package kodkod.engine;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import kodkod.ast.Formula;
import kodkod.ast.Node;
import kodkod.ast.Variable;
import kodkod.ast.visitor.AbstractVoidVisitor;
import kodkod.engine.fol2sat.RecordFilter;
import kodkod.engine.fol2sat.TranslationLog;
import kodkod.engine.fol2sat.TranslationRecord;
import kodkod.engine.satlab.ReductionStrategy;
import kodkod.engine.satlab.ResolutionTrace;
import kodkod.engine.satlab.SATProver;
import kodkod.engine.ucore.StrategyUtils;
import kodkod.instance.TupleSet;
import kodkod.util.collections.IdentityHashSet;
import kodkod.util.ints.IntSet;
import kodkod.util.ints.IntTreeSet;
* A proof of unsatisfiability based on a {@linkplain ResolutionTrace resolution trace} produced
* by a {@linkplain SATProver SATProver}.
* @author Emina Torlak
final class ResolutionBasedProof extends Proof {
private SATProver solver;
private RecordFilter coreFilter;
private Map<Formula,Node> coreRoots;
* Constructs a new ResolutionRefutation that will extract the
* unsatisfiable core for log.formula from the given solver.
* @requires solver.solve() has been called and it returned false.
* @requires log.formula is the formula whose translation
* resulted in the given SATProver
* @effects this.formula' = log.formula
ResolutionBasedProof(SATProver solver, TranslationLog log) {
this.solver = solver;
this.coreFilter = null;
this.coreRoots = null;
* Returns the connected core based on the given set of
* core variables.
* @requires coreVar = StrategyUtils.coreVars(solver.proof());
* @return let formulas = (this.log.records[int] & literal.{i: int | abs(i) in coreVars}).formula |
* connected = {f: formulas | some s: set coreNodes | f + this.log.formula in s and (s - this.log.formula).~components in s }
private Set<Formula> connectedCore(final IntSet coreVars) {
final Set<Formula> coreNodes = new IdentityHashSet<Formula>();
final RecordFilter filter = new RecordFilter() {
public boolean accept(Node node, Formula translated, int literal, Map<Variable,TupleSet> env) {
return coreVars.contains(StrictMath.abs(literal));
for(Iterator<TranslationRecord> itr = log().replay(filter); itr.hasNext(); ) {
final Set<Formula> connected = new IdentityHashSet<Formula>();
final AbstractVoidVisitor traverser = new AbstractVoidVisitor() {
final Set<Node> visited = new IdentityHashSet<Node>();
* Returns true if the given node has been visited before or if
* it is not contained in this.nodes set. Otherwise adds
* the node to the connected set and returns false.
* @effects this.visited' = this.visited + n
* @effects n !in this.visited && n in coreNodes =>
* connected' = connected + n else connected' = connected
* @return n in visited || n !in coreNodes
protected boolean visited(Node n) {
if (visited.add(n) && coreNodes.contains(n)) {
return false;
return true;
for(Formula root: log().roots()) {
return connected;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see kodkod.engine.Proof#core()
public final Iterator<TranslationRecord> core() {
if (coreFilter == null) {
coreFilter = new RecordFilter() {
final IntSet coreVariables = StrategyUtils.coreVars(solver.proof());
final Set<Formula> coreNodes = connectedCore(coreVariables);
public boolean accept(Node node, Formula translated, int literal, Map<Variable,TupleSet> env) {
return coreNodes.contains(translated) && coreVariables.contains(StrictMath.abs(literal));
return log().replay(coreFilter);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see kodkod.engine.Proof#highLevelCore()
public final Map<Formula, Node> highLevelCore() {
if (coreRoots == null) {
final RecordFilter unitFilter = new RecordFilter() {
final IntSet coreUnits = StrategyUtils.coreUnits(solver.proof());
final Set<Formula> roots = log().roots();
public boolean accept(Node node, Formula translated, int literal, Map<Variable, TupleSet> env) {
return roots.contains(translated) && coreUnits.contains(Math.abs(literal));
coreRoots = new LinkedHashMap<Formula, Node>();
final IntSet seenUnits = new IntTreeSet();
for(Iterator<TranslationRecord> itr = log().replay(unitFilter); itr.hasNext(); ) {
// it is possible that two top-level formulas have identical meaning,
// and are represented with the same core unit; in that case, we want only
// one of them in the core.
final TranslationRecord rec =;
if (seenUnits.add(rec.literal())) {
coreRoots.put(rec.translated(), rec.node());
coreRoots = Collections.unmodifiableMap(coreRoots);
return coreRoots;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see kodkod.engine.Proof#minimize(kodkod.engine.satlab.ReductionStrategy)
public void minimize(ReductionStrategy strategy) {
coreFilter = null;
coreRoots = null;