* Created on Aug 31, 2005
* To change the template for this generated file go to
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package de.desy.tine.server.alarms;
import java.util.Arrays;
import de.desy.tine.client.TFilterLink;
import de.desy.tine.definitions.TStrings;
import de.desy.tine.server.equipment.TEquipmentModule;
import de.desy.tine.server.equipment.TEquipmentModuleFactory;
import de.desy.tine.server.logger.TFecLog;
import de.desy.tine.structUtils.TTaggedStructure;
public class TAlarmWatchEntry extends TTaggedStructure
private TEquipmentModule eqm;
private String devString = null;
private String prpString = null;
private String eqmString = null;
private char[] eqmName = new char[TStrings.EQM_NAME_SIZE];
private char[] dev = new char[TStrings.DEVICE_NAME_SIZE];
private char[] prp = new char[TStrings.PROPERTY_NAME_SIZE];
private int[] siz = new int[1];
private int[] fmt = new int[1];
private int[] atyp = new int[1]; /* array type */
private int[] asys = new int[1]; /* alarm system id */
private int[] sev = new int[1]; /* general highest severity */
private int[] hisev = new int[1]; /* high severity */
private int[] hiwarnsev = new int[1]; /* high warning severity */
private int[] losev = new int[1]; /* low severity */
private int[] lowarnsev = new int[1]; /* low warning severity */
private int[] chkNormal = new int[1]; /* TRUE => check vs normal; FALSE = check threshold */
private int[] mask = new int[1]; /* if fmt is an integer type */
private int[] normal = new int[1]; /* normal non-alarm state value (after mask) */
private int[] cnt = new int[1];
private int[] cntThreshold = new int[1]; /* set alarm when counter > threshold */
private float[] hi = new float[1]; /* high threshold */
private float[] lo = new float[1]; /* low threshold */
private float[] hiwarn = new float[1]; /* high warn threshold */
private float[] lowarn = new float[1]; /* low warn threshold */
private int code;
private int codeHigh;
private int codeLow;
private String tagHigh = null;
private String tagLow = null;
private TFilterLink filter = null;
public TFilterLink getFilter() { return filter; }
public void setFilter(TFilterLink filter)
String fstr = filter == null ? "none" : filter.toString();
TFecLog.log("TAlarmWatchEntry","set filter to "+fstr);
this.filter = filter;
public boolean isPastFilter()
if (filter != null && !filter.isActive())
{ // marked for removal;
filter = null;
return filter == null ? true : filter.isValid();
private void pushString(String s,char[] c)
if (s != null)
int len = s.length();
if (len > c.length) len = c.length;
s.getChars(0, len, c, 0);
private void initStructure()
public TAlarmWatchEntry()
public TAlarmWatchEntry(TEquipmentModule equipmentModule,String devName,String devProperty,int size,
int format,int arrayType,int almSystem,int almSeverity,TAlarmWatchThreshold almThreshold)
public TAlarmWatchEntry(TEquipmentModule equipmentModule,String devName,String devProperty,int size,
int format,int arrayType,int almSystem,int almSeverity,int code,int codeHigh,int codeLow,TAlarmWatchThreshold almThreshold)
public TAlarmWatchEntry(TEquipmentModule equipmentModule,String devName,String devProperty,int size,
int format,int arrayType,int almSystem,int almSeverity,int code,int codeHigh,int codeLow,String tagHigh,String tagLow,TAlarmWatchThreshold almThreshold)
eqm = equipmentModule;
siz[0] = size;
fmt[0] = format;
atyp[0] = arrayType;
asys[0] = almSystem;
sev[0] = almSeverity;
cnt[0] = 0;
cntThreshold[0] = almThreshold.getCnt();
hi[0] = almThreshold.getHi();
lo[0] = almThreshold.getLo();
hiwarn[0] = almThreshold.getHiwarn();
lowarn[0] = almThreshold.getLowarn();
mask[0] = almThreshold.getValueMask();
normal[0] = almThreshold.getValueNormal();
hisev[0] = sev[0];
hiwarnsev[0] = sev[0] > 2 ? sev[0] - 2 : sev[0];
losev[0] = sev[0];
lowarnsev[0] = sev[0] > 2 ? sev[0] - 2 : sev[0];
this.code = code;
this.codeHigh = codeHigh;
this.codeLow = codeLow;
this.tagHigh = tagHigh;
this.tagLow = tagLow;
if (mask[0] != 0)
chkNormal[0] = almThreshold.isNormalAlarm() ? -1 : 1;
public TAlarmWatchEntry(String eqmName,String devName,String devProperty,int size,
int format,int arrayType,int almSystem,int almSeverity,TAlarmWatchThreshold almThreshold)
{ // for queries and such ...
