* Kodkod -- Copyright (c) 2005-2007, Emina Torlak
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package kodkod.engine.fol2sat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import kodkod.ast.BinaryExpression;
import kodkod.ast.BinaryFormula;
import kodkod.ast.BinaryIntExpression;
import kodkod.ast.ComparisonFormula;
import kodkod.ast.Comprehension;
import kodkod.ast.ConstantExpression;
import kodkod.ast.ConstantFormula;
import kodkod.ast.Decl;
import kodkod.ast.Decls;
import kodkod.ast.ExprToIntCast;
import kodkod.ast.Expression;
import kodkod.ast.Formula;
import kodkod.ast.IfExpression;
import kodkod.ast.IfIntExpression;
import kodkod.ast.IntComparisonFormula;
import kodkod.ast.IntConstant;
import kodkod.ast.IntExpression;
import kodkod.ast.IntToExprCast;
import kodkod.ast.MultiplicityFormula;
import kodkod.ast.NaryExpression;
import kodkod.ast.NaryFormula;
import kodkod.ast.NaryIntExpression;
import kodkod.ast.Node;
import kodkod.ast.NotFormula;
import kodkod.ast.ProjectExpression;
import kodkod.ast.QuantifiedFormula;
import kodkod.ast.Relation;
import kodkod.ast.RelationPredicate;
import kodkod.ast.SumExpression;
import kodkod.ast.UnaryExpression;
import kodkod.ast.UnaryIntExpression;
import kodkod.ast.Variable;
import kodkod.ast.operator.ExprCompOperator;
import kodkod.ast.operator.ExprOperator;
import kodkod.ast.operator.FormulaOperator;
import kodkod.ast.operator.Multiplicity;
import kodkod.ast.operator.Quantifier;
import kodkod.ast.visitor.ReturnVisitor;
import kodkod.engine.bool.BooleanAccumulator;
import kodkod.engine.bool.BooleanConstant;
import kodkod.engine.bool.BooleanFactory;
import kodkod.engine.bool.BooleanMatrix;
import kodkod.engine.bool.BooleanValue;
import kodkod.engine.bool.Dimensions;
import kodkod.engine.bool.Int;
import kodkod.engine.bool.Operator;
import kodkod.util.ints.IndexedEntry;
import kodkod.util.ints.IntIterator;
import kodkod.util.ints.IntSet;
import kodkod.util.nodes.AnnotatedNode;
import kodkod.util.nodes.Nodes;
* Translates an annotated node to boolean representation.
* @specfield node: AnnotatedNode<? extends Node> // node to translate
* @specfield interpreter: LeafInterpreter // the interpreter used for translation
* @specfield env: Environment<BooleanMatrix> // current environment
* @author Emina Torlak
abstract class FOL2BoolTranslator implements ReturnVisitor<BooleanMatrix, BooleanValue, Object, Int> {
* Translates the given annotated formula or expression into a boolean
* formula or matrix, using the provided interpreter.
* @requires interpreter.relations = AnnotatedNode.relations(annotated)
* @return {transl: T |
* annotated.node in Formula => transl in BooleanValue,
* annotated.node in Expression => transl in BooleanMatrix,
* annotated.node in IntExpression => transl in Int}
* @throws HigherOrderDeclException - annotated.node contains a higher order declaration
* @throws UnboundLeafException - annotated.node refers to an undeclared variable
static final <T> T translate(AnnotatedNode<? extends Node> annotated, LeafInterpreter interpreter) {
final FOL2BoolCache cache = new FOL2BoolCache(annotated);
final FOL2BoolTranslator translator = new FOL2BoolTranslator(cache, interpreter) {};
return (T) annotated.node().accept(translator);
* Translates the given annotated formula into a boolean
* accumulator with respect to the given interpreter and logs the translation events to the given logger.
