* SAT4J: a SATisfiability library for Java Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Daniel Le Berre
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the
* "LGPL"), in which case the provisions of the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of the LGPL, and not to allow others to use your version of
* this file under the terms of the EPL, indicate your decision by deleting
* the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions
* required by the LGPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient
* may use your version of this file under the terms of the EPL or the LGPL.
* Based on the original MiniSat specification from:
* An extensible SAT solver. Niklas Een and Niklas Sorensson. Proceedings of the
* Sixth International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability
* Testing, LNCS 2919, pp 502-518, 2003.
* See www.minisat.se for the original solver in C++.
package org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.card;
import java.io.Serializable;
import org.sat4j.minisat.constraints.cnf.Lits;
import org.sat4j.minisat.core.Constr;
import org.sat4j.minisat.core.ILits;
import org.sat4j.minisat.core.Undoable;
import org.sat4j.minisat.core.UnitPropagationListener;
import org.sat4j.specs.ContradictionException;
import org.sat4j.specs.IVecInt;
public class MinWatchCard implements Constr, Undoable, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static final boolean ATLEAST = true;
public static final boolean ATMOST = false;
* degree of the cardinality constraint
protected int degree;
* literals involved in the constraint
private int[] lits;
* contains the sign of the constraint : ATLEAT or ATMOST
private boolean moreThan;
* contains the sum of the coefficients of the watched literals
protected int watchCumul;
* Vocabulary of the constraint
private final ILits voc;
* Constructs and normalizes a cardinality constraint. used by
* minWatchCardNew in the non-normalized case.
* @param voc
* vocabulary used by the constraint
* @param ps
* literals involved in the constraint
* @param moreThan
* should be ATLEAST or ATMOST;
* @param degree
* degree of the constraint
public MinWatchCard(ILits voc, IVecInt ps, boolean moreThan, int degree) {
// On met en place les valeurs
this.voc = voc;
this.degree = degree;
this.moreThan = moreThan;
// On simplifie ps
int[] index = new int[voc.nVars() * 2 + 2];
// Fresh array should have all elements set to 0
// On repertorie les litt?raux utiles
for (int i = 0; i < ps.size(); i++) {
int p = ps.get(i);
if (index[p ^ 1] == 0) {
} else {
index[p ^ 1]--;
// On supprime les litt?raux inutiles
int ind = 0;
while (ind < ps.size()) {
if (index[ps.get(ind)] > 0) {
} else {
// ??
if ((ps.get(ind) & 1) != 0)
// On copie les litt?raux de la contrainte
lits = new int[ps.size()];
// On normalise la contrainte au sens de Barth
* Constructs and normalizes a cardinality constraint. used by
* MinWatchCardPB.normalizedMinWatchCardNew() in the normalized case. <br />
* <strong>Should not be used if parameters are not already normalized</strong><br />
* This constraint is always an ATLEAST constraint.
* @param voc
* vocabulary used by the constraint
* @param ps
* literals involved in the constraint
* @param degree
* degree of the constraint
protected MinWatchCard(ILits voc, IVecInt ps, int degree) {
// On met en place les valeurs
this.voc = voc;
this.degree = degree;
this.moreThan = ATLEAST;
// On copie les litt?raux de la contrainte
lits = new int[ps.size()];
* computes the reason for a literal
* @param p
* falsified literal (or Lit.UNDEFINED)
* @param outReason
* the reason to be computed. Vector of literals.
* @see Constr#calcReason(int p, IVecInt outReason)
public void calcReason(int p, IVecInt outReason) {
// TODO calcReason: v?rifier par rapport ? l'article
// Pour chaque litt?ral
for (int i = 0; i < lits.length; i++) {
// Si il est falsifi?
if (voc.isFalsified(lits[i])) {
// On ajoute sa n?gation au vecteur
outReason.push(lits[i] ^ 1);
* Returns the activity of the constraint
* @return activity value of the constraint
* @see Constr#getActivity()
public double getActivity() {
// TODO getActivity
return 0;
* Increments activity of the constraint
* @param claInc
* value to be added to the activity of the constraint
* @see Constr#incActivity(double claInc)
public void incActivity(double claInc) {
// TODO incActivity
* Returns wether the constraint is learnt or not.
