Package heart.uncertainty

Source Code of heart.uncertainty.CertaintyFactorsEvaluator

*     Copyright 2013-15 by Szymon Bobek, Grzegorz J. Nalepa, Mateusz Ślażyński
*     This file is part of HeaRTDroid.
*     HeaRTDroid is a rule engine that is based on HeaRT inference engine,
*     XTT2 representation and other concepts developed within the HeKatE project .
*     HeaRTDroid is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
*     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
*     (at your option) any later version.
*     HeaRTDroid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*     GNU General Public License for more details.
*     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*     along with HeaRTDroid.  If not, see <>.

package heart.uncertainty;

import heart.WorkingMemory;
import heart.alsvfd.Any;
import heart.alsvfd.Formulae;
import heart.alsvfd.Null;
import heart.alsvfd.SetValue;
import heart.alsvfd.SimpleNumeric;
import heart.alsvfd.SimpleSymbolic;
import heart.alsvfd.Value;
import heart.exceptions.AttributeNotRegisteredException;
import heart.exceptions.NotInTheDomainException;
import heart.xtt.Attribute;

import java.util.List;

public class CertaintyFactorsEvaluator implements UncertainTrueEvaluator{
  public static final float MAX_CERTAINTY = 1;
  public static final float MIN_CERTAINTY = -1;

  public UncertainTrue evaluateUncertainEq(Attribute at, Value v, WorkingMemory wm)
      throws UnsupportedOperationException, NotInTheDomainException {
    Value attributeValue = wm.getAttributeValue(at);
    // It means that once we consider evaluation in terms of uncertainty,
    // If the value is completely unknown everything is possible.
    if(attributeValue instanceof Null && !(v instanceof Null)){
      return new UncertainTrue(0.0f);
    boolean logicalValue = attributeValue.eq(v, at.getType());
    return evaluateUncertainTrueValue(at, v, wm, Formulae.OP_EQ, logicalValue);


  public UncertainTrue evaluateUncertainNeq(Attribute at, Value v, WorkingMemory wm)
      throws UnsupportedOperationException, NotInTheDomainException {
    Value attributeValue = wm.getAttributeValue(at);
    // It means that once we consider evaluation in terms of uncertainty,
    // If the value is completely unknown everything is possible.
    if(attributeValue instanceof Null && !(v instanceof Null)){
      return new UncertainTrue(0.0f);
    boolean logicalValue = attributeValue.neq(v, at.getType());
    return evaluateUncertainTrueValue(at, v,wm, Formulae.OP_NEQ, logicalValue);

  public UncertainTrue evaluateUncertainIn(Attribute at, Value v, WorkingMemory wm)
      throws UnsupportedOperationException, NotInTheDomainException {
    Value attributeValue = wm.getAttributeValue(at);
    // It means that once we consider evaluation in terms of uncertainty,
    // If the value is completely unknown everything is possible.
    if(attributeValue instanceof Null && !(v instanceof Null)){
      return new UncertainTrue(0.0f);
    boolean logicalValue =, at.getType());
    return evaluateUncertainTrueValue(at, v,wm, Formulae.OP_IN, logicalValue);

  public UncertainTrue evaluateUncertainNotin(Attribute at, Value v, WorkingMemory wm)
      throws UnsupportedOperationException, NotInTheDomainException {
    Value attributeValue = wm.getAttributeValue(at);
    // It means that once we consider evaluation in terms of uncertainty,
    // If the value is completely unknown everything is possible.
    if(attributeValue instanceof Null && !(v instanceof Null)){
      return new UncertainTrue(0.0f);
    boolean logicalValue = attributeValue.notin(v, at.getType());
    return evaluateUncertainTrueValue(at, v,wm, Formulae.OP_NOTIN, logicalValue);

  public UncertainTrue evaluateUncertainSubset(Attribute at, Value v, WorkingMemory wm)
      throws UnsupportedOperationException, NotInTheDomainException {
    Value attributeValue = wm.getAttributeValue(at);
    // It means that once we consider evaluation in terms of uncertainty,
    // If the value is completely unknown everything is possible.
    if(attributeValue instanceof Null && !(v instanceof Null)){
      return new UncertainTrue(0.0f);
    boolean logicalValue = attributeValue.subset(v, at.getType());
    return evaluateUncertainTrueValue(at, v,wm, Formulae.OP_SUBSET, logicalValue);

  public UncertainTrue evaluateUncertainSupset(Attribute at, Value v, WorkingMemory wm)
      throws UnsupportedOperationException,  NotInTheDomainException {
    Value attributeValue = wm.getAttributeValue(at);
    // It means that once we consider evaluation in terms of uncertainty,
    // If the value is completely unknown everything is possible.
    if(attributeValue instanceof Null && !(v instanceof Null)){
      return new UncertainTrue(0.0f);
    boolean logicalValue = attributeValue.supset(v, at.getType());
    return evaluateUncertainTrueValue(at, v,wm, Formulae.OP_SUPSET, logicalValue);