* @requires interpreter.relations = AnnotatedNode.relations(annotated)
* @requires annotated.source[annotated.sourceSensitiveRoots()] = Nodes.roots(annotated.source[annotated.node])
* @return BooleanAccumulator that is the meaning of the given annotated formula with respect to the given interpreter
* @effects log.records' contains the translation events that occurred while generating the returned value
* @throws HigherOrderDeclException - annotated.node contains a higher order declaration
* @throws UnboundLeafException - annotated.node refers to an undeclared variable
static final BooleanAccumulator translate(final AnnotatedNode<Formula> annotated, LeafInterpreter interpreter, final TranslationLogger logger) {
final FOL2BoolCache cache = new FOL2BoolCache(annotated);
final FOL2BoolTranslator translator = new FOL2BoolTranslator(cache, interpreter) {
BooleanValue cache(Formula formula, BooleanValue translation) {
logger.log(formula, translation, super.env);
return super.cache(formula, translation);
final BooleanAccumulator acc = BooleanAccumulator.treeGate(Operator.AND);
for(Formula root : Nodes.conjuncts(annotated.node())) {
return acc;
* Translates the given annotated expression into a boolean
* matrix that is a least sound upper bound on the expression's
* value, given the leaf and variable bindings in the
* the provided interpreter and environment.
* @requires interpreter.relations = AnnotatedNode.relations(annotated)
* @return a boolean matrix that is a least sound upper bound on the expression's value
* @throws HigherOrderDeclException - annotated.node contains a higher order declaration
* @throws UnboundLeafException - annotated.node refers to a variable that neither declared nor bound in env
static final BooleanMatrix approximate(AnnotatedNode<Expression> annotated, LeafInterpreter interpreter, Environment<BooleanMatrix> env) {
final FOL2BoolTranslator approximator = new FOL2BoolTranslator(new FOL2BoolCache(annotated), interpreter, env) {
public final BooleanMatrix visit(BinaryExpression binExpr) {
final BooleanMatrix ret = lookup(binExpr);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
case DIFFERENCE : return cache(binExpr, binExpr.left().accept(this));
case OVERRIDE : return cache(binExpr, binExpr.left().accept(this).or(binExpr.right().accept(this)));
default : return super.visit(binExpr);
public final BooleanMatrix visit(Comprehension cexpr) {
final BooleanMatrix ret = lookup(cexpr);
return ret!=null ? ret : cache(cexpr, super.visit((Comprehension)Formula.TRUE.comprehension(cexpr.decls())));
public BooleanMatrix visit(IfExpression ifExpr) {
final BooleanMatrix ret = lookup(ifExpr);
return ret!=null ? ret : cache(ifExpr, ifExpr.thenExpr().accept(this).or(ifExpr.elseExpr().accept(this)));
public BooleanMatrix visit(IntToExprCast castExpr) {
BooleanMatrix ret = lookup(castExpr);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
switch(castExpr.op()) {
case INTCAST : return cache(castExpr, Expression.INTS.accept(this));
final BooleanFactory factory = super.interpreter.factory();
ret = factory.matrix(Dimensions.square(super.interpreter.universe().size(), 1));
final IntSet ints = super.interpreter.ints();
final int msb = factory.bitwidth()-1;
// handle all bits but the sign bit
for(int i = 0; i < msb; i++) {
int pow2 = 1<<i;
if (ints.contains(pow2)) {
ret.set(super.interpreter.interpret(pow2), BooleanConstant.TRUE);
// handle the sign bit
if (ints.contains(-1<<msb)) {
ret.set(super.interpreter.interpret(-1<<msb), BooleanConstant.TRUE);
return cache(castExpr, ret);
default : throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown operator: " + castExpr.op());
return annotated.node().accept(approximator);
private final LeafInterpreter interpreter;
/* When visiting the body of a quantified formula or a comprehension, this
* environment contains the current values of the enclosing quantified variable(s) */
private Environment<BooleanMatrix> env;
private final FOL2BoolCache cache;
* Constructs a new translator that will use the given translation cache
* and interpreter to perform the translation.
* @effects this.node' = manager.node
private FOL2BoolTranslator(FOL2BoolCache cache, LeafInterpreter interpreter) {
this.interpreter = interpreter;
this.env = Environment.empty();
this.cache = cache;
* Constructs a new translator that will use the given translation cache,
* interpreter and environment to perform the translation.
* @effects this.node' = manager.node
private FOL2BoolTranslator(FOL2BoolCache cache, LeafInterpreter interpreter, Environment<BooleanMatrix> env) {
this.interpreter = interpreter;
this.env = env;
this.cache = cache;
* Retrieves the cached translation for the given node, if any.
* Otherwise returns null.
* @return the cached translation for the given node, if any.
