* Created on Nov 5, 2004
* To change the template for this generated file go to
* Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
package de.desy.tine.server.properties;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import de.desy.tine.dataUtils.TDataType;
import de.desy.tine.definitions.TAccess;
import de.desy.tine.definitions.TArrayType;
import de.desy.tine.definitions.TErrorList;
import de.desy.tine.definitions.TFormat;
import de.desy.tine.definitions.TStrings;
import de.desy.tine.server.connections.TClient;
import de.desy.tine.server.connections.TNetAcl;
import de.desy.tine.server.equipment.TEquipmentModuleFactory;
import de.desy.tine.server.logger.TFecLog;
import de.desy.tine.stringUtils.StringToName;
import de.desy.tine.types.NAME16;
* Device servers must export the properties they wish to handle.
* @author duval
public class TExportProperty
private String name = ""; // property name
private String alias = ""; // property alias name
private int id = -1; // assigned property id
private int outputSize = 0; // maxValue output data size
private int inputSize = 0; // maxValue input data size
private short outputFormat = (short) 0; // from TFormat
private short inputFormat = (short) 0; // from TFormat
private short accessMode = (short) 0; // from TAccess
private boolean isbusy = false;
public void setBusy(boolean value) { isbusy = value; }
public boolean isBusy() { return isbusy; }
public boolean isBusy(int milliseconds)
if (!isbusy) return false;
int ms = milliseconds;
int delta_t = 0;
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (delta_t < ms)
try { wait(ms); } catch (Exception ignore) {};
if (!isbusy) break;
delta_t = (int)(System.currentTimeMillis()-t);
ms -= delta_t;
return isbusy;
public boolean hasExclusiveRead = false;
public boolean hasUnlockedExclusiveRead = false;
public boolean isStatic = false;
public boolean isSaveAndRestore = false;
public boolean isEnforceOutput = false;
public boolean isMultiChannelArray()
if (description == null) return false;
if ((description.getArrayType() & TArrayType.AT_CHANNEL) == TArrayType.AT_CHANNEL)
return true;
return false;
public boolean isTraceArray()
if (description == null) return false;
if ((description.getArrayType() & TArrayType.AT_TRACE) == TArrayType.AT_TRACE)
return true;
return false;
public boolean isDoubleArray()
if (description == null) return false;
if ((description.getArrayType() & TArrayType.AT_DOUBLE) == TArrayType.AT_DOUBLE)
return true;
return false;
private TDataType[] srDataArray = null;
public TDataType getSaveRestoreData(int index)
return srDataArray == null ? null : srDataArray[index];
public TDataType[] getSaveRestoreDataSet() { return srDataArray; }
public void setSaveRestoreData(TDataType[] darray) { srDataArray = darray; }
public void setSaveRestoreData(TDataType dtype,int index)
if (srDataArray != null) srDataArray[index] = dtype;
private int minAccessDeadband = 0;
public int getAccessDeadband() { return minAccessDeadband; }
public void setAccessDeadband(int deadbandInMilliseconds) { minAccessDeadband = deadbandInMilliseconds; }
private int mcaValidFloor = 0;
public int getMcaValidFloor() { return mcaValidFloor; }
public void setMcaValidFloor(long timeInMillisec) { mcaValidFloor = (int)(timeInMillisec/1000); }
public void setMcaValidFloor(int timeInSeconds) { mcaValidFloor = timeInSeconds; }
private String outputTag = ""; // output data structure tag if non zero-length
private String inputTag = ""; // input data structure tag if non zero-length
private TPropertyDescription description = null;
public String getUnits()
if (description == null) return "";
return description.getYRange().getUnits();
public void setUnits(String value)
if (description == null) description = new TPropertyDescription();
TPropertyEGU egu = description.getYRange();
if (egu != null) egu.setUnits(value);
public float getMaximumValue()
if (description == null) return (float)0.0;
TPropertyEGU egu = description.getYRange();
