* Kodkod -- Copyright (c) 2005-2007, Emina Torlak
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package kodkod.engine.fol2sat;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import kodkod.ast.Expression;
import kodkod.ast.Formula;
import kodkod.ast.IntExpression;
import kodkod.ast.Node;
import kodkod.ast.Relation;
import kodkod.ast.RelationPredicate;
import kodkod.ast.visitor.AbstractReplacer;
import kodkod.engine.bool.BooleanAccumulator;
import kodkod.engine.bool.BooleanConstant;
import kodkod.engine.bool.BooleanFactory;
import kodkod.engine.bool.BooleanFormula;
import kodkod.engine.bool.BooleanMatrix;
import kodkod.engine.bool.BooleanValue;
import kodkod.engine.bool.Int;
import kodkod.engine.bool.Operator;
import kodkod.engine.config.Options;
import kodkod.engine.satlab.SATSolver;
import kodkod.instance.Bounds;
import kodkod.instance.Instance;
import kodkod.util.ints.IntSet;
import kodkod.util.nodes.AnnotatedNode;
import static kodkod.util.nodes.AnnotatedNode.*;
* Translates, evaluates, and approximates {@link Node nodes} with
* respect to given {@link Bounds bounds} (or {@link Instance instances}) and {@link Options}.
* @author Emina Torlak
public final class Translator {
/*---------------------- public methods ----------------------*/
* Overapproximates the value of the given expression using the provided bounds and options.
* @return a BooleanMatrix whose TRUE entries represent the tuples contained in a sound overapproximation
* of the expression.
* @throws expression = null || instance = null || options = null
* @throws UnboundLeafException - the expression refers to an undeclared variable or a relation not mapped by the instance
* @throws HigherOrderDeclException - the expression contains a higher order declaration
public static BooleanMatrix approximate(Expression expression, Bounds bounds, Options options) {
return FOL2BoolTranslator.approximate(annotate(expression), LeafInterpreter.overapproximating(bounds, options), Environment.EMPTY);
* Evaluates the given formula to a BooleanConstant using the provided instance and options.
* @return a BooleanConstant that represents the value of the formula.
* @throws NullPointerException - formula = null || instance = null || options = null
* @throws UnboundLeafException - the formula refers to an undeclared variable or a relation not mapped by the instance
* @throws HigherOrderDeclException - the formula contains a higher order declaration
public static BooleanConstant evaluate(Formula formula, Instance instance, Options options) {
return (BooleanConstant) FOL2BoolTranslator.translate(annotate(formula), LeafInterpreter.exact(instance, options));
* Evaluates the given expression to a BooleanMatrix using the provided instance and options.
* @return a BooleanMatrix whose TRUE entries represent the tuples contained by the expression.
* @throws NullPointerException - expression = null || instance = null || options = null
* @throws UnboundLeafException - the expression refers to an undeclared variable or a relation not mapped by the instance
* @throws HigherOrderDeclException - the expression contains a higher order declaration
public static BooleanMatrix evaluate(Expression expression,Instance instance, Options options) {
return (BooleanMatrix) FOL2BoolTranslator.translate(annotate(expression), LeafInterpreter.exact(instance, options));
* Evalutes the given intexpression to an {@link kodkod.engine.bool.Int} using the provided instance and options.
* @return an {@link kodkod.engine.bool.Int} representing the value of the intExpr with respect
* to the specified instance and options.
* @throws NullPointerException - formula = null || instance = null || options = null
* @throws UnboundLeafException - the expression refers to an undeclared variable or a relation not mapped by the instance
* @throws HigherOrderDeclException - the expression contains a higher order declaration
public static Int evaluate(IntExpression intExpr, Instance instance, Options options) {
return (Int) FOL2BoolTranslator.translate(annotate(intExpr), LeafInterpreter.exact(instance,options));
* Translates the given formula using the specified bounds and options.
* @return a Translation whose solver is a SATSolver instance initialized with the
* CNF representation of the given formula, with respect to the given bounds. The CNF
* is generated in such a way that the magnitude of the literal representing the truth
* value of a given formula is strictly larger than the magnitudes of the literals representing
* the truth values of the formula's descendants.
* @throws TrivialFormulaException - the given formula is reduced to a constant during translation
* (i.e. the formula is trivially (un)satisfiable).
* @throws NullPointerException - any of the arguments are null
* @throws UnboundLeafException - the formula refers to an undeclared variable or a relation not mapped by the given bounds.
