/* Alloy Analyzer 4 -- Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Felix Chang
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
* (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
* merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4viz;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
import java.awt.event.ComponentListener;
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
import java.awt.event.FocusListener;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import javax.swing.Box;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JSplitPane;
import javax.swing.JToolBar;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Computer;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.ConstList;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurBorder;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurCheckbox;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurConsole;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurDialog;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Runner;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Util;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurUtil;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Version;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Util.IntPref;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Util.StringPref;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4graph.GraphViewer;
import static edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurUtil.menu;
import static edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurUtil.menuItem;
/** GUI main window for the visualizer.
* <p><b>Thread Safety:</b> Can be called only by the AWT event thread.
public final class VizGUI implements ComponentListener {
/** The background color for the toolbar. */
private static final Color background = new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f);
/** The icon for a "checked" menu item. */
private static final Icon iconYes = OurUtil.loadIcon("images/menu1.gif");
/** The icon for an "unchecked" menu item. */
private static final Icon iconNo = OurUtil.loadIcon("images/menu0.gif");
/** Whether the JVM should shutdown after the last file is closed. */
private final boolean standalone;
/** The current display mode. */
private VisualizerMode currentMode = VisualizerMode.get();
/** The JFrame for the main GUI window; or null if we intend to display the graph inside a user-given JPanel instead. */
private final JFrame frame;
/** The toolbar. */
private final JToolBar toolbar;
/** The projection popup menu. */
private final JPopupMenu projectionPopup;
/** The buttons on the toolbar. */
private final JButton projectionButton, openSettingsButton, closeSettingsButton,
magicLayout, loadSettingsButton, saveSettingsButton, saveAsSettingsButton,
resetSettingsButton, updateSettingsButton, openEvaluatorButton, closeEvaluatorButton, enumerateButton,
vizButton, xmlButton, treeButton, dotButton;
/** This list must contain all the display mode buttons (that is, vizButton, xmlButton...) */
private final List<JButton> solutionButtons = new ArrayList<JButton>();
/** The "theme" menu. */
private final JMenu thememenu;
/** The "window" menu. */
private final JMenu windowmenu;
/** The "show next" menu item. */
private final JMenuItem enumerateMenu;
/** Current font size. */
private int fontSize=12;
/** 0: theme and evaluator are both invisible; 1: theme is visible; 2: evaluator is visible. */
private int settingsOpen=0;
/** The current instance and visualization settings; null if none is loaded. */
private VizState myState=null;
/** Returns the current visualization settings (and you can call getOriginalInstance() on it to get the current instance).
* If you make changes to the state, you should call doApply() on the VizGUI object to refresh the screen.
public VizState getVizState() { return myState; }
/** The customization panel to the left; null if it is not yet loaded. */
private VizCustomizationPanel myCustomPanel=null;
/** The evaluator panel to the left; null if it is not yet loaded. */
private OurConsole myEvaluatorPanel=null;
/** The graphical panel to the right; null if it is not yet loaded. */
private VizGraphPanel myGraphPanel=null;
/** The splitpane between the customization panel and the graph panel. */
private final JSplitPane splitpane;
/** The tree or graph or text being displayed on the right hand side. */
private JComponent content=null;
/** Returns the JSplitPane containing the customization/evaluator panel in the left and the graph on the right. */
public JSplitPane getPanel() { return splitpane; }
/** The last known divider position between the customization panel and the graph panel. */
private int lastDividerPosition=0;
/** If nonnull, you can pass in an expression to be evaluated.
* If it throws an exception, that means an error has occurred.
