* Created on Jan 28, 2005
* To change the template for this generated file go to
* Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
package de.desy.tine.structUtils;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import de.desy.tine.dataUtils.TDataType;
import de.desy.tine.definitions.TErrorList;
import de.desy.tine.definitions.TFormat;
import de.desy.tine.endianUtils.*;
import de.desy.tine.server.logger.MsgLog;
import de.desy.tine.types.*;
* \internal
* This class describes a tagged structure, or rather an array of tagged
* structures. A TStructDescription contains a set of TStructDefinition.Field
* which are referenced by tagName. It also contains an arraySize which
* indicates how often this structure occurs in a sequence. Replaces
* TStruct.StructStruct TODO Rename to TStructArrayDescription?
* @author jwlg
* @version 2005-02-01
public class TStructDescription
// add cross-reference back to a registered 'TTaggedStructure'
private TTaggedStructure tts = null;
public TTaggedStructure getTaggedStructure() { return tts; }
public void setTaggedStructure(TTaggedStructure struct) { tts = struct; }
private LinkedList<String> srvKeyLst = new LinkedList<String>();
* @param key is the input key to examine and validate
* @return null if input is not valid or cannot be made into a valid key,
* otherwise returns a valid key
private String makeValidSrvKey(String key)
if (key == null || key.length() == 0) return null;
if (!key.startsWith("/")) return null;
int idx;
if ((idx=key.indexOf("/", 1)) < 0) return null;
if (key.indexOf("/",idx+1) > 0)
String[] parts = key.split("/");
if (parts.length < 3) return null;
key = "/"+parts[1]+"/"+parts[2];
return key;
public boolean containsSrvKey(String key)
if (srvKeyLst.size() == 0) return true;
String srvkey = makeValidSrvKey(key);
if (srvkey == null) return false;
return srvKeyLst.contains(srvkey);
public boolean containsSrvKey(String context,String server)
if (context == null || context.length() == 0) return false;
if (server == null || server.length() == 0) return false;
return containsSrvKey("/"+context+"/"+server);
public void addSrvKey(String key)
String srvkey = makeValidSrvKey(key);
if (srvkey == null) return;
if (srvKeyLst.size() > 0 && srvKeyLst.contains(srvkey)) return;
public void addSrvKey(String context, String server)
if (context == null || context.length() == 0) return;
if (server == null || server.length() == 0) return;
public String getTagDecoration()
if (srvKeyLst.size() == 0) return "";
return "@"+srvKeyLst.get(0);
private String tagName = ""; // structure tag
private int rawLength = 0; // (packed) network data size in bytes
private int size = 0; // local structure size -> always identical to rawLength for java
private int arraySize; // array-of buffer capacity (not relevant in java)
private ArrayList<Field> myFields = new ArrayList<Field>();
boolean fieldsComplete = false; // True if all fields are added.
boolean hasExtendedSpace = false;
public boolean hasExtendedSpace() { return hasExtendedSpace; }
* \internal
* Describes a field of a tagged structure. Replaces TStruct.StructFormat TODO
* Document attributes
public class Field
int arraySize; /* Number of subsequent occurrences in the structure */
int format; /* TODO TFormat (short) casted to int intentionally(?) */
int offset; /* Same as address? */
int address; // TODO Seems to be unused - always identical to offset
String name;
* Default Constructor. Creates a Field of Format CF_NULL.
public Field()
this("",0, TFormat.CF_NULL, 0, 0);
* Constructs a Field.
* @param newSize
* The number of following elements of this type.
* @param newFormat
* The format of the field.
* @param newOffset
* The offset.
* @param newAddress
* The address.
public Field(int newSize, short newFormat, int newOffset, int newAddress)
public Field(String name, int newSize, short newFormat, int newOffset, int newAddress)
arraySize = newSize;
format = (int) newFormat;
offset = newOffset;
address = newAddress;
this.name = name;
* @return Returns the address.
public int getAddress()
return address;
* Sets the address.
* @param address
* The address to set.
public void setAddress(int address)
this.address = address;
* @return Returns the format.
public short getFormat()
return (short) format;
* Sets the format.
* @param format
* The format to set.
public void setFormat(short format)
this.format = (int) format;
* @return Returns the offset.
public int getOffset()
return offset;
public String getName()
return name;
* Sets the offset.