eqm = null;
siz[0] = size;
fmt[0] = format;
atyp[0] = arrayType;
asys[0] = almSystem;
sev[0] = almSeverity;
cnt[0] = 0;
cntThreshold[0] = almThreshold.getCnt();
hi[0] = almThreshold.getHi();
lo[0] = almThreshold.getLo();
hiwarn[0] = almThreshold.getHiwarn();
lowarn[0] = almThreshold.getLowarn();
mask[0] = almThreshold.getValueMask();
normal[0] = almThreshold.getValueNormal();
hisev[0] = sev[0];
hiwarnsev[0] = sev[0] > 2 ? sev[0] - 2 : sev[0];
losev[0] = sev[0];
lowarnsev[0] = sev[0] > 2 ? sev[0] - 2 : sev[0];
public void adjustFrom(TAlarmWatchEntry reference)
asys[0] = reference.asys[0];
sev[0] = reference.sev[0];
cntThreshold[0] = reference.cntThreshold[0];
hi[0] = reference.hi[0];
lo[0] = reference.lo[0];
hiwarn[0] = reference.hiwarn[0];
lowarn[0] = reference.lowarn[0];
mask[0] = reference.mask[0];
normal[0] = reference.normal[0];
if (mask[0] != 0)
chkNormal[0] = reference.chkNormal[0];
public void setEquipmentModule(String eqmName)
TEquipmentModule eq = TEquipmentModuleFactory.getInstance().getEquipmentModule(eqmName);
if (eq == null) return; // TODO: throw exception
public void setEquipmentModule(TEquipmentModule eqm)
this.eqm = eqm;
public int getAsys()
return asys[0];
public int getAtyp()
return atyp[0];
public int getCnt()
return cnt[0];
public void setCnt(int count) { cnt[0] = count; }
public int getCntThreshold()
return cntThreshold[0];
public String getDev()
if (devString == null) devString = new String(dev).trim();
return devString;
public TEquipmentModule getEqm()
return eqm;
public int getFmt()
return fmt[0];
public void setFmt(int format) { fmt[0] = format % 256; }
public float getHi()
return hi[0];
public float getHiwarn()
return hiwarn[0];
public float getLo()
return lo[0];
public float getLowarn()
return lowarn[0];
public String getPrp()
if (prpString == null) prpString = new String(prp).trim();
return prpString;
public String getEquipmentModule()
if (eqmString == null) eqmString = new String(eqmName).trim();
return eqmString;
public int getSev()
return sev[0];
public int getSiz()
return siz[0];
public void setSiz(int size) { siz[0] = size; }
public int checkNormal()
return chkNormal[0];
public int getMask()
return mask[0];
public int getNormal()
return normal[0];
public int hashCode()
final int PRIME = 31;
int result = 1;
result = PRIME * result + Arrays.hashCode(dev);
result = PRIME * result + Arrays.hashCode(eqmName);
result = PRIME * result + Arrays.hashCode(prp);
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (this == obj) return true;
if (obj == null) return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;
final TAlarmWatchEntry other = (TAlarmWatchEntry) obj;
if (!Arrays.equals(dev, other.dev)) return false;
if (!Arrays.equals(eqmName, other.eqmName)) return false;
if (!Arrays.equals(prp, other.prp)) return false;
return true;
public int getCode()
return code;
public void setCode(int code)
this.code = code;
public int getCodeHigh()
return codeHigh;
public void setCodeHigh(int codeHigh)
this.codeHigh = codeHigh;
public int getCodeLow()
return codeLow;
public void setCodeLow(int codeLow)
this.codeLow = codeLow;
public String getTagHigh()
return tagHigh;
public void setTagHigh(String tag)
tagHigh = new String(tag);
public String getTagLow()
return tagLow;
public void setTagLow(String tag)
tagLow = new String(tag);