* @throws HigherOrderDeclException - the formula contains a higher order declaration that cannot
* be skolemized, or it can be skolemized but options.skolemize is false.
public static Translation translate(Formula formula, Bounds bounds, Options options) throws TrivialFormulaException {
return (new Translator(formula,bounds,options)).translate();
/*---------------------- private translation state and methods ----------------------*/
* @specfield formula: Formula
* @specfield bounds: Bounds
* @specfield options: Options
* @specfield log: TranslationLog
private final Formula formula;
private final Bounds bounds;
private final Options options;
private TranslationLog log;
* Constructs a Translator for the given formula, bounds and options.
* @effects this.formula' = formula and
* this.options' = options and
* this.bounds' = bounds.clone() and
* no this.log'
private Translator(Formula formula, Bounds bounds, Options options) {
this.formula = formula;
this.bounds = bounds.clone();
this.options = options;
this.log = null;
* Translates this.formula with respect to this.bounds and this.options.
* @return a Translation whose solver is a SATSolver instance initialized with the
* CNF representation of the given formula, with respect to the given bounds. The CNF
* is generated in such a way that the magnitude of a literal representing the truth
* value of a given formula is strictly larger than the magnitudes of the literals representing
* the truth values of the formula's descendants.
* @throws TrivialFormulaException - this.formula is reduced to a constant during translation
* (i.e. the formula is trivially (un)satisfiable).
* @throws UnboundLeafException - this.formula refers to an undeclared variable or a relation not mapped by this.bounds.
* @throws HigherOrderDeclException - this.formula contains a higher order declaration that cannot
* be skolemized, or it can be skolemized but this.options.skolemDepth < 0
private Translation translate() throws TrivialFormulaException {
final AnnotatedNode<Formula> annotated = options.logTranslation()>0 ? annotateRoots(formula) : annotate(formula);
final SymmetryBreaker breaker = optimizeBounds(annotated);
return toBoolean(optimizeFormula(annotated, breaker), breaker);
* Removes bindings for unused relations/ints from this.bounds and
* returns a SymmetryBreaker for the reduced bounds.
* @requires annotated.node = this.formula
* @effects this.bounds'.relations = this.formula.*children & Relations
* @effects !annotated.usesInts() => no this.bounds'.int
* @return { b: SymmetryBreaker | b.bounds = this.bounds' }
private SymmetryBreaker optimizeBounds(AnnotatedNode<Formula> annotated) {
// remove bindings for unused relations/ints
if (!annotated.usesInts()) bounds.ints().clear();
// detect symmetries
return new SymmetryBreaker(bounds, options.reporter());
* Optimizes annotated.node by first breaking symmetries on its top-level predicates,
* replacing them with the simpler formulas generated by {@linkplain SymmetryBreaker#breakMatrixSymmetries(Map, boolean) breaker.breakMatrixSymmetries(...)},
* and skolemizing the result.
* @requires annotated.node = this.formula
* @requires breaker.bounds = this.bounds
* @return the skolemization, up to depth this.options.skolemDepth, of annotated.node with
* the broken predicates replaced with simpler constraints and the remaining predicates inlined.
private AnnotatedNode<Formula> optimizeFormula(AnnotatedNode<Formula> annotated, SymmetryBreaker breaker) {
if (options.logTranslation()==0) { // no logging
annotated = inlinePredicates(annotated, breaker.breakMatrixSymmetries(annotated.predicates(), true).keySet());
return options.skolemDepth()>=0 ? Skolemizer.skolemize(annotated, bounds, options) : annotated;
} else { // logging; inlining of predicates *must* happen last when logging is enabled
if (options.coreGranularity()==1) {
annotated = FormulaFlattener.flatten(annotated, false);
if (options.skolemDepth()>=0) {
annotated = Skolemizer.skolemize(annotated, bounds, options);
if (options.coreGranularity()>1) {
annotated = FormulaFlattener.flatten(annotated, options.coreGranularity()==3);
return inlinePredicates(annotated, breaker.breakMatrixSymmetries(annotated.predicates(), false));
* Returns an annotated formula f such that f.node is equivalent to annotated.node
* with its <tt>truePreds</tt> replaced with the constant formula TRUE and the remaining
* predicates replaced with equivalent constraints.