* Otherwise returns null.
final <T> T lookup(Node node) {
return (T) cache.lookup(node, env);
* The translation is cached, if necessary, and returned.
* @return translation
* @effects the translation may be cached
final <T> T cache(Node node, T translation) {
return cache.cache(node, translation, env);
* The translation is cached, if necessary, and returned.
* @return translation
* @effects the translation may be cached
BooleanValue cache(Formula formula, BooleanValue translation) {
return cache.cache(formula, translation, env);
* Calls lookup(decls) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates decls into a list
* of translations of its children,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(decls) |
* some t => t, cache(decl, decls.declarations.expression.accept(this))
public final List<BooleanMatrix> visit(Decls decls) {
List<BooleanMatrix> ret = lookup(decls);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
ret = new ArrayList<BooleanMatrix>(decls.size());
for(Decl decl : decls) {
return cache(decls, ret);
* Calls lookup(decl) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates decl.expression,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(decl) |
* some t => t, cache(decl, decl.expression.accept(this))
public final BooleanMatrix visit(Decl decl) {
BooleanMatrix matrix = lookup(decl);
if (matrix!=null) return matrix;
if (decl.multiplicity()!=Multiplicity.ONE)
throw new HigherOrderDeclException(decl);
return cache(decl, decl.expression().accept(this));
* Calls this.env.lookup(variable) and returns the current binding for the
* given variable. If no binding is found, an UnboundLeafException is thrown.
* @return this.env.lookup(variable)
* @throws UnboundLeafException - no this.env.lookup(variable)
public final BooleanMatrix visit(Variable variable) {
final BooleanMatrix ret = env.lookup(variable);
if (ret != null) return ret;
else throw new UnboundLeafException("Unbound variable", variable);
* Returns this.interpreter.interpret(relation).
* @return this.interpreter.interpret(relation)
public final BooleanMatrix visit(Relation relation) {
return interpreter.interpret(relation);
* Returns this.interpreter.interpret(constExpr).
* @return this.interpreter.interpret(constExpr).
public final BooleanMatrix visit(ConstantExpression constExpr) {
return interpreter.interpret(constExpr);
* Calls lookup(binExpr) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the expression,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(binExpr) | some t => t,
* let op = (binExpr.op).(UNION->or + INTERSECTION->and + DIFFERENCE->difference + OVERRIDE->override + JOIN->dot + PRODUCT->cross) |
* cache(binExpr, op(binExpr.left.accept(this), binExpr.right.accept(this)))
public BooleanMatrix visit(BinaryExpression binExpr) {
BooleanMatrix ret = lookup(binExpr);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
final BooleanMatrix left = binExpr.left().accept(this);
final BooleanMatrix right = binExpr.right().accept(this);
final ExprOperator op = binExpr.op();
switch(op) {
case UNION : ret = left.or(right); break;
case INTERSECTION : ret = left.and(right); break;
case DIFFERENCE : ret = left.difference(right); break;
case OVERRIDE : ret = left.override(right); break;
case JOIN : ret = left.dot(right); break;
case PRODUCT : ret = left.cross(right); break;
default :
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown operator: " + op);
return cache(binExpr, ret);
* Calls lookup(expr) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the expression,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(expr) | some t => t,
* let op = (expr.op).(UNION->or + INTERSECTION->and + DIFFERENCE->difference + OVERRIDE->override + JOIN->dot + PRODUCT->cross) |
* cache(expr, op(expr.left.accept(this), expr.right.accept(this)))
public BooleanMatrix visit(NaryExpression expr) {
BooleanMatrix ret = lookup(expr);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
final ExprOperator op = expr.op();
final BooleanMatrix first = expr.child(0).accept(this);
final BooleanMatrix[] rest = new BooleanMatrix[expr.size()-1];
for(int i = 0; i < rest.length; i++) { rest[i] = expr.child(i+1).accept(this); }
switch(op) {
case UNION : ret = first.or(rest); break;
case INTERSECTION : ret = first.and(rest); break;
case OVERRIDE : ret = first.override(rest); break;
case PRODUCT : ret = first.cross(rest); break;
default :
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown associative operator: " + op);
return cache(expr, ret);
* Calls lookup(unaryExpr) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the expression,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(unaryExpr) | some t => t,
* let op = (unaryExpr.op).(TRANSPOSE->transpose + CLOSURE->closure + REFLEXIVE_CLOSURE->(lambda(m)(m.closure().or(iden))) |
* cache(unaryExpr, op(unaryExpr.child))
public final BooleanMatrix visit(UnaryExpression unaryExpr) {
BooleanMatrix ret = lookup(unaryExpr);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
final BooleanMatrix child = unaryExpr.expression().accept(this);
final ExprOperator op = unaryExpr.op();
switch(op) {
case TRANSPOSE : ret = child.transpose(); break;
case CLOSURE : ret = child.closure(); break;
case REFLEXIVE_CLOSURE : ret = child.closure().or(visit((ConstantExpression)Expression.IDEN)); break;
default :
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown operator: " + op);
return cache(unaryExpr,ret);
* Translates the given comprehension as follows
* (where A_0...A_|A| stand for boolean variables that represent the
* tuples of the expression A, etc.):
* let comprehension = "{ a: A, b: B, ..., x: X | F(a, b, ..., x) }" |
* { a: A, b: B, ..., x: X | a in A && b in B && ... && x in X && F(a, b, ..., x) }.