if (egu == null) return (float)0.0;
return egu.getMaxValue();
public void setMaximumValue(float value)
if (description == null) description = new TPropertyDescription();
TPropertyEGU egu = description.getYRange();
if (egu != null) egu.setMaxValue(value);
public float getMinimumValue()
if (description == null) return (float)0.0;
TPropertyEGU egu = description.getYRange();
if (egu == null) return (float)0.0;
return egu.getMinValue();
public void setMinimumValue(float value)
if (description == null) description = new TPropertyDescription();
TPropertyEGU egu = description.getYRange();
if (egu != null) egu.setMinValue(value);
public String getXUnits()
if (description == null) return "";
return description.getXRange().getUnits();
public void setXUnits(String value)
if (description == null) description = new TPropertyDescription();
TPropertyEGU egu = description.getXRange();
if (egu != null) egu.setUnits(value);
public float getMaximumXValue()
if (description == null) return (float)0.0;
TPropertyEGU egu = description.getXRange();
if (egu == null) return (float)0.0;
return egu.getMaxValue();
public void setMaximumXValue(float value)
if (description == null) description = new TPropertyDescription();
TPropertyEGU egu = description.getXRange();
if (egu != null) egu.setMaxValue(value);
public float getMinimumXValue()
if (description == null) return (float)0.0;
TPropertyEGU egu = description.getXRange();
if (egu == null) return (float)0.0;
return egu.getMinValue();
public void setMinimumXValue(float value)
if (description == null) description = new TPropertyDescription();
TPropertyEGU egu = description.getXRange();
if (egu != null) egu.setMinValue(value);
public boolean assertRangeValid(TDataType din,boolean enforceLimits)
if (din == null) return false;
if (description == null) return true;
TPropertyEGU egu = description.getYRange();
if (egu == null) return true;
float[] fval = new float[1];
float v;
if (din.getData(fval) != 0) return false;
if (fval[0] < (v=egu.getMinValue()))
if (enforceLimits) din.putData(v); else return false;
else if (fval[0] > (v=egu.getMaxValue()))
if (enforceLimits) din.putData(v); else return false;
return true;
private ArrayList<String> prpDeviceList = null;
/** Sets the property's device list to the ArrayList given */
public void setDeviceList(ArrayList<String> deviceList) { prpDeviceList = deviceList; }
/** Returns the property's device list */
public ArrayList<String> getDeviceList() { return prpDeviceList; }
public int getSizeOfDeviceList()
if (prpDeviceList == null) return 0;
return prpDeviceList.size();
protected LinkedList<String> gRegisteredUsersList = new LinkedList<String>();
protected LinkedList<String> gRegisteredGroupsList = new LinkedList<String>();
protected LinkedList<TNetAcl> gRegisteredNetsList = new LinkedList<TNetAcl>();
public int getNumberRegisteredUsers() { return gRegisteredUsersList.size(); }
public int getNumberRegisteredNets() { return gRegisteredNetsList.size(); }
public NAME16[] getRegisteredUsers() { return StringToName.stringSetToName16(gRegisteredUsersList); }
public int addRegisteredUser(String newUser)
if (newUser == null) return TErrorList.argument_list_error;
newUser = newUser.toUpperCase();
synchronized (gRegisteredUsersList)
if (gRegisteredUsersList.contains(newUser)) return TErrorList.already_assigned;
return 0;
public int removeRegisteredUser(String oldUser)
if (oldUser == null) return TErrorList.argument_list_error;
oldUser = oldUser.toUpperCase();
synchronized (gRegisteredUsersList)
if (!gRegisteredUsersList.contains(oldUser)) return TErrorList.invalid_name;
return 0;
public void removeAllRegisteredUsers()
synchronized (gRegisteredUsersList)
public boolean isMemberUsersList(TClient tc)
TEquipmentModuleFactory eqmf = TEquipmentModuleFactory.getInstance();
if (tc.isMemberUsersList(gRegisteredUsersList)) return true;
if (eqmf.isMemberGroupsList(gRegisteredGroupsList, tc.userName)) return true;
return false;
public NAME16[] getRegisteredNets()