* @requires this.options.logTranslation = false
* @requires truePreds in annotated.predicates()[RelationnPredicate.NAME]
* @requires truePreds are trivially true with respect to this.bounds
* @return an annotated formula f such that f.node is equivalent to annotated.node
* with its <tt>truePreds</tt> replaced with the constant formula TRUE and the remaining
* predicates replaced with equivalent constraints.
private AnnotatedNode<Formula> inlinePredicates(final AnnotatedNode<Formula> annotated, final Set<RelationPredicate> truePreds) {
final AbstractReplacer inliner = new AbstractReplacer(annotated.sharedNodes()) {
public Formula visit(RelationPredicate pred) {
Formula ret = lookup(pred);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
return truePreds.contains(pred) ? cache(pred, Formula.TRUE) : cache(pred, pred.toConstraints());
return annotate(annotated.node().accept(inliner));
* Returns an annotated formula f such that f.node is equivalent to annotated.node
* with its <tt>simplified</tt> predicates replaced with their corresponding Formulas and the remaining
* predicates replaced with equivalent constraints. The annotated formula f will contain transitive source
* information for each of the subformulas of f.node. Specifically, let t be a subformula of f.node, and
* s be a descdendent of annotated.node from which t was derived. Then, f.source[t] = annotated.source[s]. </p>
* @requires this.options.logTranslation = true
* @requires simplified.keySet() in annotated.predicates()[RelationPredicate.NAME]
* @requires no disj p, p': simplified.keySet() | simplified.get(p) = simplifed.get(p') // this must hold in order
* to maintain the invariant that each subformula of the returned formula has exactly one source
* @requires for each p in simplified.keySet(), the formulas "p and [[this.bounds]]" and
* "simplified.get(p) and [[this.bounds]]" are equisatisfiable
* @return an annotated formula f such that f.node is equivalent to annotated.node
* with its <tt>simplified</tt> predicates replaced with their corresponding Formulas and the remaining
* predicates replaced with equivalent constraints.
private AnnotatedNode<Formula> inlinePredicates(final AnnotatedNode<Formula> annotated, final Map<RelationPredicate,Formula> simplified) {
final Map<Node,Node> sources = new IdentityHashMap<Node,Node>();
final AbstractReplacer inliner = new AbstractReplacer(annotated.sharedNodes()) {
private RelationPredicate source = null;
protected <N extends Node> N cache(N node, N replacement) {
if (replacement instanceof Formula) {
if (source==null) {
final Node nsource = annotated.sourceOf(node);
if (replacement!=nsource)
sources.put(replacement, nsource);
} else {
sources.put(replacement, source);
return super.cache(node, replacement);
public Formula visit(RelationPredicate pred) {
Formula ret = lookup(pred);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
source = pred;
if (simplified.containsKey(pred)) {
ret = simplified.get(pred).accept(this);
} else {
ret = pred.toConstraints().accept(this);
source = null;
return cache(pred, ret);
return annotate(annotated.node().accept(inliner), sources);
* Translates the given annotated formula to a circuit, conjoins the circuit with an
* SBP generated by the given symmetry breaker, flattens the result if so specified by this.options,
* and returns its Translation to CNF.
* @requires [[annotated.node]] <=> ([[this.formula]] and [[breaker.broken]])
* @effects this.options.logTranslation => some this.log'
* @return the result of calling {@link #generateSBP(BooleanFormula, LeafInterpreter, SymmetryBreaker)}
* on the translation of annotated.node with respect to this.bounds
* @throws TrivialFormulaException - the translation of annotated is a constant or can be made into
* a constant by flattening
private Translation toBoolean(AnnotatedNode<Formula> annotated, SymmetryBreaker breaker) throws TrivialFormulaException {
options.reporter().translatingToBoolean(annotated.node(), bounds);
final LeafInterpreter interpreter = LeafInterpreter.exact(bounds, options);
if (options.logTranslation()>0) {
final TranslationLogger logger = options.logTranslation()==1 ? new MemoryLogger(annotated, bounds) : new FileLogger(annotated, bounds);
final BooleanAccumulator circuit = FOL2BoolTranslator.translate(annotated, interpreter, logger);
log = logger.log();
if (circuit.isShortCircuited()) {
throw new TrivialFormulaException(annotated.node(), bounds, circuit.op().shortCircuit(), log);
} else if (circuit.size()==0) {
throw new TrivialFormulaException(annotated.node(), bounds, circuit.op().identity(), log);
return generateSBP(circuit, interpreter, breaker);
} else {
final BooleanValue circuit = (BooleanValue)FOL2BoolTranslator.translate(annotated, interpreter);
if (circuit.op()==Operator.CONST) {
throw new TrivialFormulaException(annotated.node(), bounds, (BooleanConstant)circuit, null);
return generateSBP(annotated, (BooleanFormula)circuit, interpreter, breaker);
* Adds to given accumulator an SBP generated using the given symmetry breaker and interpreter,
* and returns the resulting circuit's translation to CNF.