private final Computer evaluator;
/** If nonnull, you can pass in an XML file to find the next solution. */
private final Computer enumerator;
/** The current theme file; "" if there is no theme file loaded. */
private String thmFileName="";
/** Returns the current THM filename; "" if no theme file is currently loaded. */
public String getThemeFilename() { return thmFileName; }
/** The current XML file; "" if there is no XML file loaded. */
private String xmlFileName="";
/** Returns the current XML filename; "" if no file is currently loaded. */
public String getXMLfilename() { return xmlFileName; }
/** The list of XML files loaded in this session so far. */
private final List<String> xmlLoaded=new ArrayList<String>();
/** Return the list of XML files loaded in this session so far. */
public ConstList<String> getInstances() { return ConstList.make(xmlLoaded); }
/** This maps each XML filename to a descriptive title. */
private Map<String,String> xml2title = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>();
/** Returns a short descriptive title associated with an XML file. */
public String getInstanceTitle(String xmlFileName) {
String answer = xml2title.get(Util.canon(xmlFileName));
return (answer==null) ? "(unknown)" : answer;
/** Add a vertical divider to the toolbar. */
private void addDivider() {
JPanel divider = OurUtil.makeH(new Dimension(1, 40), Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
if (!Util.onMac()) toolbar.add(OurUtil.makeH(5,background)); else toolbar.add(OurUtil.makeH(5));
if (!Util.onMac()) toolbar.add(OurUtil.makeH(5,background)); else toolbar.add(OurUtil.makeH(5));
//======== The Preferences ======================================================================================//
//======== Note: you must make sure each preference has a unique key ============================================//
/** This enum defines the set of possible visualizer modes. */
private enum VisualizerMode {
/** Visualize using graphviz's dot. */ Viz("graphviz"),
/** See the DOT content. */ DOT("dot"),
/** See the XML content. */ XML("xml"),
/** See the instance as a tree. */ Tree("tree");
/** This is a unique String for this value; it should be kept consistent in future versions. */
private final String id;
/** Constructs a new VisualizerMode value with the given id. */
private VisualizerMode(String id) { this.id=id; }
/** Given an id, return the enum value corresponding to it (if there's no match, then return Viz). */
private static VisualizerMode parse(String id) {
for(VisualizerMode vm: values()) if (vm.id.equals(id)) return vm;
return Viz;
/** Saves this value into the Java preference object. */
public void set() { Preferences.userNodeForPackage(Util.class).put("VisualizerMode",id); }
/** Reads the current value of the Java preference object (if it's not set, then return Viz). */
public static VisualizerMode get() { return parse(Preferences.userNodeForPackage(Util.class).get("VisualizerMode","")); }
/** The latest X corrdinate of the Alloy Visualizer window. */
private static final IntPref VizX = new IntPref("VizX",0,-1,65535);
/** The latest Y corrdinate of the Alloy Visualizer window. */
private static final IntPref VizY = new IntPref("VizY",0,-1,65535);
/** The latest width of the Alloy Visualizer window. */
private static final IntPref VizWidth = new IntPref("VizWidth",0,-1,65535);
/** The latest height of the Alloy Visualizer window. */
private static final IntPref VizHeight = new IntPref("VizHeight",0,-1,65535);
/** The first file in Alloy Visualizer's "open recent theme" list. */
private static final StringPref Theme0 = new StringPref("Theme0");
/** The second file in Alloy Visualizer's "open recent theme" list. */
private static final StringPref Theme1 = new StringPref("Theme1");
/** The third file in Alloy Visualizer's "open recent theme" list. */
private static final StringPref Theme2 = new StringPref("Theme2");
/** The fourth file in Alloy Visualizer's "open recent theme" list. */
private static final StringPref Theme3 = new StringPref("Theme3");
/** If true, that means the event handlers should return a Runner encapsulating them, rather than perform the actual work. */
private boolean wrap = false;
/** Wraps the calling method into a Runnable whose run() will call the calling method with (false) as the only argument. */
private Runner wrapMe() {
final String name;
try { throw new Exception(); } catch(Exception ex) { name = ex.getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName(); }
Method[] methods = getClass().getDeclaredMethods();
Method m=null;
for(int i=0; i<methods.length; i++) if (methods[i].getName().equals(name)) { m=methods[i]; break; }
final Method method=m;
return new Runner() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
public void run() {
try {
method.invoke(VizGUI.this, new Object[]{});
} catch (Throwable ex) {
ex = new IllegalArgumentException("Failed call to "+name+"()", ex);
Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler().uncaughtException(Thread.currentThread(), ex);
public void run(Object arg) { run(); }
/** Wraps the calling method into a Runnable whose run() will call the calling method with (false,argument) as the two arguments. */
private Runner wrapMe(final Object argument) {
final String name;
try { throw new Exception(); } catch(Exception ex) { name = ex.getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName(); }
Method[] methods = getClass().getDeclaredMethods();
Method m=null;
for(int i=0; i<methods.length; i++) if (methods[i].getName().equals(name)) { m=methods[i]; break; }
final Method method=m;
return new Runner() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
public void run(Object arg) {
try {
method.invoke(VizGUI.this, new Object[]{arg});
} catch (Throwable ex) {
ex = new IllegalArgumentException("Failed call to "+name+"("+arg+")", ex);
Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler().uncaughtException(Thread.currentThread(), ex);
public void run() { run(argument); }
/** Creates a new visualization GUI window; this method can only be called by the AWT event thread.
