* SAT4J: a SATisfiability library for Java Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Daniel Le Berre
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the
* "LGPL"), in which case the provisions of the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of the LGPL, and not to allow others to use your version of
* this file under the terms of the EPL, indicate your decision by deleting
* the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions
* required by the LGPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient
* may use your version of this file under the terms of the EPL or the LGPL.
* Based on the original MiniSat specification from:
* An extensible SAT solver. Niklas Een and Niklas Sorensson. Proceedings of the
* Sixth International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability
* Testing, LNCS 2919, pp 502-518, 2003.
* See www.minisat.se for the original solver in C++.
package org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.cnf;
import org.sat4j.minisat.core.ILits;
import org.sat4j.minisat.core.UnitPropagationListener;
import org.sat4j.specs.ContradictionException;
import org.sat4j.specs.IVecInt;
public abstract class Clauses {
* Perform some sanity check before constructing a clause a) if a literal is
* assigned true, return null (the clause is satisfied) b) if a literal is
* assigned false, remove it c) if a clause contains a literal and its
* opposite (tautology) return null d) remove duplicate literals e) if the
* clause is empty, return null f) if the clause if unit, transmit it to the
* object responsible for unit propagation
* @param ps
* the list of literals
* @param voc
* the vocabulary used
* @param s
* the object responsible for unit propagation
* @return null if the clause should be ignored, the (possibly modified)
* list of literals otherwise
* @throws ContradictionException
* if discovered by unit propagation
public static IVecInt sanityCheck(IVecInt ps, ILits voc,
UnitPropagationListener s) throws ContradictionException {
// si un litt???ral de ps est vrai, retourner vrai
// enlever les litt???raux falsifi???s de ps
for (int i = 0; i < ps.size();) {
// on verifie si le litteral est affecte
if (voc.isUnassigned(ps.get(i))) {
// on passe au literal suivant
} else {
// Si le litteral est satisfait, la clause est
// satisfaite
if (voc.isSatisfied(ps.get(i))) {
// on retourne la clause
return null;
// on enleve le ieme litteral
// on trie le vecteur ps
// ???limine les clauses tautologiques
// deux litt???raux de signe oppos???s apparaissent dans la m???me
// clause
for (int i = 0; i < ps.size() - 1; i++) {
if (ps.get(i) == (ps.get(i + 1) ^ 1)) {
// la clause est tautologique
return null;
if (propagationCheck(ps, s))
return null;
return ps;
* Check if this clause is null or unit
* @param p
* the list of literals (supposed to be clean as after a call to
* sanityCheck())
* @param s
* the object responsible for unit propagation
* @return true iff the clause should be ignored (because it's unit)
* @throws ContradictionException
* when detected by unit propagation
static boolean propagationCheck(IVecInt ps, UnitPropagationListener s)
throws ContradictionException {
if (ps.size() == 0) {
throw new ContradictionException("Creating Empty clause ?"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (ps.size() == 1) {
if (!s.enqueue(ps.get(0))) {
throw new ContradictionException("Contradictory Unit Clauses"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return true;
return false;