* @param offset
* The offset to set.
public void setOffset(int offset)
this.offset = offset;
* @return Returns the size.
public int getArraySize()
return arraySize;
* Sets the size.
* @param size
* The size to set.
public void setArraySize(int size)
this.arraySize = size;
* Constructs a TStructDescription
* @param newTagName
* Name of the new structure
public TStructDescription(String newTagName)
this.tagName = newTagName;
* Add a Field
* @param format
* The TFormat as specified in TFormat
* @param arraySize
* The number of sequential occurrences of this field
* @see TFormat
public void addField(short format, int arraySize)
public void addField(String name, short format, int arraySize)
if (!fieldsComplete)
{ // TODO Is this necessary?
Field newField = new Field(name, arraySize, format, this.rawLength, this.rawLength);
int hsiz = TFormat.getFormatHeaderSize(format);
int dsiz;
if (TFormat.isVariableLength(format))
if (format == TFormat.CF_IMAGE) arraySize = 1; // special case
dsiz = arraySize * (hsiz + 8); // 2 int32 values specify the position and offset
hasExtendedSpace = true;
{ // CF_SPECTRUM is not 'variableLength'
dsiz = arraySize * TFormat.formatSizeOf(format) + hsiz;
if (format == TFormat.CF_STRUCT)
String stag = name.substring(1, name.indexOf('>'));
dsiz *= TStructRegistry.getSizeInBytes(stag);
if (dsiz < 0)
MsgLog.log("addField", "nested structure "+stag+" not properly registered!",TErrorList.invalid_structure_tag,null,0);
this.rawLength += dsiz;
// in java, we're only ever dealing with a byte stream, so
// size = rawLength = sizeInBytes always
this.size = this.rawLength;
* Add a field multiple times.
* @param num
* Multiplicity of the field
* @param format
* The TFormat as specified in TFormat
* @param arraySize
* The number of sequential occurrences of this field
public void addField(int num, short format, int arraySize)
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
addField(format, arraySize);
* Erases the contained information
private void clear()
this.arraySize = 0;
this.rawLength = 0;
this.fieldsComplete = false;
this.size = 0;
* Clears everything and permits definition of fields. TODO Is this necessary?
public void beginDefinition()
* Closes definition of fields. TODO Is this necessary?
public void endDefinition()
// addField(TFormat.CF_NULL,1);
fieldsComplete = true;
* @return Returns the number of sequential occurrences of this structure.
public int getArraySize()
return arraySize;
* Sets the number of sequential occurrences of this structure.
* @param arraySize
* The arraySize to set.
public void setArraySize(int arraySize)
this.arraySize = arraySize;
* @return Returns the tagName.
public String getTagName()
return tagName;
public String getDecoratedTagName()
return tagName + getTagDecoration();
* @param tagName
* The tagName to set.
public void setTagName(String name)
this.tagName = name;
* @return Returns the rawLength.
public int getRawLength()
return rawLength;
* @return Returns the registered.
public boolean isFieldsComplete()
return fieldsComplete;
* @return Returns the size.
public int getSize()
return size;
* Returns a HasMap of all contained fields. The hash map contains keys of
* type String and entries of type Field.
public ArrayList<Field> getFields()
return myFields;
* Returns an iterator over all fields. The iterator refers to an entry of
* type Field.
* <P>
* <B>Note: </B>Don't use the iterator to remove Fields!
* </P>
* @return
public Iterator<Field> getFieldIterator()
return myFields.iterator();
public int getNFields()
return myFields.size();
public Field getField(int i)
Field rv = null;
if ((i >= 0) && (i < myFields.size()))
rv = (Field) myFields.get(i);
return rv;
public Field getField(String field)
Field rv = null;
Iterator<Field> f = myFields.iterator();
while (f.hasNext())
rv = f.next();
if (rv.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(field) == 0) break;
return rv;
public boolean hasField(String field)
Iterator<Field> f = myFields.iterator();
while (f.hasNext()) if (f.next().getName().compareToIgnoreCase(field) == 0) return true;
return false;
* Returns the field sizes and formats in a differently coded form used by
* de.desy.tine.client.