* @param standalone - whether the JVM should shutdown after the last file is closed
* @param xmlFileName - the filename of the incoming XML file; "" if there's no file to open
* @param windowmenu - if standalone==false and windowmenu!=null, then this will be added as a menu on the menubar
* <p> Note: if standalone==false and xmlFileName.length()==0, then we will initially hide the window.
public VizGUI(boolean standalone, String xmlFileName, JMenu windowmenu) {
this(standalone, xmlFileName, windowmenu, null, null);
/** Creates a new visualization GUI window; this method can only be called by the AWT event thread.
* @param standalone - whether the JVM should shutdown after the last file is closed
* @param xmlFileName - the filename of the incoming XML file; "" if there's no file to open
* @param windowmenu - if standalone==false and windowmenu!=null, then this will be added as a menu on the menubar
* @param enumerator - if it's not null, it provides solution enumeration ability
* @param evaluator - if it's not null, it provides solution evaluation ability
* <p> Note: if standalone==false and xmlFileName.length()==0, then we will initially hide the window.
public VizGUI(boolean standalone, String xmlFileName, JMenu windowmenu, Computer enumerator, Computer evaluator) {
this(standalone, xmlFileName, windowmenu, enumerator, evaluator, true);
/** Creates a new visualization GUI window; this method can only be called by the AWT event thread.
* @param standalone - whether the JVM should shutdown after the last file is closed
* @param xmlFileName - the filename of the incoming XML file; "" if there's no file to open
* @param windowmenu - if standalone==false and windowmenu!=null, then this will be added as a menu on the menubar
* @param enumerator - if it's not null, it provides solution enumeration ability
* @param evaluator - if it's not null, it provides solution evaluation ability
* @param makeWindow - if false, then we will only construct the JSplitPane, without making the window
* <p> Note: if standalone==false and xmlFileName.length()==0 and makeWindow==true, then we will initially hide the window.
public VizGUI(boolean standalone, String xmlFileName, JMenu windowmenu, Computer enumerator, Computer evaluator, boolean makeWindow) {
this.enumerator = enumerator;
this.standalone = standalone;
this.evaluator = evaluator;
this.frame = makeWindow ? new JFrame("Alloy Visualizer") : null;
// Figure out the desired x, y, width, and height
int screenWidth=OurUtil.getScreenWidth(), screenHeight=OurUtil.getScreenHeight();
int width=VizWidth.get();
if (width<0) width=screenWidth-150; else if (width<100) width=100;
if (width>screenWidth) width=screenWidth;
int height=VizHeight.get();
if (height<0) height=screenHeight-150; else if (height<100) height=100;
if (height>screenHeight) height=screenHeight;
int x=VizX.get(); if (x<0 || x>screenWidth-10) x=0;
int y=VizY.get(); if (y<0 || y>screenHeight-10) y=0;
// Create the menubar
JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar();
try {
wrap = true;
JMenu fileMenu = menu(mb, "&File", null);
menuItem(fileMenu, "Open...", 'O', 'O', doLoad());
menuItem(fileMenu, "Close", 'W', 'W', doClose());
if (standalone) menuItem(fileMenu, "Quit", 'Q', 'Q', doCloseAll()); else menuItem(fileMenu, "Close All", 'A', doCloseAll());
JMenu instanceMenu = menu(mb, "&Instance", null);
enumerateMenu = menuItem(instanceMenu, "Show Next Solution", 'N', 'N', doNext());
thememenu = menu(mb, "&Theme", doRefreshTheme());
if (standalone || windowmenu==null) windowmenu = menu(mb, "&Window", doRefreshWindow());