  public UncertainTrue evaluateUncertainSim(Attribute at, Value v, WorkingMemory wm)
      throws UnsupportedOperationException, NotInTheDomainException {
    Value attributeValue = wm.getAttributeValue(at);
    // It means that once we consider evaluation in terms of uncertainty,
    // If the value is completely unknown everything is possible.
    if(attributeValue instanceof Null && !(v instanceof Null)){
      return new UncertainTrue(0.0f);
    boolean logicalValue = attributeValue.sim(v, at.getType());
    return evaluateUncertainTrueValue(at, v,wm, Formulae.OP_SIM, logicalValue);

  public UncertainTrue evaluateUncertainNotsim(Attribute at, Value v, WorkingMemory wm)
      throws UnsupportedOperationException,NotInTheDomainException {
    Value attributeValue = wm.getAttributeValue(at);
    // It means that once we consider evaluation in terms of uncertainty,
    // If the value is completely unknown everything is possible.
    if(attributeValue instanceof Null && !(v instanceof Null)){
      return new UncertainTrue(0.0f);
    boolean logicalValue = attributeValue.notsim(v, at.getType());
    return evaluateUncertainTrueValue(at, v,wm, Formulae.OP_NOTSIM, logicalValue);
  public UncertainTrue evaluateUncertainLt(Attribute at, Value v, WorkingMemory wm)
      throws UnsupportedOperationException, NotInTheDomainException {
    Value attributeValue = wm.getAttributeValue(at);
    // It means that once we consider evaluation in terms of uncertainty,
    // If the value is completely unknown everything is possible.
    if(attributeValue instanceof Null && !(v instanceof Null)){
      return new UncertainTrue(0.0f);
    boolean logicalValue =, at.getType());
    return evaluateUncertainTrueValue(at, v,wm, Formulae.OP_LT, logicalValue);


  public UncertainTrue evaluateUncertainLte(Attribute at, Value v, WorkingMemory wm)
      throws UnsupportedOperationException, NotInTheDomainException {
    Value attributeValue = wm.getAttributeValue(at);
    // It means that once we consider evaluation in terms of uncertainty,
    // If the value is completely unknown everything is possible.
    if(attributeValue instanceof Null && !(v instanceof Null)){
      return new UncertainTrue(0.0f);
    boolean logicalValue = attributeValue.lte(v, at.getType());
    return evaluateUncertainTrueValue(at, v,wm, Formulae.OP_LTE, logicalValue);

  public UncertainTrue evaluateUncertainGt(Attribute at, Value v, WorkingMemory wm)
      throws UnsupportedOperationException, NotInTheDomainException {
    Value attributeValue = wm.getAttributeValue(at);
    // It means that once we consider evaluation in terms of uncertainty,
    // If the value is completely unknown everything is possible.
    if(attributeValue instanceof Null && !(v instanceof Null)){
      return new UncertainTrue(0.0f);
    boolean logicalValue =, at.getType());
    return evaluateUncertainTrueValue(at, v,wm, Formulae.OP_GT, logicalValue);

  public UncertainTrue evaluateUncertainGte(Attribute at, Value v, WorkingMemory wm)
      throws UnsupportedOperationException, NotInTheDomainException {
    Value attributeValue = wm.getAttributeValue(at);
    // It means that once we consider evaluation in terms of uncertainty,
    // If the value is completely unknown everything is possible.
    if(attributeValue instanceof Null && !(v instanceof Null)){
      return new UncertainTrue(0.0f);
    boolean logicalValue = attributeValue.gte(v, at.getType());
    return evaluateUncertainTrueValue(at, v,wm, Formulae.OP_GTE, logicalValue);

   * The method calculates the certainty of the formula being true.
   * It uses the certainty factors algebra, but slightly modified
   * to allow evaluating expressions like [a(0.2),b(0.3),c(0.9)] neq [c,d].
   * In standard certainty factors algebra this could not be evaluated and it sometimes lead to
   * Now, the cumulative rules equations are used to measure the similarities between sets.
   * The certainty that the above formula is true is now calculated as
   * cf(sim([a(0.2),b(0.3),c(0.9)] AND [a(0.2),b(0.3),c(0.9)]\[c,d])))
   * It can be translated as cumulative certainty that the LHS set
   * is similar the intersection of the LHS set and the set complement to the RHS set
   * @param at The attribute that is a LHS of the formula
   * @param v The value that is RHS of the formula
   * @param op The operation
   * @param logicalValue The logical value that was evaluated without taking into consideration the certaintyFactors
   * @return The uncertainTrue value that represents the certainty of formula being true.
   * In case the formula is false it is represented by the UncertainTrue with negative certainty.
   * @throws NotInTheDomainException
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
  private UncertainTrue evaluateUncertainTrueValue(Attribute at, Value v, WorkingMemory wm,
      String op, boolean logicalValue) throws UnsupportedOperationException, NotInTheDomainException {
    if(v instanceof Null || v instanceof Any){
      if(logicalValue == false)
        return new UncertainTrue(getMinCertainty());
        return new UncertainTrue(getMaxCertainty());
      float formulaCertainty = 0;
      Value attributeValue = wm.getAttributeValue(at);
      //For simple attributes just return the certainty value of an attribute
      if(attributeValue instanceof SimpleSymbolic || attributeValue instanceof SimpleNumeric){
        formulaCertainty = attributeValue.getCertaintyFactor();
        formulaCertainty = (logicalValue==true ? formulaCertainty : -formulaCertainty );
        if(op.equals(Formulae.OP_SIM)) {
          if( logicalValue == true){
            formulaCertainty = sim(at, v, wm);
            formulaCertainty = -sim(at,getComplement(at, v, wm),wm);