* @param decls the declarations comprehension
* @param param formula the body of the comprehension
* @param currentDecl currently processed declaration; should be 0 initially
* @param declConstraints the constraints implied by the declarations; should be Boolean.TRUE intially
* @param partialIndex partial index into the provided matrix; should be 0 initially
* @param matrix boolean matrix that will retain the final results; should be an empty matrix of dimensions universe.size^decls.length initially
* @effects the given matrix contains the translation of the comprehension "{ decls | formula }"
private final void comprehension(Decls decls, Formula formula, int currentDecl,
BooleanValue declConstraints, int partialIndex, BooleanMatrix matrix) {
final BooleanFactory factory = interpreter.factory();
if (currentDecl==decls.size()) {
matrix.set(partialIndex, factory.and(declConstraints, formula.accept(this)));
final Decl decl = decls.get(currentDecl);
final BooleanMatrix declTransl = visit(decl);
final int position = (int)StrictMath.pow(interpreter.universe().size(), decls.size()-currentDecl-1);
final BooleanMatrix groundValue = factory.matrix(declTransl.dimensions());
env = env.extend(decl.variable(), groundValue);
for(IndexedEntry<BooleanValue> entry : declTransl) {
groundValue.set(entry.index(), BooleanConstant.TRUE);
comprehension(decls, formula, currentDecl+1, factory.and(entry.value(), declConstraints),
partialIndex + entry.index()*position, matrix);
groundValue.set(entry.index(), BooleanConstant.FALSE);
env = env.parent();
* Calls lookup(cexpr) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the expression,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(cexpr) | some t => t,
* cache(cexpr, translate(cexpr))
public BooleanMatrix visit(Comprehension cexpr) {
BooleanMatrix ret = lookup(cexpr);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
ret = interpreter.factory().matrix(Dimensions.square(interpreter.universe().size(), cexpr.decls().size()));
comprehension(cexpr.decls(), cexpr.formula(), 0, BooleanConstant.TRUE, 0, ret);
return cache(cexpr,ret);
* Calls lookup(ifExpr) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the expression,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(ifExpr) | some t => t,
* cache(ifExpr, ifExpr.condition.accept(this).choice(ifExpr.then.accept(this), ifExpr.else.accept(this)))
public BooleanMatrix visit(IfExpression ifExpr) {
BooleanMatrix ret = lookup(ifExpr);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
final BooleanValue condition = ifExpr.condition().accept(this);
final BooleanMatrix thenExpr = ifExpr.thenExpr().accept(this);
final BooleanMatrix elseExpr = ifExpr.elseExpr().accept(this);
ret = thenExpr.choice(condition, elseExpr);
return cache(ifExpr,ret);
* Calls lookup(project) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the expression,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(project) | some t => t,
* cache(project, project.expression.accept(this).project(translate(project.columns))
public final BooleanMatrix visit(ProjectExpression project) {
BooleanMatrix ret = lookup(project);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
final Int[] cols = new Int[project.arity()];
for(int i = 0, arity = project.arity(); i < arity; i++) {
cols[i] = project.column(i).accept(this);
return cache(project, project.expression().accept(this).project(cols));
* @return constant = ConstantFormula.TRUE => BooleanConstant.TRUE, BooleanConstant.FALSE
public final BooleanValue visit(ConstantFormula constant) {
return cache(constant, BooleanConstant.constant(constant.booleanValue()));
* Translates the given universally quantified formula as follows
* (where A_0...A_|A| stand for boolean variables that represent the
* tuples of the expression A, etc.):
* let quantFormula = "all a: A, b: B, ..., x: X | F(a, b, ..., x)" |
* (A_0 && B_0 && ... && X_0 => translate(F(A_0, B_0, ..., X_0))) && ... &&
* (A_|A| && B_|B| && ... && X_|X| => translate(F(A_|A|, B_|B|, ..., X_|X|))
* @param decls formula declarations
* @param formula the formula body
* @param currentDecl currently processed declaration; should be 0 initially
* @param declConstraints the constraints implied by the declarations; should be Boolean.FALSE intially
* @param acc the accumulator that contains the top level conjunction; should be an empty AND accumulator initially