this.windowmenu = windowmenu;
} finally {
wrap = false;
if (frame!=null) frame.setJMenuBar(mb);
// Create the toolbar
projectionPopup = new JPopupMenu();
projectionButton = new JButton("Projection: none");
projectionButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (projectionPopup.getComponentCount()>0) projectionPopup.show(projectionButton, 10, 10);
toolbar = new JToolBar();
if (!Util.onMac()) toolbar.setBackground(background);
try {
wrap = true;
vizButton=makeSolutionButton("Viz", "Show Visualization", "images/24_graph.gif", doShowViz());
dotButton=makeSolutionButton("Dot", "Show the Dot File for the Graph", "images/24_plaintext.gif", doShowDot());
xmlButton=makeSolutionButton("XML", "Show XML", "images/24_plaintext.gif", doShowXML());
treeButton=makeSolutionButton("Tree", "Show Tree", "images/24_texttree.gif", doShowTree());
if (frame!=null) addDivider();
toolbar.add(closeSettingsButton=OurUtil.button("Close", "Close the theme customization panel", "images/24_settings_close2.gif", doCloseThemePanel()));
toolbar.add(updateSettingsButton=OurUtil.button("Apply", "Apply the changes to the current theme", "images/24_settings_apply2.gif", doApply()));
toolbar.add(openSettingsButton=OurUtil.button("Theme", "Open the theme customization panel", "images/24_settings.gif", doOpenThemePanel()));
toolbar.add(magicLayout=OurUtil.button("Magic Layout", "Automatic theme customization (will reset current theme)", "images/24_settings_apply2.gif", doMagicLayout()));
toolbar.add(openEvaluatorButton=OurUtil.button("Evaluator", "Open the evaluator", "images/24_settings.gif", doOpenEvalPanel()));
toolbar.add(closeEvaluatorButton=OurUtil.button("Close Evaluator", "Close the evaluator", "images/24_settings_close2.gif", doCloseEvalPanel()));
toolbar.add(enumerateButton=OurUtil.button("Next", "Show the next solution", "images/24_history.gif", doNext()));
toolbar.add(loadSettingsButton=OurUtil.button("Load", "Load the theme customization from a theme file", "images/24_open.gif", doLoadTheme()));
toolbar.add(saveSettingsButton=OurUtil.button("Save", "Save the current theme customization", "images/24_save.gif", doSaveTheme()));
toolbar.add(saveAsSettingsButton=OurUtil.button("Save As", "Save the current theme customization as a new theme file", "images/24_save.gif", doSaveThemeAs()));
toolbar.add(resetSettingsButton=OurUtil.button("Reset", "Reset the theme customization", "images/24_settings_close2.gif", doResetTheme()));
} finally {
wrap = false;
// Create the horizontal split pane
splitpane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT);
((BasicSplitPaneUI)(splitpane.getUI())).getDivider().setBorder(new OurBorder(false,true,false,false));
// Display the window, then proceed to load the input file
if (frame!=null) {
if (!Util.onMac() && !Util.onWindows()) {
// many Window managers do not respect ICCCM2; this should help avoid the Title Bar being shifted "off screen"
if (x<30) { if (x<0) x=0; width=width-(30-x); x=30; }
if (y<30) { if (y<0) y=0; height=height-(30-y); y=30; }
if (width<100) width=100;
if (height<100) height=100;
frame.setSize(width, height);
frame.setLocation(x, y);
try { wrap=true; frame.addWindowListener(doClose()); } finally { wrap=false; }
if (xmlFileName.length()>0) doLoadInstance(xmlFileName);
/** Invoked when the Visualizationwindow is resized. */
public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
/** Invoked when the Visualizationwindow is moved. */
public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) {
if (frame!=null) {
/** Invoked when the Visualizationwindow is shown. */