* @return false : a MinWatchCard cannot be learnt.
* @see Constr#learnt()
public boolean learnt() {
return false;
* Simplifies the constraint w.r.t. the assignments of the literals
* @param voc
* vocabulary used
* @param ps
* literals involved
* @return value to be added to the degree. This value is less than or equal
* to 0.
protected static int linearisation(ILits voc, IVecInt ps) {
// Stockage de l'influence des modifications
int modif = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ps.size();) {
// on verifie si le litteral est affecte
if (voc.isUnassigned(ps.get(i))) {
} else {
// Si le litteral est satisfait,
// ?a revient ? baisser le degr?
if (voc.isSatisfied(ps.get(i))) {
// dans tous les cas, s'il est assign?,
// on enleve le ieme litteral
ps.set(i, ps.last());
// DLB: inutile?
// ps.shrinkTo(nbElement);
assert modif <= 0;
return modif;
* Returns if the constraint is the reason for a unit propagation.
* @return true
* @see Constr#locked()
public boolean locked() {
// TODO locked
return true;
* Constructs a cardinality constraint with a minimal set of watched
* literals Permet la cr?ation de contrainte de cardinalit? ? observation
* minimale
* @param s
* tool for propagation
* @param voc
* vocalulary used by the constraint
* @param ps
* literals involved in the constraint
* @param moreThan
* sign of the constraint. Should be ATLEAST or ATMOST.
* @param degree
* degree of the constraint
* @return a new cardinality constraint, null if it is a tautology
* @throws ContradictionException
public static MinWatchCard minWatchCardNew(UnitPropagationListener s,
ILits voc, IVecInt ps, boolean moreThan, int degree)
throws ContradictionException {
int mydegree = degree + linearisation(voc, ps);
if (ps.size() == 0 && mydegree > 0) {
throw new ContradictionException();
} else if (ps.size() == mydegree || ps.size() <= 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < ps.size(); i++)
if (!s.enqueue(ps.get(i))) {
throw new ContradictionException();
return null;
// La contrainte est maintenant cr??e
MinWatchCard retour = new MinWatchCard(voc, ps, moreThan, mydegree);
if (retour.degree <= 0)
return null;
return retour;
* normalize the constraint (cf. P.Barth normalization)
public final void normalize() {
// Gestion du signe
if (!moreThan) {
// On multiplie le degr? par -1
this.degree = 0 - this.degree;
// On r?vise chaque litt?ral
for (int indLit = 0; indLit < lits.length; indLit++) {
lits[indLit] = lits[indLit] ^ 1;
this.moreThan = true;
* propagates the value of a falsified literal
* @param s
* tool for literal propagation
* @param p
* falsified literal
* @return false if an inconistency is detected, else true
public boolean propagate(UnitPropagationListener s, int p) {
// Si la contrainte est responsable de propagation unitaire
if (watchCumul == degree) {
voc.attach(p, this);
return false;
// Recherche du litt?ral falsifi?
int indFalsified = 0;
while ((lits[indFalsified] ^ 1) != p)
assert watchCumul > degree;
// Recherche du litt?ral swap
int indSwap = degree + 1;
while (indSwap < lits.length && voc.isFalsified(lits[indSwap]))
// Mise ? jour de la contrainte
if (indSwap == lits.length) {
// Si aucun litt?ral n'a ?t? trouv?
