package org.paquitosoft.lml.model.action;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.paquitosoft.lml.model.util.ModelUtilities;
import org.paquitosoft.lml.model.annotation.AssociationType;
import org.paquitosoft.lml.model.annotation.PersistentAttribute;
import org.paquitosoft.lml.model.annotation.AssociatedEntityList;
import org.paquitosoft.lml.model.annotation.PersistentEntity;
import org.paquitosoft.lml.model.dao.DAOFactory;
import org.paquitosoft.lml.model.dao.IDefaultDAO;
import org.paquitosoft.lml.model.exception.DataNotFoundException;
import org.paquitosoft.lml.model.exception.DuplicateInstanceException;
import org.paquitosoft.lml.model.exception.InternalErrorException;
import org.paquitosoft.lml.model.exception.ReflectionException;
import static org.paquitosoft.lml.util.LMLConstants.*;
* This action is used to create, update or delete an entity in the database.
* @author paquitosoft
public class PersistAction<T> implements ITransactionalAction {
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PersistAction.class.getName());
private T entity;
private byte mode;
* Constructor dictates params the action needs to be executed.
* <b>mode</b> is one of the constants defined in <code>LMLConstants</code>.
* @param entity
* @param mode
public PersistAction(T entity, byte mode) {
this.entity = entity;
this.mode = mode;
* @param connection
* @return entity
* @throws org.paquitosoft.lml.model.exception.InternalErrorException
public T execute(Connection connection) throws InternalErrorException {
// Get cascade attributes from entity
List<Field> cascadeAttributes = ModelUtilities.getCascadeAttributes(entity.getClass());
// Get default DAO
IDefaultDAO dao = DAOFactory.getDefaultDAO(connection);
T result = entity;
if (PERSIST_MODE_SAVE == mode) {
result = dao.insert(entity);
persistAssociatedAttributes(cascadeAttributes, connection, entity, mode); // AFTER
} else if (PERSIST_MODE_UPDATE == mode) {
result = dao.update(entity);
persistAssociatedAttributes(cascadeAttributes, connection, entity, mode); // AFTER
} else if (PERSIST_MODE_DELETE == mode) {
try {
persistAssociatedAttributes(cascadeAttributes, connection, entity, mode); // BEFORE
dao.remove(entity.getClass(), ModelUtilities.getEntityIdentifier(entity));
} catch (ReflectionException ex) {
throw new InternalErrorException("PersisAction::execute::removeEntity", ex);
} else {
throw new InternalErrorException("PersistAction::execute -> Unknown mode operation: " + mode);
return result;
* This method is used to persist a collection of cascade attributes from an entity.
* @param cascadeAttributes (attributes with cascade type OPTIONAL or REQUIRED)
* @param connection
* @param mode
* @throws InternalErrorException (ReflectionException)
protected void persistAssociatedAttributes(List<Field> cascadeAttributes, Connection connection, Object entity, byte mode)
throws InternalErrorException {
try {
for (Field f : cascadeAttributes) {
Object fieldValue = f.get(entity);
AssociationType at = ModelUtilities.getAssociationType(f, mode);
if (f.getAnnotation(PersistentAttribute.class) != null){
try {
if (fieldValue == null && AssociationType.REQUIRED.equals(at)) {
throw new InternalErrorException("PersistAction::persistAssociatedAttributes -> You tried to persist a null value for " +
"a required associated attribute: " + f.getName());
} else if (fieldValue == null) {
} else if (fieldValue != null && !AssociationType.NONE.equals(at)) {
f.set(entity, new PersistAction(fieldValue, mode).execute(connection));
} catch (DuplicateInstanceException e) {
if (AssociationType.REQUIRED.equals(at)) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "PersistAction::execute::persistAssociatedAttributes -> You tried to persist (" + mode + ") an " +
"associated entity that it's already in the database: " + f.get(entity).toString());
throw e;
} catch (DataNotFoundException e) {
if (AssociationType.REQUIRED.equals(at)) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "PersistAction::execute::persistAssociatedAttributes -> You tried to persist (" + mode + ") an " +
"associated entity that it's not in the database: " + f.get(entity).toString());
throw e;
} else if (f.getAnnotation(AssociatedEntityList.class) != null) {
if (fieldValue == null && AssociationType.REQUIRED.equals(at)) {
throw new InternalErrorException("PersistAction::persistAssociatedAttributes -> You tried to persist a null value for " +
"a required associated entity list: " + f.getName());
} else if (fieldValue == null) {
ArrayList<?> associatedEntityList = (ArrayList<?>) fieldValue;
ArrayList<Object> persistedEntities = (ArrayList<Object>) associatedEntityList.clone();
for (Object rEntity : associatedEntityList) {
try {
if (rEntity != null && !AssociationType.NONE.equals(at)) {
// TODO Asegurarse de que las entidades asociadas tienen establecido el identificador de la actual
Object entityPk = ModelUtilities.getEntityIdentifier(entity);
String columnName = f.getAnnotation(AssociatedEntityList.class).externalKey();
checkRelatedAttributeInAssociatedEntity(columnName, rEntity, entityPk);
persistedEntities.add(new PersistAction(rEntity, mode).execute(connection));
} else {
} catch (DuplicateInstanceException e) {
if (AssociationType.REQUIRED.equals(at)) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "PersistAction::execute::persistAssociatedAttributes -> You tried to persist (" + mode + ") a " +
"related entity that it's already in the database: " + rEntity.toString());
throw e;
} catch (DataNotFoundException e) {
if (AssociationType.REQUIRED.equals(at)) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "PersistAction::execute::persistAssociatedAttributes -> You tried to persist (" + mode + ") an " +
"associated entity that it's not in the database: " + f.get(entity).toString());
throw e;
f.set(entity, persistedEntities);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new ReflectionException("PersistAction::execute::persistAssociatedAttributes", e);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new ReflectionException("PersistAction::execute::persistAssociatedAttributes", e);
* This method is used to ensure that an associated entity has the identifier from the main entity.
* @param columnName
* @param relatedEntity
* @param value
* @throws ReflectionException
private void checkRelatedAttributeInAssociatedEntity(String columnName, Object relatedEntity, Object value) throws ReflectionException {
try {
// We first need to find the attribute in the related entity representing the main entity in this action
List<Field> fields = ModelUtilities.getAllPersistentEntityFields(relatedEntity.getClass());
for (Field f : fields) {
PersistentAttribute a = f.getAnnotation(PersistentAttribute.class);
if (a != null && columnName.equalsIgnoreCase(a.columnName())) {
if (f.getClass().getAnnotation(PersistentEntity.class) != null) {
List<Field> pkFields = ModelUtilities.getEntityIdentifierFields(f.getClass());
if (pkFields.size() == 1) {
Field pk = pkFields.get(0);
pk.set(relatedEntity, value);
} else {
f.set(relatedEntity, value);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new ReflectionException("Error while looking for an attribute by its column name.", e);