int n = gRegisteredNetsList.size();
if (n == 0) return null;
NAME16[] n16 = new NAME16[n];
int i=0;
for (TNetAcl a : gRegisteredNetsList)
if (i++ < n) n16[i] = new NAME16(a.getStrAddress());
return n16;
public int addRegisteredNet(String newNet)
if (newNet == null) return TErrorList.argument_list_error;
synchronized (gRegisteredNetsList)
TNetAcl a = new TNetAcl(newNet);
if (gRegisteredNetsList.contains(a)) return TErrorList.already_assigned;
return 0;
public int removeRegisteredNet(String oldNet)
if (oldNet == null) return TErrorList.argument_list_error;
synchronized (gRegisteredNetsList)
TNetAcl a = new TNetAcl(oldNet);
if (!gRegisteredNetsList.contains(a)) return TErrorList.invalid_name;
return 0;
public void removeAllRegisteredNets()
synchronized (gRegisteredNetsList)
public boolean isMemberControlNets(TClient tc)
return tc.isMemberControlNets(gRegisteredNetsList);
public TExportProperty()
//TODO initialize defaults
* Constructor. Creates a property with an ID.
* @param prpId The property identifier
* @param prpName The property name.
* @param accessMode The access mode associating with the property (CA_READ and/or CA_WRITE).
* @param din Specifies input format information
* @param dout Specifies output format information
* @param prpDscr gives a property description.
public TExportProperty(int prpId, String prpName, short accessMode, TDataType din, TDataType dout,
String prpDescription)
this.name = prpName;
this.outputFormat = dout.dFormat;
this.outputSize = dout.dArrayLength;
this.outputTag = dout.getTag();
this.inputFormat = din.dFormat;
this.inputSize = din.dArrayLength;
this.inputTag = din.getTag();
this.accessMode = accessMode;
this.description = new TPropertyDescription(prpDescription);
this.id = prpId;
* Constructor. Creates a property with the given settings.
* @param prpName The property name.
* @param accessMode The access mode associating with the property (CA_READ and/or CA_WRITE).
* @param din Specifies input format information
* @param dout Specifies output format information
* @param prpDscr gives a property description.
public TExportProperty(String prpName, short accessMode, TDataType din, TDataType dout,
String prpDescription)
this.name = prpName;
this.outputFormat = dout.dFormat;
this.outputSize = dout.dArrayLength;
this.outputTag = dout.getTag();
this.inputFormat = din.dFormat;
this.inputSize = din.dArrayLength;
this.inputTag = din.getTag();
this.accessMode = accessMode;
this.description = new TPropertyDescription(prpDescription);
this.id = 0;
* Constructor. Creates a TExportProperty for read access.
* @param prpName
* @param outputSize
* @param outputFormat
public TExportProperty(String prpName, int outputSize, short outputFormat)
initialize(prpName, TAccess.CA_READ, outputSize, outputFormat, 0, TFormat.CF_NULL);
* Constructor. Creates a TExportProperty for read/write access.
* @param prpName
* @param outputSize
* @param outputFormat
* @param inputSize
* @param inputFormat
public TExportProperty(String prpName, int outputSize, short outputFormat, int inputSize, short inputFormat)
initialize(prpName, (short)(TAccess.CA_READ|TAccess.CA_WRITE), outputSize, outputFormat, inputSize, inputFormat);
* Constructor. Creates a property with an ID.
* @param prpId The property identifier
* @param prpName The property name.
* @param accessMode The access mode associating with the property (CA_READ and/or CA_WRITE).
* @param din Specifies input format information
* @param dout Specifies output format information
public TExportProperty(int prpId, String prpName, short accessMode, TDataType din, TDataType dout)
this(prpId, prpName, accessMode, din, dout, "");
private void initialize(String prpName, short accessMode, int outputSize, short outputFormat,
int inputSize, short inputFormat)
initialize(0,prpName,new TPropertyDescription(""),outputSize,outputFormat,"",inputSize,inputFormat,"",accessMode);
* A Copy Constructor. NOTE: This implementation SIMULATES a copy constructor.
