package org.paquitosoft.lml.model.action;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.List;
import org.paquitosoft.lml.model.dao.DAOFactory;
import org.paquitosoft.lml.model.dao.IDefaultDAO;
import org.paquitosoft.lml.model.exception.InternalErrorException;
import org.paquitosoft.lml.model.util.ModelUtilities;
* This action can be used to find a collection of entities using a
* custom query.
* @author paquitosoft
public class FindEntitiesAction<T> implements INonTransactionalAction {
private String query;
private Class<T> entityType;
private Integer detailLevel;
private Object[] params;
public FindEntitiesAction(String query, Class<T> entityType, Integer detailLevel, Object ... params) {
this.query = query.toUpperCase();
this.entityType = entityType;
this.detailLevel = detailLevel;
this.params = params;
public T execute(Connection connection) throws InternalErrorException {
// Create an instance of default DAO
IDefaultDAO dao = DAOFactory.getDefaultDAO(connection);
// Execute query
List<T> result = dao.finder(entityType, query, params);
// Count selected fields
String[] selectFields = query.substring(query.indexOf("SELECT") + 7, query.indexOf("FROM") - 1).split(",");
int entityFieldsCount = ModelUtilities.getAllPersistentEntityFields(entityType).size();
// We only fill the result when query selected all entity fields because we need all FKs to be sure we can fill it
if (selectFields.length == entityFieldsCount ||
(selectFields.length == 1 && entityFieldsCount != selectFields.length && selectFields[0].equals("*"))) { // Trick to 'SELECT *' queries
for (T entity : result) {
entity = (T) new ReadEntityAction(entity, detailLevel).execute(connection);
return (T) result;