* @effects the given accumulator contains the translation of the formula "all decls | formula"
private void all(Decls decls, Formula formula, int currentDecl, BooleanValue declConstraints, BooleanAccumulator acc) {
if (acc.isShortCircuited()) return;
final BooleanFactory factory = interpreter.factory();
if (decls.size()==currentDecl) {
acc.add(factory.or(declConstraints, formula.accept(this)));
final Decl decl = decls.get(currentDecl);
final BooleanMatrix declTransl = visit(decl);
final BooleanMatrix groundValue = factory.matrix(declTransl.dimensions());
env = env.extend(decl.variable(), groundValue);
for(IndexedEntry<BooleanValue> entry : declTransl) {
groundValue.set(entry.index(), BooleanConstant.TRUE);
all(decls, formula, currentDecl+1, factory.or(factory.not(entry.value()), declConstraints), acc);
groundValue.set(entry.index(), BooleanConstant.FALSE);
env = env.parent();
* Translates the given existentially quantified formula as follows
* (where A_0...A_|A| stand for boolean variables that represent the
* tuples of the expression A, etc.):
* let quantFormula = "some a: A, b: B, ..., x: X | F(a, b, ..., x)" |
* (A_0 && B_0 && ... && X_0 && translate(F(A_0, B_0, ..., X_0))) || ... ||
* (A_|A| && B_|B| && ... && X_|X| && translate(F(A_|A|, B_|B|, ..., X_|X|))
* @param decls formula declarations
* @param formula the formula body
* @param currentDecl currently processed declaration; should be 0 initially
* @param declConstraints the constraints implied by the declarations; should be Boolean.TRUE intially
* @param acc the accumulator that contains the top level conjunction; should be an empty OR accumulator initially
* @effects the given accumulator contains the translation of the formula "some decls | formula"
private void some(Decls decls, Formula formula, int currentDecl, BooleanValue declConstraints, BooleanAccumulator acc) {
if (acc.isShortCircuited()) return;
final BooleanFactory factory = interpreter.factory();
if (decls.size()==currentDecl) {
acc.add(factory.and(declConstraints, formula.accept(this)));
final Decl decl = decls.get(currentDecl);
final BooleanMatrix declTransl = visit(decl);
final BooleanMatrix groundValue = factory.matrix(declTransl.dimensions());
env = env.extend(decl.variable(), groundValue);
for(IndexedEntry<BooleanValue> entry : declTransl) {
groundValue.set(entry.index(), BooleanConstant.TRUE);
some(decls, formula, currentDecl+1, factory.and(entry.value(), declConstraints), acc);
groundValue.set(entry.index(), BooleanConstant.FALSE);
env = env.parent();
* Calls lookup(quantFormula) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the formula,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(quantFormula) | some t => t,
* cache(quantFormula, translate(quantFormula))
public final BooleanValue visit(QuantifiedFormula quantFormula) {
BooleanValue ret = lookup(quantFormula);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
final Quantifier quantifier = quantFormula.quantifier();
switch(quantifier) {
case ALL :
final BooleanAccumulator and = BooleanAccumulator.treeGate(Operator.AND);
all(quantFormula.decls(), quantFormula.formula(), 0, BooleanConstant.FALSE, and);
ret = interpreter.factory().accumulate(and);
case SOME :
final BooleanAccumulator or = BooleanAccumulator.treeGate(Operator.OR);
some(quantFormula.decls(), quantFormula.formula(), 0, BooleanConstant.TRUE, or);
ret = interpreter.factory().accumulate(or);
default :
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown quantifier: " + quantifier);
return cache(quantFormula,ret);
* Calls lookup(formula) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the formula,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(formula) | some t => t,
* cache(formula, formula.op(formula.left.accept(this), formula.right.accept(this))
public final BooleanValue visit(NaryFormula formula) {
final BooleanValue ret = lookup(formula);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
final FormulaOperator op = formula.op();
final Operator.Nary boolOp;
switch(op) {
case AND : boolOp = Operator.AND; break;
case OR : boolOp = Operator.OR; break;
default : throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown nary operator: " + op);
final BooleanAccumulator acc = BooleanAccumulator.treeGate(boolOp);
final BooleanValue shortCircuit = boolOp.shortCircuit();
for(Formula child : formula) {
if (acc.add(child.accept(this))==shortCircuit)