* It does not copy everything. Useful only for TStockProperty, alias properties !!!.
* @param source
public TExportProperty(TExportProperty source)
initialize(source.id,source.name,new TPropertyDescription(source.description.getText()),
private void initialize(int prpId, String prpName, TPropertyDescription prpDescription, int prpSizeOut,
short prpFormatOut, String prpTagOut, int prpSizeIn, short prpFormatIn, String prpTagIn,short access)
if ((access & TAccess.CA_SAVERESTORE) == TAccess.CA_SAVERESTORE)
if (TAccess.isWrite((byte)access))
isSaveAndRestore = true;
access &= ~(TAccess.CA_SAVERESTORE);
if ((access & TAccess.CA_FORCEOUTPUT) == TAccess.CA_FORCEOUTPUT)
isEnforceOutput = true;
access &= ~(TAccess.CA_FORCEOUTPUT); // remove this bit here
if ((access & TAccess.CA_XREAD) == TAccess.CA_XREAD)
hasExclusiveRead = true;
if (!TAccess.isRead((byte)access)) hasUnlockedExclusiveRead = true;
access &= ~(TAccess.CA_XREAD); // remove this bit here
if ((access & TAccess.CA_STATIC) == TAccess.CA_STATIC)
isStatic = true;
this.id = prpId;
this.name = prpName;
this.description = prpDescription;
this.outputFormat = prpFormatOut;
this.inputFormat = prpFormatIn;
this.outputSize = prpSizeOut;
this.inputSize = prpSizeIn;
this.outputTag = prpTagOut;
this.inputTag = prpTagIn;
this.accessMode = access;
if (description != null)
float max = description.getXRange().getMaxValue();
float min = description.getXRange().getMinValue();
if (min > max) TFecLog.log("TExportProperty","x min > x max for property "+prpName);
max = description.getYRange().getMaxValue();
min = description.getYRange().getMinValue();
if (min > max) TFecLog.log("TExportProperty","min > max for property "+prpName);
* Constructor. Creates a property with an ID.
* @param prpId The property identifier
* @param prpName The property name.
* @param prpDescription gives a property description string.
* @param prpSizeOut gives the property's output size
* @param prpFormatOut gives the property's output format
* @param prpTagOut gives the property's output data tag
* @param prpSizeIn gives the property's input size
* @param prpFormatIn gives the property's input format
* @param prpTagIn gives the property's input data tag
* @param access gives the property's access mode
public TExportProperty(int prpId, String prpName, String prpDescription, int prpSizeOut,
short prpFormatOut, String prpTagOut, int prpSizeIn, short prpFormatIn, String prpTagIn,short access)
initialize(prpId, prpName, new TPropertyDescription(prpDescription), prpSizeOut, prpFormatOut, prpTagOut, prpSizeIn, prpFormatIn,
public TExportProperty(int prpId, String prpName, String prpDescription, int prpSizeOut,
short prpFormatOut, String prpTagOut, int prpSizeIn, short prpFormatIn, String prpTagIn)
initialize(prpId, prpName, new TPropertyDescription(prpDescription), prpSizeOut, prpFormatOut, prpTagOut, prpSizeIn, prpFormatIn,
* Constructor. Creates a property with given settings.
* @param prpName The property name.
* @param prpDescription gives a property description string.
* @param prpSizeOut gives the property's output size
* @param prpFormatOut gives the property's output format
* @param prpTagOut gives the property's output data tag
* @param prpSizeIn gives the property's input size
* @param prpFormatIn gives the property's input format
* @param prpTagIn gives the property's input data tag
* @param access gives the property's access mode
public TExportProperty(String prpName, String prpDescription, int prpSizeOut,
short prpFormatOut, String prpTagOut, int prpSizeIn, short prpFormatIn, String prpTagIn,short access)
initialize(0, prpName, new TPropertyDescription(prpDescription), prpSizeOut, prpFormatOut, prpTagOut, prpSizeIn, prpFormatIn,
* Constructor. Creates a property with an ID.