* @requires circuit is a translation of this.formula with respect to this.bounds
* @requires interpreter is the leaf interpreter used in generating the given circuit
* @requires breaker.bounds = this.bounds
* @return toCNF(circuit && breaker.generateSBP(interpreter))
private Translation generateSBP(BooleanAccumulator circuit, LeafInterpreter interpreter, SymmetryBreaker breaker) {
final BooleanFactory factory = interpreter.factory();
circuit.add(breaker.generateSBP(interpreter, options.symmetryBreaking()));
return toCNF((BooleanFormula)factory.accumulate(circuit), factory.numberOfVariables(), interpreter.vars());
* Conjoins the given circuit with an SBP generated using the given symmetry breaker and interpreter,
* and returns the resulting circuit's translation to CNF.
* @requires [[annotated.node]] <=> ([[this.formula]] and [[breaker.broken]])
* @requires circuit is a translation of annotated.node with respect to this.bounds
* @requires interpreter is the leaf interpreter used in generating the given circuit
* @requires breaker.bounds = this.bounds
* @return flatten(circuit && breaker.generateSBP(interpreter), interpreter)
* @throws TrivialFormulaException - flattening the circuit and the predicate yields a constant
private Translation generateSBP(AnnotatedNode<Formula> annotated, BooleanFormula circuit, LeafInterpreter interpreter, SymmetryBreaker breaker)
throws TrivialFormulaException {
final BooleanFactory factory = interpreter.factory();
final BooleanValue sbp = breaker.generateSBP(interpreter, options.symmetryBreaking());
return flatten(annotated, (BooleanFormula)factory.and(circuit, sbp), interpreter);
* If this.options.flatten is true, flattens the given circuit and returns its translation to CNF.
* Otherwise, simply returns the given circuit's translation to CNF.
* @requires [[annotated.node]] <=> ([[this.formula]] and [[breaker.broken]])
* @requires circuit is a translation of annotated.node with respect to this.bounds
* @requires interpreter is the leaf interpreter used in generating the given circuit
* @return if this.options.flatten then
* toCNF(flatten(circuit), interpreter.factory().numberOfVariables(), interpreter.vars()) else
* toCNF(circuit, interpreter.factory().numberOfVariables(), interpreter.vars())
* @throws TrivialFormulaException - flattening the circuit yields a constant
private Translation flatten(AnnotatedNode<Formula> annotated, BooleanFormula circuit, LeafInterpreter interpreter) throws TrivialFormulaException {
final BooleanFactory factory = interpreter.factory();
if (options.flatten()) {
final BooleanValue flatCircuit = BooleanFormulaFlattener.flatten(circuit, factory);
if (flatCircuit.op()==Operator.CONST) {
throw new TrivialFormulaException(annotated.node(), bounds, (BooleanConstant)flatCircuit, null);
} else {
return toCNF((BooleanFormula)flatCircuit, factory.numberOfVariables(), interpreter.vars());
} else {
return toCNF(circuit, factory.numberOfVariables(), interpreter.vars());
* Translates the given circuit to CNF, adds the clauses to a SATSolver returned
* by options.solver(), and returns a Translation object constructed from the solver
* and the provided arguments.
* @requires circuit is a translation of this.formula with respect to this.bounds
* @requires primaryVars is the number of primary variables generated by translating
* this.formula and this.bounds into the given circuit
* @requires varUsage maps each non-constant relation in this.bounds to the labels of
* the primary variables used to represent that relation in the given circuit
* @return Translation constructed from a SAT solver initialized with the CNF translation
* of the given circuit, the provided arguments, this.bounds, and this.log
private Translation toCNF(BooleanFormula circuit, int primaryVars, Map<Relation,IntSet> varUsage) {
final SATSolver cnf = Bool2CNFTranslator.translate((BooleanFormula)circuit, options.solver(), primaryVars);
return new Translation(cnf, bounds, varUsage, primaryVars, log);