public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) { }
/** Invoked when the Visualizationwindow is hidden. */
public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) { }
/** Helper method that repopulates the Porjection popup menu. */
private void repopulateProjectionPopup() {
int num=0;
String label="Projection: none";
if (myState==null) { projectionButton.setEnabled(false); return; }
final Set<AlloyType> projected = myState.getProjectedTypes();
for(final AlloyType t: myState.getOriginalModel().getTypes()) if (myState.canProject(t)) {
final boolean on = projected.contains(t);
final JMenuItem m = new JMenuItem(t.getName(), on ? OurCheckbox.ON : OurCheckbox.OFF);
m.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (on) myState.deproject(t); else myState.project(t);
if (on) { num++; if (num==1) label="Projected over "+t.getName(); }
projectionButton.setText(num>1 ? ("Projected over "+num+" sigs") : label);
/** Helper method that refreshes the right-side visualization panel with the latest settings. */
private void updateDisplay() {
if (myState==null) return;
// First, update the toolbar
for(JButton button:solutionButtons) button.setEnabled(settingsOpen!=1);
switch (currentMode) {
case Tree: treeButton.setEnabled(false); break;
case XML: xmlButton.setEnabled(false); break;
case DOT: dotButton.setEnabled(false); break;
default: vizButton.setEnabled(false);
final boolean isMeta = myState.getOriginalInstance().isMetamodel;
magicLayout.setVisible((settingsOpen==0 || settingsOpen==1) && currentMode==VisualizerMode.Viz);
projectionButton.setVisible((settingsOpen==0 || settingsOpen==1) && currentMode==VisualizerMode.Viz);
openSettingsButton.setVisible( settingsOpen==0 && currentMode==VisualizerMode.Viz);
loadSettingsButton.setVisible(frame==null && settingsOpen==1 && currentMode==VisualizerMode.Viz);
saveSettingsButton.setVisible(frame==null && settingsOpen==1 && currentMode==VisualizerMode.Viz);
saveAsSettingsButton.setVisible(frame==null && settingsOpen==1 && currentMode==VisualizerMode.Viz);
resetSettingsButton.setVisible(frame==null && settingsOpen==1 && currentMode==VisualizerMode.Viz);
closeSettingsButton.setVisible(settingsOpen==1 && currentMode==VisualizerMode.Viz);
updateSettingsButton.setVisible(settingsOpen==1 && currentMode==VisualizerMode.Viz);
openEvaluatorButton.setVisible(!isMeta && settingsOpen==0 && evaluator!=null);
closeEvaluatorButton.setVisible(!isMeta && settingsOpen==2 && evaluator!=null);
enumerateMenu.setEnabled(!isMeta && settingsOpen==0 && enumerator!=null);
enumerateButton.setVisible(!isMeta && settingsOpen==0 && enumerator!=null);
// Now, generate the graph or tree or textarea that we want to display on the right
if (frame!=null) frame.setTitle(makeVizTitle());
switch (currentMode) {
case Tree: {
final VizTree t = new VizTree(myState.getOriginalInstance().originalA4, makeVizTitle(), fontSize);
final JScrollPane scroll = OurUtil.scrollpane(t, Color.BLACK, Color.WHITE, new OurBorder(true, false, true, false));
scroll.addFocusListener(new FocusListener() {
public final void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { t.requestFocusInWindow(); }
public final void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { }
content = scroll;
case XML: {
default: {
if (myGraphPanel==null) myGraphPanel=new VizGraphPanel(myState, currentMode == VisualizerMode.DOT);
else {myGraphPanel.seeDot(currentMode==VisualizerMode.DOT); myGraphPanel.remakeAll();}
// Now that we've re-constructed "content", let's set its font size
if (currentMode != VisualizerMode.Tree) {
// Now, display them!