* @return LongInt Array containing type/format pairs.
public INTINT[] toLongIntArray()
int nFields = myFields.size();
INTINT[] li = new INTINT[nFields + 1];
Field currentField;
for (int i = 0; i < nFields; i++)
currentField = getField(i);
li[i] = new INTINT(currentField.getArraySize(), currentField.getFormat() + 512);
// append terminating NULL
li[nFields] = new INTINT(size, TFormat.CF_NULL + 512);
return li;
public NAME16II[] toNameIntIntArray()
int nFields = myFields.size();
NAME16II[] li = new NAME16II[nFields + 1];
Field currentField;
for (int i = 0; i < nFields; i++)
currentField = getField(i);
li[i] = new NAME16II(currentField.getName(),currentField.getArraySize(), currentField.getFormat() + 512);
// append terminating NULL
li[nFields] = new NAME16II("",size, TFormat.CF_NULL + 512);
return li;
public NAME64DBLDBL[] toNameDblDblArray()
int nFields = myFields.size();
NAME64DBLDBL[] li = new NAME64DBLDBL[nFields + 1];
Field currentField;
for (int i = 0; i < nFields; i++)
currentField = getField(i);
li[i] = new NAME64DBLDBL(currentField.getName(),currentField.getArraySize(), currentField.getFormat() + 512);
// append terminating NULL
li[nFields] = new NAME64DBLDBL("",size, TFormat.CF_NULL + 512);
return li;
private static boolean isInside = false;
private static String tagInside = null;
* Converts an array of bytes into a string. This method uses the field
* descriptions to convert an array of bytes into string using a special
* format. TODO Describe the special format.
* @param data
* A byte array containing the data
* @param offset
* Offset in the byte array.
* @return Result of conversion.
public String convertBytesToString(byte[] data, int offset)
Field currentField;
int fmt, len;
byte[] bstr;
String tag = null;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
ByteArrayInputStream dis = new ByteArrayInputStream(data, offset, this.rawLength);
DataInputStream ds = new DataInputStream(dis);
for (int n = 0; n < myFields.size(); n++)
currentField = getField(n);
len = currentField.getArraySize();
fmt = (currentField.getFormat()) % 512;
if (len > 0)
if (isInside)
tag = tagInside + currentField.getName() + "] ->";
tag = "[" + currentField.getName() + "] ->";
switch (fmt)
case TFormat.CF_BYTE:
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
buffer.append(i > 0 ? "," : " ");
case TFormat.CF_TEXT:
bstr = new byte[len];
ds.read(bstr, 0, len);
int nlen;
for (nlen = 0; nlen < len; nlen++) if (bstr[nlen] == 0) break;
buffer.append(new String(bstr,0,nlen).trim());
case TFormat.CF_SHORT:
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
buffer.append(i > 0 ? "," : " ");
case TFormat.CF_LONG:
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
buffer.append(i > 0 ? "," : " ");
case TFormat.CF_DLONG:
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
buffer.append(i > 0 ? "," : " ");
case TFormat.CF_FLOAT:
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
buffer.append(i > 0 ? "," : " ");
// avoid NaN !
case TFormat.CF_DOUBLE:
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
buffer.append(i > 0 ? "," : " ");
// avoid NaN !
case TFormat.CF_STRUCT:
String nam = currentField.getName();
String stag = nam.substring(1, nam.indexOf('>'));
for (int i=0; i<len; i++)
byte[] sb = new byte[TFormat.formatSizeOf((short)fmt)*TStructRegistry.getSizeInBytes(stag)];
isInside = true;
if (len > 1) tagInside = "[" + currentField.getName()+"("+i+").";
else tagInside = "[" + currentField.getName()+".";
buffer.append(TStructRegistry.toString(stag, sb));
isInside = false;
boolean skip = false;
int fmtsiz = TFormat.formatSizeOf((short)fmt);
int hsiz = TFormat.getFormatHeaderSize((short)fmt);
if (TFormat.isAdjustableLength((short)fmt))
hsiz += 8;
fmtsiz = hsiz;
skip = true;
byte[] b = new byte[len*fmtsiz];
if (skip)
buffer.append("variable length format string space unavailable\n");
TDataType dt = new TDataType(len,(short)fmt);
dt.dCompletionLength = len;
} // Type Switch
} // if len > 0
} // for
catch (IOException e)
return buffer.toString();
* Overloaded for Convenience.
* @param data
* @see convertBytesToString(byte[],int)
public String convertBytesToString(byte[] data)
return convertBytesToString(data, 0);