* @param prpId The property identifier
* @param prpName The property name.
* @param prpDescription gives a property description object.
* @param prpSizeOut gives the property's output size
* @param prpFormatOut gives the property's output format
* @param prpTagOut gives the property's output data tag
* @param prpSizeIn gives the property's input size
* @param prpFormatIn gives the property's input format
* @param prpTagIn gives the property's input data tag
* @param access gives the property's access mode
public TExportProperty(int prpId, String prpName, TPropertyDescription prpDescription, int prpSizeOut,
short prpFormatOut, String prpTagOut, int prpSizeIn, short prpFormatIn, String prpTagIn,short access)
initialize(prpId, prpName, prpDescription, prpSizeOut, prpFormatOut, prpTagOut, prpSizeIn, prpFormatIn,
public TExportProperty(int prpId, String prpName, TPropertyDescription prpDescription, int prpSizeOut,
short prpFormatOut, String prpTagOut, int prpSizeIn, short prpFormatIn, String prpTagIn)
initialize(prpId, prpName, prpDescription, prpSizeOut, prpFormatOut, prpTagOut, prpSizeIn, prpFormatIn,
* Constructor. Creates a property with given settings.
* @param prpName The property name.
* @param prpDescription gives a property description object.
* @param prpSizeOut gives the property's output size
* @param prpFormatOut gives the property's output format
* @param prpTagOut gives the property's output data tag
* @param prpSizeIn gives the property's input size
* @param prpFormatIn gives the property's input format
* @param prpTagIn gives the property's input data tag
* @param access gives the property's access mode
public TExportProperty(String prpName, TPropertyDescription prpDescription, int prpSizeOut,
short prpFormatOut, String prpTagOut, int prpSizeIn, short prpFormatIn, String prpTagIn,short access)
initialize(0, prpName, prpDescription, prpSizeOut, prpFormatOut, prpTagOut, prpSizeIn, prpFormatIn,
* Constructor. Creates a property with an ID.
* @param prpId The property identifier
* @param prpName The property name.
* @param prpDescription gives a property description.
* @param prpSizeOut gives the property's output size
* @param prpFormatOut gives the property's output format
* @param prpSizeIn gives the property's input size
* @param prpFormatIn gives the property's input format
* @param access gives the property's access mode
public TExportProperty(int prpId, String prpName, String prpDescription, int prpSizeOut,
short prpFormatOut, int prpSizeIn, short prpFormatIn,short access)
initialize(prpId, prpName, new TPropertyDescription(prpDescription), prpSizeOut, prpFormatOut, "", prpSizeIn, prpFormatIn, "",access);
public TExportProperty(int prpId, String prpName, String prpDescription, int prpSizeOut,
short prpFormatOut, int prpSizeIn, short prpFormatIn)
initialize(prpId, prpName, new TPropertyDescription(prpDescription), prpSizeOut, prpFormatOut, "", prpSizeIn, prpFormatIn, "",(short)(TAccess.CA_READ|TAccess.CA_WRITE));
* Constructor. Creates a property with given settings.
* @param prpName The property name.
* @param prpDescription gives a property description.
* @param prpSizeOut gives the property's output size
* @param prpFormatOut gives the property's output format
* @param prpSizeIn gives the property's input size
* @param prpFormatIn gives the property's input format
* @param access gives the property's access mode
public TExportProperty(String prpName, String prpDescription, int prpSizeOut,
short prpFormatOut, int prpSizeIn, short prpFormatIn,short access)
initialize(0, prpName, new TPropertyDescription(prpDescription), prpSizeOut, prpFormatOut, "", prpSizeIn, prpFormatIn, "",access);
* Constructor. Creates a property with an ID.
* @param prpId The property identifier
* @param prpName The property name.