final Box instanceTopBox = Box.createHorizontalBox();
final JPanel instanceArea = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
instanceArea.add(instanceTopBox, BorderLayout.NORTH);
instanceArea.add(content, BorderLayout.CENTER);
if (!Util.onMac()) { instanceTopBox.setBackground(background); instanceArea.setBackground(background); }
JComponent left = null;
if (settingsOpen==1) {
if (myCustomPanel==null) myCustomPanel = new VizCustomizationPanel(splitpane,myState); else myCustomPanel.remakeAll();
left = myCustomPanel;
} else if (settingsOpen>1) {
if (myEvaluatorPanel==null)
myEvaluatorPanel = new OurConsole(evaluator, true,
"The ", true, "Alloy Evaluator ", false,
"allows you to type\nin Alloy expressions and see their values.\nFor example, ", true,
"univ", false, " shows the list of all atoms.\n(You can press UP and DOWN to recall old inputs).\n");
try { evaluator.compute(new File(xmlFileName)); } catch(Exception ex) { } // exception should not happen
left = myEvaluatorPanel;
left.setBorder(new OurBorder(false, false, false, false));
if (frame!=null && frame.getContentPane()==splitpane) lastDividerPosition=splitpane.getDividerLocation();
if (left!=null) {
Dimension dim = left.getPreferredSize();
if (lastDividerPosition<50 && frame!=null) lastDividerPosition = frame.getWidth()/2;
if (lastDividerPosition<dim.width) lastDividerPosition = dim.width;
if (settingsOpen==2 && lastDividerPosition>400) lastDividerPosition = 400;
if (frame!=null) frame.setContentPane(splitpane);
if (settingsOpen!=2) content.requestFocusInWindow(); else myEvaluatorPanel.requestFocusInWindow();
if (frame!=null) frame.validate(); else splitpane.validate();
/** Helper method that creates a button and add it to both the "SolutionButtons" list, as well as the toolbar. */
private JButton makeSolutionButton(String label, String toolTip, String image, ActionListener mode) {
JButton button = OurUtil.button(label, toolTip, image, mode);
return button;
/** Helper method that returns a concise description of the instance currently being displayed. */
private String makeVizTitle() {
String filename = (myState!=null ? myState.getOriginalInstance().filename : "");
String commandname = (myState!=null ? myState.getOriginalInstance().commandname : "");
int i=filename.lastIndexOf('/');
if (i>=0) filename=filename.substring(i+1);
if (i>=0) filename=filename.substring(i+1);
int n=filename.length();
if (n>4 && filename.substring(n-4).equalsIgnoreCase(".als")) filename=filename.substring(0,n-4);
if (filename.length()>0) return "("+filename+") "+commandname; else return commandname;
/** Helper method that inserts "filename" into the "recently opened THEME file list". */
private void addThemeHistory(String filename) {
String name0=Theme0.get(), name1=Theme1.get(), name2=Theme2.get();
if (name0.equals(filename)) return; else {Theme0.set(filename); Theme1.set(name0);}
if (name1.equals(filename)) return; else Theme2.set(name1);
if (name2.equals(filename)) return; else Theme3.set(name2);
/** Helper method that reads a file and then return a JTextArea containing it. */
private JComponent getTextComponent(String filename) {
String text = "";
try { text="<!-- "+filename+" -->\n"+Util.readAll(filename); } catch(IOException ex) { text="# Error reading from "+filename; }
final JTextArea ta = OurUtil.textarea(text, 10, 10, false, true);
final JScrollPane ans = new JScrollPane(ta, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
@Override public void setFont(Font font) { ta.setFont(font); }
ans.setBorder(new OurBorder(true, false, true, false));
return ans;
/** Returns the GraphViewer that contains the graph; can be null if the graph hasn't been loaded yet. */
public GraphViewer getViewer() {
if (null == myGraphPanel) return null;
return myGraphPanel.alloyGetViewer();
/** Load the XML instance. */
public void loadXML(final String fileName, boolean forcefully) {
final String xmlFileName = Util.canon(fileName);
File f = new File(xmlFileName);
if (forcefully || !xmlFileName.equals(this.xmlFileName)) {
AlloyInstance myInstance;
try {
if (!f.exists()) throw new IOException("File " + xmlFileName + " does not exist.");
myInstance = StaticInstanceReader.parseInstance(f);
} catch (Throwable e) {
OurDialog.alert("Cannot read or parse Alloy instance: "+xmlFileName+"\n\nError: "+e.getMessage());
if (xmlLoaded.size()>0) { loadXML(xmlLoaded.get(xmlLoaded.size()-1), false); return; }
if (myState==null) myState=new VizState(myInstance); else myState.loadInstance(myInstance);
xml2title.put(xmlFileName, makeVizTitle());
this.xmlFileName = xmlFileName;
if (!xmlLoaded.contains(xmlFileName)) xmlLoaded.add(xmlFileName);
if (frame!=null) {
frame.setTitle("Alloy Visualizer "+Version.version()+" loading... Please wait...");