return cache(formula, interpreter.factory().accumulate(acc));
* Calls lookup(binFormula) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the formula,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(binFormula) | some t => t,
* cache(binFormula, binFormula.op(binFormula.left.accept(this), binFormula.right.accept(this))
public final BooleanValue visit(BinaryFormula binFormula) {
BooleanValue ret = lookup(binFormula);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
final BooleanValue left = binFormula.left().accept(this);
final BooleanValue right = binFormula.right().accept(this);
final FormulaOperator op = binFormula.op();
final BooleanFactory f = interpreter.factory();
switch(op) {
case AND : ret = f.and(left, right); break;
case OR : ret = f.or(left, right); break;
case IMPLIES : ret = f.implies(left, right); break;
case IFF : ret = f.iff(left, right); break;
default :
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown operator: " + op);
return cache(binFormula, ret);
* Calls lookup(not) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the formula,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(not) | some t => t,
* cache(not, !not.formula.accept(this))
public final BooleanValue visit(NotFormula not) {
BooleanValue ret = lookup(not);
return ret==null ?
cache(not, interpreter.factory().not(not.formula().accept(this))) : ret;
* Calls lookup(compFormula) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the formula,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(compFormula) | some t => t,
* let op = (binExpr.op).(SUBSET->subset + EQUALS->eq) |
* cache(compFormula, op(compFormula.left.accept(this), compFormula.right.accept(this)))
public final BooleanValue visit(ComparisonFormula compFormula) {
BooleanValue ret = lookup(compFormula);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
final BooleanMatrix left = compFormula.left().accept(this);
final BooleanMatrix right = compFormula.right().accept(this);
final ExprCompOperator op = compFormula.op();
switch(op) {
case SUBSET : ret = left.subset(right); break;
case EQUALS : ret = left.eq(right); break;
default :
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown operator: " + compFormula.op());
return cache(compFormula,ret);
* Calls lookup(multFormula) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the formula,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(multFormula) | some t => t,
* let op = (multFormula.mult).(NO->none + SOME->some + ONE->one + LONE->lone) |
* cache(multFormula, op(multFormula.expression.accept(this)))
public final BooleanValue visit(MultiplicityFormula multFormula) {
BooleanValue ret = lookup(multFormula);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
final BooleanMatrix child = multFormula.expression().accept(this);
final Multiplicity mult = multFormula.multiplicity();
switch(mult) {
case NO : ret = child.none(); break;
case SOME : ret = child.some(); break;
case ONE : ret = child.one(); break;
case LONE : ret = child.lone(); break;
default :
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown multiplicity: " + mult);
return cache(multFormula, ret);
* Calls lookup(pred) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the expression,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(pred) | some t => t,
* cache(pred, pred.toConstraints().accept(this))
public final BooleanValue visit(RelationPredicate pred) {
BooleanValue ret = lookup(pred);
return ret != null ? ret : cache(pred, pred.toConstraints().accept(this));
* Calls lookup(castExpr) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the expression,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(castExpr) | some t => t,
* cache(castExpr, translate(castExpr))
public BooleanMatrix visit(IntToExprCast castExpr) {
BooleanMatrix ret = lookup(castExpr);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
final Int child = castExpr.intExpr().accept(this);
final BooleanFactory factory = interpreter.factory();
final IntSet ints = interpreter.ints();
ret = factory.matrix(Dimensions.square(interpreter.universe().size(), 1));
switch(castExpr.op()) {
case INTCAST :
for(IntIterator iter = ints.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
int i = iter.next();
int atomIndex = interpreter.interpret(i);
ret.set(atomIndex, factory.or(ret.get(atomIndex), child.eq(factory.integer(i))));