voc.attach(p, this);
// La limite est atteinte
assert watchCumul == degree;
// On met en queue les litt?raux impliqu?s
for (int i = 0; i <= degree; i++)
if ((p != (lits[i] ^ 1)) && !s.enqueue(lits[i], this))
return false;
return true;
// Si un litt?ral a ?t? trouv? on les ?change
int tmpInt = lits[indSwap];
lits[indSwap] = lits[indFalsified];
lits[indFalsified] = tmpInt;
// On observe le nouveau litt?ral
voc.attach(tmpInt ^ 1, this);
return true;
* Removes a constraint from the solver
public void remove() {
for (int i = 0; i <= degree; i++) {
voc.attaches(lits[i] ^ 1).remove(this);
* Rescales the activity value of the constraint
* @param d
* rescale factor
public void rescaleBy(double d) {
// TODO rescaleBy
* simplifies the constraint
* @return true if the constraint is satisfied, else false
public boolean simplify() {
// Calcul de la valeur actuelle
for (int i = 0, count = 0; i < lits.length; i++)
if (voc.isSatisfied(lits[i]) && (++count == degree))
return true;
return false;
* Returns a string representation of the constraint.
* @return representation of the constraint.
public String toString() {
StringBuffer stb = new StringBuffer();
stb.append("Card (" + lits.length + ") : ");
if (lits.length > 0) {
// if (voc.isUnassigned(lits[0])) {
stb.append(" "); //$NON-NLS-1$
// }
for (int i = 1; i < lits.length; i++) {
// if (voc.isUnassigned(lits[i])) {
stb.append(" + "); //$NON-NLS-1$
stb.append(" "); //$NON-NLS-1$
// }
stb.append(">= "); //$NON-NLS-1$
return stb.toString();
* Updates information on the constraint in case of a backtrack
* @param p
* unassigned literal
public void undo(int p) {
// Le litt?ral observ? et falsifi? devient non assign?
public void setLearnt() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void register() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public int size() {
return lits.length;
public int get(int i) {
return lits[i];
public void assertConstraint(UnitPropagationListener s) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void computeWatches() {
int indSwap = lits.length;
int tmpInt;
for (int i = 0; i <= degree && i < indSwap; i++) {
while (voc.isFalsified(lits[i]) && --indSwap > i) {
tmpInt = lits[i];
lits[i] = lits[indSwap];
lits[indSwap] = tmpInt;
// Si le litteral est observable
if (!voc.isFalsified(lits[i])) {
voc.attach(lits[i] ^ 1, this);
if (learnt()) {
// chercher tous les litteraux a regarder
// par ordre de niveau decroissant
int free = 1;
while ((watchCumul <= degree) && (free > 0)) {
free = 0;
// regarder le litteral falsifie au plus bas niveau
int maxlevel = -1, maxi = -1;
for (int i = watchCumul; i < lits.length; i++) {
if (voc.isFalsified(lits[i])) {
int level = voc.getLevel(lits[i]);
if (level > maxlevel) {
maxi = i;
maxlevel = level;
if (free > 0) {
assert maxi >= 0;
voc.attach(lits[maxi] ^ 1, this);
tmpInt = lits[maxi];
lits[maxi] = lits[watchCumul];
lits[watchCumul] = tmpInt;
assert free >= 0;
assert lits.length == 1 || watchCumul > 1;
protected MinWatchCard computePropagation(UnitPropagationListener s)
throws ContradictionException {
// Si on a des litteraux impliques
if (watchCumul == degree) {
for (int i = 0; i < lits.length; i++)
if (!s.enqueue(lits[i])) {
throw new ContradictionException();
return null;
// Si on n'observe pas suffisamment
if (watchCumul < degree) {
throw new ContradictionException();
return this;
public int[] getLits() {
int[] tmp = new int[size()];
System.arraycopy(lits, 0, tmp, 0, size());
return tmp;
public ILits getVocabulary() {
return voc;
public boolean equals(Object card){
if (card==null) {
return false;
try {
MinWatchCard mcard = (MinWatchCard) card;
if (mcard.degree != degree)
return false;
if (lits.length != mcard.lits.length)
return false;
boolean ok;
for (int lit : lits){
ok = false;
for(int lit2 : mcard.lits)
if (lit==lit2){
ok = true;
if (!ok) return false;
return true;
catch (ClassCastException e)
return false;
public int hashCode() {
long sum = 0;
for (int p : lits) {
sum += p;
sum += degree;
return (int) sum / (lits.length+1);