/** This method loads a specific theme file. */
public boolean loadThemeFile(String filename) {
if (myState==null) return false; // Can only load if there is a VizState loaded
filename = Util.canon(filename);
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
OurDialog.alert("Error: " + ex.getMessage());
return false;
if (myCustomPanel!=null) myCustomPanel.remakeAll();
if (myGraphPanel!=null) myGraphPanel.remakeAll();
return true;
/** This method saves a specific current theme (if filename==null, it asks the user); returns true if it succeeded. */
public boolean saveThemeFile(String filename) {
if (myState==null) return false; // Can only save if there is a VizState loaded
if (filename==null) {
File file=OurDialog.askFile(false, null, ".thm", ".thm theme files");
if (file==null) return false;
if (file.exists()) if (!OurDialog.askOverwrite(Util.canon(file.getPath()))) return false;
filename = file.getPath();
filename = Util.canon(filename);
try {
filename = Util.canon(filename); // Since the canon name may have changed
} catch (Throwable er) {
OurDialog.alert("Error saving the theme.\n\nError: " + er.getMessage());
return false;
thmFileName = filename;
return true;
//========================================= EVENTS ============================================================================================
/** This method changes the font size for everything (except the graph) */
public void doSetFontSize(int fontSize) {
this.fontSize = fontSize;
if (!(content instanceof VizGraphPanel)) updateDisplay(); else content.setFont(OurUtil.getVizFont().deriveFont((float)fontSize));
/** This method asks the user for a new XML instance file to load. */
private Runner doLoad() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
File file=OurDialog.askFile(true, null, ".xml", ".xml instance files");
if (file==null) return null;
loadXML(file.getPath(), true);
return null;
/** This method loads a new XML instance file if it's not the current file. */
private Runner doLoadInstance(String fileName) {
if (!wrap) loadXML(fileName, false);
return wrapMe(fileName);
/** This method closes the current instance; if there are previously loaded files, we will load one of them;
* otherwise, this window will set itself as invisible (if not in standalone mode),
* or it will terminate the entire application (if in standalone mode).
private Runner doClose() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
if (xmlLoaded.size()>0) { doLoadInstance(xmlLoaded.get(xmlLoaded.size()-1)); return null; }
if (standalone) System.exit(0); else if (frame!=null) frame.setVisible(false);
return null;
/** This method closes every XML file.
* If in standalone mode, the JVM will then shutdown, otherwise it will just set the window invisible.
private Runner doCloseAll() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
if (standalone) System.exit(0); else if (frame!=null) frame.setVisible(false);
return null;
/** This method refreshes the "theme" menu. */
private Runner doRefreshTheme() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
String defaultTheme = System.getProperty("alloy.theme0");
try {
menuItem(thememenu, "Load Theme...", 'L', doLoadTheme());
if (defaultTheme!=null && defaultTheme.length()>0 && (new File(defaultTheme)).isDirectory())
menuItem(thememenu, "Load Sample Theme...", 'B', doLoadSampleTheme());
menuItem(thememenu, "Save Theme", 'S', doSaveTheme());
menuItem(thememenu, "Save Theme As...", 'A', doSaveThemeAs());
menuItem(thememenu, "Reset Theme", 'R', doResetTheme());
} finally {
return null;
/** This method asks the user for a new theme file to load. */
private Runner doLoadTheme() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
String defaultTheme=System.getProperty("alloy.theme0");
if (defaultTheme==null) defaultTheme="";
if (myState==null) return null; // Can only load if there is a VizState loaded
if (myState.changedSinceLastSave()) {
char opt = OurDialog.askSaveDiscardCancel("The current theme");
if (opt=='c') return null;
if (opt=='s' && !saveThemeFile(thmFileName.length()==0 ? null : thmFileName)) return null;
File file=OurDialog.askFile(true, null, ".thm", ".thm theme files");
if (file!=null) { Util.setCurrentDirectory(file.getParentFile()); loadThemeFile(file.getPath()); }
return null;
/** This method asks the user for a new theme file (from the default Alloy4 distribution) to load. */
private Runner doLoadSampleTheme() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
String defaultTheme=System.getProperty("alloy.theme0");
if (defaultTheme==null) defaultTheme="";
if (myState==null) return null; // Can only load if there is a VizState loaded
if (myState.changedSinceLastSave()) {
char opt = OurDialog.askSaveDiscardCancel("The current theme");
if (opt=='c') return null;