final List<BooleanValue> twosComplement = child.twosComplementBits();
final int msb = twosComplement.size()-1;
// handle all bits but the sign bit
for(int i = 0; i < msb; i++) {
int pow2 = 1<<i;
if (ints.contains(pow2)) {
ret.set(interpreter.interpret(pow2), twosComplement.get(i));
// handle the sign bit
if (ints.contains(-1<<msb)) {
ret.set(interpreter.interpret(-1<<msb), twosComplement.get(msb));
default :
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown cast operator: " + castExpr.op());
return cache(castExpr, ret);
* @return this.interpreter.factory.integer(intConst.value, this.encoding)
public final Int visit(IntConstant intConst) {
return interpreter.factory().integer(intConst.value());
* Calls lookup(intExpr) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the expression,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(intExpr) | some t => t,
* cache(intExpr, intExpr.condition.accept(this).choice(intExpr.then.accept(this), intExpr.else.accept(this)))
public final Int visit(IfIntExpression intExpr) {
Int ret = lookup(intExpr);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
final BooleanValue condition = intExpr.condition().accept(this);
final Int thenExpr = intExpr.thenExpr().accept(this);
final Int elseExpr = intExpr.elseExpr().accept(this);
ret = thenExpr.choice(condition, elseExpr);
return cache(intExpr, ret);
* Returns an Int that represents the sum of all the integers that
* correspond to non-FALSE entries in the given matrix.
* @param iter an iterator over all the bound integers. Initial should be this.manager.ints().iterator().
* @param lo the first element of the current partial sum. Initial should be 0.
* @param hi the last element of the current partial sum. Initial should be size-1, where size is the total
* number of elements returned by the iterator.
* @return an Int that represents the sum of all the integers that
* correspond to non-FALSE entries in the given matrix.
private final Int sum(BooleanMatrix m, IntIterator iter, int low, int high) {
if (low > high)
return interpreter.factory().integer(0);
else if (low==high) {
int i = iter.next();
return interpreter.factory().integer(i, m.get(interpreter.interpret(i)));
} else {
final int mid = (low + high) / 2;
final Int lsum = sum(m, iter, low, mid);
final Int hsum = sum(m, iter, mid+1, high);
return lsum.plus(hsum);
* Calls lookup(intExpr) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the expression,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(intExpr) | some t => t,
* cache(intExpr, translate(intExpr))
public final Int visit(ExprToIntCast intExpr) {
Int ret = lookup(intExpr);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
switch(intExpr.op()) {
ret = intExpr.expression().accept(this).cardinality(); break;
case SUM :
final IntSet ints = interpreter.ints();
ret = sum(intExpr.expression().accept(this), ints.iterator(), 0, ints.size()-1); break;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown operator: " + intExpr.op());
return cache(intExpr, ret);
* Calls lookup(intExpr) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the expression,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(intExpr) | some t => t,
* cache(intExpr, intExpr.left.accept(this) intExpr.op intExpr.right.accept(this))
public final Int visit(BinaryIntExpression intExpr) {
Int ret = lookup(intExpr);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
final Int left = intExpr.left().accept(this);
final Int right = intExpr.right().accept(this);
switch(intExpr.op()) {
case PLUS : ret = left.plus(right); break;
case MINUS : ret = left.minus(right); break;
case MULTIPLY : ret = left.multiply(right); break;
case DIVIDE : ret = left.divide(right); break;
case MODULO : ret = left.modulo(right); break;
case AND : ret = left.and(right); break;
case OR : ret = left.or(right); break;
case XOR : ret = left.xor(right); break;
case SHL : ret = left.shl(right); break;
case SHR : ret = left.shr(right); break;
case SHA : ret = left.sha(right); break;
default :
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown operator: " + intExpr.op());
return cache(intExpr, ret);
* Calls lookup(intExpr) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the expression,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(intExpr) | some t => t,
* cache(intExpr, intExpr.left.accept(this) intExpr.op intExpr.right.accept(this))