        }else if(op.equals(Formulae.OP_NOTSIM)){
          if(logicalValue == true){
            sim(at,getComplement(at, v, wm),wm);
            formulaCertainty = -sim(at, v,wm);
        }else if(op.equals(Formulae.OP_EQ)){
          if(logicalValue == true){
            formulaCertainty = getMinCF(((SetValue)attributeValue).getValues());
            SetValue diff = getDifference(at, v, wm);
            formulaCertainty = -sim(at,diff, wm);
        }else if(op.equals(Formulae.OP_NEQ)){
          if(logicalValue == true){
            SetValue diff = getDifference(at, v, wm);
            formulaCertainty = sim(at,diff, wm);
            formulaCertainty = -getMinCF(((SetValue)attributeValue).getValues());
        }else if(op.equals(Formulae.OP_SUPSET)){
          if(logicalValue == true){
            //return the weakest chain element that makes it superset
            SetValue intersection = (SetValue) attributeValue.intersect( v,at.getType());
            formulaCertainty = getMinCF(intersection.getValues());
            SetValue comp = getComplement(at, v, wm);
            SetValue intersect = (SetValue) attributeValue.intersect( comp,at.getType());
            // return  how the {Domain\value} is similar to the attribute value
            formulaCertainty = -sim(at,intersect, wm);
        }else if(op.equals(Formulae.OP_SUBSET)){
          if(logicalValue == true){
            formulaCertainty = getMinCF(((SetValue)attributeValue).getValues());
            SetValue comp = getComplement(at, v, wm);
            SetValue intersect = (SetValue) attributeValue.intersect( comp,at.getType());
            // return  how the {Domain\value} is similar to the attribute value
            formulaCertainty = -sim(at,intersect, wm);
        return new UncertainTrue(formulaCertainty);
  private static float sim(Attribute at, Value v, WorkingMemory wm) throws UnsupportedOperationException, NotInTheDomainException {
    Value attributeValue = wm.getAttributeValue(at);
    float formulaCertainty = 0;

      SetValue intersection = (SetValue) attributeValue.intersect(v, at.getType());
        List<Value> vals = intersection.getValues();
        float ci=intersection.getValues().get(0).getCertaintyFactor();
        for(int j=1; j < vals.size();j++){
          float cj = vals.get(j).getCertaintyFactor();
          if(ci >= 0 && cj >= 0){
            ci = ci+cj-ci*cj;
          }else if(ci < 0 && cj < 0){
            ci = ci+cj + ci*cj;
          }else if(ci*cj != 0 && ci*cj != -1){
            ci = (ci+cj)/(1-(ci<cj?ci:cj));
        formulaCertainty = ci;
    return formulaCertainty;
  private static float getMinCF(List<Value> values){
    float cf = MAX_CERTAINTY;
    for(Value v: values){
      if(v.getCertaintyFactor() < cf){
        cf = v.getCertaintyFactor();
    return cf;
  private static SetValue getComplement(Attribute at, Value v, WorkingMemory wm) throws UnsupportedOperationException, NotInTheDomainException{
    SetValue complement = (SetValue)at.getType().getDomain().except(v, at.getType());
    Value attributeValue = wm.getAttributeValue(at);
    for(Value atValue: ((SetValue)attributeValue).getValues()){
      for(Value compValue: complement.getValues()){
        if(atValue.eq(compValue, at.getType())){
    return complement;
  private static SetValue getDifference(Attribute at, Value v, WorkingMemory wm) throws UnsupportedOperationException, NotInTheDomainException{
    Value attributeValue = wm.getAttributeValue(at);
    SetValue diff = (SetValue)attributeValue.except(v, at.getType());
    for(Value atValue: ((SetValue)attributeValue).getValues()){
      for(Value compValue: diff.getValues()){
        if(atValue.eq(compValue, at.getType())){
    return diff;

  public float getMinCertainty() {
    return MIN_CERTAINTY;

  public float getMaxCertainty() {
    return MAX_CERTAINTY;



Related Classes of heart.uncertainty.CertaintyFactorsEvaluator

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