* @param prpDescription gives a property description.
* @param prpSizeOut gives the property's output size
* @param prpFormatOut gives the property's output format
public TExportProperty(int prpId, String prpName, String prpDescription, int prpSizeOut, short prpFormatOut)
initialize(prpId, prpName, new TPropertyDescription(prpDescription), prpSizeOut, prpFormatOut, "", 0, TFormat.CF_NULL, "",TAccess.CA_READ);
* @return Returns the accessMode.
public short getAccessMode()
return accessMode;
* @param accessMode
* The accessMode to set.
public void setAccessMode(short accessMode)
if ((accessMode & TAccess.CA_XREAD) == TAccess.CA_XREAD)
hasExclusiveRead = true;
if (!TAccess.isRead((byte)accessMode)) hasUnlockedExclusiveRead = true;
accessMode &= ~(TAccess.CA_XREAD); // remove this bit here
if ((accessMode & TAccess.CA_FORCEOUTPUT) == TAccess.CA_FORCEOUTPUT)
isEnforceOutput = true;
accessMode &= ~(TAccess.CA_FORCEOUTPUT); // remove this bit here
if ((accessMode & TAccess.CA_SAVERESTORE) == TAccess.CA_SAVERESTORE)
if (!TAccess.isWrite((byte)accessMode))
{ // must also have WRITE access
accessMode &= ~(TAccess.CA_SAVERESTORE);
{ // looks okay !
isSaveAndRestore = true;
this.accessMode = accessMode;
* @return Returns the alias.
public String getAlias()
return alias;
* @param alias
* The alias to set.
public void setAlias(String alias)
this.alias = alias;
* @return Returns the id.
public int getId()
return id;
* @param id
* The id to set.
public void setId(int id)
this.id = id;
* @return Returns the inputFormat.
public short getInputFormat()
return inputFormat;
* @param inputFormat
* The inputFormat to set.
public void setInputFormat(short inputFormat)
this.inputFormat = inputFormat;
* @return Returns the inputSize.
public int getInputSize()
return inputSize;
* @param inputSize
* The inputSize to set.
public void setInputSize(int inputSize)
this.inputSize = inputSize;
* @return Returns the inputTag.
public String getInputTag()
return inputTag;
* @param inputTag
* The inputTag to set.
public void setInputTag(String inputTag)
this.inputTag = inputTag;
* @return Returns the name.
public String getName()
return name;
* @param name
* The name to set.
public void setName(String name)
this.name = name;
* @return Returns the numOverloads.
//public int getNumOverloads() {
// return numOverloads;
* @param numOverloads
* The numOverloads to set.
//public void setNumOverloads(int numOverloads) {
// this.numOverloads = numOverloads;
* @return Returns the outputFormat.
public short getOutputFormat()
return outputFormat;
* @param outputFormat
* The outputFormat to set.
public void setOutputFormat(short outputFormat)
this.outputFormat = outputFormat;
* @return Returns the outputSize.
public int getOutputSize()
return outputSize;
* @param outputSize
* The outputSize to set.
public void setOutputSize(int outputSize)
this.outputSize = outputSize;
* @return Returns the outputTag.
public String getOutputTag()
return outputTag;
* @param outputTag
* The outputTag to set.
public void setOutputTag(String outputTag)
this.outputTag = outputTag;
* @return Returns the description.
public TPropertyDescription getDescription()
return description;
* @param description
* The description to set.
public void setDescription(TPropertyDescription description)
TPropertyEGU rng = new TPropertyEGU();
TPropertyEGU xrng = new TPropertyEGU("",0,0);
if (description != null)
if (description.getText() == null) description.setText("description unavailable");
if (description.getYRange() == null) description.setYRange(rng);
if (description.getXRange() == null) description.setXRange(xrng);
if (description.getArrayNumRows() == 0) description.setArrayNumRows(1);
if (outputSize == 1 && description.getArrayType() == 0)
{ // can only be a scalar ...
this.description = description;