance = new DefaultTInitializer();
return instance; // new DefaultTInitializer();