public final Int visit(NaryIntExpression intExpr) {
Int ret = lookup(intExpr);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
final Int first = intExpr.child(0).accept(this);
final Int[] rest = new Int[intExpr.size()-1];
for(int i = 0; i < rest.length; i++) { rest[i] = intExpr.child(i+1).accept(this); }
switch(intExpr.op()) {
case PLUS : ret = first.plus(rest); break;
case MULTIPLY : ret = first.multiply(rest); break;
case AND : ret = first.and(rest); break;
case OR : ret = first.or(rest); break;
default :
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown nary operator: " + intExpr.op());
return cache(intExpr, ret);
* Calls lookup(intExpr) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the expression,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(intExpr) | some t => t,
* cache(intExpr, intExpr.op(intExpr.expression.accept(this)))
public final Int visit(UnaryIntExpression intExpr) {
Int ret = lookup(intExpr);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
final Int child = intExpr.intExpr().accept(this);
switch(intExpr.op()) {
case NEG : ret = child.negate(); break;
case NOT : ret = child.not(); break;
case ABS : ret = child.abs(); break;
case SGN : ret = child.sgn(); break;
default :
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown operator: " + intExpr.op());
return cache(intExpr, ret);
* Translates the given sum expression as follows
* (where A_0...A_|A| stand for boolean variables that represent the
* tuples of the expression A, etc.):
* let sum = "sum a: A, b: B, ..., x: X | IE(a, b, ..., x) " |
* sum a: A, b: B, ..., x: X | if (a in A && b in B && ... && x in X) then IE(a, b, ..., x) else 0 }.
* @param decls intexpr declarations
* @param formula the formula body
* @param currentDecl currently processed declaration; should be 0 initially
* @param declConstraints the constraints implied by the declarations; should be Boolean.TRUE intially
* @param values integer values computed so far
private final void sum(Decls decls, IntExpression expr, int currentDecl, BooleanValue declConstraints,
List<Int> values) {
final BooleanFactory factory = interpreter.factory();
if (decls.size()==currentDecl) {
values.add( expr.accept(this).choice(declConstraints, factory.integer(0)) );
final Decl decl = decls.get(currentDecl);
final BooleanMatrix declTransl = visit(decl);
final BooleanMatrix groundValue = factory.matrix(declTransl.dimensions());
env = env.extend(decl.variable(), groundValue);
for(IndexedEntry<BooleanValue> entry : declTransl) {
groundValue.set(entry.index(), BooleanConstant.TRUE);
sum(decls, expr, currentDecl+1, factory.and(entry.value(), declConstraints), values);
groundValue.set(entry.index(), BooleanConstant.FALSE);
env = env.parent();
* Calls lookup(intExpr) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the expression,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(intExpr) | some t => t,
* cache(intExpr, translate(intExpr))
public final Int visit(SumExpression intExpr) {
final Int ret = lookup(intExpr);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
final List<Int> values = new ArrayList<Int>();
sum(intExpr.decls(), intExpr.intExpr(), 0, BooleanConstant.TRUE, values);
for(int sums = values.size(); sums > 1; sums -= sums/2) {
final int max = sums-1;
for(int i = 0; i < max; i += 2) {
values.set(i/2, values.get(i).plus(values.get(i+1)));
if (max%2==0) { // even max => odd number of entries
values.set(max/2, values.get(max));
return cache(intExpr, values.isEmpty() ? interpreter.factory().integer(0) : values.get(0));
* Calls lookup(intComp) and returns the cached value, if any.
* If a translation has not been cached, translates the formula,
* calls cache(...) on it and returns it.
* @return let t = lookup(intComp) | some t => t,
* cache(intComp, intComp.left.accept(this) intComp.op intComp.right.accept(this))
public final BooleanValue visit(IntComparisonFormula intComp) {
BooleanValue ret = lookup(intComp);
if (ret!=null) return ret;
final Int left = intComp.left().accept(this);
final Int right = intComp.right().accept(this);
switch(intComp.op()) {
case EQ : ret = left.eq(right); break;
case LT : ret = left.lt(right); break;
case LTE : ret = left.lte(right); break;
case GT : ret = left.gt(right); break;
case GTE : ret = left.gte(right); break;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown operator: " + intComp.op());
return cache(intComp, ret);