if (opt=='s' && !saveThemeFile(thmFileName.length()==0 ? null : thmFileName)) return null;
File file=OurDialog.askFile(true, defaultTheme, ".thm", ".thm theme files");
if (file!=null) loadThemeFile(file.getPath());
return null;
/** This method saves the current theme. */
private Runner doSaveTheme() {
if (!wrap) saveThemeFile(thmFileName.length()==0 ? null : thmFileName);
return wrapMe();
/** This method saves the current theme to a new ".thm" file. */
private Runner doSaveThemeAs() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
File file=OurDialog.askFile(false, null, ".thm", ".thm theme files");
if (file==null) return null;
if (file.exists()) if (!OurDialog.askOverwrite(Util.canon(file.getPath()))) return null;
return null;
/** This method resets the current theme. */
private Runner doResetTheme() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
if (myState==null) return null;
if (!OurDialog.yesno("Are you sure you wish to clear all your customizations?", "Yes, clear them", "No, keep them")) return null;
if (myCustomPanel!=null) myCustomPanel.remakeAll();
if (myGraphPanel!=null) myGraphPanel.remakeAll();
return null;
/** This method modifies the theme using a set of heuristics. */
private Runner doMagicLayout() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
if (myState==null) return null;
if (!OurDialog.yesno("This will clear your original customizations. Are you sure?", "Yes, clear them", "No, keep them")) return null;
try { MagicLayout.magic(myState); MagicColor.magic(myState); } catch(Throwable ex) { }
if (myCustomPanel!=null) myCustomPanel.remakeAll();
if (myGraphPanel!=null) myGraphPanel.remakeAll();
return null;
/** This method refreshes the "window" menu. */
private Runner doRefreshWindow() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
try {
for(final String f:getInstances()) {
JMenuItem it = new JMenuItem("Instance: "+getInstanceTitle(f), null);
} finally {
return null;
/** This method inserts "Minimize" and "Maximize" entries into a JMenu. */
public void addMinMaxActions(JMenu menu) {
try {
menuItem(menu, "Minimize", 'M', doMinimize(), iconNo);
menuItem(menu, "Zoom", doZoom(), iconNo);
} finally {
/** This method minimizes the window. */
private Runner doMinimize() {
if (!wrap && frame!=null) OurUtil.minimize(frame);
return wrapMe();
/** This method alternatingly maximizes or restores the window. */
private Runner doZoom() {
if (!wrap && frame!=null) OurUtil.zoom(frame);
return wrapMe();
/** This method attempts to derive the next satisfying instance. */
private Runner doNext() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
if (settingsOpen!=0) return null;
if (xmlFileName.length()==0) {
OurDialog.alert("Cannot display the next solution since no instance is currently loaded.");
} else if (enumerator==null) {
OurDialog.alert("Cannot display the next solution since the analysis engine is not loaded with the visualizer.");
} else {
try { enumerator.compute(xmlFileName); } catch(Throwable ex) { OurDialog.alert(ex.getMessage()); }
return null;
/** This method updates the graph with the current theme customization. */
private Runner doApply() {
if (!wrap) updateDisplay();
return wrapMe();
/** This method opens the theme customization panel if closed. */
private Runner doOpenThemePanel() {
if (!wrap) { settingsOpen=1; updateDisplay(); }
return wrapMe();
/** This method closes the theme customization panel if open. */
private Runner doCloseThemePanel() {
if (!wrap) { settingsOpen=0; updateDisplay(); }
return wrapMe();
/** This method opens the evaluator panel if closed. */
private Runner doOpenEvalPanel() {
if (!wrap) { settingsOpen=2; updateDisplay(); }
return wrapMe();
/** This method closes the evaluator panel if open. */
private Runner doCloseEvalPanel() {
if (!wrap) { settingsOpen=0; updateDisplay(); }
return wrapMe();
/** This method changes the display mode to show the instance as a graph (the return value is always null). */
public Runner doShowViz() {
if (!wrap) { currentMode=VisualizerMode.Viz; updateDisplay(); return null; }
return wrapMe();
/** This method changes the display mode to show the instance as XML (the return value is always null). */
public Runner doShowXML() {
if (!wrap) { currentMode=VisualizerMode.XML; updateDisplay(); return null; }
return wrapMe();
/** This method changes the display mode to show the instance as a tree (the return value is always null). */
public Runner doShowTree() {
if (!wrap) { currentMode=VisualizerMode.Tree; updateDisplay(); return null; }
return wrapMe();
/** This method changes the display mode to show the equivalent dot text (the return value is always null). */
public Runner doShowDot() {
if (!wrap) { currentMode=VisualizerMode.DOT; updateDisplay(); return null; }
return wrapMe();